Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 844 Directance Plan Promotion Video

After a little more calm, I opened the publicity CG of "ink smoke".

The entire CG is all traditional ink style of the Chinese.

Little ink is dizzy in pale yellow rice paper, turns into black clouds, between the clutch, one is born in the sky, circulating the Zhang tooth dance claw in the sky, a group of black clouds cover the distance Huaxia Ancient City Pool ...

At the same time, an old and low narrative sounded.

"Phase it, in the ancient years, China has a deeper with a resentment. It is a rumor. It is rumored, beasts can weave dreams, people's fear, hatred, despair, complaints, etc. Equipped, and gradually grow ... "

Along with the narration, the game CG's picture begins to chase, the beast is hidden in the sky in the sky, and countless monster monsters are derived, and the disaster.

A scholar realized that he was trapped in the dream, his left hand draws rolls, and the right hand holds the pen, starts to defeat the monsters in the dream with his own calligraphy, to take out the beast hidden in the dream; and the beast is also constantly Estate evil to block the book.

There are countless evil spirits rush to the book, and the book is swaying, drawing a boulder on the picture, and then the brush is lightweight, this boulder appears on the monster, and the monster is smashed into the black smoke.

The monsters have also raised the falling stone between the cliffs, giant trees throw to the scholar, but the scholar waves the brush and give these foreign matter to emission.

The pen ink is ink, the black fog is scattered, the scholars and monsters began to fight, and the white background of the entire game will be used ...

This propaganda CG is not complicated. It is not that fine to each hair, and the pores can see the cg, even completely more than the promotional video of the GPL Spring.

But this video is wonderful, and the game itself is perfect.

"Ink Yun" is a horizontal 2D game, not a big investment 3A masterpiece, and it is a Chinese style game, related to calligraphy, painting element, so use this ink style CG to show it to be just right. .

Not only can highlight the characteristics of the game itself, but also reduced the difficulty of production.

In the updated demo Demo, although only two small clearance cards in the game, the game time is only about ten minutes, but the core play of the game will be displayed.

In addition, there are calligraphy and painting skills, mobile, jumping, two-stage jump, attack, defense, etc., in addition to the operation mode of the traditional 2D horizontal version.

After clicking on the painting skill, the game screen enters the stagnation state, the time is passed by extremely slow speed, and the player can select the scene elements in the game to erase, or by drawing a specific shape, the props are manufactured, such as painting the circle is a big stone, and The drawing line can create lightning and so on.

However, this also determines that the game cannot be played with the handle, and can only play with a mouse and keyboard or touch screen.

The official is obviously the main battlefield for the two platforms that computers and mobile phones, promise that players will first go to the computer version, then go to the mobile version.

It is reasonable to say that the mobile version will be more comfortable, but after all, the computer version of the independent game player is more, and the development is also easy, so it is still the computer version.


After reading the game content of the promotion video and demo, it is serious, such as the enemy.

No wonder so many people are pre-order, this looks really reliable!

The domestic independent game player group is one of the most supported groups of domestic games. "Ink Yuncan" is a Chinese-style wind game, and combines traditional cultural elements and games such as painting and calligraphy. It is obviously more enjoyable.

Just ... is the Demo of this game, can you play such a good propaganda?

Isn't this scientific?

With some confused, Yu Qian also got open the power of the game details page.


The beginning of the video is in a dim room.

A child in shorts and white strap vest is hiding in the quilt borrowed a flashlight dim light, and looked at a magazine.

Suddenly, the footsteps came from outside the door, and the child rushed to turn off the flashlight. I immediately lie down and put the magazine under the pillow, pretend to fall asleep.

The lens turns, time turns into daylight.

Parents are not at home, the little child is carefully opened the computer, and the picture is a domestic stand-alone game with a concentrated mosaic style.

The child puts the game magazine while seriously controlling the above Raiders.

Suddenly, the clock on the wall began to report, the child rushed to shut down, then took a wet towel on the big head of the computer monitor, then quickly returned to his room, opened the school bag, and finally collapsed the wet towel.

After a while, the security door opened, the child's father came back, touched the computer monitor, and then looked at the child who was seriously studying, turned his head to the matter.

The lens will turn again, the primary school students become high school students, although they have changed different actors, but they can be recognized by apparel. This is the same person.

In the smog of the Internet cafe, there are some peers to play a variety of online games. Only he is still playing a domestic stand-alone game, but only the game playing with his elementary school, there is no change.

Someone laughed why he was still playing this old teeth game, he just smiled and didn't speak.

The lens is again converted, and high school students become adults. It is already late in the night, in the shabby, messy rental house, he carefully produces a game with the game editor.

The messy rooms, all-inped debris all suggest that his poor is stumbling, but he is still busy before the computer.

However, it was in the day, and the violent knocked the door woke him.

After holding a homogenic collection and water, he returned to the room, he was silent for a long time.

In the end, he looked at the computer screen, turned off the unfinished game item in the game editor, and opened his job resume.

After sending a resume to several companies, he habitually moved the mouse to the game editor, but hesitated again, and finally did not go.

The lens turned, he opened the wardrobe, turned to a suit that had not passed for some time, then stood in front of the clothes.

Before the lens, he wore neat suit, hairstyled, but his eyes were somewhat unconscious, just watching the image in the mirror.

In the mirror, he still wears a white strap vest, wearing shorts and flies, the hair is messy, but the face is full of smile, and the eyes are also full of hope.

Two images formed a distinct contrast, implied that his inner heart still wants to be an independent game producer.

Finally, he sighed and picked up a good resume in the table, ready to go out.

However, at this time, he discovered that there was a gold invitation in the mailbox of the door, and the "Directive Plan" four big words were written.

His face finally appeared a smile full of hope.


The promotional video is over, although there is no detailed introduction plan, but has given the meaning of the power of the power.

As for the plot behind the video, most people can also make up their brain: this independent game producer got money, can continue to adhere to their dreams, complete the unfinished game items to make the production, the development of domestic independent games Add bricks.

This game propaganda video is taken in a short period of time, the clip is completed.

Emperor has many old buildings full of last century, and the video game stores in many small alleys have also stored computers of the game consoles and the big head. Plus a filter with a sense of generation, and directly evoke a lot of people. childhood memory.

The content of the video is also a detail.

At the age of home computer, the domestic stand-alone game is also rapidly developing.

The newsletter next to the school will sell a lot of game magazines. At that time, for many students who didn't have much time to play games, I bought a game magazine to reversely optimistic about it. Even if I haven't played at all, I can't buy the game inside, but I still have to see the taste of Jinjin.

I didn't go home from my parents. I secretly opened the computer to play games, but I must remember to cool down with a wet towel in advance. Otherwise, my parents will come home, I will have the original shape, I can't meet a wind.

With the rise of Internet cafes, online games are also developing rapidly, but the domestic stand-alone game that is in this time has embarked on the downhill.

The protagonists in the video like domestic stand-alone games, but the domestic stand-alone game has a fault, when other students play online games, he still played a few years ago a few years ago.

Finally, he became an independent game producer and wanted to complete his dreams. But because of life, you have to make tough choices in ideals and reality ...

These content, people who look at this video with a strong resonance!

After searching for a little on the Internet, Qian Qian immediately understood why "Ink Yuncan" game has received so much attention within a short time.

Its Demo is very fun. It is only the reason for the only one. More importantly, the promotional video of "Ink Yuncan" and the Purchase Plan has been uploaded to the Iilid Island website, which triggered a warm reaction!

On several video platforms such as Ili Island website, the promotional video of the destway has been topped to the front of the game area, and the heat is still rising.

Many diving independent gamers have been blown out.

"This video makes me tears! Is this child not me? Just gave up the way to make the game ..."

"My parents will go home to play the first time, this is too real! Is it a national uniform?"

"Hey, the screen of the Internet cafe is really sad, we like stand-alone games are different. When the child, the domestic stand-alone game is still put in a hundred flowers, and the result is not only to go online, Hey."

"In fact, it's okay, now it is a bit, and the independent game has become more."

"Compared with foreign countries, it is still far away!"

"Is this' power-on plan" is a special funding of domestic independence games? It is really merit! Look at this copy, you must support it! "

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