This year's Spring Festival is January 23rd, which is early over the years. Yan Qian looked at the calendar for time. After this week, he took a lot of effort to accuse money, and busy settlement.

Come to the fish net coffee, I will drink a drink while brushing the phone, see if there is any news recently.

"Well? Foreign media exposed FV club could not travel to the training competition?"

Yan Qian did not want to pay attention to the news of the FV club, but this news is in the game and the headline of the e-sports area, I can't think about it.

Seeing this news, Yu Qian is very vibrating, and hurry up.

This is a small news from foreign media, and foreign media sources seem to be the club there.

This news is very simple. The cause is that this media went to interview all the European and American clubs in front of the Eight Supreme Race, and simply asked their current state and training. One of them said that the FV club has a training game to them, but they have not accepted.

This kind of trail is of course no stone hammer, even chat records, but the media that broke the news is still a small mood, so it will soon be reprinted by major media.

The Eight-Qang games will only be played on the weekend, and the GPL Spring Festival is also playing this Saturday, so this time is no news. Such a small road without a stone hammer is taken on top, causing a hot discussion.

Yan Qian also unclear whether Longyu Group participated there, but saw this news thermality and discussion, it is impossible to say that there is no such as a water army to help, it is impossible.

There have been a lot of comments below this news, and many people are singing the FV Club.

"Did you fight? This is too miserable?"

"That is still playing a hammer, it is difficult to go to the Tiandeer Road? Is it not necessary to be abused?"

"This is definitely the dereliction of delivery of the club. The Dash Training will definitely want to have an early approval, and people's training competitions are full, and they are sure that they are not here!"

"It's really time to be full, so I don't have it? How is the thoughts so simple? If you really have a strong team, people will miss the opportunity to train with you? Hard squeeze will squeeze out time! Obviously you dish. So find excuses to go! "

"Go to the foreign broadcast platform and the forum to see, I know, all are brushing CNIOINOOB, people think that you are too dish, and you will be a waste of time."

"What about the other two cents? It is directly returned to China? It is a domestic team. Is it not staying?"

"Spend a hammer, when the people's family will lose the game, FV is not in the falling stone? Do you help you spap?"

. No mustard? Now, it is isolated, and even the training game is about nothing! "

"I didn't expect it. This year, Ioi's World Finals really can't see a belly. The qualifier is dull, and the group is all two teams all have been eliminated. The number 1 seed is not trained to play the whole day is on Weibo. Activation, it is estimated that it will be 3: 0, just like this, look at the GPL. "

"The game has not yet hit, there is no need to be so angry? It is said that SUG is still spending."

"There is fart, the gap between China and abroad is too big, the SUG is not the life of being hit? Even the opportunity to play the training competition with the European and American teams, how to study people's tactics and play? Game understanding is opened A big cut, this can make up for it, you can make up! "

The online all is a sound of singing, even if it is a few players who support the FV club, they have not hugged too much hope.

Moreover, the FV club has been in the microblogging, and then the Longyu Group invited some water troops to bring rhythm, so the roads of FV are not very good.

Now, this "unhappy training" has exploded, but also puts the players who have not confident in the domestic team in the snow.

In short, the online clouds are miserable.

Yan Qian turned over the comments, not so happy.


Is this the so-called future heaven and earth?

Even the foreign club also started to carry me my hand?

Yan Qian did not ask Wu Yue's authenticity because the probability is true.

When the team in the same season, he would tend to hold the group when playing the training competition. After all, I don't want to disclose the fierce in the bottom of the box to other sectors.

Moreover, only FV left in the Eight-strengthenings, the European and American teams hug training, isolated FV club, objectively weaken the strength of the FV team, reducing competitors for themselves.

In the case, the motivation of this kind of team is very sufficient.

Yu Qian is very happy, it has been prepared in advance.

After the FV Club Bayang is eliminated, he will give Wu Yue to call to call, telling you that it is not sad, continue in Los Angeles to play to the World Finals after the end of the finals!


At the same time, Los Angeles.

On the second floor, FV and SUG teams, FV and SUG are still seriously training.

And Wu Yue looked at the news on the Internet at this time, and the gas did not play.

"Is these European and American teams?"

"If you don't pick up our training, I will say it to the big mouth?"

"Nerve disease! What is it rare to train with you?"

The FV club has a special data analysis team, and there are two sparring teams. It is indeed unnecessary to play with the European and American team, which is not only possible to practice things, but also may expose tactics.

However, in the opening of the game, Wu Yue felt that it did not play any training game. I thought I would like to invite a European and American team to fight, and it is a hot hand before the game, stabilize the attitude of the player.

As a result, he didn't expect that he went to find several European and American club training competitions, all rejected!

As for the reasons for rejection, these clubs certainly don't say that it will only use the "training competition already full".

But in fact, everyone knows.

How is the one-day training time? How can a simple training course?

If it is a very important training match, it will definitely squeeze out time.

Therefore, these clubs responded that it is for two reasons: first, feel fv too food, the training competition is no effect, do not wait to waste time; second, deliberately hug FV, affecting FV training status, let go of one opponent.

Wu Yue was originally not too popular, anyway, no appointment, the FV club did not lack these training games, and everyone will take each other.

As a result, I don't know where the music is so big, I said with the media, this news came out!

This makes Wu Yue very angry.

"Say that the team members say that when the Eight-strengthen games, I will give me a dead hand, and the Vietnamese rushing spring dances and the light is all coming!"

"Is these European and American teams not look down on people? Let them feel what is cruel!"



January 7, Saturday.

Yu Qian has been sleeping until noon, and the god is refreshed.

I just finished a very critical closed loop when I was on Friday, and I feel good about myself. So when I am happy at night, I will play the game in late night, and I wake up naturally today.

This weekend, there is still the last two lessons, but a closed roll should be closed, it should not be so much stressful before it.

, ..... . .

This weekend is like a vagada, just like a festival.

This afternoon, the GPL Spring Festival will officially start.

The GPL Spring race has been arranged very full. After all, there are 16 teams in the entire league, and to play BO3, so in addition to the game on Monday, there is no game in other times.

Moreover, although there is no game, it will arrange a replicate program, simply reviewing last week, and rehabilitates some key battles, and playing the stalks that appear in the game, and interact with netizens.

Since time, GPL can be said to be a high-intensity in the day, and the audience has seen every day.

At the same time, the IOI World Finals also entered the stage of the eight-strong stage, two BO5 every day on Saturdays, and directly decided.

Due to the relationship between the time difference and the schedule, the Eight-strengthening of the IOI World Finals is 5 o'clock in the second day of the domestic time, but more friendly to the country's spectators.

On Saturday afternoon, I looked at the GPL opening war. I saw the IOI Eight Square on Sunday. I will continue to watch the GPL in the afternoon. I will continue to see IOI Bayi. ...

It can be said that it is a schedule, a cool.

Although there are not many domestic IOI players, IOI is the world finals. Longyu Group has recently spared no effort to sell power, plus the previous series of public opinion storms, and the attention is still very high.


In the afternoon, Yan Qian wore a mask and came to the GPL Spring Festival.

The previous month has been held in the previous quarter, and the new teams completed in a few sets have already appeared. Some of the problems in the game have also been repaired and improved. Some of the possible emergencies have already had a plan.

Today's unveiled battle is the H4 team and SHG team. The former is the world champion, and the latter is the team of Shenhua.

Since the establishment of SHG's team, it has received attention. After all, Shen Hua is very good in football. It can be used to play with football. It can be seen as a kind of desperate, many people are looking forward to them. Performance.

In the previous preseason, SHG has also played several times and is good. After the preparation and milling of time, the main lineup has been determined, and the progress is very fast. According to the situation of the training competition, Zhang Yuan finally decided to let them open the opening battle, and it is also a better exposure opportunity to this team.

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