Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 803 reversing black and white

In fact, these players are also very well understood.

Because of the problem of time difference, most of the audience can get rid of the current audience, the result is a few hours, and I have seen such a result, and I'm hard to accept.

Today's game, it can be said that it has reappeared the first day of the group.

A team lost as diarrhea, and another team lost as constipation.

The front is okay, at least is eliminated, the final result is 1-3 out, but it is better not to be shaved, keep the last trace face; and then this is more embarrassing, insist on the play Life and death, winning can advance, the two sides in the game is a big chance, and it seems that there is a big chance.

Losing for a milli, a thousand miles.

In the end, there is no hope to make the audience angry? Still giving the audience a great hope, but in the end, ruthless deprivation is even more angry.

It's really hard to say.

But there is no doubt that the anger of the audience must have a ventilation.

The two clubs have sent Weibo to the player in the first time of being eliminated, but there is no ovulation, and the angry players directly capture the Weibo hot assessment, and some people have planned them. Tour the route back.

Yan Qian as if I saw the FV Club Bayuo, and the online grand occasion after 3: 0.

Although the two cents lost, they are not one seed, does not represent the highest level of domestic IOI.

So I am going to go, and I will only take a week.

Waiting for the Baqiang of the Weekend FV Club, the No. 1 seed was 3: 0, the anger of the audience will definitely focus on the FV club, and it will inevitably be ten times more than now.

Yan Qian is a little expectation.

Just then, the FV Club sent a Weibo.

Wu Yue did not forget the demands of, always live a lot!

This new Weibo content is: "I and my teammates", then microblogging is a person going out, the left hand right hand on a black big garbage bag, and the trash can stay in the distance.

This man is the LOGO of the FV club, and two large garbage bags are different two-legged LOGO.

Yan Qian saw this Weibo, could not help but thumbs up.

Dry beautiful!

This Wu Yue is really completely according to what I said, this hatred, pulled the lever!

Domestic two clubs have just been eliminated less than ten minutes. The audience of the game staying up late is an angry and no vent. The FV Club has been sent to the Weibo, which is simply giving them a great place to vent it!

Sure enough, the number below this Weibo grows rapidly.

"Good! The two teams are garbage! It's just that my heart!"

"The spray is good, it is recommended to increase your strength!"

"Fv you must be well trained, and the eight strong games will not spray you."

"Still rest this? The version is strong and heroes? Secret weapons are prepared? Does the team members are concerned about? Just a single seedlings, you will be 3: 0!"

"Can you strive to work hard and win a small field?"

"With the fall of the stone, the brothers have been eliminated to see you, the words are released here, no matter how much foreign team is 3: 0! You are jumping now, the higher it is sprayed later. The more you wait, wait! "

It is anti-two-digit person, and the magic dance in this Weibo in the FV Club, and the battle is a group.

For the fans who are angry with the other two cents, I feel that the FV club is sprayed. I found the export of emotional vent; the fans of the two concessions were broken, and the hatred value of the FV club was again exploded. table.

Some people hope FV will win, some people hope FV lose, the players in the position have been attracted to come over, this Weibo has triggered a very high attention.

Yu Qian is very satisfied with this.

The higher it, the more you fall; the more traffic is smashed, the more serious the flow of the game in the future!

Thinking of this, Yu Qian gave Wu Yue a message: "The new live is good, increase your strength!"


At the same time, Los Angeles, IOI Global Finals.

Zhao Ximing brushed the mobile phone under the stage, and he was ignorant.

"This FV club is not crazy?"

"They don't think about it, in case you lose the game, have been 3: 0, how difficult is that the scene?"

"Don't leave yourself at all?"

"The tongue is fast, and the result is that everyone can't sleep, is it sick!"

Zhao Xuming is not angry with it.

At this time, all groups have ended, and the first group of each team is out, four groups first and four seeds re-draw, determine the eight competition.

For Zhao Xun, the present scene is simply double blow.

His ideal script is that at least one domestic team kills a group, and the luck of the lottery can touch the FV club. The domestic team guarantees a four strongest, so the face is relatively.

As a result, the two teams of the group match were all eliminated. The FV club's soft persimmons naturally have to be cheaper!

As for why fv is a soft persimmon, this is not a clear?

Longyu Group is completely stocked with the FV club. They have neither high-end Rank and have not followed any European and American team. It is not a white. Is this not white?

Even if you have been practicing with SUG, Sug is also a rookie, you can only practice the more you.

At that time, FV is also cleaned 3: 0, that is too ugly.

More to let Zhao Xuming and fingers have been hit, in addition to the group of the domestic team, there is a lot of money!

In addition, two groups were also very intense, and they all hit the life and death bureau. The audience was very enjoyable, and the discussion on the Internet was also very high. In short, everything is very beautiful.

The only thing is not beautiful is, you are booming!

Previously, I was arranging to remember an old style club, which was eliminated! And another family is not optimistic, there is no team that enforces the contract, and entered the eight.

As a result, Zhao Ximing was carefully, and there was a team of GOG in the eight teams.

The fv club's team uniforms are no log standards, but the problem is that now is individual, knowing this is the club of the total investment, and there is a standard.

This is very depressed.

The difference between 0 and 1 is that there is no difference. To say that this is not very serious, but it is very painful.

Therefore, Zhao Ximing looked at the top of the eight strong games, the more you look at the fire.

On such a bones, the FV club has a few good times, putting two domestic teams, all foreign teams all the foreign teams all ridiculed, highlighting a firepower.

Zhao Ximing is more angry.

The key is to ridicule the domestic team, let Zhao Xing feel that his face is very unwind!

For the official, although the team is lost, it must not end to step on it, which will affect the official, the entire competition or even the image of the player's mind.

It's worse, the official has to be regretted, encouraged, and you have to go.

Therefore, the official content is definitely: the two teams have been working hard, and there are many attempts and changes in the game, but because the version is understood, the foundation is weak. Good results, hope to adjust the state, make persistent efforts, and hope that players can support and encourage, and so on.

However, the FV club jumped out to ridicule, and it was a bit of the official to do it, and the scene was very good.

What's more, these two teams are Zhao Ximing to take the money to Los Angeles in advance, but there is no results, and Zhao Xuming is not very good to explain on the high rise of Longyu Group.

How do you think that it feels that blood loss!

Zhao Ximing couldn't help but frown, seriously think about what he had to do, in order to twist this unfavorable situation.

Suddenly, he looked up to see the results of the lottery on the big screen.


The rules of the lottery are that the four groups are pumped in four groups first, who smoked who, no rules evading the same as the same zone.

And the FV club, just smoked the European club of the domestic team!

The old Shouqi FRY Club is to take the hard work of the Miko Club in the Life and Death Bureau after the hard work.

In accordance with the current strength, these two eight strong games will be crushed on the side and the ornamentality will be relatively poor.

But for Zhao Ximing, this group provided him with a valuable opportunity to manipulate public opinion.

Zhao Ximing's assistant sat next to him and was paying attention to the feedback on the network.

Different, Zhao Ximing mainly pays attention to the domestic, and the assistant mainly focuses on the comments of the introduction of foreign players.

"Zhao, the picture of the FV Club, is also crazy on the twitter."

"There have been many words in the" CNIOINOOB ', and there are also one of the pictures, and the mocking object has risen to all domestic IOI team ... "

"what should we do?"

Zhao Ximing took the mobile phone from the assistant.

The picture of the FV club "I and my teammates" also sent Weibo and Twitter, and I got a very high heat.

However, the feedback from the players at home and abroad is different. The domestic players are divided into two factions, some sprayed two cents, partially sprayed FV; and foreign players' attitude is more uniform, all are ridiculous.

At this tweet, there are many foreign players who are brush "cnioinoB", meaning that China's IOI level is too garbage, it is a rookie level.

The highest picture is the second creation of the previous picture. The original picture is a man carrying two big bags of garbage to the trash can, and this picture is a man in onion into the trash can, and Two large bags of garbage throw it on one side.

It means very clear: Fv club, don't laugh at other clubs, you are also garbage!

This kind of public opinion is also normal. After all, from the results of the group competition, the domestic two teams were eliminated. Only the number of seeds were treated, and the two teams in Europe and the United States successfully wandered and No. 1 Seeds. Eight strong, the only remaining FV is present.

Most foreigners are the kind, I won you to ride in your face, and now many people think that it is already a victory. It is also not surprising.

Zhao Ximing silently sighed and sighed: "Oh, can there be a way. Electronic competition still relies on strength, people 's team win, ridicule us, there is no temper."

"We can't win, how to fight, I can't win, this is no way. But we still have to try to play the card in your hands, and lose a little as possible."

The assistant nodded: "What do we do?"

Zhao Ximing considered a moment and said: "Heat, traffic, voice!"

"I have been eliminated by the two domestic teams we have given, and the FV club can not be expected, so I want to be impossible to achieve a result."

"If the FV club gets good grades, it is not good news for us. Of course, this probability is very low."

The assistant nodded and immediately understood the words of Zhao Xun.

Everyone knows that the FV Club is the Popular Club. Now the two domestic teams have been eliminated in the group, then if the FV club wins the eighth game, they will be considered "the total success" rather than " Longyu Group's success ".

And if the FV club is lost, although Longyu Group is still the same, it is a long to have a heat, but at least will make the total to make a heat.

Zhao Ximing's idea is that there is no need to consider the problem that is not awkward. If you find a way to concentrate your heat to the iOi national service and Longyu Group!

Zhao Ximing explained: "Next week, GPL's spring game will start, this is a very sensitive point in time. Because it is just the days of the eighth game next week."

"The big probability of the FV club must be hit at 3: 0 on the same day."

"Now the most disadvantageous place in us is that the domestic team failed in the IOI World Conference competition, which will greatly cast the enthusiasm of the IOI national service, and combat them to the belonging and pride of this area."

"There is a lot of people will turn to GPL, turn to play GOG. This is not acceptable for us!"

"So, we must plan to prepare for this batch of players without the rain."

"We have to promote, IOI is more popular in foreign countries, is the most popular game in the world; while GOG has made good, but only domestic players are playing, there is nothing to know in foreign countries."

"And, we can also have a lot of evidence."

"For example, IOI's global finals are held in a large venue of 20,000 people in Los Angeles, while GOG is just in the Book of Beijing; for example, the domestic team of the IOI global finals eliminated, and the domestic team of GOG The top three, this shows that there are many players who play IOI abroad, and the competitive level is higher than GOG. "

"To take advantage of the world, experience the strongest game of competition, or have to see IOI."

"So, many players will feel that the GOG players are a" Sitting Obidity ". The GOG Global Invitational Sales can take the top three only because foreigners don't play, and IOI is the most focus on the world. This should have superior sense ... "

"Although it is a spiritual victory method, it should also play a certain effect. The netizens of both sides are also a kind of heat, which is better than unmanned."

"I want to have a flow of traffic with the GPL Spring Festival, and I can only do this. It is not a way."

The assistant couldn't help but pick up the thumb: "Zhao, you can think of this method in this extreme passive situation, it is so powerful!"

Zhao Ximing's trick is actually in reverse black and white.

There have been countless people who are popular online. The market share of GOG is not low overseas, and in the PC field, IOI is basically a state in the autumn autumn, and it is a branch in the field of mobile games.

But many people still have an illusion of "foreign monk will read".

In many people's mind, foreign is good, domestic is the cottage, since IOI is a foreign game, then it must be higher than GOG.

So although the localization of GOG is higher, the style is more in line with the aesthetic beauty of the country, and the gameplay is also more suitable for most ordinary players, but it is still not as good as IOI this "foreign monk".

This concept has always been existed. Zhao Ximing is to do this to stream news on the Internet, strengthen this inherent stereotype impression, deliberately create a "IOI player than GOG players more noble" feelings.

In this way, the team of IOI was hanging from the country, and GOG hit the domestic team. The nature changed.

The former is because IOI is an international event. The domestic level is indeed, it is a challenger's posture, which is also normal; the latter is because GOG is a domestic club in self-entertainment, abuse foreign teams can not explain the problem.

In an instant, the anti-guest is mainly, reversing the situation of the unfavorable public opinion!

Of course, there is a distortion of the facts in this argument.

But commercial competition, similar words is very common, who is challenged to himself, this is not very good.

The assistant immediately arranged in accordance with Zhao Xingming.



January 2nd, Monday.

In the self-study room, Yu Qian is reviewing.

Although he has many places to review, such as taking fish net coffee, his own home, corporate office, etc., but all have been discovered after it is discovered, or the highest efficiency in the self-study room.

I have to say, sometimes I want to concentrate on do something, the environment is very important, and the light is not enough to rely on self-control.

In this week, I have to officially enter the exam week, especially the few classes of the closed test, I feel that the pressure hill is large, and I can only catch the time to mover.

Grinding half, Yu Qian habitually took the mobile phone and went shopping for the forum.

Originally, it was just a sense of consciousness, but I didn't expect to have unexpected gains!

Among the major forums, there is still an ear for the IOI World Face, and there is still no signs of still to stop all day, enough to show that players have more angry.

But let Qian feel surprised that the wind of public opinion seems to have some subtle changes!

From the title of some of the hot posts in the forum, you can see it clearly.

In a post called "Domestic Energy Starting Date, Since Sedimentation, Continue Working", the landlord explains some objective reasons for this IOI World.

For example, the IOI segment of the major clubs has basically suffered from the impact of GOG, and the personnel have changed, while the status of many players is difficult to hold because of the lack of training competitions, and so on.

Similar problems are objective existence, I want to find a lot to find a lot.

But this is not a focus.

Some people in the post provide a refutation of the post: "How is IOI represent domestic electricity? The GOG Global Invitational Tournament has just passed in a few months. Isn't it just hanging out the foreign team? Why didn't the GOG does not have this problem? "

As a result, this reply is the head of the landlord.

"A game that only has a country is playing, in the world's popularity, discussion scores make sense? At present, there are foreign countries to play IOI, foreign clubs are also IOI, GOG has dominant, what is it?"

Here, some people have refuted, saying that the foreign old clubs have a GOG branch, participate in the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, just fight, otherwise, why don't you come?

But the landlord still has a speech.

"These old clubs have established the GOG division just because Tengda gives them money, it is said to give high sponsorship, people who have played with you on the money. The invitation to say that the GOG office is to pay foreign countries. The team is playing, satisfying the vanity of the Chinese people, will not really think this is the true competitive level of the domestic and foreign team? "

The two sides are in charge, noisy into a group.

Obviously, the argument of the landlord has a certain deceptiveness to a lot of unknown, and then with the water army's promotion, the debate between the two sides is very intense.

There are also many GOG players who are very expensive, telling you that the market share of GOG in foreign countries is also very high, with the IOI difference, but the effect is small.

Because IOI's death loyalty, the player and the water army are not rationally discuss, no matter what GOG players refute, they are just a strong brush "self-entertainment", "spend money to find the grandfather reading".

Repeated emphasis will increase the impression of the stencil, it is not important on the Internet, the truth is not important, most people only need to emphasize a fixed label, even if this label is very low, there is no brain, but as long as it emphasizes more, there will always be someone remember.

Online so-called "discussion", many times, is the same as the splary, than the reason, but to see who is big.

Obviously this group of guidelines have been torn online, with a very little number of people to achieve excellent results.

Many GOG players are therefore very angry, but they are very happy.

Yes, it seems that Longyu Group is not eating dry rice, finally playing!

When IOI domestic qualifications, Long Yu Group was very bad, and Yan Qian just went to the scene to see a game, did not do anything, Long Yu Group will not fight, and really let Yan Qian are too disappointed.

But now, Longyu Group finally began to struggle!

Yu Qian said that it is very pleased, and I hope to increase your strength!

As long as you continue to unremittingly black, wait for this weekend, the FV team is abused in the Eight-strengthening, and the GPL will come to the water army to brush a "self-entertainment", and must affect the heat of the GPL Spring. !

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