Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 843 People are in Los Angeles, the award from the sky (ask for a monthly ticket!)

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Tenda Annual Conference was on the spot.

Eating and drinking, I also visited the tired employees, came to the top of the GPL game, in accordance with their own departments and seat numbers.

The eight teams in the company spontaneously organized from 12 o'clock to now, a total of four hours, the average game time ranges from 20 minutes to 35 minutes, just decided to champion.

On the one hand, because GOG has a fast pace of GOG, the average length is better than "God" and IOI these games, so it is fast; on the other hand, it is also because the strength gap between the various departmental teams is too large. It is easy to make a shelter, and the game is less than 20 minutes.

Moreover, the on-site competition has saved the steps such as a break, and it is basically not necessary to discuss the necessary tactics, which also saves a lot of time.

The Tenda Game Sector Team, which was hopped, was out of the game, and even the finals did not go in, and people fell to the glasses.

Obviously, the strength of the strength of Ba Xu and Yan Jing are far in Los Angeles, have not entered, let the Tengda gaming department's team's strength is greatly reduced.

And finally the two teams killed in the finals were the anti-wind logistics team leading to Lu Mingliang, and the dream venture voters representatives representatives.

Dreams, this dream, I have to say that Master is a good found, including the greetings, from the "God" era, Many GOG's design ideas or their views. , Usually five black and horses always play games, tacit comment.

And the reason why the wind logistics is strong, mainly because of people.

There are so many stores in the wind logistics, so many express brothers, it is easy to pick up five people playing with GOG.

It is only the final anti-wind logistics team because of cooperation with the tactic, or regretted to lose to the Dream Ventures.

Several express brothers have said unfortunately, they all said that they will go back to work hard, and strive to come back from next year.

This team has a small gift and participation award, including the surrounding hand of the GPL league, the signature and team of each team member.

Of course, these small gifts will also give other other employees who like to see GPL.

The champion team is a custom internal game trophy. Although there is no better than the GPL League's trophy, it is also worth a good value. It is also a forever in the Dream Ventures Office.

Others have the interior game at the scene, there is a shopping to buy things, and also go to the doll, play the sleeve.

Now everyone is tired, each bought a milk tea or drink, came to the venue, sitting hard, waiting for the draw.

Other company's annual will draw, we must have to eat while eating.

The reason is very simple, the prizes are small, the winning rate is low, the employees are waiting for a long time, and they can take themselves. In addition to eating, there is nothing else.

But Tengda's lottery is different, the prize is more, the winning rate is high, almost everyone has a copy.

Moreover, the rules of the lottery are the same as last year, not completely random probability, but a pseudo probability, each of the most winning awards, and the more people who have never winning the prizes, the greater the probability.

So many prizes take all in just an hour, it can be said that it is tension, look forward to being full, not feeling boring at all.

The live people are almost the same, and even there is no host to stop nonsense, the big screen is directly rolled, starting the draw!

Before the lottery, first play a simple promotional video introduced this prize, and then taken from the list of people list.

Because the number of people participated in this year was almost doubled last year, the programs of the lucky draw were also modified: before a pumping, each show a photo of a person, now it is changed to a lot of five.

The five people's photos will be displayed on the big screen, then becomes smaller to the upper left side, then continue to smoke others.

All photos layers are stacked on a large screen, and one award is quickly drawn.

Everyone is staring at the big screen, I am afraid to miss the winning information, but this fear is obviously unnecessary, not only the other people in the same department will remind, but their own mobile phone will automatically receive the winning notification information.

Because the programs are automatically generated in the event of the programs, the procedures are automatically generated and the information reminder is automatically generated.

Can accommodate nearly two thousand people, cheers come.

The more value, the higher the value of the prize, the high-value laptop, mobile phone, digital camera, TV, etc., like not the money, the atmosphere of the scene is getting more and more warm!

Finally, after the 18888 cash spree, the final award appeared on the screen.

Six places!

This is the reservation show in last year, and the two five-day tour of any city, you want to pick yourself, and the company's all-inclusive, the ticket and the five-star hotel's accommodation, and additional consumption reimbursement Free disposition.

This prize is the biggest award for the annual meeting.

Many people may feel that it is not as good as those high-end TVs, high-end games, after all, TV, computer can use for many years, while travel can only be cool for five days.

But in turn, I can buy a computer to bite the teeth can also eat soil to buy more than 10,000 high-end computers, but I will go out to travel, who is going to sit and wait for a five-star hotel!

To any more, the first class, five-star hotel, is added, and the value is far more than 10,000 high-end laptops.

So, this is the most concerned award.

And because of the increase in the number of people, only three prizes in last year, this year's quota has become 6, the probability of winning is increased.

Many people look at the big screen excitement, and I look forward to one of the six lucky people.

Soon, the avatar on the big screen scrolls up, and six avatar appeared.

From the leftmost number of the fourth avatar, it is Baowu!

Other five avatars are all strange faces, should be some grassroots employees.

After all, there are nearly two thousand people in the scene, and Yu Qian knows the person in charge, and dozens of people are full, the probability of drawing is very low.

But Baoxao ...

What is Baoxu?

I really can't have you at a time.

Seeing the avatar of Baoxao on the big screen, the scene immediately broke out a laugh.

"Hahaha is a brother!"

"What about Bao Ge? I want to see his present expression!"

"In Los Angeles, this will be in the early hours of the morning, Bao Ge has a few hours to know this bad news."

"Successful is full, see the Bao Ge's winning prize, it is better than I win!"

Yu Qian is not from silently, life, this is life.

People are in Los Angeles, and they have not escaped the fate being smoked.

Moreover, Baixu is the fourth place, that is, if this year's grand prize is set, there is no him in the winners.

This is noisy.

The Los Angeles small team has a lot of the internal staff of Tengda Group, but since the annual will draw, it is certainly not suitable, so although these people have not arrived, they still in the list of lottery.

Baixu is awarded this, or not to avoid his fate.

After two or three days, waiting for the IOI global finals on Los Angeles, Baoxu should come back, just can catch up with the New Year.

However, after the year after the year, Baixu has to immediately pack the bag and consider the next stop.

Yu Qian couldn't help but silently in your heart.


Finally, the flow of the entire annual meeting is all over.

All employees are full, and they are very happy.

Sending so many gifts, Yu Qian also feels comfortable, and the burden on the shoulder is much lighter.

Loss this settlement cycle, just caught up with the New Year, I can spend millions in the way I can use the annual meeting, let Yan Qian can think of a few ways of spending money, saving a lot of brain cells.

In short, holiday!

During the Spring Festival, the advertisements arranged in advance will be covered into the capital of Jingzhou and Emperor, Magic, etc. According to the current spending of money, wait for the Spring Festival officially settled, it should be a lot.

The blood loss is definitely unlikely, but it is worth 89 million, transforming an eight9 million, should it be a big problem?

Everyone returned, and Yan Qian didn't worry, staying out of the seat on the seat.

However, after seeing a message about the implementation plan, a "" word difference is out of mouth.

The promotional video of "Ink Yuncan" and "Directive Plan" is inexplicably fired on Alithang!

Not only that, "ink smoke" has already updated a 10-minute demo Demo on the official platform, and opened a pre-sale, only one afternoon, the sales volume reached 50,000!

This is already very incredible grades for a unique independent game!

Within a week or even a month, with the promotion of popularity and heat, the pre-sale sales of this game will continue to increase.

Yu Qian's expression gradually dull.

"what's the situation?"

"The game is not finished, will you take it out?"

"Is there a king law?"

"Is there a law?"

"Qiu Hong is not to give me trouble? There is no professional ethics!"

"There is still no one to do it!"

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