Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 832 false boss with real boss (CZ plus 5/10)

After reading the entire article, I am very integrated in Qi Hao, and the mood is very complicated.

When I saw the article, Qi Yan thought the change in the cold girl, just because the gap between Meng Chang and the total capacity:

Meng Chang is playing lightly, so it failed; always respected talents in any industry, the foot is down, so it can be successful.

In other words, Qi Hao always thinks that Meng Chang is a problem, not an attitude issue.

But I saw this article Qi Wei understood that the original Meng Chang has never intended to put the cold face.

Meng Chang said so many scenes, all the kung fu, nothing more than selling a good price, did not plan to do it like himself.

If it is not the general shot, what kind of fate is the cold girl now?

Perhaps Meng Chang has successfully enclosed, fame and fortune, the cold face girl was sold to the whole group of this review, because the loss was abolished, the employees gave Meng Yun a few months, then only Leave the cold surface girl to find new work ...

But now, because of the sum of the generals, it has been changed!

The failure of the cold noodles is completely Meng Chang's own pot; and after the main steps, the cold face will inevitably usher in a bright future!

Thinking of this, Qi Ji shared the article inside the work group of the cold-faced girl, then stood up and gently patted his hand, attracting everyone's attention.

"Please let everyone put a little work, listen to me, say two sentences."

"I know, the company has recently experienced some storms, many people don't know what happen, and I don't know what I should do, confused about the company's future development."

"You can take a few minutes to see the authors' three articles, I believe you can find the answer."

Other cold faces of the girls are still confused, and I don't know what I have sent this article in the end, but I still have to see the article in the old man.

Qi Yan is very clear, now the cold-faced girls are basically in the state of "chicken blood sequelae".

Meng Chang is too painful, and all the employees have felt that the company's prospects are particularly good. Nowadays, now the cold noodles have problems, and Meng Chang is handless, all employees have a kind of The feeling of being cheated naturally can't afford my spirit.

Therefore, Qi Ji feels that all employees' mentality should also come to "break".

Meng Chang is indeed a front boss of the cold girl, but now he has already het. Only if you completely negate Meng Chang's business philosophy, you can unify everyone's thoughts, let the cold girl regain new students.

These articles directly revealed the cruelty of the cold face, detailed, easy to understand, just can take "teaching materials".

If you come back, the cold-faced girl needs to look at the article outside to understand the things of their own company. This matter is a bit away from the matter, but this is normal, and many people including Qi Yan, including Qi Yan, is actually by Meng Chang Meng In the drum.

It is "internal staff", but they can be treated by Meng Chang by Meng Chang.

The expression of everyone became confused from the confusion, turned into shock and anger, and finally became a fortunate.

In fact, there are many old employees, and it is a heart to Meng Chang.

After all, Meng Chang shot generous, good at painting cake, personal charm, is a perfect boss in many people's minds. Even if the cold surface girl encounters the bankruptcy crisis, many employees still unconditionally believe that Meng Chang will come back to save the company.

However, after reading these three articles, Meng Chang collapsed in their heart.

What is the perfect boss, it's clear!

Why is Meng Chang shouting, so good for employees? Because he did not think about the cold-faced girl for a long time, just want to pull a high valuation and then ran. Since it is a lot of money, it is of course good to employees, because it is not criminalized at all!

But if you are angry, these people are very fortunate.

It's still good, and I will make Meng Chang's plan to succeed!

Now the cold face is in the panevernefit. Is this still worthy of fortunate?

Everyone can feel that from this moment, the cold face girl seems to be different.

Qi Wei is very satisfied with the reactions of everyone. These people can enter the cold-faced girl work, obviously not a stupid, and some don't need to be too detailed, it is a little.

Qi said to everyone: "I know, the thing in the past, let everyone are very confused, the work is not good. I am also the same, I don't know the future direction."

"But now,

"I will simply talk about the job of recruiting outstanding doctrines, everyone is serious, after listening, the work I hope everyone can cooperate with me ..."

Take this opportunity, Qi Yan just carefully talking about his work plan.

Everyone is all listening carefully, and some people have put forward their own opinions from time to time and actively participate.

They can feel that the fate of the cold face has changed!



On January 18th, Wednesday morning.

Retraway to the land of Jingzhou, Meng Chang mood is very complicated, can be said to be a hand of Hardware.

When I came before, he was a relaxed and confident state, and the suit was refronsed, and the beard was carefully trimmed, and it was confident everywhere.

But this time, his clothes were full of wrinkles, and both of them also slammed the cyan, the expression was very embarrassed.

During this time after bankruptcy, he also thought many ways, looking for a lot of investors and big companies, but all have a closed door, and the human feelings are very good.

When the cold noodle girl, such as the day, Meng Chang went to the guests, the investors and the boss were added to him; now I simply let the assistant refused to see the door.

After suffering from a series of hits, Meng Chang finally had to accept his current situation: it was basically mixed.

Of course, Meng Chang's ability is still, what happened, I want to find a general work mix or no problem.

But in Meng Chang's character, he can't accept such ordinary work, and you can't accept your dedicated to work for decades, just finished the destiny.

Therefore, under the huge drop of ideals and reality, he was completely decadent.

There is no house under Meng Chang name, but his car is executed, and the bank card is also frozen.

Because there is no money to rent a house, Meng Changyuan's house can not live in, and finally I have been looking for a friend to borrow money, I will move to a semi-basement, and I will live for two days.

And the spirit of the Mandi's mentality is seriously hit, or there will be those articles.

Nothing to work, Meng Changwei went to the semi-underground room of the emperor, there is no matter all day, and the three articles have also been seen in the process of brushing the web page.

After reading it, Meng Chang couldn't help but feel it. This article is well written, it is simply killing people.

Every step of your own is really dead. It turns out that when I got the first money from my dream, today's outcome has been destined, but I still don't know anything until the last moment.

This is not only the laminar on IQ, but also the rolling on the pattern.

After the failure, rehabilitate, let Meng Chang desperately desperate.

Today, Meng Chang came to Beijing, and I have to talk to myself, talk about work and compensation.

Meng Chang wants to finish debt as soon as possible, he doesn't want a lifetime to eat bubble noodles in the half basement that is not sunsiang.

He didn't want to do the ordinary work, and those who can make more money will not fight, and can only come to the bail, and take a touch.

If it is the past, the heart is very proud, it will never come to Beijing.

I always fade, is it a good fruit to eat it in the hand of , do you have a good fruit? I don't want to have myself!

But now Meng Chang has no kindness of the original arrogance and heart. He now moves out from the emperor's half basement, living in a spacious point, can see the master bedroom of the sun, eat some point is not bubble Normal food, earn more money to pay attention to the liability as soon as possible.

As for the work under the baili, it will not be charged ... that is not important.

With such a mentality, Meng Chang stepped into the dream created.

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