Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 793 Repeatedly jumping investment

December 19, Monday.

Yan Qianzhi often comes to the office, look at the work of each department, and look at the recent news and discussions on the Internet.

Last week I determined that the FV Club went to Los Angeles, the visa of the relevant personnel was expensive, and the work was also in full preparation.

I think that Ye Zhou and Yan Jing have to pack a walk, go to Los Angeles for more than a month to come back, and Yan Qian is not happy.

Although this time, Yu Qian, he can play a circle to Los Angeles, but consider it or count.

On the one hand, because I immediately go to the exam week. If I go out to play for a month, this semester exceeds the goal of the old horse basically on the GG; on the other hand, Yu Qian is not very high, he still prefer domestic.

Jingzhou is very good, what are you running around?

I want to do it in Beijing. Anyway, there is a lot of system funds now, and I spend money out, it is better to smash the capital into my favorite.

And if you want to go out, you can go out, such as gaming materials, check learning, and so on.

What's more, Yan Qian does not want to reproduce the tragedy of the qualifier, in case of watching a game, the players fight chicken blood, and then make a "world famous painting" too embarrassing.

Yan Qian brugally brushed the webpage, suddenly saw a discussion post.

"Is the cold girl cool?"

"The online heat is always high, which can see the cold-faced girl's marketing, hot search is basically not stopped. But recently, it seems that the heat falls a lot. Is it not enough?"

This post is still quite fire, and many people are discussing.

"It should not be not yet, don't you have a speech? The scene of the mountains, the scene of the mountains, the whole process is full of confidence, and the signs of confidence."

"Don't worry, people will finance enough for a long time. Do you think Meng Chang is so hard to make a cold-fooled shop?"

"Really, I have to eat once, I feel like that, how can I have so delicious? Of course, I admit that their store environment and various details are not bad, but doing the sky is a roast surface, It's really not very delicious. "

"Don't you say that I accept the total investment? It seems that the company has been successful until the company is now. The Chinese investment myth is not to make trouble with you."

"It is said that it seems that the investment in Tengda is no longer in the investment, and now there are some projects to pay, but overall is still earned, 'Investment myths' this can only describe the summary, can not be described Dreaming of the dream. "

"It is said that the summary has been withdrawn before, I don't know if it is true. If I don't want to see the cold girl, is it to explain what a fatal hidden danger is it?"

Netizens discuss, although no one has mastered any trust or dry goods, but does not affect them to discuss the heat of the world, open the keyboard mode crazy analysis.

Yan Qian looked at everyone's discussion, he also fell into a confusion.

Can this cold-faced girl? Can you do it?

In some people look, the cold face is unlimited, and it is easy to financing a few rounds of a few bills. Meng Chang is the cultivation of the cultivation of the entrepreneurship, is not a hand?

But some people don't pay attention to the one of the cold-faced girls, saying that all the time will be done in order tomorrow.

This makes .

After a while, I feel that I have returned it in time. It is correct, I feel that I have missed a good opportunity to lose money and highlight an entanglement.

Yu Qian considers for a long time, giving a call for the congratulations.

"How is the cold girl recently?"

The congratulation of the phone is a little more exclusive.

He is a bit wonderful, and it is not to sell all the shares of the cold face. Why did you ask about the cold girl today?

According to reason, I have a kind of killing fruit, and I will not change the people who will not change, should there be no reason to eat back?

However, He has not dared to ask more, honestly replied: "Torry, we have nothing to do with the cold girl, earning money is still not moving, including the finance of our fingers, Jinghai ice, also Go back to Jingzhou, waiting to go to the next investment. "

"So the specific situation of the cold face girl, I am not clear now, or I ask Meng Chang? However, we have nothing to do after all, he does not necessarily say."

"Or you can ask Jinghai ice. She is responsible for the financial work of the cold girl, and some internal feelings may also be known when handing."

I thought I thought, I have been withdrawn, and I will ask Meng Chang, I can't ask.

Or ask Jinghai ice.

If you don't ask for useful information, then, if you think, the cold side girl has revealed, if there is still a turn, then say it.

Thinking of this is here: "Okay, you pull a video conference."

He hangs a call and quickly pulled a video conference.

Jinghai ice pushes the eye mirror, the expression is still the same as the last video conference: "He is always, you are looking for me?"

Yan Qian nodded: "What do you think about the cold face? From the situation where you work, do you think this company succeed?"

Jinghai ice shook his head: "This exceeds my ability, I am just a finance. In this kind of judge, I still don't dare to hack in front of the Tong Tong."

This answer is in the expectation of Yan Qian.

Because Jinghai Ice itself is a particularly calm, low-key personality, it has never judged for the field that you don't understand, but it is just a meticulous work task.

Previously, Jinghai Ice has not been involved in the cold-faced girl, and did not "told the" Caution "to Yan Qian or congratulated.

Jinghai Bing took a look at it later: "Meng Chang's model should be the standard Internet marketing model. Although there is no fake account in the financial statement, it is particularly good to look at the financial statements."

"But strict, cold-faced girl's cash flow has always been very nervous, Meng Chang spends big hands in the marketing, so the funds have always been stretched."

"Before I left, the last investment of the cold noodles was eight million, and it was very fast."

"However, the cold face will not have problems, the key is to watch Meng Ca can not get money from others. If you can, the valuation of the cold face can be rising; if you can't, the fastest possible This week's capital flow will have problems. "

"If I have not guess, Meng Chang is now very calm, it should be very anxious to find money."

"However, if Meng Chang has reduced in marketing, it should still be a long time. After all, the store is not overwritten, and the big head of spending money is on marketing."

He said: "I think he will not do this. The cold girl has such a high valuation because the investment people have high attention. If Meng Chang does not continue to spend money, Investing people's interest will weaken, it will fall into a vicious circle. "

"That is really dangerous to Meng Chang."

Yan Qian slammed, or heard very confused.

He also discussed the two people who couldn't come out, and only the cold girl was in a very critical period.

If there is a large capital injection to push up the valuation, reshape the confidence of investment people, then I can blow the cold girl to the sky; can be reversed, if the investment people are waiting to, that is not fixed, the girl's fund chain Soon, there will be problems and can only be bankrupt.

Large earning and blood loss, all between one thought.

This makes it a bit can't choose, and then go back to investment. I am afraid to bring the cold side girl; I don't invest money, I am afraid that I am missing this thousand-year-old loss.

Suddenly, Yu Qian Ling Machine moved, asked: "The cold noodle girl is now spent on the marketing of marketing, how much?"

Jinghai I thought about: "Alake to weekly ... less than one million, but some marketing activities are the monthly unit, such as finding the ads, the overhead is very big. However, there are still many days. Other overhead. "

Yan Qian asked: "If you give him 1 million every week, is it enough to give the cold girl, and will not let it suddenly burst?"

Jinghai ice was somewhat unclear, I thought about it: "From the theory, I don't understand the business, and there is no way to guarantee this."

Yu Qian feels that you can try it, say: "Well, He will pay attention to the cold side girl, if he finds that he doesn't have money, he vote him 1 million, helped him to renew. But if you find someone else To investigate the signs of investment, it will be broken. "

He is a little dizzy, I don't know which one is playing.

What about this tuning?

I have sold the shares before, now I want to send money to the cold side, now?

Sold and buy, buy and sell, repeatedly jumped investment?

But since it is the general operation of investment, he feels that it is definitely deep, so I nodded: "Well, the money before selling the cold face is just still, I will use this money."

Yu Qian is very satisfied with his own operation.

Since the cold face is now in the takeoff and violent jump, then it has always been to keep it in this interval?

Quantitative blood, neither let it violent, do not let it take off, have been engaged in marketing to spend money, is it not beautiful?

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