In the hotel, the FV Club's data analysis team is discussing with the team, analyzing today's game.

FV Club's team members only participated in the opening ceremony, and they came back after reading the previous game.

At the scene, it was mainly to feel the atmosphere of the game in advance. After all, the team members never in this large venue, playing in the cheers of 20,000 viewers.

Different venues, the pressure on the team is naturally different.

Tens of thousands of venues, the applause and cheers of the audience are like the mountains, if it is a key bureau, the pressure of the players will grow in an index level.

In this case, most players will happen, such as tension, hand shake, head, etc., and a small part of the player will be excited, more focuses, and play an exceeding level.

This is the so-called big heart player, the value of the contestant player.

Of course, whether the player is a big heart is born. Some people can play a famous side for the first time, and some people have hit a few years.

But to some extent, this mentality problem can still be improved.

The FV Club's team members are deliberately experienced at the scene, doing psychological construction in advance, and the attitude should be better when waiting for the eight-game competition.

Of course, the focus of discussion is mainly concentrated in the game.

"Today's first game doesn't have to say, the strength gap between the two parties is too big, and the version and tactical understanding are not right, there is no reference value."

"The second game is OK, but the mid-term decision is obviously too rough, there are many places that can improve ..."

DGE Club's current coach Zhou Peng is in carrying out the reap of these games, while others of the data analysis team, including team members, constantly proposed their own opinions and views.

After analysis, Zhou Pengyuan conducted a simple summary.

"From the first day of the group, these teams understand the version and playing the law, there is still a great difference to us."

"Don't say that we and they are the correct version of the correct version, we can't blindly confident."

"This way, wait for tomorrow, SUG and FV second team, you will practice the mainstream play in the group competition, use this play with a team to play a training game, look at the effect."

"We don't have to learn other people's play, but at least have a clear understanding of the strong and weak points of this play."

Zhou Peng fooled the task, others respectively.

Tomorrow's competitions will not look at it. They will be paid by the data analysis team to see the game, and then analyze, and then wait for the results and replications of the game to listen to the players.

Players should continue to train, study hard to the other team, expand their own hero, keep the feel.

After all task layouts are completed, everyone is scattered and returned to their room.

The three cameras have filled today's material, and they are also ready to go back to the room to go to the diagram, and the video is sent to the microblog.

Wu Yue hurriedly pressed several people such as the three camera, Luke Manager.

"Don't worry about everyone first, there is something to explain."

"Just now, I always give us a task, let us increase the intensity of the microblogging, but also to synchronize the fire in Weibo and twice ..."

Wu Yue introduced the summary of the demands.

In short, how can I get high heat and high traffic, the domestic team and foreign team are all traveled, and the rain is blocked, so that I will open the group!

After listening to the total demand, everyone is almost the same as Wu Yue, all fall into a honest.

"This is a fire, this is clearly pulling hate! Now the domestic players have a lot, no a breakthrough, the other two clubs are all died, let's jump now, this is not a bird ?"

"I think it is okay, the game is not us."

"The problem is that we have not won ... We are now living, passers-by will think we are expanding, it is a falling stone, and the other two club fans will hate us. At that time, it must be rintered!"

"Maybe, the meaning is that let us play a more funny stalk? We don't ridicule other teams."

"That is impossible. The total demand is that the heat and traffic, the heat and traffic from other teams do not open? He is almost expressive, let us feel boldly open."

"It must be sprayed, the team members will be very stressed."

"Nothing, the players can't play mobile phones, they won't know."

"But what do we do this? The risks and returns don't seem to be probable."

If it is the proposal of another person, the one must not want to do it directly, and the war is in the war. Is this not afraid of death?

No need!

But since it is a request for the summary, it must be done.

Everyone discussed for a long time, I didn't discuss it, I can only take it.

Also, there are more people who come and collect some interesting stars, and then play freely, find a suitable map or video, one-stop group microblogging material will soon find it.

Three photographers can P and edited videos, translated to engage in bilingual subtitles, everything live.


The discussion on the opening day of the IOI Global Final Day has continued the whole day.

Because many people didn't stay up late to see IOI's global finals, I only knew yesterday's fruit after getting up. At first glance, the two domestic teams are all lost, and many GOG players are also involved in discussions.

Among them, the true strength of the domestic team is obviously the focus of everyone discussed.

The two teams have lost the first battle in the group competition, and the risk of outline has increased, and everyone will naturally feel that the overall level of the domestic team in IOI this project is much different from foreign teams.

The World Finals didn't just start, and many viewers have seen its mokefinal endings.

Relatively speaking, the topic of the FV club is the least, because there is no match, so the topic is concentrated on the other two teams.

The audience is busy catching the war, and the "extravagant life" of the FV club naturally has no interest.

However, the players did not expect that the FV club actually issued Weibo!

And this time Weibo is not eating, drinking, but a picture with ridicule.

This picture is spliced, and the upper half is a foreign pool photo. The upper right corner of the picture is a middle-aged man raised the child high-ash, and his face is full of smiles, middle-aged men's head P A Tenda's logo, and the child's face is P and the LOGO of the FV club;

On the left side of the middle-aged man, a child who is desperately desperate seems to be sinking. The expression is struggling; the picture of the lower half is a picture of a waterstock, and there seems to be died in the chair.

Two pictures are forcibly put together.

On the face of the child and the bouting, the other two of the other two people in China. The one who struggled in the water was a team that was turned over after the war; the one in the water was directly pushed directly 30 minutes. .

The text of Weibo is a sentence, China and British bilingual: "How is your brother? Are you okay?

This microblog has attracted countless players who are torn.

This is a mocking, straight full!

It is clear that the other two clubs are now worried, and a family is still struggling, but it is not far from the sink. Only the FV club is happy to play on the water. I need to worry that the victory is in the style.

The text of Weibo has brought a ridicule thing, and the surface is greeting, but it is brought on this "hitting" expression. How to see how to send a hand with these two cents.

Sure enough, it was just sprayed after Weibo.

"It's okay! It's a brother's team that falls so far."

"Oh, you can still say that the wind is just because you have not played, wait for the eight-game number 3: 0 to be eliminated!"

Of course, there are some other sounds, but it is basically neutral viewpoint, and it does not support it without noise.

"Fortunately, this is ridicule, don't be too glass."

"The problem is that the two teams don't play, don't let it say?"

"Hey, I suggest that this kind of festival is less likely to have some controversial microblogging, it is really easy to talk to black."

The fans of many FV clubs are also worried about them, and they are afraid to lose after the game, because these Weibo is sprayed into a dog.

However, there is less than ten minutes, and the FV club has updated a Weibo.

"We have a pre-hunch, the 'damage conversion rate' of the FV integration team will not be optimistic."

There are two comparison pictures below, the first one is "the economy of other teams, and the map is the accommodation conditions of the Courtyard; the two is the" Economic FV team to eat ", with the map is Ritz Carlton Hotel accommodation conditions.

The meaning of the surface is the economy as the accommodation condition being eaten in the game, because the accommodation conditions of the FV team are far better than other teams, so eat more economical, and the transformation rate will be much lower.

But in fact, it is a better accommodation condition on this side.

The audience has not reacted, and even the spits did not want to say good words, and the FV club has updated a Weibo and Twitter!

This time is much simple, just @ @ , including the number of seeds in the two charts of Europe and America, with maps of the publicity slogans on a village wall in China: recognize the situation, give up fantasy.

In less than an hour, the FV club has sent four or five microblogging and twitches, and it is also a Chinese and English bilingual version.

In China, there are many people who have just sprayed on Weibo, but people who slowly spray.

Because everyone found that the vocabulary has been poor, the FV club is still endless.

And the FV club is not just to give the domestic team, and the foreign team is also the same ...

For example, the second microblog is a category condition that is open to all other teams, and the third microblog is to declare war in other foreign seeds.

Therefore, when I arrived several microblogs, most domestic players think that the FV club is over-expanded, and it has not been moved.

Because the FV Club now has no game, even if they expand them, they have to wait and wait for the game, otherwise people really win foreign teams after they are finished?

Although many domestic netizens don't like this over-high-profile Weibo, they have to say that they have achieved good results, and the attention is directly full.

Originally, everyone was grabbing the two clubs lost the game, now the FV club suddenly jumped out of a group of hate, naturally, it was all attracted to it.

And in the twitter, the official account of the FV club is also growing rapidly!

Because Tengda has investment in many foreign old clubs, so as long as you say a greet, these clubs will interact with the official account of the FV Club, this interaction, fans come.

These amenities of these rectifiers are obviously much higher in foreign reception, and the comment area is a laughter expression such as "lol".

After all, for domestic players, humility is virtue, I feel that I can't say too much, I am afraid that I have been hit by it; however, the foreign players are not very careless, all are the attitude, even after things, even after things It is generally not going to step.

Therefore, the official account of the FV Club in the tweet has increased rapidly, and several old clubs are also paying attention to each other, and they have expressed their appreciation for the FV club.

However, the FV club will pull these old clubs together Aoe.

The content of the new Weibo and Twitter is: "Tengda family's family score."

Below with a tree-like family spectrum, the top of the tree is Tengda, and there is a relatively thick line connected to the FV club, and labeled "Popular Son", and there are some thin lines, even Other European and American old clubs such as Fry, and labeled "dry son."

Obviously, the FV Club is also a business class and a luxury five-star hotel. Of course, it is a proper child treatment in Tengda; discrete other clubs, just give sponsored, but eat and live all kinds of things. Naturally a son treatment.

And this place is still not refuted. After all, several old clubs such as Fry are indeed a sponsorship of Tengda, and even the team has a trademark, and people who have long eyes can see.

This Weibo has come out, and immediately played the effect of killing the game, and the players have reprinted!

"My God, this FV club is crazy ... I have finished the domestic club engaged in foreign clubs. These participating team's mentality have been made by FV ..."

"Don't do it, the first place in the whole!"

"I have served, and this block did show the level of one seed."

"Strange, before the FV club's Weibo is not this style, how, suddenly changed a new media operation Xiaobian?"

"I am afraid that the club boss is illustrated!"

"This wave, this wave is definitely stipulated, just like the previous IOI qualifier, it is arranged!"

When the first microblog of the FV club, she did cause a lot of people's dislike. After all, the audience will be the same as the trash. If you want to make a program, you will definitely cause a part of the people's dislike.

However, after the FV club adheres to several, many people suddenly accepted this setting, but I feel very interesting!

Because the FV club is not only open for the domestic team, it is also open together, and I will bring a lot of happiness to the melon netizens, and I also rushed to the frustrated atmosphere of the previous two teams.

Plus the category condition for accommodation before the FV Weibo, all the attention, whether domestic or abroad, all concentrate on the FV club.

Although there is no game, the attention of the FV club is still growing rapidly, and it is rapidly more than the other two clubs!


At the same time, the hotel near the headquarters of the company.

Zhao Ximing brushed the mobile phone and said yin face: ",!"

These two days, Zhao Xun, has been visiting the company, and Cletan accompanied the staff of the fingers, which can be said to be a face, and the treatment is full.

Today, Zhao Ximing also went to the scene of the game, and looked at the two games with the domestic team, and the result was a belly fire.

I am too shameful!

If you win in two games, then I said, at least I got the first victory.

As a result, the two teams were all lost, and one lost as diarrhea. The other lost as constipation, it is difficult to say which one is more shameful.

Zhao Ximing is of course qualified, after all, Longyu Group saves the money to arrange these two teams to come to Los Angeles training in advance, and practice it for so long, practice this?

The money will come to the dog's stomach!

However, Zhao Ximing did not say anything. After all, this is the first day of the game. If the two clubs are good, they still have line, so at this time, it is still a comfort, it is not advisable, which is more influential. Mentality.

Originally, Zhao Ximing's mentality was not much different, and the result of the FV Club's operation, I gave his mentality.

Before Zhao Xun thought, the first day of the group was all daring, which is the worst situation, and the situation is impossible to worse.

The result is now discovered that he is really too young.

The FV club directly on Weibo and Twitter high-intensity, also interact with the clubs abroad, directly attracting the most of the heat in China, and also sucks a lot of fans abroad.

Although there are many people spray, it is also part of the heat.

The FV club is originally just a small club. There is no wellness in the abroad. As a result, this wave of Weibo has directly mentioned his own coffee level. It can be said to be a blood.

For Zhao Ximing, this is of course unacceptable.

Because everyone knows that the FV club is the club of Tengda's investment, the more FV's existence, Zhao Xingming is more uncomfortable.

But Zhao Ximing has no good way, I can't tell Weibo and Twitter, put the official account of the FV club? That is not like.

It can only be installed.

At this moment, the mobile phone once again issued a "" tone, and it is another FV club's new Weibo.

Zhao Ximing is speechless: "Come again? Didn't finish it!"

He looked at it and found that the Weibo of "Tenda's Big Family" has not only a FV club, but also a club, such as Fry, etc.

"What is this!"

"Deceived too much!"

See this Weibo, Zhao Ximing is more angry.

When he was watching the game, he had already noticed that there were many European and American old clubs with Tenda or GOG sponsored symbols.

On the stage of IOI's World Finals, the team's team was actually a log of GOG, which is too shameful.

This thing is like a thorn in the heart of Zhao Xing, this Weibo, and pressing this thorn.

How did the club become Tenda's son?

This picture gives a feeling of giving netizens, as if the clubs of the finals are all over Tengda, with the fingers.

This is equal to the output of riding!

"Before a few months ago, I have sponsored these clubs. Now I want to come, it is too sinister!"

"The photo is now playing, these old clubs no matter what the players in the game is still the interview after the game, the logo will appear, don't this do you want to advertise GOG?"

"And the more you have to play, the more you have, the more frequently appear, the more frequently appear ..."

Zhao Ximing suddenly realized that this is a very serious problem. It will feel that the picture is too beautiful.

When I was waiting for the four competitions, I couldn't fix all the four teams had a GOG standard. I interviewed after the game, I could see GOG ...


In fact, IOI spent millions of knives to have a grand world finals. As a result, Tengda game just sponsored several clubs. He looked at the IOI Finals, and played a great propaganda ......

When you let it take, you want to get too much, the more you want to get it.

Zhao Ximing considers the thirteen, and decided to call Kletian.

Now I want to go out of the GOG, nor does it have no way.

Let each furniture department default directly, and pay for a villove.

Just definitely can't let all the furniture yourself sang, this money can only be a finger company. Of course, Zhao Ximing did not know how much this sponsorship fee is, and it is necessary to pay for a default.

However, the two harm should be light, and it is not as strong as the GOG's heat from the head, it is not as strong as the strong man, and the money is done, and all the elements related to GOG are broken!


Half hour.

Zhao Ximing has been waiting for the call of Kletan, but waited for so long, no echo, could not help but worry.

Kletian also agreed with Zhao Ximing's point of view, and believed that playing game logo in the IOI Global Finals, it is really uncomfortable.

Therefore, Kretan decided to give a phone call to each furniture, ask how the specific sponsorship contract is signed, if the default, how much is it to pay.

The result is a little bit a little longer.

Finally, the phone on the table rang, Zhao Ximing quickly joined it.

The voice of Tricki Anne is slightly helpless: "I just asked, Tengda has sponsored the Ten Ten Ten Tie, 1 million knives per family, if you want to breach, you need double compensation."

"The vast majority of these clubs have come to the World Finals."

"It is expected that there may be five teams to enter the eighth game. Two to three teams entered the Fourth Race. If it is considered in the eighth game, the breach of contract should compensate for 10 million knives; if it is considered, if it is considered by four, breach of contract To compensate four to six million knives. "

"This money ... a bit too much."

Zhao Ximing didn't know what to say.

I always sponsored so much money? !

Previously, Zhao Ximing didn't know how much the amount is, if the domestic price standards, each family can sponsor one million can hang up, and the equilate should be around 15,000 knives.

If this price is, even if you have a double default, it is completely no problem.

I didn't think that I didn't think of such a big hand, I took a thousand knives and sponsors them directly, and each of them was a million knives!

If you want to breach, this money will definitely can't let each furniture yourself sag, can only be the Dawak Group. But even if it only allows the four strong teams to breach, they have to pay 4 million to six million knives. This amount is really hard to accept.

Kletian said: "This is a lot of money, I think it is very losing, so ... forget it."

Take a few million knives, just give it to the GOG logo above the participating team? This is not too stupid.

Zhao Ximing silently broke the moment, said: "If you only consider the World game, it is true, but ... after another, there will be a league?"

"There will be a league, and the spring seasons in the two sectors of Europe and the United States will give these old clubs. If now don't make a decision, the future of each league is a spring and summer season ..."

"I am afraid it will also frequently show the logo of the GOG game!"

"Moreover, Tengda is clearly intended to use this to make an article, and the tweet issued from the FV Club can see it."

"Each furniture department has become Tengda's son, and it is not related to his fingers. If Tengda continues to make a article around this, what should I do?"

"As long as the logo logo has been printed on the team, it is always playing our face!"

The phone is over, and Cletan has long been silent.

Indeed, the world has been endured, it is over, how to do after the league!

The strong team in Europe and the United States has basically been sponsored by Tenda. When you rank your front, the highest popularity, the team is all GOG's standard, how is this?

Even if Cleti wants to go through it, it is useless to sponsorship the team of GOG, it is the iron barrel, and there is no insertation.

There are only two options now: either to bear, the installation has not seen, wait for the World East and Regional League Star Team to wait until all the GOG's standard; either bleeding, even if you can't let all sponsorship default, at least Several stars do not appear on the GOG.

Kletian silent for a long time, said: "It is indeed a very serious problem, I will report, I will seize the discussion."

It is now the key period of the World Finals. Let go of GOG's icons have a lot of losses, which will cause some losses to Dawak Group and fingers, so this is moving, and it must be discussed.

If you really have to breach, you have to be as soon as possible.



December 31, Saturday.

Yan Qian is falling asleep.

Yesterday he had finished the melon of the IOI Global Finals, he had been seriously reviewed in the two ear.

The FV club has sent a lot of Weibo according to his , and it has been full of hatred;

Today, IOI's game is another group, there is no domestic team, so Yu Qian has not paid attention, and there is no attention to himself.

How do you think that today is a perfect weekend, you should sleep too late.

However, less than 9 o'clock, the phone placed on the bedside suddenly shook.

"... ..."

Yan Qian's sleepy eyes, a little angry, turned over and not going to pay attention.

However, the phone is still awkward.

Yan Qian couldn't sleep, very speechless, looked at it, and looked at the call display, it was a congratulation.

"Is it a new situation in the cold side girl?"

"No, I have already sold all the shares of the cold noodles? It should be not related to the cold girl."

"Why did you call me?"

Yu Qian feels a bit confused, poured: "Hey?"

On the other hand, the voice of He Zi Sheng was very excited: "Torry, there is a good news!"

: "?"

I heard the three words "good news", and Yu Qian got a sense of consciousness.

But I think about what good news is thinking about it.

Is it a very promising company recently invested in the past, and the valuation suddenly rose, and the shares earned?

But there is no sign before before?

Yu Qian strives to keep himself calm: "What good news?"

He Zi Sheng said: "Torr, you still remember the foreign national electricity clubs sponsored by the dream,"

The big brain is blank.

Sponsorship ... Foreign Equipment Club?

Yu Qian worked hard to remember, it was finally thought of, before the Daxak Group's shares of the company's hands in the hands of the company in the hands of the company, Jian Qian is a life, and the money is spent on the month. out.

Among them, there are 10 million knives, sponsoring the top ten famous old e-sports clubs, let them set up the GOG branch, and then printed the GOG's standard in the team, advertise GOG.

Although this work should belong to the Ocean game, after all, the operation is special, so it is finally handed over to the dream venture capital and the congratulation.

But after that, Yu Qian did not care about this.

After all, the money has already spent out, and these teams are also promoted to GOG during live broadcast, and they did not cause much wave.

Yan Qian asked: "What happened to these clubs ...?"

He is a bit more suppressed in conjunction with the victory: "Torr, I thought you sponsored these clubs just to give GOG to play an advertisement, I really didn't expect this to have this layer!"

"The boss just have five cents contact us, saying that I hope to end the sponsorship contract with us, willing to pay double compensation according to the regulations in the contract!"

"It is to compensate us 10 million knives!"

Yan Qian slammed the tongue, floating on the head.

? ? ?

Ten million knives?

Compensation us?

These clubs are afraid not to enter the water?

Before, he spent a total of 10 million knives before, and now the five-family music will stop the contract, and a million knives will be lost.

The money spent out before, it is back!

This doesn't mean how to see it, it is a blood of Tengda.

Because the sponsorship of the other five-family music is still in force, and the five-family music of the termination of the sponsorship contract has also been a long time for GOG, and it is impossible to deduct the advertising fee.

It is equivalent to this five-family music white to play advertisements, and they also pay one million knives!

Yu Qian felt that his head was a little dizzy. I don't know what these clubs are going. Is it a brain into the water, or too much money?

How is this operation made?

He has been very happy, continue: "Torr, I just asked what the person responsible for these clubs knows what is going on."

"It turned out to be a biagram and finger company!"

"The finger company is not used to these teams, with the GOG's logo, considering the influence of the fields and after the World Face, etc. contract!"

"This money is definitely not all furniture, but the company is coming out."

"But even so, each furniture is also very losing. After all, the one million knives who come to hand are gone, and it is a half-day advertisement, and the fingers will not give additional compensation."

"However, the finger company promised these clubs to the seat of the league, and it is a kind of compensation. After all, the other club wants to get the seat, it is necessary to pay."

"In short, I spent a thousand knives to sponsorship these clubs, not only playing a good propaganda, but also collected back!"

"This hand is really perfect, the death of the Dawk Group and the head of the company, although it is sponsored, but it is actually equivalent to investment, and it is a big earning!"

In the phone, Yu Qian can feel the eyebrow dance of the congratulation.

Who can think of the money that has already been spent, can you still fly back? ? ?

Yan Qian couldn't help but condense.

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