Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 811 Colden Girl is closed! (Ask for a monthly ticket)

The idea of ​​automatic intelligent lifting bar machine is still awkward.

The cause is Otto Technology wants to launch a smart speaker for the artificial intelligence system on the mobile phone, which is also a boom that is built by this artificial intelligence assistant.

There have been several artificial intelligent audio on the market. It is basically two hundred to three hundred to three hundred or so, no more than 500 pieces.

, .

Just want to go to the direction of the run. It is a little guided: asking for two full automatic loungers, and the price should be taken directly to 2588, and the other smart speakers open the obvious gap.

In this way, should there be someone else?

In fact, so many times before the automatic lift bar machine, Qian is very magical, it is very difficult to understand.

This price is directly overward, but also integrates aeeis specially lifted with people, and considering that people who have bought the lifting bar will never buy one can only lift the bar ...

Can't you go out this?

Although the heart is very peaceful, Yan Qian is still very cautiously to enter the product details interface.

Seeing the poor bit number and empty empty comment area on the sales, Yu Qian can't help but let go.

Fortunately, this world is finally normal!

It is said that no one will buy.

However ... The common friends do not seem to deliberately promote this lifting bar, just a open screen advertisement in the Otto mobile phone mall?

Considering that the sales of OTTO mobile phones is not high, this open screen advertisement can be available.

Yu Qian was afraid of this, and hurriedly called his mobile phone.

"Hey? He is always, you also see the stable system update? Is there any indication?" Asked the merits.

Yan Qian said: "Well, I saw it, the contents of the system update are very good, completely reach my request. But don't be proud, our pursuit of user experience is never end."

The often said: "I understand, you will be relieved!"

The intention of Qian is to let the often do the best in these fine branches, saves him to get out of some new features, and back the secret.

"I see the automatic smart lifting bar is also sold, but there is no money to do too much money to do publicity, is it?" Yan Qian asked unsolicited.

Common friends quickly replied: "Ah, yes. Because there is no special propaganda because of the previous lifting bar, this time, it is still waiting for your instructions. If you feel that you need to propagate ......"

"No!" Yu Qian hurriedly interrupted, "You do very well, the automatic smart lift bar machine does not need any publicity."

"However, the propaganda is one thing, the stockings are another matter. Although there is no need to promote, but the stockings still have to hurry."

I didn't ask for us: "Good ."

Qian Qian also made a few words. For example, everyone is so hard to develop for so long, almost why should also give employees to rest, waiting for the next month, then re-invest new work, then hang up phone.

After the phone is finished, I am in my heart.

Evergreen is very good! Very good at understanding my intent!

This time did not promote the automatic intelligent lifting bar machine, and the possibility of selling it would be sold for a few points.

Take time stocks, all over, in the warehouse, so that I can spend a lot of money.

This machine is priced at 2588, just a few hundred units are millions of flowers, which is much better than before the first version of the lifting bar.

How will I don't talk about it, I have no problem with the money before this month's settlement?

Yu Qian was temporarily considering so long, first put the settlement of this cycle to the past.

After lunch, I have done a cup of coffee, and I will take the sun next to the floor-to-ceiling windows that touch the fish net.

"Well? Wrong."

"I have to look at the user's comments!"

As the saying goes, I was biting by the snake, and I was afraid of a well rope ten years. Numerous times have created the prudent character, although it has already been found in the heart, it will not sell it, but also see the poor sales in the mall, but Yan Qian still feels not insurance.

He began to view the user's review of the system update of Otto Mobile on the forum.

"Otto mobile phone system is updated! There is no development conference, silently push the update notice!"

"This update is much more, other mobile phone manufacturers don't have to open a conference, I also waited for my history, and I didn't develop a meeting."

"This system has a smooth and praise! Domestic mobile phone is finally done with pineapple mobile phones, this silk, completely can't stop!"

"Not just domestic mobile phones, other foreign III phones are basically can't do this level, Otto Technology is intentive."

"The spirit of this continuous grinding detail is worth learning from other mobile phone manufacturers. In fact, linear animation is not so difficult, see if it is not paying attention, is it to give enough time to do it."

"The camera system update is also very good, take a few photos, and the algorithm has significantly improved."

"The voice assistant is there, the name is also priest, but how do you feel that it doesn't take me? This attitude is a bit problem?"

Most comments are concentrated on systematic basic functions and linear animations, because this is the most intuitive change for most users: the smoothness is improved, and the brush mobile phone is more comfortable.

A few people are commented on the new camera system, spit aeeis this artificial intelligent voice assistant, almost no one is discussing the automatic intelligent lifting bar.

"Do you have such a system update?"

"But fortunately, everyone likes it does not make money, some of the profitable people are not concerned."

Seeing that no one cares about the Aeeis automatic smart lifting bar, and Yu Qian is relieved.

Obviously, most people have passed the enthusiasm of lifting bar machines, and they have basically bought initial products. If they don't like it, they will not buy new intelligent lifting bar.

Yan Qian got a breath, it seems that his concerns are a bit more.

The automatic intelligent lifting bar machine will definitely sell a few months this month, you can have a bold amount.



January 10th, Tuesday.

Yu Qian came out of the examination room, first went to the fish net to eat lunch, then picked up the notes straight to the self-study room.

I took a roll this morning. There is also a closed volume tomorrow morning, all over the exam, this semester is liberated.

As for the results of this morning ...

Not very good, the number of anyway, it should be written enough.

It is also necessary to give some volume points when you write so seriously.

Anyway, it has already been finished, and I don't want to make so much, the most important thing is to have a gun in the afternoon, and I will give it a good test.

Come to the self-study room, Yan Qian is still the same, put the mobile phone behind the position you can't touch.

However, when he just intends to put a mobile phone far, I will see a news push on the screen.

"Another net red restaurant declares a failure! The myth of the cold noodles is ended, and Meng Yicheng is executed!"

If it is a general news to push Yu Qian, it will definitely, but see this news, Yan Qian can't help but squat.

The cold face is cold? !

He hurriedly opened.

"Recently, the founder of the cold face, Meng Chang is listed by the court to the executive list, because the supplier has not paid more than one million yuan payment, and this should be just a cold side of the iceberg. According to industry analysts The cold-faced girl's debt may have reached millions of *** this unable to repay. "

"As an emerging Internet catering brand, the cold-faced girl has attracted countless consumers from the beginning of the creation, and a marketing event made the 'cold noodles' with the cold noodles. The concept is bundled, let people eat cold. The face is fashion, and it has also attracted people who investigates and set off a craze of the Internet's catering brand. It takes more than 300 million in just a few months. "

"However, this red drink brand seems to collapse overnight. According to the reporter, in the cold noodle girl in the emperor, the store is closed, and the 'suspension of the business will be closed, but there are no signs of opening the door for a few days. In the founder of the wind, the founder Meng Chang, did not respond to the public after the wind wave. "

Yu Qian was a bit incredible to repeatedly looked two or three times.

It is indeed a stone hammer news, not a small news!

The cold noodles and Meng Chang become a faith by the executive. This news must be true, and the cold-faced girl store closed, Meng Chang did not make any public response, but also confirmed this.

Yu Qian's impression of the cold face, still staying up last week.

At that time, there was a rumor of cold-faced girls on the Internet, and was also rumored by Meng Chang.

As a result, this is only more than a week. The so-called "rumors" become true, it is not uncomfortable.

In fact, if he is paying attention to it early, he will know these things earlier, but in addition to review, he is paying attention to the IOI finals on Los Angeles nearby, so information I lag behind.

Yan Qian came to the outside of the self-study room and called the congratulations.

"The cold face is closed?" After the phone was connected, Yu Qian asked directly.

He Zhisheng said: "Yes, the balance, I am going to report this matter. The cold face girl should be the money burned, but not more financing, so the fund chain has broken, there are several The arrears of the pen supplier can't. "

"Li always has just found me this morning, I want to ask your attitude towards this morning, I haven't given him a reply. Lee means that if you are still interested in cold girl, you can lead all The investor has a face, the sooner the better ... "

: "OK, then tomorrow afternoon."

"You go to notify Li and other investors, let investors who are not in Beijing also come to Yangzhou, discuss the problem of cold girl."

He didn't know why I didn't know why I had to choose this time tomorrow afternoon, and I didn't know what plans, but I didn't ask, just a bite promised.

Hanging up the phone, Qian returned to the self-study room.

In fact, I have no special reason tomorrow afternoon, it is simply because there is a closed toll test tomorrow morning.

Even if there is a big thing, you can't delay the exam, otherwise the review is not busy in this time. ?

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