December 30, Friday, 8 am.

Yan Qian turned off the alarm clock and struggled to get up.

These two days of determination review finally received some achievements, at least notes were a few pages, as a good start.

Today, it is the same, got up in the morning, take a break in the morning, quickly review, save us only to salty fish in the afternoon and at night.

While brushing your teeth while watching your phone.

"Well? Yesterday morning IOI Global Finals has been played? Oh, yes, it seems to be today."

"The game seems to be in progress."

The game is in Los Angeles time yesterday at 11:00 am, that is, Jingzhou time is 3 o'clock in the morning, and six games a day, and now it has been in the fifth game.

The domestic audience wants to watch the game to be perfect, from the morning, I have seen morning.

Yan Qian is not so interested in the match of IOI. After all, I haven't played, I don't understand, the time is not suitable, and the FV club does not need to play a group.

So he didn't pay too much attention to this matter, but he saw the live broadcast platform after seeing the relevant news.

Obviously, under the vigorous promotion of Longyu Group, the IOI Global Finals in China is still relatively high, and major news clients are pushing news, and the live platforms have also given a lot of recommended resources, and it seems that the heat is very good. high.

Coupled with the GPL's presencing game, they just ended. The spring season has not started. In this idling period, many players who are not doing will choose to take a look at the global finals of IOI.


The scene looks very nervous, but the barrage did not discuss the game itself, but the fans on both sides of IOI and GOG were crazy.

"Garbage! Unveiled the battle is pushing, and the game is not hit," will come back! "

"I have highlighted a leaflet, how is it in the hands of the hero, I don't have to take it, I have learned from the foreign team? I haven't learned it!"

"It's just a jumptive step, I learned my things too! It's too ugly!"

"Such a good venue, such a handsome opening ceremony, this competition has a lot of cards, and the domestic team is violent, is this not a disgusting person?"

"Everyone is tolerant, this is the first game. And don't learn, the version has changed, and the play will only lose even more miserable."

"Mom, mainly staying up late at night, the result is seen this? If the GPL Spring Festival is not playing, I will not come to see this breaking competition!"

"That hurry back to see your GPL! Only the Chinese people are playing the garbage game."

"Oh, tell you something, foreign market share IOI and GOG have been flat, and GOG is not only playing. Only the domestic team of GOG is hitting foreign teams."

"I don't know if you have seen it, the foreign club is observed on the log of the GOG. Which should be blind, can't you see?"

"It is estimated that the company is estimated to be blown out by the GOG's IOI Finals.

"That is no way, the club has been sponsored, can you always press the person's head hard to pay for a contract? Can you only say that the company has never thought of this layer, without ban the club's sponsorship."

"Don't be noisy, the GOG has a good result, but it is because of Tengda's nest! If it is not the IOI's electrical environment being squeezed so powerful, how can it be so weak?"

"Classic self n't fight for the environment, Long Yu Group is not said to go to Los Angeles with the team to play training games? Then I practice it."

There is no one in the barrage in the discussion of the game itself, all are torn.

Yan Qian looked at the results of the previous game, found that the two domestic teams each played a game, all lost.

One is the opening ceremony, it is pushed in 30 minutes; it is the fourth game, but I insisted that it was more than 40 minutes. The last breath did not start, and I was caught by the other party's chance to end the game.

Two games are lost, which is called a day.

Because this competition is particularly special, each team is three teams, only line, although it is a double cycle BO1, but each small part is extremely important.

Powerful first, it is already very serious.

And more critical is that the two teams lost are not the strongest European and American team, because the No. 1 seed of Europe and the United States is the same as the FV club. It does not have to play groups at all, and it is waiting for the eight strengthening.

Even the non-one seed team in Europe and the United States couldn't play. Is it more white?

Many audiences are a game of staying up late to three o'clock. The result is waiting for so long. Finally, I watched the two games of such a wrist, and I couldn't sleep, I have to spray in the live broadcast.

And not just live broadcasts, major forums and video websites, players have ever spurtted.

"The gap between the domestic team is so big to Europe and the United States?"

"Well, good things."

"The FV team has the strength of these two teams, since the two teams are abused, the FV team is estimated to be a routine, and there will be no too much heat."

Yan Qian couldn't help but optimize, and use the mobile phone to put on a big TV. I plan to quickly look at the highlight of the previous game.

In Aliance, the official account of IOI has updated the opening ceremony of the IOI Global Finals, as well as high-gloss-of-game highlights in front.

The opening ceremony is to invite a certain European and American singer to sing theme songs, and there are also dance groups to do COS performances. The overall feelings are not bad, and there is a card.

The venue is large, there are more people, so it seems to be more free, it is obviously progressing compared with the GOG's original Global Invitational Tournament, so the back of the bar is also hot.

But when I arrived at the race, the overall situation turned sharply.

Yan Qian jumped over the game lost in the two domestic teams. It was found that these two teams were really not awkward. If he stayed up late, he saw the two games, and it will definitely spray.

The first game was fully challenged, the second game saw for a long time, missed a lot of chances, was taken away by the other party, and it is really hard to say which is more pleasant.

The key is that I don't know if it is nervous or because of some other reasons, the strength of these two teams does not seem to be played, and the decision is hesitant, and the work is a bundle.

And in the selection of lineup, the heroes who have seen it seems to have no debut.

Previously, Yu Qian had seen IOI in the domestic qualifications in the magic, and the traditional lineup was more familiar. Although I didn't know what hero skills, it was reluctant to know.

But this competition has not been used, and the impression of the game before Yu Qian is completely sorored.

Yan Qian suddenly wanted to understand the situation on the FV club.

Since the FV club arrived in Los Angeles, Yu Qian has not too much attention to them. After all, there are more than a dozen hours of time difference between two places, it is not very convenient.

But now this time is just, so I'm dialing a video call to Wu Yue.

Yu Qian is still a bit worried, because the internal signals in most sports venues are not good. If Wu Yue is still in the game, this video can not be dialed.

But after waiting for a while, the video call is turned on.

" !"

Wu Yue is not in the game venue, but in the hotel, this video call is played with the hotel's wireless network, so signal stability is not bad.

Yan Qian nodded: "How is your situation there?"

Wu Yue immediately gave us: "Do you see that the two domestic teams lose very bad, so worry about our state?"

"You can rest assured that our team members have been working hard, they don't dare to say that they will win, but they will definitely play their own style."

Wu Yue did not dare to blow too much. After all, the FV club has always been with SUG, and it has not touched the European and American team. I don't know what it will be.

In case, it is too big in front of the total, and the eight-round tour is too popular.

Yan Qian nodded, Wu Yue seems to have no confidence, it should be a little problem.

However, Yu Qian did not feel that the FV club will really travel a round of tour. After all, his luck is old, and the expectation has never happened.

Thuring do you really quite quite, or you can get it four.

If the four strong is eliminated, it will go on the face.

At that time, the firepower of the netizens will definitely be concentrated on the other two clubs, and the FV club is still the strongest club in the iOi national service ...

This is not!

Yu Qian suddenly felt that the current situation is still not very stable, mainly the other two music performances are too pull, and the FV is put down.

If the FV club can't get the championship, I will get a four strongest, which is also the best domestic team.

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said: "I saw the official Weibo of our club recently sent some daily photos and videos."

Wu Yue immediately context: "Understand, you said that the game is in the game, this kind of thing should be less sent, so excused to attract hatred, affect the mentality of the players? I will tell them, let them suspend Weibo."

Yu Qian raises his hand: "No! I don't mean this."

"I said, this thing is very good, be sure to increase!"

"It is necessary to send Weibo every day, and the existence of players must be full."

"Not only that, but also on Weibo, ridicule other teams, and evaluate the game that has just ended, specializing in the victory team."

"Duanzi, the expression package, can give it the whole! How is the traffic?"

Wu Yue is a bit a bit: "Ah? , this is in the raven hat!"

What he can think of these contents will be what kind of result, must be sprayed by the player, and will also be digging the graves by the players!

At present, the FV Club is a seed. You can sit in the mountains before the eight games. Other teams are of course no problem, but this will definitely be sinful, the fans of other teams, even triggered the displacement of road human powder.

At that time, the FV club won the game, or if you lose it?

Wu Yue is hesitant: "Torry, this ... don't seem good luck, domestic players don't like this high-profile behavior."

: "Well ... what you mean, domestic players don't like it, foreign players like? Well, right, you are very reasonable."

"That's the case, your club will bring foreign websites, like this twice, and sync with Weibo, the whole English version!"

"Just our investment in some overseas clubs, I will let their official accounts interact with you, don't look at it."

"Well, it is so fixed, you will start it after the game is over, I will check it tomorrow."

Wu Yue: " ..."

He has not finished, the video call has been hanged.

Wu Yue has some helpless, but there is no other way, can only do it.

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