Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 850 feels like a game! (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

However, the FRY coach didn't know that this scene was perfectly captured by the camera, and the split broadcast gave all the audience around the world.

In the domestic live broadcast platform, the barrage is full of live broadcast.

"What is the paper in the FRY instructor?"

"I saw it! It seems to be a lineup that the FV team started from the eight-eighth game!"

"Really fake? What does it mean to put the paper into a group?"

"It should be given up, hahaha, I just checked the lineup of the FV team, from the Baqiang to now a total of 7 small games, selected 26 different heroes, almost every game is different. Play, this analyzes a hammer! "

"The coach of the FRY team is silent, I am afraid that the head is happy and I can't think of the way?"

"Don't expand, don't expand, or look at how the next FRY team is going to play!"


In the mood of Zhao Ximing and Yu Qian, the second game started.

This FRY team deliberately chose the red side, giving the first election right to the FV team, obviously because of the previous tactics, this time I hope to wait and see watch, let the Fry team choose the lineup To target, at least the lineup should not be cracked.

The two sides are still the escort hero of each other, but although the principle of BAN is the same, the effect is different.

After the FV, the Ban of the FRY team, after the FRY team, I feel a huge weakening; while the FRY team Ban thinks the "FV team's absorbent hero", but it seems that there is no trouble to the FV team.

This is very uncomfortable.

The FRY team has just finished Ban, and the old week has directively locked a hero who had a Ban necessary choice: chaotic bad luck!

Instant second lock, highlighting a momentum.

This hero is a big popular time in the group, as long as you get the basics will win, it is a very weak in the previous period, and once it is developed, it is very unexpected hero.

However, the eight-strong FV team released this hero with CEM, and then he kill it with the cold door to kill it, this hero is a bit of the meant.

Because after the game, the other teams were also inspired. I know how to play chaotic bad luck. Once everyone knows, this hero is not so terrible.

The Coach of the Fry team is first shocked, and then exposed the express expression: "Great!"

This choice of chaotic markes is indeed unexpectedly, because the FV team prefer to release this hero to make the face, then yourself, very little yourself.

The FRY coach took a closer look, although the FV did chose chaotic bad luck, but it was more likely to be a strong hero of the previous strength of chaotic bad luck.

Is this not equal to white?

He immediately gave the player to choose the CEM's chaotic Hero combination when playing CEM.

Why is there a standard answer?

The FRY coach guess, the FV team did not ban these two heroes, maybe one aspect is because it is to be BAN himself, and on the other hand, it is also blind confident.

Once the chaotic bad luck is, it will definitely fry directly, but since the lineup is developed by the FV team, they will definitely let the wild to squat and go to the development of the chaos.

It may be a comprehensive consideration, plus the BAN is not enough, the FV team does not have Ban to drop this pair of Ueno heroes.

But the reason why FRY coaches is so confident because they specially practice this play!

After the analysis of the balancer of the company, the chaotic bad luck is still the choice of T0 in the data, so we have a focus on this hero, Fry team.

Even if the other party's wilderness is guaranteed, the FRY team has other ways to go to the chaotic bad luck.

This wave is a layer higher than the FV team!

The BP of the two sides continued, and the FV team did not seem to be too much of FRY's lineup, but still chose a group war system surrounded by chaos.

The FRY team also selected the lineup they want.

They did not completely illustrate the routine of the FV team, but made some subtle adjustments, but the tactical play is the same: strong in the wild, the midway supported by the support, the chaotic bad luck directly.

If the FV team is not going to protect the chaotic bad luck, the chaotic man will be infinitely died in the tower; if you walked in the wild, then the wild area will be invaded and compressed, and FR is in the absence of the wild. The wave rhythm can break the deadlock, and the chaotic bad luck is still difficult to develop.

The official explanation is smart, although they still optimistic about the FRY lineup, but they did not say death.

"FRY selection a set of standards for chaotic bad luck, almost written on the face of 'chaotic bad luck', and in the case of understanding the intentions of the other party, the FV team did not do it on the lineup. Too much response, will this be blind confident? "

"The FRY team's current tactics is the first of the FV team, but it is clear that the FRY team has integrated into his own understanding in this tactics. Is it Master an apprentice, or the apprentice defeated Master? Let us wait and see!"


At the same time, Jingzhou.

Yan Qian looked at the lineup of both sides, I feel that this scene seems to have seen.

Is this almost the same as the eight?

I still remember the chaotic violent military training by the FV team, from the beginning to the end.

But this time the chaos became the FV team.

Yu Qian felt, there must be a demon abnormally, but I can't guess the FV team in the end, I can only follow it patiently.

The answer will soon be unveiled.

At the beginning of the game, the FV team has rushed to the road to go to the road!

Seeing this scene, Yan Qianxin "", I feel unique.

No wonder fv did not restrict the other party's online hero when the lineup was selected, because they had already thought about changing the line, and the other party didn't have a hero!

You must know that no matter whether it is IOI or GOG, it is no anti-change protection mechanism, that is, the initial property of the three outer towers is completely consistent, and there is no "first XX minutes in the middle two towers. "Setting.

Therefore, this playing method for changing is not rare in the game. Many teams do not trust a line of lines of players, and will allow the team to switch the line to avoid the line pressure.

If the chaotic bad luck should be to go to the road, it will be self-careless by the FRY's downward group, or it is still difficult to develop.

However, the FV team is obviously not a routine change, and the chaos did not go to the road, but followed by the first half of the wild area of ​​the other side, the double group and the middle road were also followed, and the moment is five people!

The Fry team's Wilderness was shocked and hurriedly hugged.

Fortunately, it is fast, otherwise a blood is over, this game is difficult.

However, he did not be too panic, and it quickly calved it. After all, the first-class group is also seen, since the other party invaded his upper half wild area, then he went to the second half of the other party.

Change the wild area and will not lose too much.

The first-class group invasion such FV did give a certain development time to the chaotage, so that the idea of ​​this 2-level Vietnamese tower is empty, but the cost is seriously damaged by the development of the double road.

FV, the next double group is returned to the city after the group is returned to the city, and it must be leaking less experience. I am afraid that I have to be under the turtle tower for a lifetime.

If the script is really developed, the Fry team is completely affordable. White is a big advantage, and then I will find a chance to go to the road military training after I will go to the road.


The official explanation is obviously so understanding, all of which are saying that the FV team is hys ready to be considered.

Although the development of chaotic bad luck is guaranteed to a certain extent, there is too much loss of the two people, and it will be directly connected.

However, the behavior of the FV team is unexpected to everyone, after invading the wild, the two-person group will not return to the way to go back, but go directly to eat the route!

The shooter got a single package against the FRY team.

what's the situation?

Is it going to be two brothers wrestling each other? How did I suddenly come to a long bully me? Also bring a bodyguard?

FRY's order is very depressed, but after all, he has changed the championship, so soon, he quickly stabilizes his mentality.

As long as you eat an experience under the tower, you can use the skill to make a few towers, or it can still be mixed.

But the first wave of millennium has just entered the tower, and the wild and chaotic bad luck here has come back behind him.

I haven't risen level 2 yet, I have been opposite the four Zhuang Han situated under the tower!

Obviously FV is not going to make chaotic markes to go to the road, simply mixed with the wild!

The FRY team is still the first level, and the wild is also brushed over the half area. It is called the weather every day, the place is not spiritual, and it is symbolically resistant under the tower.

Then, the wild and chaotic bad luck once again got into the wild area of ​​the FRY team, and the FV team's next way was started to push the road defense tower.

The official explanations were all shocked.

"FV team ... I will give up the road directly? Don't you turn off?"

"The FRY team is already in the push tower, which is obvious that the speed is faster than the FV team push the tower."

"After all, the FV team has kills the other party to a certain amount of time."

"In this way ... The Fry team is very comfortable, it is a state of completely polishing, and it is not worried that someone will come to catch; the FRY team's wilderness can change the mountain after brushing down the half wild area District, it is not a loss. "

"Who is lost?"

"FRY's orders, he died once, now there is no place to go! I don't dare to go, I can only follow my own wild or down."

"If both parties explode, the FRY team can accept."

"No, FRY can't accept, because FV is obviously to raise chaos bad luck!"

FV next to the next road in the crazy push tower, playing wild and chaotic bad luck, and went back to brush his upper halfway. The chaotic bad luck did not follow him, but it came to the road of FRY has been disappearing.

The FV team hit the tower to a blood, and immediately went home, leaving the chaotic markes alone on the road, silently waiting for the tower to eat all the soldiers all eat clean, this is not too slow to drop the defensive tower, then return city.

All Tower money is all given a person yourself in chaos!

FV's lowering double group supplemented equipment, immediately rushed to the middle, and the wild and middle road were to enter the lower half of the wild district to give pressure, and the chaotic markes came to the second tower of the road to the second tower, steadily. Big wave.

The FRY team's next way is still full, but it is a little too much to go directly to the other party, but they have to be equipped, so they will immediately put down the defensive tower. Back to the city.

But this wave of millennium is not cleaned up, and it is ultimately a chaotic bad luck.

Confused the road from FRY, the tower rose, but the defensive tower eats all the small soldiers before being destroyed, so the war line is in the river.

I didn't dare to pass at all, because there was no defensive tower, a defective line of development is simply a bill of money that will walk.

The FRY team is awkward, and the one who has actually gone!

I didn't dare to go on the road; the next corporal line was charged under the second tower of FV, and I couldn't eat; I can't let him eat the mid-circle war line?

What is the order and next way?

The number of people in both parties is 1: 0, only the orders of the FRY will be killed once, and the difference is not unknown.

But the situation is already rapidly, and the tactical arrangement of FRY is completely destroyed, can't play!


In the domestic live broadcast, the barrage has been fooled.

"This is a seven injuries? Killing a thousand, self-loss 800?"

"See the change, but this change has never seen it! I will take it directly to the road."

"But from the beginning, FV is just a blood! Chaos bad hammer!"

"FRY chose the Yusan of the early advantage, I want military training chaotic bad luck, and I didn't think of it is a military training! The hero is directly collapsed, and I can't develop it. What is the difference between this? "

"I have made my brain from the FV psychological activity: Brothers, I am waiting for chaotic bad luck, what are you waiting?"

"Laughter, FRY is suppressed by IQ! How to play with the group? Chaotic bad luck, I have eaten such a big wave, the development is over, this is a fat, it is absolutely one Playing five! "

Developed to now, even the audience can also see that Fry is to be heavy.

This lineup was originally a preliminary lineup, and it was desirable to catch the chaotic bad luck. Results did not catch it, and their own places also collapsed!

Although the development of other four people is unaffected, the FRY's lineup is not a group battle lineup, and if there is a bad development, it will be very lack of front rows. One group is definitely broken.

How is this?

Fry's team members have a little doubtful.

They even confused: Is this IOI we have been playing?

How do you feel, it seems to change a game?

Suddenly don't understand!

This feeling is like, thinking that it is Go, it is good, and the other party suddenly connects the five chess pieces into a line, and then win!

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