Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 809 is embarrassed, the training is full (big chapter)

At the same time, far in the "culprit" in Beijing, Yan Qian, is silently drinking a happy house, thinking about life.

It is winter, the sunrise is late, and the alarm clock will climb up at 5 o'clock in the morning, and the sky is still black.

As a result, the three games were played for an hour and a half, hit to 6:30, and the outside is not completely bright!

This BO5 hits, highlights a fast, after the play, there is a kind of "what happened to this?"

Yan Qian originally thought that FV was cleaned 3: 0, the result is completely contrary!

Is it ... Where is the problem?

I was in the past because I have a little bitter, and now I have a completely expecting thing, I'm even a little bit of doubting that I am not awake, is it dreaming.

The next BO5 has been started in the live stream, but it is clear that the bulletians are still immersed in the last game.

Yan Qian brushed the forum with confusion, and wanted to see the response of netizens.

The naked eye in the forum is full of joy.

"3: 0 is still abused! Excellent gas, too well!"

"These European and American teams still look down on people? Still not to train with FV? Is there no now?"

"Laughing, this is the European old trip CEM in front of the game, how can you touch it? Do you like to play the heroes, then give you a hammer!"

"I found that FV people's mentality has a hand, obviously felt that the attitude of these team members of CEM after the first game was finished, completely did not do psychological preparation, being hired."

"Indeed, it seems that the first bureau is fully targeted in tactics, but it is the best way to express the CEM, and there are fewer self-abandonment, and the operation is deformation."

"It's just like dreaming, it's definitely 3: 0 before the game, the result can think of it is 3: 0? , fv !"

"I spurted the FV Waste Club, I apologize! Now I look at the FV absolutely practice, and I practice a lot, otherwise how can I make this so fast in such a short time? I also study the play of chaotic bad luck?"

"Yes, FV is like a team, it is like a team, take a bone!"

The sand carving netizens on the forum began to be crazy. All the yin and yang strange and singing the post were attacked by the group. The post before the malicious stepped FV was all dug, repeatedly.

Electronic competition is such a thing, it is blown well, and it is not good to be spray. As long as there is a grade, there is a black name can also be positive and meaningful, and the team that can win can be.

The FV club is not optimistic. It should be a recognized strong team. As a result, the performance is played, and the opponent is crushed 3: 0. This performance is not too blowing.

Moreover, many people are so excited because they are suppressed!

The two domestic team groups did not appear. The external network has been brushing "cnioinoB", plus FV is exposed to the training competition, and many domestic audiences feel a bit can't start.

And the performance of the FV club, slammed the face of the blacks, but also let all domestic players pierce a!

There are a lot of people to express the foreign network comments, I want to see how foreigners blow FV, and many people have explained FV from all aspects of tactics, details, operations, and implementation. Where is it, why can I get 3: 0 to win the CEM.

When I saw the game, the situation on the field was very varied, and many details were noticed.

In most viewers, only FVs are just like hobs, but they don't want the CEM why only passive beat, completely weak.

Many viewers on the Internet are also angry and sprayed CEM, saying that they play malfunctions, mentality garbage, and the key Eight-strengthenings have not been played out.

This is also normal, after all, I want to recognize that others are very difficult to understand.

However, with various professionals on the reap and analysis of these three games, the powerful secrets of the FV club have begun to gradually surface.

From the BP link targeted tactical arrangement, to the execution of the player in the competition, then to the preceptive situation, it is finally strengthening support, robbing the snowball capabilities of the map resources ...

Seeing these replications analysis, netizens couldn't help but feel: fv is so thin, too fine!

If there are countless details, let each other have no strength.

Is CEM playing? There is indeed this factor, after all, the first game is completely hit, no effort, the CEM that is confident before the game is a heavy blow, which clearly affects the mentality of the next two games.

But the mentality problem is definitely not the main reason why they lose this BO5.

After reading the reputation analysis, most netizens reached a consensus. What is the mentality problem, this is the strength problem, that is, it is!

CEM did not have an opportunity, but FV is like a iron drum, in the economic leading situation, no matter whether it is a horizons or promoted, the CEM can't find the opportunity, and forcibly go to play.

So they lost their games very devastated, which did nothing to do with the operation, completely the game understanding!

All the forums are all filled with this happy atmosphere, and even no one discusses the next BO5.

Most people think that fv is mostly taken away by 3: 0, a round of tour, but now, as long as it continues today's performance, it should be no big problem, and even the champion has hope to fight. a bit!

At this moment, some netizens found that the FV club has issued a new Weibo.

This Weibo is very short: CNIOI, rush!

On the picture is a science-fantic fantasy fighter (in actually "mission and choice" original painting), the tail sprayed light blue flame, the entire space seems to have a slight distortion because of the speed of too fast.

The head of the fighter has the LOGO of the FV club, and the wing of the fighter is the other two domestic clubs.

Many netizens saw the FV new Weibo, and thought that the live Weibo is, such as thrown the CEM into the trash.

According to the habit before the FV, there is no match to fight other teams, now 3: 0, this is not allowed to ride, the whole big life?

However, the content of this Weibo is unexpected to everyone.

There is no taunting any other team, but in turn carries up the domestic war teams who have been eliminated by the two groups.

This microblogging below immediately increased rapidly.

"FV !!!"

"I have been winning, I have to see 3: 0 next week?"

"The foreigner deliberately hugs will not give the training competition, but also said that the domestic IOI team dishes, but fortunately you have enough to fight, if you don't have you, the next year is probabulous, you can't get out of the 'NOOB' ' ! "

"Faster, I want to see the new VLOG!"

"The other two teams come over to FV, don't you pay?"

"CNIOI's last hope, FV will rush!"

For the FV club in Weibo, the domestic players are not particularly like.

Because the traditional virtues of the Chinese are humble, low-key, this kind of public behavior represents immature, it is not happy, once lost, will be recorded after the autumn.

Moreover, the FV club is not divided into domestic and foreign countries. It can be used in the system. The previous "I and my teammates" The Weibo did not stabbed the other two team fans.

But this microblog after the eight strong games, but let the FV club's public opinion is completely reversed!

The team of these three countries represents the domestic IOI circle, although the FV team won, but did not forget the other two clubs, but also arranged a position on the wing.

Obviously, the FV club is not aimed at anyone, just for the program effect.

In addition, the two teams don't work, is it difficult to fight? That is meaningless.

If you lose, you will beat it, you are shameful and brave, this is the right attitude.

What's more, the other two cents did not take FV as a person, and never thought about sharing tactics with FV, did not show any kindness, since everyone played each, what would be careful about their ideas?

And the latest Weibo is precisely the broad manifestation of the FV club, which helps the other two levels have greatly reduced the pressure of public opinion, but also face the "cnioinoB".

The anger of the domestic players is nowhere to vent, all in an angry club, but now FV will win, everyone will praise FV, naturally, there is no mood to continue the two .

Instead, many people think that there is nothing to be very guilty, they do their best, and simple is not possible.

In addition, those photos and VLOGs that are frequent before the FV club have no people, but they are in the reminder, please increase your strength!

Since I come to Los Angeles, the three photographers in the FV club are constantly shooting a variety of photos and short video upload microblogging, not less "late night to detoxification."

The team members who saw the FV actually enjoy such a good environment, most people are very acid.

Are you going to play, or have a tour?

But after winning the game, this mentality is all free, and the netizens have said that the game is good, eat well, live five-star hotels should be!

Even hope to send more photos and VLOGs in the official, so that everyone can better understand the life and training of the FV Club in Los Angeles.

Just then, a new post raised a hot discussion.

"Insider information! It is said that FV will go to Los Angeles to go to Los Angeles, and Longyu Group does not care about them! "

"Today, I have a big meal today. Many people may be wondering why FV clubs go abroad is also a luxury hotel, but other clubs have never sent these things, not because other clubs are low-key, and It is because another hidden love! "

"The official of the company is to arrange accommodation before the start of the game, so according to the normal itinerary, it should be to the Los Angeles before the start of the game. Longyu Group is worried that the domestic team has not achieved bad, so he will discuss the pocket, advance the domestic club Every week, let them go to Los Angeles to adapt to the environment as soon as possible, play training. "

"However, Longyu Group did not invite FV Club at all!"

"As for why, the reason is very simple, the FV this team is originally not dealtled. When the qualifier, everyone knows that FV is the club of the total investment, and the finger company and Longyu Group are directly competitive relationships, both sides It has been a friction on the interest, so I don't want to see the first seed of FV. "

"So, although the FV club is as a week in Los Angeles as in advance of the other two clubs, it is completely self-funded, and there is no training game with the other two domestic clubs. From accommodation to daily training, all are yourself ! "

"Even after the official start of the game, the finger company provides accommodation, FV is not accepted, but it is still at your own expense."

"Said, I am shocked when I hear this news, but fortunately, the FV team called, if it is because there is no training game to be 3: 0, then they are definitely used as a seed. Upstairs, it is estimated that no one will care about this. "

"I can only say fv good, Long Yu Group BISS!"

When this post came out, I immediately got a very high heat, and I was repeatedly quoted and discussed by netizens!

Longyu Group has a relatively insider's news, but people in the IOI TV circle basically know that they can't hit.

Before Wu Yue, I would like to expose this thing online, but I was stopped by the Manager, because the game has not yet hit it, it will not have the effect.

The FV Club does not say that others will naturally not fight for them. Moreover, when FV in the entire IOI e-sports circle is not honest, it is willing to be too small for their people.

But now FV has won the eighth game with 3: 0 achievements, these things are very suitable for the autumn, saying it.

And without Wu Yue himself stands out, naturally, there will be a path that I can't see.

Although this post does not have a stone hammer, the content is basically eight or nine, and some of the spider marts in reality can be fully placed.

Many netizens have been watching the FV Club's Weibo, which is also suspected that the company can arrange such a good accommodation environment, but there is not much thinking.

Now, in connection with this post, it is really a problem.

It turns out that such a good condition is not the head of the company, but the FV club is at your own expense!

As for the money, it is also used? How can the FV club such a small club can be so extravagant, this money is definitely out!

Such a contrast, Longyu Group and Tengda are simply tall!

A small gas, a generous; a small belly, a breast, wide!

Angry players immediately gave the Longyu Group to a dog blood.

Differencing this kind of key moments, in case, the FV club has played an ordinary, and the eight strong tour is swimming. Who is this responsibility?

And strictly, these two domestic clubs are not innocent.

Obviously these two cents have not considered the FV club, as a brother team, even if privately sneak two training competitions, give FV to provide point tactical support?

Although this practice is completely useless with the strength of the FV club, this two clubs have nothing, this is not the ability, but attitude issues.

Obviously, these two domestic clubs have not hesitially standing on the Longyu Group, and did not treat FV as a brother team.

The FV club has chosen to complain with morality. After successful promotion of the top four, there is no microblog, but a photo of "take-off" very generously, bringing these two cents to the victory of "CNIOI" .

Such a comparison, it is simply tall and judge!

The FV club is responsible for the weight, and there is no relative of Los Angeles. It is still hard to train, and the image of the achievement is achieved with his own efforts and sweat.

Of course, Long Yu Group and the other two cents did wrong?

In fact, from the perspective of interest, it can be understood.

Longyu Group didn't want to make the heat to Tengda and GOG, which was concerted to the FV team; and the other two clubs did not dare to get ruling in the Longyu Group, this is all affordable.

But because of this, it is not easy to put the victory lining of the FV team.

So, the entire network has set off a storm in an instant, and the players do not help but say, and the Longyu Group is a mad!


Yan Qian high strength and melon, people have a little dizzy.

This is also?

The negative news before the FV club is all reversed!

Even the microblogging, the whole activities, etc., but also all become the topic of netizens, no one is black!

Occasionally, several watermasters are not in the forum. I want to bring a rhythm. I immediately sprayed the whole family, pressing the friction on the ground.

The excellent performance of the FV club conquered the vast majority of passers-by, so the water force of the anti-wind output was in a absolute disadvantage, and it didn't play it.

Yan Qian can't help but feel emotion, these water troops, business levels still can't.

In fact, Yu Qian is correct for the attitude of these water troops. It's nothing more than some jumped beams, there is no one in the Internet, and it is impossible to put them in the past, and it will only make you feel uncomfortable in the past.

As a result, these water troops are not moving, and Yan Qian is a little sorrowful and angry.

How can you get the money from Longyu Group?

The spans are this? Take a job!

Yu Qian is very embarrassing, silently eats the potato chips, brush a teeth, decided to go back to sleep back.


At the same time, the FV team members have returned to the background lounge, preparing to leave the venue to return to the hotel.

Everyone is full of exciting expressions on their faces.

After coming to Los Angeles, everyone is late every morning. In addition to sleeping food, they are concentrated, and now I will take a 3rd and 3: 0 cleanliness, it is also the previous payment.

Want to come to Yangzhou, you should also feel the sincere gratification?

Wu Yue hugs one by one: "It's great! But everyone must quit arrogance, go back to rest today, and train tomorrow."

The teams nodded and did not have any objections for Wu Yue's arrangements.

The next game is a four-week competition after a week, but everyone dares to relax.

Although today's game is a victory that is ruining, but since ancient times, arrogant defeated. During the World World, all teams practiced crazy, progress, as long as there is any kind of loose, it is possible to catch up with the opponent or even surpass.

Under all four bodyguards, the team members sequently boarded the small bus and prepared to go back to rest.

Wu Yuemei hug mobile phone, check the comment on the domestic forum, looking at the rainbow fart on the fancy blowing the FV team.

Before a few months, he absolutely impossible to imagine this scenario: The FV club team became the final hope of domestic players on the stage of the World game, 3: 0 clean and neatly eliminated foreign prizes.

At this time, the phone with the leader is ringing.

After talking about the English, I said to Wu Yue. "Wu Zi, is the phone of the Fry team, I want to follow us about training."

Wu Yue was originally filled with a smile, and the moment was in an instant.

These people have blend them with the training competition?

Previous Fv teams have found several teams, including FRY, and these teams are good, and the unified caliber "Training is full", one is not willing to play.

As a result, I saw that the FV game was so fierce, and I wanted to explore the final training.

Wu Yue huh, smiled: "Oh, tell them an embarrassment, our training is already full."

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