Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 808 3: 0 Tell (four more monthly tickets!)

In the background lounge of the FV club, Yan Jing, Baoxao, Wu Yue is also concerned with the situation of the game.

The audience feels that the chaotic bad luck is very out, but people in the lounge don't think so.

Because this is a tactical arrangement in advance.

Although the hero of chaos, the hero is very powerful, but as long as the long-term powerful line heroes with a hand, you can directly train the wild, you can train all the way, the development of chaotic desperation The group is sent.

Previously, the team's team fails to make the chaos, mainly thinking is unclear, not enough, always let it develop to twenty minutes, then playing with playing.

FV and SUG members have repeatedly practiced a lot of bureaistics, including how the chaotic transportation is counterinated, and the other party obviously has no psychological preparation, and FV can be said to be ten nine stable.

The game officially started, just like a sophisticated machine, the FV club is in accordance with Zhou Pengyuan's designed tactics to perform every link.

At the beginning, I opened it to detect the other party to play the wild, I've rushed to the road after I was able to hit the wild. At the same time, I went to the long hand hero of my own, I went crazy to put the chaotage and violent transportation to the tower. I just arrived. The two people perfect tower directly kill chaos bad luck!

Before the enemy's wilderness changed the brush road, the two people on the FV have been ranked.

The players who control the chaotic markes are obviously being smashed. After the resurrection, they only dare to eat soldiers in the tower, and they were unable to live by the other people's long-handed heroes.

CEM is falling into two difficulties, does not help, chaos bad luck will be pressed down in the tower, the hero restraint plus a bloody advantage is basically played; help, once he is squatted by the opponent, it is a sudden explosion in Zhongshang. The whole game is over!

In the eyes of the game, it can be played in the play, the people in the lounge, all of which are all over, and a heart is completely relaxed.

Yan Jing super-emotion: "It's okay, I thought I saw that we would choose this lineup, and the result did not have any vigilance. Maybe they see that our lineup will still feel a fog Water? "

Wu Yue has not been involved in daily training, so I saw that the tactical implementation of my own tactics also felt a little surprised: "Choose a single-line suppressed hero plus a wilderness of the Yue Tower, you can infinite the chaotic bad luck, in this, other How do you think of the team? "

Yan Jing, smiled: "Wu, this is certainly not so simple."

"A complete tactic is very complicated, but it is not a simple restraint like the beast. A tactical thing is that the paper is talking to the paper or the key is the details and data calculations."

"First, the two hero we have chosen is a cold bench hero. Before the debut rate is very low, many teams that are superstitious and strong will not consider; secondly, we have a large pre-preparation around the tactics, including the study of the other party brush Wild route, do a good job in the field of vision detection, the trip of the field, frequent blood volume to ensure the blood volume of the small soldiers, etc. Conditions, etc .; Finally, in order to facilitate the Yue Tower, we have a special defense carving, just able Blood escape will not be made into one. "

"Chaotic bad luck This hero is very weak, even if it is in the tower, it is weak. If it is other hero, we will definitely not choose the second-level Vietnamese."

"More importantly, we have studied that most IOI teams are not deeply understood by the damage and mechanism of the defensive tower, and mistakenly think is safe. But in fact, IOI this game defensive tower is very high. But there is no imagination, just let the small soldiers pick the first tower, then use the skill to avoid the damage of the final defense tower, it is enough to kill the chaotic bad luck ... "

Wu Yue listens to the heart of Cheng Yue, frequent nodding.

Obviously, this is the power of the data!

Other teams may also think of the development of its development of chaotic errors, but they don't think of the second-level direct strip at all in the absence of corresponding data support.

Yan Jing has continued: "It is also the tactics that GOG once has appeared. If it is the previous version of IOI, this is the risk of the Tower, but the new version of IOI is fine-tuned, and then the brush speed, the game of GOG can be played. I used it. "

"It can only be said that we are also good with the version of the company's version of the company."



Yan Qian took the hand of the potato chip in half, and did not send it to his mouth.

Because of the live game on TV, he has completely can't understand!

The FV team is directly in the unlimited military training. This chaotic bad luck is shaking in the tower. The teammates are not coming. The teammates are dead, highlighting a terrible.

The CEM team is obviously being smashed. Teammates don't know if they don't help him, don't help it, this chaotic bad luck will definitely fry the line, it is completely developed; help, it may also be fried together.

In the repeated hesitation, a step will be lost.

And the opposite FV club is like a precision machine, five players, five parts perfectly run, step by step, the huge advantage of map resources, grabs, and the huge advantage of the road.

In the end, in just 25 minutes, the FV club directly put the CEM waves and ended the battle with the huge economic advantage of rolling the snowball.

The first game is directly destroyed, and the two parties are changed to 1: 0!

The game temporarily annihilated, and the two sides came back to the lounge to rest. The lens gave the CEM team members, and they had completely disappeared with confidence and pride, and they were confused and confused.

Haven't seen this game!

Previously, in the group, it was good to feel good. As a result, he suddenly felt that he played with the group of games today, it was completely IQ suppression, and it was strongly can't make it, and it was punched by the other party.

The most terrible thing is that the coach does not necessarily know how to play the next two games.

If the transmission is just because of the hero of chaos, the next game can fall, but this time the game is obviously being opened without dead corner. From the performance of the first game, both parties are tactics. It is not a grade for arrangements and details. How do you play?

The CEM team did not expect the first game to be a good one, and the weak team recognized by all the civil society was hung by a weak team. It was difficult to accept this fact.

On the TV in front of Yan Qian, the wind direction of the bar has also changed.

Before questioning, why did the sound of chaotic bad luck have completely disappeared, and the full screen is 6666 or the like.

Even before, it is not to bring the rhythm of the rhythm.

This game is very good!

Unlike the team of the team, the FV club chose a pre-line lineup. If you don't say it is dry, the second level began to kill people, repeated military training, and then crazy invading, put a clean area, snowball Get fast, there is no chance to give your opponent!

Even finally abuse, the light, highlight a arrogant.

In fact, the company's new revision of IOI is to speed up the game rhythm, strengthen confrontation, and improve the game's ornamental, and the FV club is to show the new version of the characteristics, highlight a violent person.

Looking at it, the chaotic bad luck in the invincible was repeated by the FV. Five minutes, I can't wait to die. Two, the audience has an inexplicable happiness.

These days were ridiculed "cnioinoob" in these days, and finally spit out!

But everyone knows that this is the first game of BO5, or it is still not blindly optimistic. The FV Club This is a restraint method of chaotic bad luck, which is equivalent to put a big trick and won.

The next game fell to the chaotic badge Ban, how would be better than the winner, and it is not known.

Players who have been in China IOI have been gray, and there is a feeling of life, and once again, the spirit will continue to watch the next game!


Los Angeles, the game scene.

Zhao Ximing looked at the FV team to ruin the victory, and the shocked expression was overflowed.

During the two hours of the game, Zhao Xuming is inexplicably illustrative of this world!

The explanation of the scene is the official explanation of the company, the English word is circular, very passionate.

On the big screen, the power of the purple side has attacked the blue square high, and the final battle is in the final battle.

"CEM first poured one, unpacking, FV started to chase! The miracle did not happen, CEM at the end of the third game tried to play a wave of perfect group battle to save his own destiny, but because of the vision of the FV in advance. Loss! "

"FV always maintains a perfect formation, just like invincible chariots, so that CEM is extremely desperate!"

"Unfortunately, this is a game that cannot be loaded into the history. Because this game is only over 25 minutes, this battle is so crushed to us hard to judge, because we seriously underestimate the FV The strength, or because CEMs play a malfunction because some unknown reasons? "

"But no matter what, the FV team who is not optimistic in front of the game has shown their scum in this game. It has proved its strength with three hearty victories. Maybe all the opponents must re-assess. The true strength of this Oriental team, obviously, they are amazing as the performance in the game and their performance on the twine! "

The English explanation of the scene is not a beautiful word, and the FV club is pulling.

Obviously, today's competition has been fully conquered, even challenging their awareness of this game.

Zhao Ximing fell into a confused state, almost thinks that he has an illusion.

FV actually hit the opponent 3: 0, killing four?

And every time it is more than 25 minutes, it is quick to kill, and the scene is completely fell!

In the game, the FV Club showed two different styles:

During the time of the line and the snowball, all players did not complete their tasks as the robot, almost couldn't see any mistakes;

Once you enter the dominant period, they will be extremely aggressive, the Yue Tower, the shock, and abuse, it is simply not to see the opposite side, and the lives of the finals become a desperate place!

Obviously, this is what the strength of both parties and a significant gap between the game understanding.

Zhao Ximing was originally waiting for the FV club to be 3: 0, let the water army invited, and the FV actually gives the opposite 3: 0!

Those who have prepared before, all are white!

Now Zhao Ximing's only feeling is to understand.

Is the FV team not just a team that is almost the strength of SUG? To say that it is a explosion, but 3: 0 blood abused European and American teams, what happened?

Zhao Ximing even suspected that the five people in the FV team were always secretly secretly secretly, otherwise how can this change in the sky in such a short period of time?

Not only is Zhao Ximing, I don't understand, Longyu Group, the head of the company, but also the audience in the world, not understand.

The total wave operation has been completely touched to their knowledge blind zone.

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