After the discussion of "Ink Yun" and "Domestic Plan", Yan Qian finally understood why there would be so many pre-order.

Because Qiu Hong puts "ink smoke", "Domestic Plan" and "Office Survival Handbook" is bundled together!

The promotional film of the "Turning Plan" can trigger such a warm response, on the one hand, because it hits the common memories of many players, which triggers extensive resonance, and on the other hand, because of the quality of domestic independent games as the primer.

If there is no game, there is only one way to promote video, it is impossible to trigger such a warm response.

"Ink Yuncan" is just a demo Demo, and only this DEMO is clearly not enough.

This is also the reason why Qiu Honggang has not set up a publicity program: there is no opportunity, it naturally cannot play the best publicity effect.

However, "Office Life Handbook" provides such an opportunity to publicize the power of the destination!

Now is the time in the New Year's Day, the year-end award, before the Spring Festival.

Most office workers, the treatment given to your company is dissatisfied, and many people have a new job after the end of the year-end, after the holiday is finished.

The sale of "Office Survival Handbook" has made those office workers very resonant, with a good response, not only in the circle of independent game enthusiasts, but also successfully "out of the circle", many office workers who do not play games are also Know this game.

Through the success of "Office Life Handbook", Qiu Hong put "ink smoke", "power" and its depth, so that players know: The original "Office Survival Handbook" can be successfully made, because Funding of the "Purchase Plan", and "Directive Plan" also funds many excellent independent game projects, such as "ink cloud smoke".

So, "Office Workers Survival Handbook" has broken the heat, the domestically independent game enthusiasts, the players are all integrated with the expectations of domestic independent games, which has played such a good propaganda!

It can be said that "Office Workers' Survival Handbook", "Ink Yuncan" Demo and "Directive Plan" propaganda video less, it is impossible to play now!

It's really clever.

Looking at the growing number of pre-purchases, Yan Qian feels a little dizzy.

Just one afternoon, the pre-sale sales of this game has already broken 50,000, and look at the current heat, it is also very likely that it is more likely to turn over the next week!

Although domestic independent game players are a minority group relative to mainstream players, from the volume, however, there is a few million active players.

Moreover, the smaller the circle, the more concentrated the attention to the domestic excellent independent game, "the ink cloud" is afraid soon, it will be a warm discussion in the stand-alone game player circle like "Office Survival Handbook"!

Yu Qian, I felt nothing.

The official pricing of "ink cloud smoke" is 45 yuan, and it is considered a medium-bias in the domestic independent game. This pre-sale is not a pre-sale, but a third, that is, 15 yuan.

According to the current trend, if 500,000 copies will be sold in the next week, then the official platform is just before the settlement.

The only good news is that the game is not a named Tenda, so you don't enjoy the privilege of Tengda, and the special preferential policies for independent games can only take 60%.

On this basis, Tengda took 30%.

That is to say, in the pre-sale of "ink cloud smoke", there will be at least 1.3 million to pay!

Moreover, there is also the money earned by "Office Workers Survival Handbook".

The money seems to be similar, but Yan Qian feels like a camel with straw, it is really a settlement, and more than 100 million people who have no centi is like the difference from heaven to hell.

In case, add this million to earn it? That special? Who said?

Yu Qian is simply qi.

This Qiu Hong, how can I find something at this key moment!

Is it not good to go home for a New Year? It's not to make a publicity video fire when you have a holiday? Then send a demo to earn some money?


Thinking of this, Yu Qian immediately dialed Qiu Hong's phone.


At this time, Qiu Hongcai just invited everyone to have a big meal, returning to the house to hit the house in the emperor, preparing to catch a plane to go home tomorrow.

After receiving the call, Qiu Hong couldn't help but surprise.

"I always see the video of the video of the power of the power, so very happy, special calls to affirm my results?"

Two games were completed in a total of the entire hatching base, and they were not selling well, but even so, I was always praised Qiu Hong, saying that the effect is remarkable, and it is fast, let him make persistent.

Qiu Hong is worn, according to such a criteria, now there is a "office survival manual" and "ink cloud" two games, "Domestic Plan" video, the video response is also good, and the balance is not happy?

He rushed up the phone and waited for the general praise.

However, the first sentence of directly took him.

"Who let you put the semi-finished game to the official platform to do pre-order ?!"

Yan Qian's tone is sure, because he is really angry.

This game is clearly not completed, you are old and old, and don't affect my cycle!

Results Qiu Hong's pre-order, directly let Yan Qian have a little calendar.

Qiu Hong stunned, said slightly, "" , pre-sale this kind of thing is not very common in the stand-alone game circle ... "

Yu Qian couldn't help but silently: "Hey ..."

He thought about it, Qiu Hong said that there is no problem.

The ESRO official platform is actually encouraging independent games for pre-sale, the reason is also very simple, nothing more than the relationship between the same as the country.

Independent game makers often want money, no money, there is no resource, there is a variety of compromises in the production process, want to achieve high completion, and all aspects are actually not allowed.

Pre-sale, you can get those qualities, and the player's favorite independent game will get some money in advance, one side is to maintain development costs, and on the other hand, it can also enhance the confidence of making people.

Of course, there may be some individual producers will have suspected money, such as updating a very fun Demo, getting slowly developing a lot of pre-sale money, turning the game into a series of births, late Not online.

However, the official platform also has the corresponding punishment measures for this producer, and this kind of person is a few, and it is not possible to cancel this provision of all independent game producers because of the horses of individual harm.

Therefore, Qiu Hong took the "ink cloud smoke" Demo to pre-sale, it is indeed a consistent routine that is in line with independent games, is a behavior advocated by the official platform.

So, the question of Yan Qian is a little bit a little bit.

After the moment of silence, he said to be strong: "Why do other independent games like to engage in pre-sale? It is because those producers lack money, they can only pay the development funds in advance by pre-sale!"

"Is the producer of the power plan lack of development fund?"

Qiu Hong was asked: "Hey, this ..."

Yan Qian did not give him too much time, continue: "Since it is not lack of money, why do you have to sell?"

"Pre-sale, in fact, it is equivalent to using the players' sympathy, and the risk of subsequent game development failed from the developer to the player."

"The official platform supports this behavior, mainly because most independent game producers are too bad, need players to offer, support."

"Although this behavior is a willing to play a wish, but it is still damaged by the interests of the player. The best way should be handed over, the hand is delivered, the game is sold, the players like it buy."

"Since the independent game producer of the power plan does not lack the money, shouldn't you engage in pre-sale, wait for the game development to be sold directly?"

Qiu Hongyi stories: "This ..."

He suddenly felt that Yan always said that it is really reasonable!

In fact, Qiu Hong also made a pre-sale in accordance with the regular routine here, did not think too much, but now the items, this behavior is really unproton.

Qiu Hong asked: "What should I do now?"

Yan Qie thought, asked: "Can you change the pre-order payment to 0? Then refund the player who has already saved."

Qiu Hong hesitated: "Hey ..., change to 0 can't, the minimum change is one-third of the present, that is, five dollars; the refund will be more troublesome, the permissions are not enough, maybe ESRO official will not by."

"If it is personally coming from Tengda, it is possible, but this is also equal to the relationship of Tengda and Directive Plan ..."

Yan Qian immediately said: "It must not do it. In this case, it is 5 yuan to change to the pre-order price, and we will compensate for those who have already purchased 15 yuan."

Qiu Hong also said: "There is also, , for this behavior of this change price, the official has always been unsupported, because whether it is price increase or price reduction, it will affect the interests of the player."

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, you can understand."

"Our behavior is definitely affecting the interests of the player, apologizes, compensation!"

"So, like I have said, the pre-order money is changed to 5, for those already paid, the game is directly hitting a 20% discount, that is, 36 yuan, then send an announcement apologize, then I didn't expect players. So since he is so enthusiastic, we feel that the price of the pre-order is high, and now it is low, I hope the players will understand. "

For Yu Qian, cut the pre-order money from 15 digits to 5, then "ink cloud smoke" Demo can reduce the money to reduce a few hundred thousand.

It is also good to take a small straw from the camel back.

As for those who have already taken 15 yuan to pre-order, Yu Qian is just a chance to give them a fold, and earn less.

Qiu Hong said: "Good, I have communicated with the official platform."

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