Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 807 highlights a head (three more monthly tickets!)

The opening ceremony of the GPL Spring Festival is relatively simple, first broadcasting the anti-enthusiastic spring propaganda film on the big screen, and then the captain of each team debut, and introduces the origin of these clubs by the host one by one by the host. And star players.

The captain of the sixteen teams just corresponds to the sixteen battle flags in the venue, and also corresponds to the 16th Dressed Warriors Dressed as a hero in the CG.

The audience in the scene is also the old audience, very helpful, applause and cheers a burst of ears.

Then, the game officially started.

Strictly speaking, the scene of the GPL Spring race is not very different than the IOI World Finals. After all, they are not the same level, and the Ioi World Competition is held in large venues that can accommodate 20,000 people. More atmospheric than the GPL Spring season.

But the advantage of the GPL Spring Festival is that the details are done better.

From the most beginning of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, to the previous preseason, GPL's entire operation team has accumulated rich experience.

On the one hand, it is clear that the various burst plans are very detailed. There is a low probability of problems. Even if there is a problem, it can quickly solve it, not to cause too serious broadcast accidents;

On the other hand, it is similar to the preferences of the audience, and there is a good as possible, and there is no need to cut off.

Just like a lot of electric competitions, I like to engage in cosplay or singing and dance performances. However, most of the audiences are more free, so the GPL is completely cut off similar to excessive links, bringing the most purest to the audience. Look acquisition experience.

Therefore, although the gpl is relatively small, although the GPL is relatively small, all aspects are formal, from the details, you can see the intentions of the event preparation, so you won't look fare.

Soon, the game officially started.

Although SHG is a new army, it is very good, dares to fight, and the H4 club is filled with three games and finally regrets.

But even so, SHG's stadium performance still won the applause of the audience, some bright decisions and operations triggered in the forum.

Yu Qian is also satisfying at the scene, and takes out the mobile phone to open the live broadcast, I want to see the response of netizens.

However, there have been some unhamined sounds on the barrage.

"H4 World Championship is this? Is there a new team to set up a new team?"

"This can be seen that the GOG Global Invitational Global Invitation Tournament is, knowing how to understand."

"The strength of H4 can also hang foreign teams, what is the color of foreign teams that spend money, don't you say more?"

"I have long said that the game competitive level is not ridicpeled. The so-called 'dominance' of the domestic team is just because no one is playing abroad!"

"What is it really?"

"Self-entertainment self-entertainment self-entertainment ..."

There is a group of unknown people, in the live run, "self-entertainment", degrading the GPL and even the GOG Global Invitational Tournament.

This is the same routine with the previous "domestic electric competition, the foundation of the country is thin, and still work hard". It is constantly using a wrong logic to give mening brain: GOG abuse foreign team, because abroad People play, so the amount of gold is not high; IOI is lost to foreign teams, because the national people do not work, so the amount of gold is high.

Finally, it concluded that IOI is much greater than GOG.

The speech has been quarreled before, and now the GPL starts, and it is reissued. Obviously, these don't have the heart of the world in order to combat the heat of the GPL Spring Festival, promote the elimination of the IOI Global Finals.

Many players who have a lot of GOG are very angry, in the live run and the forum, with these players, but it is worthless.

These palestants are professional spans. You give him the fact that he will tell him. If you can't see it, you will only take your own , also attack you, glory; once you do it, Spray, but it fell into his circle.

Two dials to spray, but in turn, the GPL live broadcast, the game was very exciting, but no one discussed the content of the game, which greatly affected the feelings of the gaze.

Yu Qian is not angry at all, but I am very happy.

Longyu Group and Zhao finally played, it was so touched!

5 o'clock tomorrow morning can see the FV club game, when the FV club is lost, the online will definitely be very lively!

Although Yu Qian does not think this public opinion will affect the GPL league to make money, but there is not good!

Yu Qian decided to rest early this evening, get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, look at the FV club game.



At 1 o'clock in the Los Angeles Time, the Beijing-State Time is 5 o'clock in the morning of the 8th, the IOI Global Finals is officially opened!

The eight strong games is four BO5, Los Angeles time Saturday, Sunday, the FV team first appeared, and the European club CEM team who kill the domestic team before fighting.

CEM is also a good-end team with FRY, showing great dominance in the group competition, leaving the 4-0 results group, but also to bring the domestic team of the same group to abuse From the beginning.

The FV Club staff is all waiting in the background, and Wu Yue, and the expression of the manager of Wu Yue, is still slightly nervous.

Although they completely trust the strength of the players, the loss of e-sports this kind of thing is not so absolute, the other party is not a weak team, and the FV club also does not have 100% of the victory.

And this is the offline game, the European and American team is a home battle, whether the team members will imbalance because of the cheers of the other party, play an abnormality, this is not good.


I don't know who is shouting, and everyone brushs brush to look at the screen of the background.

At the same time, the venue is like thunderous applause and cheers!

CEM first debut, five team members all filled with confident smiles, rushing to the audience, enjoy the applause and cheers of everyone.

Following the FV club, the audience on the scene is also very good, although cheers is lower than the CEM team, but it is also very enthusiastic.

After all, the FV club is constantly in the special place, interacting with the major clubs, so it is also a good reputation in foreign players.

However, the speech on the foreign live broadcast platform is not so kind, and the "3: 0" and "CNIOINOOB" of the world are covered.

Obviously, most foreign spectators just feel that the FV club can be able to live, but do not recognize their competitive strength.

In most viewers' minds, this will be a no-suspected game, and the FV club is estimated to take a small points.

The FV Club's team members can't see the barrage. Of course, they will not be affected. They just enjoy the cheers and applause of the scene, waiting to use their own performance to conquer 20,000 viewers.

The eight strong games and the Fourth Race didn't have so many flowers, and the competition quickly entered the BP link.


At the same time, Yu Qian has just got up.

Open the TV, take out the potato chips and cola on the sofa, just see the BP link of the two teams.

The barrage is still very confusing, and the players have become a group.

There is a yin and yang, GOG is self-entertainment, there is a non-stop brush "to come back", there is a refueling to the FV team, and there is no obstacle experience.

Obviously, Yesterday's GOG opening warfare, Longyu Group invited the GOG's player, today, there is a GOG player running to the IOI game.

The result is that the barrage of the two games cannot be seen.

Yan Qian also speechless, but he just turned off the bar, just saw a string of question marks on the screen.


"FV is so iron? Put the chaos?"

"There is a total of four games in the group competition."

"The FV club should not be because there is no training game, so I don't know how to change this hero? It is not right, even if you don't play training, you should also see a group match?"

"I understand, maybe fv feels anyway to be 3: 0, and you can find an excuse, which seems to be due to vegetables, but because BP issues lose. This wave, this wave of fv Fifth floor! "

"You can live a live broadcast, go to eat breakfast, then come back to see the second game after 30 minutes!"

"I really have your FV!"

"I have seen the next script, chaotic badges are born in 20 minutes, and the three waves will end the competition."

"Who is the coach of the FV Club? This is the same, is afraid to be in the water? Still talking in Los Angeles accommodation conditions, the brain rusts?"

"The coach seems to be ... Old Week? Lying, isn't this the secondary DGE club?"

"Ha? Play GOG to run to be the main teaching? Just think about Nima, no wonder the chaos! This is not playing GOG ah!"

Before the bar, several people were unhappy, and the repeated words were attacked. They were like groups of groups, but the BAN is over, the CEM directly grabs the "chaotic bad luck", the scripture is immediately Uniform.

The whole color is all singing the FV Club!

Many people noticed that the coaches of the BP in Top BP are Zhou Pengyuan.

As a former GOG star player, Zhou Peng came to Los Angeles, and did not appear in the field of view.

This is his first time I boarded the BP. As a result, I got this version. I recognized the chaos of the purple side.

Yu Qian is a bit curious, and I have searched a hero of "chaotic bad luck".

This is a new hero of IOI. The shape is a dark cloud. It is a distance hero but the range is only a little bit higher than the near-war. It is strong in the middle and late period. It has an output, Once you enter the group battle stage is almost a win.

A total of four games in the group competition, then the team came out of the team, no exception was hammered.

Everyone thinks this hero should buy a house in Ban, which will never appear in the knockout. As a result, I didn't think that the FV club came up.

Yu Qian is also unfortunate, the FV club can, fight!

This kind of style, let Yan Qian think of the legendary three-shred male five to the Rio, highlight a head iron and don't want to win.

Yan Qian chews potato chips, while looking down the game.

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