Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 802 Cold Girl Close the rumor

Wonderful day, from making money.

is going to sleep late today, then review it, then eat some good rewards, and arrange it very perfect.

However, this is not a tens of millions of knives from the sky, and he is ruined all his good mood.

Yan Qian silent for a long time, asked: "This 10 million knives ... reapo to go back, can it be?"

In this way, who makes money who spends the principle, since these money is the sponsoring club, it is certainly better.

He Zi Sheng said: "Torr, you said that we kill a horse, then continue to sponsor the club, continue to earn?"

"I'm afraid not."

"The finger company is not so stupid, it is impossible to allow this kind of thing to happen the second time. We sponsored the club, asked them to play the GOG's standard in the team, and it is a lot of empty space. Now the finger company has requested All other games are unable to appear in clubs in the JOI official event. "

"Of course, those clubs we have won, are still in gray, but fortune is not allowed to give them a deposit, and these teams have nothing to do, so ... I will hang this first."

"But again sponsorship will not work, this vulnerability has been blocked by the head company."

Before, I had a total of Ten Levings, and now there are five people to compensate, and the other five are continuing to sponsors.

Obviously, the company is a club that has picked five strengths and more easily enters the Bayuo competition. As for the other five, it is really reluctant to this money.

After all, I will have a tens of millions of knives after all, even if the Dawak Group will feel very painful.

Yu Qian is very embarrassing.

Though, at least the other five are no mandatory, otherwise you have to earn more tens of millions of knives here, the pressure is bigger ...

He Zhingsheng said: "He is always, you see this money ... How do I spend?"

Yu Qian is silent.

Yes, how do you spend?

I have to settle in the eyes, I have to get rid of a million knives. Is this not a human mentality?

Of course, if you want to spend or have a way, for example, in the "Mission and Choice" project, or continue to advertise, sponsor, or engage in some promotions, etc..

But this money is a bit more, how to spend the fastest money, the minimum impact, but also need to consider it again.

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said: "Don't worry, I think again."

He will not have any comments, and there will be any comments: "Good ."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Qian felt a burst, and the good mood of a day walked.

I can't sleep, get up to wash, go to the fish net coffee for breakfast.

Then, Yan Qian sat on the coffee and brushed the news on the Internet.

These two days of electricity and game circles are basically being brushed by IOI's World Finals. After all, the recent GPL Spring Festival has not officially started, and large events only have this one, and then the dragonflies of Longyu Group will help, So the news is covered with the sky.

However, in addition to the fighting results of each team, there are also many FV club messages, such as the existing training conditions on the FV club microblog, and those live microblogs, etc.

Moreover, there are quite a lot, and the heat is also high.

Because today is the second game day, the domestic team has no competition today, yesterday's game is also very ugly, no matter whether it is a media or audience, it does not want to mention again.

The FV Club as a domestic one seed, and it is some kind of good job, which is very suitable as a news report.

So, even if Longyu Group does not like the FV club, all game media is still orthontharacter, and give a large number of news layouts to the FV Club for higher click quantity.

Yan Qian also didn't care too much. Since it is necessary to save the hate, it will definitely create a certain heat. But these heat is not likely to translate into income, and even after the FV team will also have a negative impact, so there is nothing to worry.

Yan Qian looked at the news of other editions, suddenly, a news caused his attention.

"Cold noodle girl is falling into the rumor, Meng Chang clarified: rumor"!

Although the cold face girl and the dream venture have completely do not have any relationship, Yan Qian is still paying attention to the news of the cold face.

If the cold noodle girl is bursting, the valuation expands, the can rest assured, the right to run, avoid making more money;

If the cold noodle girl is cold, it is determined that this is a burning project, but the can consider going to the bottom garbage asset.

Yan Qian quickly opened this news to see, the cause of things was the failure of a media broke the cold face girl, the financial chain was tense, and the supplier's goods have been arreled. I am afraid that it will be closed in the near future.

And this broke the news, the negative news about the cold noodles was all detached.

In fact, since the foundation of the cold face, there are many questions on the Internet, including questioning its meals are not delicious, expensive, excessive marketing hype, is far more than substance.

However, the front cold side girl gave birth to the wind, the store is hot, the online heat is very high, plus the taste is still going, the price is subsidized, it is not particularly expensive, so this sound does not trigger a lot of repercussions.

But now the cold-faced girl's marketing boom has gradually returned, plus this broke-break, and the cold voice before the cold nature is naturally dug.

This explosive news has not too many stone hammers, just turn the chat record, is the so-called "industry" dialogue.

As everyone knows, chatting is not to be hammer, but it is better than no picture.

And this news also inspired many people's discussion, and some people have written an article to analyze the business model of the cold face, and let go.

The title of this article is "cold noodle girl so-called Internet thinking is nothing more than molding", and a word at the end of the article is killing.

"It must be acknowledged that Meng Chang has strong cross-border thinking, extremely high IQ, top executive, super-class eloquence, from any point of view, he seems to be a perfect entrepreneur."

"However, common sense tells us that no matter in any era, no one is quilting, and smart genius can only deceive consumers, but can not cheat consumer. Let's more. Moreover, there is a smarter genius above. Maybe in other geniuses, such as , Meng Chang's thinking is as simple as white paper. "

"Meng Chang has always emphasized Internet thinking, emphasizing the trend of the times, but he is like a child sitting in the car, putting a pair of driving posture, thinking that he controls the direction of the car, and uses the driver's identity Paying money to passengers; but in fact, no matter whether the car is still a road, it is not in his own master. "

This article is a perfect knife.

The explosive chat record has no authenticity, the cold side girl can say that this is the discruption of the competitors, but this article writes the word beads, especially the next time, a few fatal problems of the cold face.

The most interesting is this: Maybe in other geniuses, such as the summary eyes, Meng Chang's thinking is as simple as white paper.

This is obviously what the total twice to sell cold-faced girls before, before expressing!

As we all know, the success rate of the total investment is extremely high, and the total will sell shares two consecutive times. This is definitely because of the point of view, the cold side of the cold face has a huge problem!

Therefore, questioning is very ridiculous.

The cold-faced girl is also in the first time, saying that the company's capital chain is healthy, the financing is smooth, and there is no problem in daily operation. Please don't believe it.

But the debate about the cold-faced girl business model has been launched again.

Many news websites that reprinted this news, as well as netizens in all major forums, have been discussing.

Some people think that the cold face is blowing, and it is not surprising;

Some people think that the cold face girl is good, this is the medium of the media, and the quantity is lie;

Some people think that Meng Chang likes to market, most of which is in black, cooperate with the media to use it.

In short, the public has been there, but the question of the cold face is really more and more.

Looking at these arguments on the network, Yan Qian is speechless, but also contradictory.

Obviously, many people know that the dream created to sell cold-faced girl shares, think this is a clear signal: cold face is not optimistic, sooner or later.

However, Yu Qian himself clearly why he is selling shares.

The contradiction is that the cold side girl can still be able to do it? It seems that I have encountered some difficulties, but if Qian is now, what should I do if I do it now?

This is very tangled.

Yu Qian considers for a long time, decided to change the same, nothing, it can't be up again.

This time, I have to wait for the cold noodles to completely don't work, there is no rescue that may be shot after it is, and it is absolutely unable to turn over!


At the same time, Fuhui Capital.

Two people in Li Shi and Xue Zhebin glared at the eyes, and the expression was awkward.

Xue Zhebin tried to say: "Li, your judge is the general judgment ... seems to have some deviation?"

"I always run ... What should we do!"

Li Shi smashed the tea and did not reply.

After Li Shi and Xue Zhebin were given eight million, I always sold all the cold-faced girl shares who took 2 million to buy 2 million, and once again, I was completely cleared with the cold girl.

As a result, this move immediately produced a chain reaction, and the investment people were more refined to the cold-faced girl!

According to Meng Chang's plans, I will finally take advantage of Li Ping, and I will push the valuation of the cold noodles. I will talk to more investment. As a result, I have the same thing. The bottom of the clave is taken directly, and the rear of Meng Chang is directly broken!

Meng Chang was not investment, the cold face also continued to burn money, this eight million seems to be a lot, but in fact, it can't hold too long, the cold girl's capital chain is very tight.

Online exposure of the cold face girl wants to close, although it is a bit in fact, it is an exaggeration, but it is indeed a hole. Investors have generally not optimized this project, which will inevitably have a wind.

After the unscrupulous media added to the oil, it turned into the present.

Obviously, the cold-faced girl has arrived at the crisis of life and death, most of the unparalleled companies, the problems of the fund chain are also very sudden, and it is not good to violently violent in a short time.

This is very stupid about Li Shi and Xue Zhebin's two people ...

Of course, other investors have few more shares of cold-faced girls, Li Shi is not the biggest head.

Now everyone is in a contradictory mentality.

I want to sell, but if everyone sells, the valuation of the cold noodles will collapse, and the shares in your hands are not worth money, one don't want to run; if someone sells someone does not sell, first sell People can get out, and those who follow-sell will be set.

Xue Zibin's whole process is followed by Li Shi. As a result, Li Shi is also a field investigation and repeated analysis. He has been very serious, and the result seems to be invited, this is quite a negative textbook.

Li Shi dry cough two, eased the embarrassment on the scene.

"Don't panic, cold-faced girls have ushered in turning, but it is obviously not finished."

"The reason is the total operation!"

"The head is a total of 2 million, and immediately sell it. Others may interpret this is the problem of this is the problem of the cold face, but I don't think it is."

"If I always think that the cold girl has a problem, then I will definitely see it, otherwise I will not sell all the shares. After selling, I invest 2 million, why?"

"Don't be so idle, playing Meng Chang?"

"It's absolutely impossible!"

"Obviously, these 2 million operations are deeply well. In my opinion, I will always deliberately deliver a signal, and the valuation of the cold face is collapsed!"

"And the sum of Head, there is certainly not simply to teach Meng Chang. I have said before, I always spend business only, I don't talk about my feelings, even if I hate Meng Chang, I will apply to punishment, this is only possible. Erotic, the first purpose is definitely to make money through the cold side! "

"The earliest selling of the cold face girl has earned a money. If you only come here, the following 2 million will not be necessary."

"So I judge, I will have the action after the summary!"

"I will choose a suitable timing to acquire some cold girl's shares at low prices."

"This time, I want to predict the general plan, walk in the forefront!"



2012, January 1, New Year's Day.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Los Angeles time on December 31, 2011.

, . ................ ....

This year is the special year in 2012, so on the discussion of this year's discussion is endless.

As early as 2009, a global disaster movie named "2012" was released, and the Mayan fable has long been widely known.

However, Yu Qian is very clear that 2012 is actually a matter of particularly worth paying attention. The so-called World's ending day is only a nonsense, in addition to this Olympic Games, the President of the rice, in fact, most people There is no much relationship between daily life.

Therefore, Yan Qian completely didn't care about the discussions about the special year of 2012, or put the attention in their own things.

The exam week has to continue to review, and the two domestic teams of the IOI Global Finals have also come out.

A elimination, one insisted on the same competition, but after the war, it was still not enemy, and finally lost the qualifications of the Bayuo.

Just now, the second team's game is just over. The entire live broadcast is full of all kinds of sounds, saying that the end of the domestic IOI is not!

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