Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 812 Cabbage Price (for the Alliance CZ, 1/10)

January 11th, Wednesday.

In the conference room of the dream venture capital, the investors waited for tea and waited for the sum of the generals.

Many of these investors have come from the emperor, and they don't know because the boat is still other than other reasons, and the face is not very good.

Li Shi strives to drive the atmosphere, but these investors see Meng Chang's eyes or hate to swallow him.

As for Meng Chang, it is an expression that "does not matter".

He is like being completely burned, although people arrive, but thoughts and souls don't know where they are floating.

Atmosphere at the scene, some stiffness.

Although in court, all investors will still talk, the cold is two, but everyone's face is miserable, can see that it is very good.

This is the reason in the reason, the money is free, can you be good?

Ordinary people buy stocks lose a thousands of pieces to be a few months, and they will not hate more than ten thousand, and the money of these investors will be calculated by millions.

Although the investment is risky, these investors are very clear, but who can think of Meng Chang looks great, such a conscious entrepreneur will make things?

Before and after, Meng Chang's cold face girl got at least 20 million investments. After the speculation, the valuation was specifically fried to nearly 300 million, and the result was defeated by Meng.

Investing people except for the shares of the cold-faced girl in his hands, there is no longer.

But now the cold side girl has been exploding all kinds of negative news, Meng Changcheng has become an executive, no one will pick up this rotten stall, these shares are already worthless.

How can these investors are not angry?

Of course, this is a business rule. How to get angry again in investors can not take Meng Chang, not to mention how to make Meng Chang, no way to squeeze money.

As for Meng Chang, he has lie flat.

Although he does not need to be responsible for the money of the investor, he stated that the debt of the cold face was responsible for the debt of the cold noodles. Now it has owed millions of suppliers. This money must be counted. Personal debt.

When there is a problem in the fund chain, Meng Chang, of course, also wants to do every way to find investment, want to save the fate of the cold noodles, but the total two times sell shares, the cold noodles have exploded a series of negative news, etc. Waiting for the incident seriously affecting the confidence of investors to cold-noodles.

The conditions of investors are very strict: do not sign an unlimited joint responsibility agreement, then there is no money.

Meng Chang refunded two difficulties, but such a hot money must not take, because he is very clear, this money does not take him, it is only a million debts, if you take it, it is estimated that it is necessary to pay a few billion yuan.

The longer the results, the more debts, the more you can't stop the message.

After becoming an executive, Meng Ji is very clear, the cold noodle girl has been finished. Even if it is the world, it is absolutely can't be saved.

In this case, then it is dying, and the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, this debt is slow, and other investors love to do it.

So the cold face actually became a dead office.

As for Li Shi, he is the best in the scene, in addition to the congratulatory victory.

Li Shi also voted a money, but he investd for a completely different reasons and motivation with other investors.

When I heard that the cold noodle girl was cold, Li Shi did panic, but the summary statement is willing to come forward, and Li Shi is infinite confidence.

A project, as long as the is not completely given up, then it can't say that it completely failed!

The scene is maintained in such a contradictory and subtle atmosphere, waiting for the sum of the generals.

Finally, a footsteps came outside.

The door of the conference room opened, and the door was said to a young man in a young man. "The whole, people are all right."

Everyone in the conference room immediately stood up, and he looked at the general eyes as a drowning person saw the last life of straw.

There is also an individual investor that there has been some special guess for the total time.

Investors will arrive in the morning, why is ? Is there any special meaning?

After all, there are too many stories and mystery in the army, and many of them are very ordinary, very reasonable, and there is a special meaning on the total.

Yan Qian waved his hand: "Hello everyone! Please take it."

The summary of the gongs, brought booming to the previously dead conference room.

The investment people can't help but wonder, I always have a happy event, so happy?

Listening to the public, I always have a man who is an angry, even when I earn hundreds of millions of blood in Dawak Group, I have not exposed too much happy expression.

Today is a full spring breeze, it is hard to earn more money than 500 billion?

These investors have a shortness of the momentum and invisible.

And there is only one idea in : I finally finished!

The last closed exam this morning, although the answer is not very beautiful, I still miss a few knowledge points when I review, but at least the eight nine nine, I will definitely be, the specific is 65 or 70, then Just look at God.

I have been reviewing for so long, I finally be relieved, can I not happy?

If you don't consciously, you will rise slightly and have been seen by everyone.

Yu Qian also didn't care, anyway, today he wants to understand the situation, see the situation to buy some spam assets, so that you will make money later, how do these investors don't matter.

Yu Qian sat down on the top seat, Li Shi and He Ziyin one left one, other investors were listed on both sides of the meeting table, Meng Chang was sitting in the side, and it was a bit like a criminal.

Li Shi said: "Some, I will briefly tell the current situation of the cold girl."

Listening to Li Shi's story, Yu Qian is about to figure out.

In short, the cold-faced girl is burning, can't get more financing, the money earned by the store is still not enough to support normal operation, so the valuation has collapsed, and the shares in the hands of the investors are not worth it.

There is no half-child false in these words, and no one dares to deceive the general. After all, this information can be verified as long as the congratulation is slightly verified.

It will only play the anti-effect in front of the summary, or the public can always give a good impression.

Everyone is waiting for the total number of words.

The current situation of the cold noodles is a dead bureau in everyone. It has already been determined to pay, who will continue to throw money in it? Yan has always earned a lot of millions through the cold side, and it is safe to get back, and there is no reason to return to this quagmire.

However, the first sentence of Yan Qian, let the people shocked the chin.

"How many cold girls in your hands are all right."

Investing people face each other, happiness is too sudden, there is no mental preparation between time.

Even the Meng Chang's eyes flashed a hit hope.

To say the shares, it is obvious that the shares in the founder of Meng Chang is the most, but more shares are no longer useless. According to the interpersonal, investors have the right to sell shares, and they don't come to him. But seeing the general meaning, it seems to be all shares?

If so, these shares in your hands can sell some, and I will return to my blood.

Of course, now sell shares at this time, definitely impossible to sell it again, mostly selling is low than the price of cabbage.

But you can sell it, at least part of the debt first.

Now Meng Chang has no longer fantasy financial freedom. He now just wants to make his debt can be less.

A investor raised his hand, and asked tested: "Torr, what kind of price is you planning to acquire shares?"

Yan Qian looked at the congratulations.

He said whisper in Qian Qian: "Torr, Meng Chang, the founder of Meng Chang, there are at least 40% of the shares, and Li Hand is not 30%. The cold girl is now in this situation, everyone's mental price will Very low, given a given to three or five million, it should be almost. "

: "Is there so much in Lee House?"

He is nodded: "Well, Li Tong has recently received a small share of shares at low prices, and the price is also very low."

Yan Qian looked at Li Shi, Li Shi returned to a smile.

Yan Qian has some speechless, and there is a preamble of Li Shi, and it will not sell the shares in his hand.

However, this is nothing to do. However, there is only 30% of the shares in Leeong, there is no impact on the control of the cold noodles. What's more, Yan Qian doesn't feel that the cold girl can make money in his own hands. The reputation of this brand is completely stinking.

Yan Qian said: "" 3 million bought all the shares of the cold girl, but the premise is that I have to buy more than 70% of the shares, otherwise it will not be bought. "

He didn't have much nonsense, and the number directly in accordance with the number of congratulations gave a maximum price.

According to the view of the congratulations, the cold-faced girl This company basically has no necessary rescue, letting it go bankrupt is the most rational choice. But since , then the congratulation will do this, or to estimate a suitable price.

Compared to the peak valuation of the cold noodles, 3 million just all the white vegetables have not, and these investors will get hundreds of thousands of people. It is almost ten times compared with the previous investment. .

But there are hundreds of thousands of thanks, if they don't sell, they can't find the next buyer, even hundreds of thousands.

Of course, if it is low, then it is a bit insulting, and these investors are likely to sell, but not beautiful.

After the price gives the price, these investors look at each other.

It is definitely dissatisfied with this number, but there is no way, most people know that it is very good to take a few hundred thousand.

Take the opening of this opening, directly on their psychological price, so uncomfortable.

Meng Chang's eyes have a hopes in the eyes: "Some, my shares, are you still?"

: "Of course, according to this price, the people don't refuse. But the cold face girl is a company created by the company, do you have to sell it?"

Anyway, it is a cabbage price, which is the same.

Meng Chang immediately nodded: "Sell!"

He is now carrying millions of debts. Although he only sells more than 100 million in accordance with the total bidding, it is not enough for these debts, but it will be a little bit.

I thought that the sale of these shares was enough to let myself achieve financial freedom, and the result is now just a million debt, and the intersection of Meng Chang is intertwined.

Ideal is very beautiful, but realism is a man.

Other investors have nothing to say, see Meng Chang's attitude, the cold girl is absolutely not saved, and these shares are also wasting in their hands.

And has already said, unless you can buy more than 70% of the shares, don't buy it, this also makes investors have no thoughts.

Forget it, you can run it.

Investors exchanged a few wave of eyes, eventually they have accepted.

Li Shi sold a small part, left two0% in his hand, Meng He is selling all the shares, at least a part of the debt.

As Meng Chang, this kind of person is impossible to be willing to be old, he is still looking forward to the day of all the debts to come to Dongshan.

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