Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 828 Gourmet Adviser (ask for a monthly ticket!)

January 17, Tuesday.

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Today is another day for spending money.

It is still half a month in the distance, and the pressure of is unprecedented.

The tree lazy apartment has earned a money with Fanglan's furniture, and the automatic smart lifting bar is sold. It repeatedly jumped into the cold side girl and sold the shares to earn a share. Selling Yes, and the IOI team sponsors the tens of thousands of knives that brew the money back.

If Yu Qian has long thought of a way, these money can really make him fainted on the spot.

In addition to the overhead of the normal operation of the departments, Yu Qian chooses to continue the big head of the money to the "mission and choice" project.

For Yu Qian, the smartest place in this project is that two of the most critical departments of Tenda Group are also responsible for Tenda Games and Flying Yellow Studios.

One game, a movie, is actually two projects, but it is considered a project on the system, successfully drilling the system.

The system stipulates that only one project can be extended to the next cycle, and Yu Qian has doubled the amount of funds that can be absorbed by the game and movie.

Since it extends to the next cycle, this cycle can smash more money, as long as it is too large, the next cycle cannot be completed, then there is no problem.

Therefore, Zi Qian called Hu Xianbin and Huang Sibo, respectively, and said that it is more tens of millions of funds to give them a lot of money here, let them think about what this project can spend money, must have this The money is all used.

Huang Sibo is also awkward, this movie is very good, suddenly the sky is fortified?

However, the total task must be completed, so I have to hurry how to improve the budget, put this money well.

I didn't have a phone call, and I called again.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem with the cold face girl?" Yu Qian was very vigilant, and asked in the understanding.

He Shengsheng: "You have a rest assured that all the cold noodles are all smoothly, and it is nothing big in accordance with what you mean."

"I mainly want to report about Meng Chang, you should not pay attention to it before."

:: "Oh, Meng Chang. You said."

After the cold face is closed, Meng Chang sells all the shares of the hand to Tengda, and also filled a small part of the liability.

But even so, Meng Chang is still carrying millions of debts, still being an actor's identity.

Yu Qian took the initiative to pay the supplier's payment, transfer Meng Chang's debt relationship to Tengda.

In other words, Tengda is now Meng Chang's creditor.

I asked Meng Chang, and He was also investigated. He said that Meng Chang was obviously not dead, and went to find a lot of investors to go up again, but all have a closed door. Even important positions such as some companies should hire executives, but also all failed.

According to the reason, the victory or defeat is a frequent event, Meng Chang has failed, but the individual's ability is still, why is there anyone wants?

Because Meng Chang, before the creation of a cold-faced girl, it was in the foundation, his resume is nothing more than a famous school, and the big company marketing department works.

If you got a money from the dream, he really didn't see such a big booth.

In other words, Meng Chang actually overd its future in the process of operating cold-faced girls.

Now the cold side girl completely failed, and the investment in Meng Chang has been very miserable. Meng Chang, the founder of Meng Chang put his entrepreneurial potential, naturally, no more opportunities.

He Zi Sheng said: "The whole, Meng Chang should also understand that he is already in the road. He has a lot of emperors in the Emperor East, and the South Wall hits it all, and it should be awake."

"You are willing to reach out, this is already the best opportunity for him."

"So, he said that it is willing to work to work, just unclear what he is responsible for, how much wages can be taken. ..."

It seems that this Meng Chang is really a way to go.

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However, Meng Chang has another way, and it will never run to Tenda to do things.

However, it is safe, and Yan Qian also likes Meng Chang's spending capacity.

At this point, Meng Chang is the most satisfactory, no one.

The only problem is that Meng Changhuahua is more fast, but the moving movement is also very strong, responsible for marketing work, I am afraid I will let Yan Qian's situation in the snow.

At this time, it takes a little in reverse thinking.

Meng Chang is so marketing, knowing how to spend the most money to play the best marketing effect, then in turn, he should also know how to spend the most money to the worst marketing effect?

Just like learning from 100 points, you can easily test 0 points. Learning slag 0 points is not easy, because he doesn't know that the correct answer will not be accurately avoided, what do you mean?

,,: . "

"As for his salary, you tell him, definitely not less. But how to send the salary, or to interview, I plan to give him two different payroll models to make him self-selected: one is high-solar salary The other is a low-end salary, let him decide. "

"How to carry out specific work ... I personally teach him personally."

He said well: "Good, I will tell him."


At the same time, the emperor.

Qi Hao won the winner of the yesterday's winner, please go to the store of the cold noodles, so life.

As in Qi Hao, there are many stall owners who refuse to join the cold girl's joining invitation.

Because these stall owners are small, they are small, and they will be able to rush to rose the leadership. Business is good. And most of them are locals, the soil is difficult to collect, and naturally do not want to change the place to change the place.

But there are still few young stalliggers, willing to talk to Qi Qi, think about it after understanding the situation.

The same is the owner, and the situation is different.

These stalligars are generally more young, and there are still some embarrassment and expectation in the future, and the career is not completely worn.

They intend to listen to Qi Qi, if the conditions given are enough to make people feel, they can also consider spelling for a few years.

Success is good, maybe you can earn a lot of money to make a lot of money; failure doesn't matter, you can't play it back and continue to stall.

Among these people, a silhouette called Zhang Yahui, and people are young, only twenty-six. Because the family conditions are not good, they drop out of school with their parents. The brain is more flexible. I like to study myself. The roast cold face is very famous in the local area. Everything I have eaten.

This time, the food contest, he did the praise of the evaluation of the judges.

Qi Yan explained to everyone: I hope I can hire a cold girl's food consultant. The usual work is to drive all kinds of dietary practices and tastes, as much as possible to produce the snacks of them in a more processful way.

For the warners, this work is favorable.

The draw is that the wages of this work are more than the income of their own stalls, and they will be slightly lower, and they are coming to the emperor, and the daily daily overhead will be higher.

The advantage is that this job is much easier than their own stalls, and this is also a good opportunity to say that there is a better development prospect.

Although you are making more yourself, it is also very tired. I will be greedy early, I have been working late in the morning, almost can't rest, not to mention various bursts, income is very unstable.

In this side, I do "food consultants", work towards nine nights, relax and a lot, and maybe there will be better development prospects. If you can make a name, the future revenue may be much higher than the stall.

The owners weigh the pros and cons, which is very hesitant, and it is difficult to make a decision between rush.

Zhang Yahui is obviously inclined to accept this job.

His idea is that he is still very young, you can't limit your future now, and you will put it in the small city for a lifetime?

Although there is nothing wrong with stalls, it is also a lot of money, but Zhang Yahu is still more inclined to the latter than a decent job in the big city.

Zhang Yahui is very clear, it is very easy to return to the small city from the big city, but it is very difficult to climb to the big city from the small city.

The cold-faced girl's invitation is undoubtedly an opportunity to go to the big city standing, missed, it is estimated that there will be no more since.

Zhang Yapu considers a moment and says: "I am more satisfied with your conditions. But ... I am a little worried that I can compete for this position."

"Can I first understand the specific work of 'Food Consultants'? The city to change life is not a small thing. In case of a bias, we will be very embarrassing."

Other stalligates have nodded and agreed.

Many of the owners are actually a heart, but they have not promised immediately, because because they are not confident.

They feel that they are just a stall, but also when "Gourmet Advisers"? It is not reliable. In case it is done for two months, the cold noodles also repented this side, what to do with myself?

I thought about it: "This is good. You first look at the cold noodles of the cold noodles, analyze the problem, and then give some points. As long as you can improve the taste of the cold noodles, you will be competent Work, we are trying to hire, you are also assured to work, how? "

Zhang Yapu nodded: "Okay."

This is equivalent to a simple interview, improving the taste of the cold surface is the content of the interview. The interview is over, and the two sides will be more basic.

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