Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 829 enhances the method of baked cold noodles (CZ, add more 4/10)

Qi Yan came to the back kitchen who came to the cold side girl with the soldiers.

Although other stall owners are not good at grilled cold noodles, but they all followed. They want to see how Zhang Yahui "pointing", "the so-called" food consultant "is responsible for what work.

After Qi Hao simply explained the chef, the chef immediately started to make the cold surface.

Zhang Yahui and other stall owners came around and looked carefully.

Before this kitchen, I also met Zhang Yahui and these stall owners. I have to be a bit uncomfortable in front of them. Since I have demanded, I am still in the past. do.

Zhang Yahui saw very serious.

Although he told this big kitchen food competition, it was a roasted cold face, but because each other was busy doing a cold noodles, he did not pay attention to others, so Zhang Yahui did not know the cold face of the cold face. How did it make it.

Now, after nearly watching, the roast cold noodles here are the biggest difference between the hardware and cold noodles, which is "accuracy".

A simple example, the big kitchen uses the timer to record the baking time, and the temperature of the grilled cold surface will be measured with the temperature measurement needle, and the eggs will be made after the appropriate temperature will be made.

When Zhang Ya Hui made a roast cold surface, he relied on experience. However, he is more than a day, and it has made too many grilled faces, so even if these tools do not have these tools, there will be no too much gap every time.

Qi Yan did not pay too much about the roasting of the cold surface, but a little attention to the expression of the chefs and the soldiers.

The chef is a high-paying hiring of Meng Chang. It is a hotel in the hotel, although not at the level of a five-star chef, but also a leisure generation.

After all, the cold face has so many marketing costs. Just squeeze out, you can ask for a more expensive chef. Meng Chang has been advocating the taste of the girl, if you find a general chef, it will not pay.

But the high-paying chef, the roasted cold surface made is more than the owner of the roadside, and it seems that the consumers who seem to buy are not much, which is a problem that Qi Yizhen has always been comprehensively.

The roast cold noodles will soon be done well, and the chef cuts the roast cold surface according to the standard process, and then put it behind the plate.

"Ok." The big kitchen said to Qi.

I nodded, saying that the soldiers said: "Everyone tastes, what opinions can be mentioned."

The stall owners each clamned a piece and tasting.

Zhang Yahui said: "Well, it is indeed the same as the previous contest judges, the water control is not very good, the taste is a bit tough, not soft enough, as for the problem of vinegar ... It is ok, no judges are so serious."

The chef is silent for a moment, explained: "I also added a little vinegar today."

Obviously, yesterday's review is also more inhabited, the chef also heard the opinion. Today, I added a little vinegar today, improve the taste of the grilled cold noodles.

The chef said to Zhang Yapu: "If you do it, let me learn?"

Zhang Yahui said: "Learning is not darent, I just have too much grilled cold face, I also care, there is a little care."

Zhang Yahui's mouth is modest, but it is still changing with the big kitchen. After pouring the oil, pick up a face of the roasted surface begins to make it.

This time is a big chef.

The same is to be cold, the steps of the two sides are similar, but the big kitchen holds the timer, while observing Zhang Yahui's specific technique, discovering the details.

The taste of the roast cold face may be poor in these details.

Soon, Zhang Yahui's roasted cold surface is also done, and everyone will taste it.

Qi's two kinds of roasted faces have tasted it, they can taste it, Zhang Yahui's roasted surface is better.

The human tongue will not be lie.

Previously, an entrepreneur said a title. Someone criticizes his catering brand is not easy to eat, he angered: That's because your taste bud has not been opened, I only have to eat my mother's taste, so you can't tell anything else.

This chapter is also tuneralized.

Of course, the ability of people and people taste food is gap, otherwise, food critics can do this.

But to say "The taste bud is not open, so I feel delicious," it is purely that he is told.

Really delicious things as long as the entrance, anyone can taste it.

Conversely, if ordinary people think it is hard to eat, it is often really hard to eat.

The chef did not force himself to eat her own grilled cold noodles, but will be willing to ask for some details in Zhang Yahui's production process.

Zhang Yahui also answered seriously, but many times his practice is full, no way is very clear.

The big kitchen listened carefully, and said: "It turned out ... It seems that it is my problem, I have seen the cold face too simple. I have never thought about such a simple snack. There are so many details and door ..."

Qi suddenly understood why the hotel's kitchen is not as good as a snack call owner.

On the one hand, because of skill, on the other hand because of the attitude!

If it is other dishes, the chef is absolutely able to learn a few streets, because these dishes have recipes, chefs have also rigorously trained, and it is impossible to lose to wild roads.

But the snacks are different, and there is no clear recipe. There is no clear recipe. The chefs of a variety of restaurants will not study how to make pancakes or roasted cold noodles, so even the hotel is chef, the starting point of the snacks, the starting point of the doctrine.

The big kitchen obviously did not look at the food for the cold noodles, so there was no big kung fu to drilled, just feel that he casually made it, it is more delicious than the stall.

As a result, there was no obvious gap with the roast surface of the roadside stall.

Of course, even if he is seriously drilled, it is not necessarily to be drilled.

There are so many cities across the country, and every city has countless stalls. So many doctrines try to try, before they try to have such a better roasted cold face practice. Let the chef yourself to explore, when is this?

The reasons for both techniques and attitudes, let the chef also do not play the cold surface.

It is because the cold surface of the cold face is in the taste with the general stall, and the price sold is relatively high. Therefore, the customer will feel that I have paid IT taxes and feel the cold face. The roast cold surface is not delicious enough.

Qi Ji couldn't help but feel, and it was really self-adapted, and the snacks were still asked to do a professional person.

The same is a chef, doing a routine dish, good, eat is a code, doing a snack, good, it is another code.

Qi Yan suddenly realized that this is not what is the meaning of the bail?

A key reason for Meng Chang failed, that he didn't understand this. He thought it would be a good job to give a big kitchen to deal with it.

But he didn't think of it, and the big kitchen did not excertedly doing the cold surface? The big kitchen is willing to go to the doctrine, please ask the details details of the cold noodles?

Meng Chang has always emphasized the taste of grilled the cold noodles, but it is just the mouth talking, there is no practical action at all.

Qi Ji, I always obviously suggest yourself, don't go on the old road of Meng Chang, must be in the earth, seeking truth from facts!

Other stall owners have also said their own snacks.

Qi Ji saw that although these stall owners have not passed special professional cooking training, their common point is to have certain taste, strong hands-on, love to study.

Otherwise, it is impossible to do some people, so many people like it.

They have attitudes, have the ability, as long as the cold-faced girl pays for some training of cooking knowledge, then process their cooking techniques, refine ... must improve the taste of cold-faced girl snacks!

It's not only a toast, but also the same snacks in other categories!

Thinking of this, Qi Wei immediately told: "I feel that everyone's ability is no problem, enough to compete for food consultants. I will guarantee everyone, the cold side girl can provide you with a larger platform, let everyone get the speciality ! "


At the same time, Jingzhou.

Li Shi is chatting through voice chat, telling the story of the article about, the dream venture, the cold face girl's story.

"This is all the information I know."

"There may be some more hidden things. After all, I have a good time in planning, and what we see may just be part of his plan. But these, there is no knowledge."

"These materials, you should choose it according to your needs."

On the phone, a male voice came: "Thank you very much, these details are really wonderful, I really didn't think that the cold girl had so many stories behind the girl!"

"Can you ask, who is you, where is you get these inside news? You can rest assured, I am just curious, I will not write in the article."

"Of course, if you don't want to disclose, there is no relationship."

Li Shihe smiled: "I am just a general investor with a student's mentality."

Seeing that Li is not willing to say, the people on the phone have not asked again, but said: "Please rest assured, I will write this article soon, I will write very exciting!"

Li Shi suddenly thought about what, said: "Oh, there is another thing. I heard that Meng Chang is going to have no way, and I will always give him a little right, but it is not sure to be responsible for what kind of position."

The person on the phone is sinking: "This ..."

"Okay, I understand, this seems to be a critical information."

"I started writing, let the story behind the cold face can be big in the world!"

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