Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 834 is a higher than the Ma Yang! (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

Both people are very clear that this time is what is going to do, so there is no need to sell Guan Zi, and Yan Qian has not too much way to take Meng smooth, this is nothing more than him, and after solving it, I have to be busy with other things.

Yan Qian said: "The general content of the work You already know, this time is the problem with you to say salary."

"Two modes you can choose free: The first is fixed salary, 40,000 months, as long as you have completed the task, it will not be less; the second is a low-end salary, 3000 pieces The commission is from zero to 200,000. "

"The specific calculation method of commission is of course hooks with the promotion effect of advertising marketing. I will send people to do data analysis, according to the money of each advertising program, the heat produced, the promotion effect is given to you."

"In the premise of not insulting consumers, do not violate relevant laws and regulations, the more the amount of money, the lower the heat, the worse the propaganda effect, the higher the commission."

Meng Chang immediately said: "I choose the second part ... Wait, the lower the heat, the higher the commission?"

"Inversion ratio?"

When I heard the previous content, Meng Chang felt quite normal.

The low-end salary increase is the pattern he looks forward.

Although 40,000 monthly salary is already high income for most people, it is totally unsatisfactory to Meng Chang. After all, when he did a high company in the big company, the wage had long been super, and now, even if you don't go to the big company, you can give him 40,000 months. It is not necessary to be under the head of the Targeted the 40,000-piece death salary.

What's more, 4,000 month salary is also bond, deduct the taxation and the life expenses of the mixed-to-year, even if you still have a year of 300,000, and your debt is also enough for him.

How many twenty years can life?

During this period, he has always been the identity of the executive, there is too much restriction, even if you can't take the high-speed rail plane, buy a house, travel, vacation, abroad, etc. Don't think about it.

When he has finished the debt, it will be the age of retirement. It is basically equivalent to this life. It's so confused. You can't get it in the age of five or six. That is not realistic.

If there is a play early decades, it is impossible now.

Sometimes Meng Chang even thinks, if you can take the three-year prison, you will pay all these debts, then he would rather get rid of it. After all, there are also many people who re-started their business after all, and they are better than 20 years.

And if you follow the highest 200,000 to the summary, you may have an optimistic thing to bite your teeth for five or six years. This is the opportunity to give other work.

The only problem is ... How is the heat follow the proportion?

The worse the advertising publicity, the more you give money?

What is this?

Meng Chang thought it was wrong, and asked another sentence: "He is always, you just said, rebounded?"

Yan Qian nodded, and a confident tone: "Yes."

Yan Qian does not plan to explain, and it is not necessary to explain. As long as it performs enough confidence, Meng Chang has a reasonable reason.

He took a certain agreement next to: "This is a detailed rule, you can slowly look. Time column you fill in yourself, three years, five years, ten years ... The longer the time of the agreement is, the more it is. "

Meng Chang was in a silence. He took the agreement repeatedly, and it took a word by word. He always felt that there was a very huge crisis behind this.

Don't you want to calculate yourself?

The sixth feeling tells him that there is a pit in it, but I want to don't hit it until I think.

If it is the result of promotion, the more money, the more money, this is very well understood. Meng Chang is confident that it is very confident, marketing and propaganda, definitely arranged clearly, and taking a high commission of ten.

However, the conditions given by : The more money, the lower the heat, the higher the improvement.

Popular, it is to spend more money as much as possible, but the worse the propaganda effect is, the better.

Does this do this benefit? Is it too much for your own propaganda? Is spending very worried?

Not reasonable!

Meng Chang felt that this matter is not good for the whole, unless ... Meng Chang's propaganda program is exploded, then, Meng Chang can only take 3,000 basic salary, this life is afraid that it is not overloaded. The better work, the more uncomfortable himself.

But Meng Chang feels that this kind of thing is impossible.

Many giants spend hundreds of millions per year, and the person in charge of the advertising marketing department is all high paying, because this is a technical activity. It's not easy, but people who are not good, but a big shock.

Even for Meng Chang, this work will be more relaxed. He doesn't need to have a variety of marketing programs, just can't get a high introduction?

Although this can feel that the situation is a bit wrong, the Meng Changbrushes repeatedly looked many times, nor did you have any problems?

Meng Chang is also an old fritter, financial, legal knowledge is not lack, he can see that this contract itself is no pit, and even let him feel a bit unreal.

The only limit is that Meng Chang can't go, such as directly insulted consumers directly, engage in regional or sexual discrimination, and violates the advertising law, etc. is absolutely not, and some people will supervise.

But for Meng Chang, this clause is quite reasonable, and it is understood that in order to prevent the protective terms of your own drilling, you can understand.

I thought about the millions of debts who thought of themselves, Meng Chang said: "Okay, I signed."

"Time ... The longest is ten years?"

Yan Qian nodded: "Yes, if you sign ten years, the highest commission of months is 200,000. If you sign for three years, the maximum number of months is 100,000. The longer the signature, the higher the commission."

Meng Chang silent for a moment, then took a sign pen, and fill in the year after signing the name.

Ten years of ten years, of course, it is to be high as high!

Meng Chang is very clear, if the sign is three years, the result is that he can fully get 200,000 communities, then he will have a regret.

Although according to the progress of 200,000 per month, all debts have not taken a decade, but even if they have finished debts, they can earn more years.

After ten years, he is still a rich and rich, and there are some wealth accumulated, no matter what you enjoy, you will start a business, it is a good choice.

Yu Qian is very satisfied, smiling after the agreement: "Well, I wish you a debtor soon!"

Meng Chang: "?"

I don't know why, I feel that I always say this when I say this sentence.


Leaving the dream venture capital, Meng Chang has a untrue feeling.

He also took out the agreement carried by him carefully, it didn't have any problems?

"Forget it, sign it, don't think so much."

Meng Chang felt that it was not used to suffer from himself, which is now the most preferred.

According to the general statement, it will officially start working next month. During this time, Meng Chang can also take a break and adjust the adjustment of the mentality.

He just planned to leave, he saw a big face opposite to a big face hurried.

Meng Chang is in the world, is this not a horse?

When he remembered the cold face, the horse was generally installed out of a brain, and the successful scam was successfully deflated, and then throwing two soul problems, and let the entire conference did not meet the expected expectations. effect.

Can you become a person in the right arm of, is it waiting for a leisure?

Meng Chang hurriedly bowed and hurriedly left.

Ma Yang was rubbed with Meng Chang, and he stopped two steps and looked back.

"Hey, how is this person a bit more familiar, when did you see it?"

"Hey ... I can't think of it."

The horse flew her head, and recently he had quite a lot, especially in order to prepare for the test week, it took a long time. People who want to see so many people this day, how can they remember every one.

Ma Yang quickly forgot this small episode, and smiles to the dream to create a dream.


"Qian Ge!"

Yan Qian did not see the big face of Ma Yang, first heard the shouts of him.

In the next second, Ma Yang has pushed the door to the guest room.

: "Well? How did you come."

Ma Yang smiled: "This is not a time for the exam. I haven't time to report work. Now the test is finished, I should also re-invest in the work."

"Right to Qian Ge, today seems to have a score of the Academic Affairs Office, have you checked it?"

: "" "" ???????

He immediately took a laptop, then opened the website of the Academic Affairs Office and queried after logging in.

"Oh! I walked 72 points!"

Yan Qian couldn't help but be a little pride.

For the university's liberal arts major, the closed toll test is the hardest. Although the problem of closed rolls is much lower than that is much lower than that of the roll, it is not too lazy to go back.

If it is high school, then the knowledge is easy, and it is not so much at all.

The most common course of liberal arts is mostly closed, and more than half of them are boys.

There is no other reason, mainly because of lazy.

72 points of Qian Qian, this shows that his review has played the effect. If it is the friendship given by the teacher, it is estimated that you will give more than 60 points. Every time you come out, it is the hard work of !

"Horses, how many points do you have?" Asked Qian.

Ma Yang smiled: "I am a little higher than Qian Ge."

Yu Qian's smile disappeared: "How many points are it high?"

Ma Yang said: "81 points."

: "What is this door? I have taken 79."

Ma Yang looked at: "Qian Ge, I am more than you, I 82."

Qian Qian asked several doors, Ma Yang was all higher than him.

Finally, when I asked the last door, Ma Yang was scratched: "I am not over, I am 74 points, the first point than you."

Yu Qian has a breath, the face is finally good.

Fortunately, from the big test to the big three, there is always a one more than the old horse!

It seems that it is a serious review, although it is just a point of one, but this is a very good start!

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