Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 835, the livefagade of the old horse (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Yan Qianxin is satisfied with the website of the Academic Affairs Office, no longer mentioning the results.

Although a one is also a historic progress, but it has been showing off and definitely unevenness, or it is seriously written in my heart.

"It seems that you have reviewed hard in this time, very serious, how is it works?" Yu Qian asked.

Ma Yang took the chest: "You are relieved, I am studying, I am working, I haven't delayed!"

"Today is what I want to report it with you."

"I have been working hard in Weibo, but it is really getting less and less than the dream. Many people don't even write a paragraph. How can I believe they are really dreams? ? "

"As for the paragraph of the money, their wishes have been completed, and the segment is also squeezed. Be a person, can't be greedy, so I will no longer give them a dream."

"Recently, I only sent it ten million, hey, I can only say that this is an era of dreams."

"A good dream, it is really precious than gold, this is my lungs."

Yan Qian heard it.

Human people, how to say it.

Yu Qian actually just want him to go to Weibo, spend more money. As a result, the Horses have worked hard.

I have already gave it no longer gave it, and I didn't give it to the segment. I didn't send it for a week. As soon as you have the speed, I am afraid I don't want to go to you.

When Qian was tried to persuade the old horse, let him relax a little standard, don't get so strict, but the old horse does not agree, but also say that the dream is very thin, very sacred, not tarnished .

Yan Qian did not have a lot, only by him.

"That is the situation there, how is it? How is the heat?" Asked Qian and asked.

Ma Yang said: "Heat, the heat is basically smooth. It is not very fire, but it is not bad."

In the heart of Qian, I really want to estimate myself.

Ma Yang's reverse belt, saying that it is not much like a false, and it will be high, but it will gradually tend to steady, and there will be no explosive heat growth.

After all, there is not suitable for breaking this kind of program, and it is more convenient to see more.

Thermally did not continue to skyrocket, but tend to stabilize, this is a good news for .

Ma Yang continued: "I have already opened a dozen live broadcasts now. The goods taken are small to the stationery, and the goods, there are food, digital products, etc., all have a very good effect!"

"Some three no business, directly under the goods, turn off the online shop running;"

"Some big brands are off, apologized, rectified, and consumers who have been prior to maintaining the right to have finally been compensation;"

"Many brands come to me, I want to break the sail, let me don't bring them the rhythm; even a lot of brands who have not been exposed have also hinted, saying that as long as the next live broadcast does not mention their brand, everything is good, I can even give us some sponsorship costs ... "

: "What do you say?"

Ma Yang smiled: "Of course, I will hang them all the private letters sent to me!"

"Qian Ge, I have never forgotten, no matter what reason, I want to give us money, it is definitely a dream! The brand that is not exposed, I didn't plan to be their show, but they sent a private letter. There is a ghost in my heart, we have to make a show to reveal! "

"I also have millions of fans now. Everyone said that I am a fighter. It is the spokesperson of Tengda and the emergency front. How can I buy me in this district?"

The big face of Ma Yang is full of proud expressions.

Yan Qian couldn't help but pick up the thumb: "It is beautiful! Horses, I have already seen you is a material, you do, I am relieved!"

I have to say, change someone to do this, I don't necessarily start so embarrassed.

The brand of his live exposure is not all three products, and some are more famous manufacturers, this exposure, a lot of sinners.

What is even more, he also hangs all the private letters privately, and does not leave face at all, the average person does not do this.

In this matter, Yu Qian's work is 100 points for the work of the old horse.

Although the number of fans of the old horse has been growing, it is millions, but the blogger on the microblogging, the old man, and the old Ma Xi has earned millions of powder, completely acceptable.

"No one threatened you?" Asked with a concern.

Ma Yang shakes his head: "There are a few three no small numbers to send me a private message. I directly @Talemoir them scared to run. Again, our country is a rule of law society, I still have bodyguards, what is there? Sale! "

Yan Qian can't help but take a head: "Well, it is very good."

If the ordinary people do this, the resistance is definitely not a general big, but the old horse is behind Tengda, and many things will be more simple. Even if some people hate the old horse hate tooth itching, I have to quantify the amount of moats that Tengda behind the horse.

Speaking of Tengda ...

Qian asked: "Live the product of Tengda's product 'has not?"

The Ma Yang has smashed, scratched: "Oh ... no."

Yan Qian is somewhat unhappy: "I don't mean let you pay special attention to Tenda's products?"

The horse is scratched into the brain: "But Qian Ge, Tengda seems to have no new product ..."

Yan Qian said: "The automatic smart lifting bar is not? Next show you will do this, put this stuff problem, shortcomings, bad places, all in the live broadcast, show everyone in detail!"

Ma Yang hesitated: "It seems like a new product? Our own product quality is definitely no problem, this program may not be anything ..."

: "Just because it is our own product, so we must strictly demand! We must have to go to colleagues, but also just spur it to otto technology, let them continue to improve, constantly progress!"

Of course, saying that the spur otto technology is fake, lowering some lifting bar sales, and earning less money is true.

The automatic smart lifting bar has been released for more than a week. It was originally unmanned, everything was well; but suddenly one day did not know what happened, the sales of this began started!

One part of the reason lies in the recommended Weibo of Qiao Liang, but it only has played a role in the promotion. It is the root cause of fire, and Yan Qian has not been understood.

In the eyes, in order to assault the stock, the stocks prepared by the money is about to become more troublesome, and Yan Qian does not want to sit.

So, he intends to use the chess pieces of Ma Yang's "live broadcast" to take advantage of it, and strive to reduce the sales of fully automatic intelligent lifting bar.

Calculated, the automatic smart lifting bar is officially released for more than a week, everyone is blindly purchasing the enthusiasm, should also resign some.

Since everyone has already resumed ration, then it is said that the problem and disadvantages of automatic intelligent lifting bar machine should be able to play the best results?

As for this product, there is no problem, it is definitely there.

The Gull Tu Technology does not have its own factory, doing smart sounds, is also designed to find other factories, and there is no special high technology threshold.

That is to say, this place is compared to the original echo wall of others, and the quality is poor, but it has raised the price because of adding a lift bar.

What's more, these more than two thousand prices can only be a good entry product, just listen to a sound in lovers, with those thousands, tens of thousands of audio and sound quality of the returning wall is completely unable to ratio.

Look, just want to pick the magic, this is a lot of trouble!

Yu Qian feels that Chen Yufeng, which is responsible for the content of Ma Yang, they are all professional teams, and picking sickness is definitely better than yourself.

At that time, you will have a clean and clean, don't say that you don't buy it, you can also advise some consumers at least.

As long as you can keep a batch of goods in the warehouse before the settlement, it is also a good thing.

Ma Yang said: "Dao Qian Ge, then I said with Chen Yufeng, let him start to prepare the next live broadcast, and do the automatic smart lifting bar!"

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, give me a look after waiting for the first version of the text, I will give you a check."

"No problem, Qian brother, you will be good!" Ma Yangxing walked.

Looking at the back of the horse, Yan Qian can't help but feel silently.

Mixtles who are doing the old horse are really happy.

It seems that no matter what happens, he is so optimistic, unlike yourself, every day is full of troubles, and race your brain in order to pay more than a lot of money.

It's really envious.

Yu Qian saw the date, today is already January 18th, the Spring Festival is less than one week, the company's work basically has entered the final stage.

On New Year's Eve, Yu Qian prepared for the 20th annual meeting to go directly to the holiday.

The year should be opened earlier, but the last month is a lot, I will be afraid that the annual will delay the settlement loss, so I will post the next few days, put it directly on the day of holiday.

In this way, I will go home directly to the next year, and I'm very simply.

Of course, the arrangements are arranged before the holiday.

Although this cycle makes money, but Yu Qian is prepared to be more fully, "the mission and the choice" spent a lot of money, and the dream of venting this is also part of this, and the last one remains, Yu Qian intended All take advertisements.

Although there will be hidden dangers, but it is not so much in order to assault money. Moreover, this advertisement this time is mainly for the entity industry, including the fish netfa, taking fish takeaway, hosted gym, lazy apartment, anti-wind logistics, etc.

These industries have a common feature, which is that although most of the industries are already stable, but they will not make more money as long as the store is going fast enough. Advertising these industries, always giving the game, mobile phone for advertising is much safe.

Waiting for the Spring Festival, there is a wave of advertisements in Beijing, Emperor, Magical and other cities, and spend a lot of money.

In this way, after the New Year is returned, the system is officially settled, and it should be manufactured to make a more considerable loss.

After the completion of the year, Yu Qian can put all the energy into the next cycle.

Yu Qian felt that his plan was perfect, it was impeccable.

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