Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 831, the total seven seven portrait (ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Let Meng Chang have not thought that his little action did not escape the total eyes."

"At the press conference for all investors, Tengda's Ma sumconsive said two direct souls: What is the so-called 'multi-dimensional fusion'?"

"This is directly playing on Meng Chang's soft ribs, which is equal to the two huge hidden dangers of all investors to challenging cold faces: disgusting, excessive marketing."

"Obviously, Ma summary has two purposes: First, remind investment people's cold girl's risks, the second is to remind Meng Chang, the current cold side girl is just the air-building Pavilion, inevitably fail, now make changes. "

"Unfortunately, Meng Chang, the sense of hair, did not realize the seriousness of this warning, still felt in accordance with his own script."

"But he doesn't know, he will embark on the script that he thinks, but he has arranged a good script."

"The meeting will be questioned at the meeting, gave Meng Chang's head. He can only put money from the cold girl's store, re-exchange the trust in investment in the store, the heat and the beautiful financial report."

"But this process is not smooth, because the release will be buried at the horse, still in the stinging investment people. Meng Ca can get the investment, all have harsh on the gambling agreement, repurchase terms. Content, Meng Chang still lacks chips with investors to bargain. "

"At this time, Meng Chang fell into entangle. He knew that the cold-faced girl now is too far away from himself, if now take these hot money, it will be a big problem."

"To Meng Chang, it is not too late to give up."

"But at this time, the bails always extended their assistants, chasing them six million. This let Meng Chang have seen the bargaining chips bargaining with other investors, and then ignited confidence."

"But afterwards, the sum of this trick should be 'Want to die, if there is no such chase, the finale of the cold face is the flow of flowers, quietly disappearing, and Meng Chang has failed but no debt, 2,000 yuan of the beginning of the beginning to the water drift. "

"But the fact that the summary of the money seems to be good, but it is actually not good at all."

"Confident, Meng Chang launched more grand marketing activities with a more high-profile attitude, and his strong investment people have shaken. Investors are afraid to miss the cold-faced girl, which is already considering the harsh conditions. Both sides The mentality has gradually happened. "

Meng Chang felt that it was a step away from his goal. So, he took a carefully prepared earning report once again came to Beijing, and he wanted to get the last money from . "

"As long as the money is in place, other investors have also followed, the valuation of the cold face will reach an unprecedented height, Meng Chang can have a lot of choices, such as selling it to the full retest, such as food giants, calm."

"However, the baili always finished Meng Chang's earnings, but the news is not laughing. Let Meng Chang measures are not, and the always sells all the shares of all cold noodles in his hand, even if you don't hesitate to sell, let the cold face girl The valuation is full of thousands of feet! "

"He Meng Chang's step is the other of the ancestors."

"After that, Meng Chang's behavior was completely controlled by the total. Seeing the cold side girl couldn't help, Yan Zong took two million to carry a hand; seeing the cold side girl gradually improved, Then sell the shares all. "

"Meng Chang fell into a gambler's mentality, the chips on the table have too much, he didn't want to give up, because giving up, it will abandon it. It seems that the dawn of the victory is in front of him, but no matter how he works, it is still a bad one. Big cut ... "

"Before the hopes of Meng Chang, he preserved the last hope. When the head of the mind, Meng Chang, who has been clear, has finally lax, after tangling for a long time, a joint investment, and finally The cold face girl is bleeding, and Meng Chang has supported millions of debts and then difficult to turn over. "

"Looking at the cold-faced girl from the whole process of founding to fail, it is not difficult to find that Meng Chang's goal is actually a matter. We can't guess his mind, but from his actual action, he is obviously not like himself. As mentioned, I want to build a Chinese fast food brand. The author is reasonable, and the starting thing is to fry high valuation and have a departure. "

"This is only used by Meng Chang, and his eloquence is too good, so I successfully deceived investors' eyes. Or, some investors know that Meng Chang's thoughts, but still investment money, There is a lucky psychology, I feel that I will not be the last stick of drums. "

"But Meng Chang has completely failed. He is like the tamey monkey, thinking that he has a seventy-two changing, a flaming gold eye, a fight for 100,000 thousand miles, I want a big big sky behind it. However, he didn't think that, he always pays attention to him, no matter how Meng Chang works, he has never escaped the summary of the five pointers! "

"I always clearly know the goal of Meng Chang, but I still play this game very patiently with him."

"When I found that Meng Chan motive was not pure, I gave him a warning in the first time; when Meng Chang wanted to quit, I gave him a little hope; and when Meng Chang was about to succeed, I could pay a salary of the bottom of the bottom. Let his hopes completely shattered. "

"Finally firmly pressed in five fingers, let him turn over."

"Seeing this here, some people will be confused: What is the private envisions of the summons? Even if Meng Chang is suspected from , as long as the always gives him money? Why is it so much Zhou Chapter? "

"This is the difference between the generals."

Seeing this, I can't help but someone else.

Before seeing this article, she didn't know that the cold girl had such a complex relationship between the collections.

Although Qi Hao has been responsible for the cold-faced girl's marketing work, it is not much about the work of other aspects. It is basically just implementing the task of Meng Chang arranged.

I have worried about work, just because I believe in Meng Chang's paint cake, I think that Meng Yin can build a cold-faced girl into a Chinese fast food, giving all employees an incomparably bright future.

But now it seems that you are so naive.

Meng Chang obviously has never considered the cold-faced girl and the future of these employees, and his heart has only himself from his head.

This article will be extremely detailed in detail between the total and Meng Chang, which looks high. But the most critical problem is as the author said, is always so busy, why do you want to play with Meng Chang?

It is a wonderful to work with the seven seven vertices in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Maybe Meng Chang also wants to don't think about yourself.

It is very likely that Meng Chang is because I feel that I have never had time, and I can't make it more than a hundred thousand people with myself, so I have done the monkey who is pressed in five fingers.

Meng Chang wants not to jump out of the five-way mountains, but slipped out from the finger of the five finger mountains, but did not expect the sum of the five pointers and mountains without leaking.

The last paragraph of the article analyzed the intention of the total of the total.

"Let's think about a question: What will I do if I have not given Meng Chang? What will Meng Casperly gives up his plan? Obviously it will not."

"Meng Chang will only think that the timing is not mature, and the entire program will continue to accumulate qualifications and resumes, waiting for the next opportunity. So, can the next investor still have such wisdom and ability? I am afraid there is no of."

"At that time, Meng Chang's plan will be achieved smoothly. He will successfully have a departure, leave a piece of fluff, fame and fame and fame, and become an excellent entrepreneur and entrepreneur."

"Obviously, never want to see this scene, so he took time in his busy schedule, and he would completely disconnect this possibility."

"The road encounters the beast, and it is ignored to be able to protect it, but it can't stop the beast violent injury; put the beast into the shackle, is the hero!"

"I always give it, it can be said that it is a stone three birds, and he is three in one fell swoop."

"First, let Meng Cheng have become an executive, his name is scanned, and he wants to go back to the sky, he also prevents him to disaster others;"

"Second, make a chaos, let the cold girl get on the right track, through the comparison to everyone to set an example, telling a truth: running the enterprise, lighting on marketing is useless, the key is to be down-to-earth;"

"Third, this paper is also warned all the hearts of the heart. If you want to create a trick from the dream: You just have to operate, it doesn't matter if you lose money; but if you start from the beginning, you will not be pure, then Meng Chang That is the test of the former car! "

"It can also be seen that ."

"Everything in Meng Chang is within the scope of the law. He does not make a fake account, and the second does not have tax evasion taxation, and it is entirely legal from the behavior."

"Everyone hates must not put the liar thousands of knives, but our country is a rule of law, love, reason, and law still have to be clear. No one can replace the law to implement justice, then too much, too "

"If Meng Yin violates the law, it will naturally be punished by the law. And his problem is just a business, then the business approach is the most appropriate."

"It is said that after Meng Chang went without traffic, he gave him a job. Obviously, this is not a heart, but another intent."

"Here, the author boldly predicts that will always use the business means to let Meng Chang have suffered, and now it is just a beginning."

"As for the future, I will go to the future, I am self-contained, myself is from the violent, and still caught the hardship, and the fate is in his own hands."

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