Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 830 Meng Chang's mulberry cloud, the summary of the five-way mountain (ask for a monthl

in the afternoon.

Busy a morning, Qi Yan finally arranged the past, all the things were all almost.

She has officially hired these excellent doctrines as a cold-noodle food consultant, Zhang Yahui immediately agreed, other stall owners were still hesitating, saying that I gave reply after a few days later.

Obviously, many of the stalligas are dragging, or have to make this decision after being fully communicated with home.

However, Qi Yan is very sure, for the cold face girl and the soldiers, this will be a win-win decision.

These food consultants will take a regular recruitment process. Qi Yan also intends to learn to take the fish takeaway, ponder first in a small food laboratory, including professional chefs, excellent snack owners and special responsible chemical test, nutrition balance Dietist, develop new snacks together.

Taking a fish takeaway is the total industry, and the practice of touching the fish must be affirmed by the summit.

Selling fish, selling a gourmet laboratory, should always appreciate it?

Although I haven't seen the total people, I've gave a lot of intentions with my own understanding of the general understanding.

The food laboratory is also very important to terrain snacks.

Meng Chang made a domestic fast food than the domestic fast food. This statement is not wrong, but it must also be soberly recognized that the earth's snacks become a real fast food brand, in fact, there is a long way to go.

Those foreign fast food brands look simple, nothing more than fried chicken, fries, burgers, etc., but in fact, the entire supply chain, process, new research ability is not to be underestimated, have more than ten years or even decades Accumulation, not a night to catch up.

May Meng Chang is also because of this clearly, I feel that I can't do it at all, so I finally chose to make a speculation concept and make a quick money.

There is a saying that there are only two ways in the world: one is a correct way, one is an easy way.

Meng Casset is an easy way, and the general choice is the right way.

Qi Ji, since Yan has always found the way of breaking the way, let the cold face have the possibility of retaining new students, and has paid a bright road to the brand of this diseased paste, then he is in his position, seek its politics, must I have to implement the summary will.

Although I don't know what the cold face will develop into the future, at this moment, Qi Wei suddenly full of confidence!

After I was busy with the hand, she got up and took a cup of coffee, and she watched the work status of the office area colleagues.

Overall, the state is more complicated.

In addition to the store, the cold face is also an office area. It is a station rental near the store. Meng Chang is still spent on the facade, coffee, drinks, afternoon tea, snacks, etc., all should have, the work environment is also very good.

After Tengda took over, everything was old, but did not have a signs of welfare, which made everyone very satisfied.

But see everyone's current working status, but there is different.

Some people are obviously in touch fish, expressive expression is very confused, and some people lose their goals; and some people are full, I really want to find something, but I don't know where to do it.

After the cold noodle girl changed the boss, the original marketing activities basically canceled, and those who were responsible for the marketing activities were fully equipped with food contest. But now the Food Competition is complete, they naturally don't do anything.

There are also some people, it is full of concerns about the future of the cold noodles.

They may have not seen that article, and I don't know how to make a future plan for the cold noodles. I just felt that the current stateless state is in the current state of doing. The company is cold, and it is a day, so the attitude is negative.

Qi Ji feels that he has to find a way to encourage everyone's morale.

She is being dial and inspired by the total, and now there is some ideas. But these ideas are needed to perform and cooperate. If everyone's attitude continues to be so negative, even if Qi will put the task of work, there is no way to do well.

But if you have to encounter morale, you have to have an opportunity to let everyone feel in your eyes.

Just do a speech, if you have a chicken blood, the effect is definitely not good, but it may play a reaction.

I thought about it, the article is very good.

Nowadays, colleagues don't fight, feel confused, mainly for the cold-faced girls, and the future development is not clear enough. As long as I have seen this article, I know that I have the arrangement of the cold face girl. Everyone will work!

She immediately found the author online, and the results were surprised that it was just now, the author sent an article!

Moreover, the title of this article is more exciting than the previous one: "Colden girl: Meng Chang's tendon cloud, the summary of the five pointers"!

Qi Yan couldn't help but have a cold girl?

This is two articles in such a short time. Is this on the cold side girl?

After a mistake, Qi Wei felt some.

Because she is very clear, this author writes a copy of the article only to write dry goods. The same thing is not necessary to write two articles, a hotspot repeated.

From this point of view, this author didn't know where the marketing number was high.

Still talking to the cold noodles, but also open an article, definitely because the author found new content and angle.

However, "The Cold Girl" Break "and" Establish "" The article has written the difference in Meng Chang and the total business philosophy. It seems that it has been written in this topic of the cold noodles.

The new article is another " " is also a "five-way mountain". What is this?

Stay this to take the Westward Journey?

With doubts, Qi Ji open the article.


The beginning of the article briefly encompassed the previous two articles, respectively, "cold face girl so-called Internet thinking is not unreliable as a mold" and "the break of the cold face from the land venues", these two articles respectively predict The bankruptcy of Meng Chang's leading cold face, and a series of changes that are about to take over the cold face.

The author also specially concluded the link of the two articles. It is necessary to give the readers a tip: I am not in the heat, falling the stone, the cold side girl, I have already questioned, I This article is full of dry goods, and the marketing number that is looking for information from the Internet is completely different!

Then I entered the body part.

But before this, the author deliberately tips readers with a small paragraph, this article and the first two times.

"Due to the reason, the author decided to change a way of writing, standing in Meng Chang's perspective, the newly finale of the whole cold face. Among them, some subjective perspectives and spring and autumn brighters may be made by the author. The key plots of the whole story are in line with objective practical. If you have a leech and fallacy, you are welcome to criticize and correct. "

Seeing this, Qi Wei is surprised.

The previous two articles were written in the perspective of a bystander, mainly based on objective statements, analyzed. Although the article itself laughed, there are some "God intersession" that will be , but overall is still more traditional.

But this time the article actually wants to stand in Meng Chang's first perspective?

Qi Ji felt that this article is not simple, continue to look down.


"November 8, 2011, is a Tuesday. This day, a young man named Meng Chang came to the building downstairs of Jingzhou Dream, ready to treat it as its own business."

"He has a very magnificent plan and a very loud slogan, but his heart is really thinking, but almost no one can guess."

"Meng Chang should be a person who performs personality, and the acting is very good."

"But he didn't know, after two months, when he reviewed this Tuesday morning, the heart must be filled with regrets."

"The cold side girl from the founding, to the full network, and then have a question, it is shattered, and it should be the old saying: It is also a dragon."

"Before the cold girl, no one thought that such a burning net red catering brand will fail, it will be so fast, so thoroughly."

"And the fate of the cold-faced girl failed, seems to be destined from this Tuesday morning."

"Meng Chang chose the first goal as a dream venture capital, the reason is very simple: because he thinks the money here is good."

"Although in the near future, Meng Chang is called the 'perfect entrepreneur', but now he is still not qualified to stand in front of the table. His resume is good, but there is nothing outside this. It is only a resume and eloquence. To support him to complete your dreams and goals. Other investors will give him money, but these money will be accompanied by unlimited joint responsibility agreement or repurchase agreement. This is Meng Chang unacceptable. "

"In fact, Meng Chang only took a 'hot money' from the head to the end, and only had millions of people, and the entrepreneuries who were paying for hundreds of millions of entrepreneurs were completely unable to compare."

"But other entrepreneurs signed a similar agreement is not necessarily because of reckless, it may be because they also believe in their entrepreneurship. It is not necessary to be cautious, maybe it is possible. He made it clear from the beginning, it was only a performance: after the scenery, a fluff in one earth. "

With the expansion of Tengda Group, each of the gains of investment must have decided to transfer their energy to other places. The dream of the dream will give the entrepreneurial companies according to the rules he formulated. Investing money, and this, let Meng Chang have seen the opportunity. "

"Meng Chang is willing to get the money, and the topic of the" total investment 'is the title, even specially opened a launch conference, explain the good prospects of the cold-faced girl. From here, you can see, Meng Chang The kernel of marketing has been deeply engraved in the bones, and he is in desperate pursuit of heat, but does not consider the future possible anti-. "

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