After the chaotic bad luck is not stressed, the whole game has entered the junk time.

Although the Fry team is still trying to find opportunities, their lineup is not a group of fighting, even if it is struggling to find some opportunities in the situation of disadvantages, it is impossible to change the entire battle.

After a variety of resources in chaos, after eating the economy, although the economies of the two sides are almost completely flat, they have not yet hit it, and the Fry team is completely broken.

In the end, the heads of both sides were stayed at 17-1 12. The FV team successfully won the second game!


The two team members have returned.

The team members here are still there too many expressions because they are very clear, starting from the moment of changing, this game is basically over.

Since everything is going, it is not very happy, there will be no more than that of the big turn.

And I opposite the FRY team, some players have begun to collapse.

Especially their boarding players, when I got up and returned to the lounge, my eyes seemed to be a tear.

His competition is really hard!

According to the original tactical arrangement, it should be the heart of the people to take care of the road. Crazy, catching the championship, and taking the competition directly in the medium term.

As a result, I didn't expect the FV team to change the FRY's tactical arrangement. He could have been taking over the game directly at level 1, and then found that he actually became homeless. orphan.

Confused the other party's upper road chaotic bad luck, eating tower, eating wild blame, the FV team can make the resources you can give it, the group also has no flowers in the flowers, just got a few skills. Pile.

The FRY team is absolutely uncomfortable, and the operation of this chaotic bad luck is it?

Obviously, there is no difference between the two sides, as a result, because of the problems of tactics and teammates, playing the last super ghost, who can serve?

What is more angry is that the two games have not made any particularly serious mistakes, but they feel the IQ, how to play can't win!

The picture is back to the explanation, and the expression of the comments is even more unnatural.

Although they still use a smile demonstration, try to explain the wonderful group battle of this game, but everyone is clear, this game is actually not suspected from the beginning, the family of the FRY team is not intensive!

The FV team is particularly clear. It doesn't matter if you caught a few people in the early stage. As long as you can fight for the chaotage, you can change the development time; later, the group has been changed to a few people, but I have a harvest.

Although it seems that both parties have interchanges on each battle, it is actually that the hero of the chaotic man is not dead once, that is, FRY still does not cause any substantial threat to the FV team, and take more people. It can only be chronic death.

Although it is still a championship, the explanation can't say that, or to help the Fry team.

After all, if you say the truth, you can let the spectators are discouraged.

"I think the expression of the FRY team is obviously improved, compared to the first bore of the hand harness, the second bureau has conducted a lot of attempts, caught some opportunities, once the economic gap is very dead. Just the last chaotic The Heroes of the bad luck have taken too many people unable to handle, so Fry is not unable to return to the day. "

"Obviously the FV team grabs the chaotic markes is a trap. Although there is a playing method in the previous game, it is worth the way to go on the road, and the gameplay that is completely abandoned. Over. Now, this is indeed a good way to protect the development of chaos. "

"Now the FV team has already got three prices, the scene is a huge advantage for them. However, we also noticed that the FRY team is apparent, the Fry team is clearly adjusted, adapt, and believe in the third The FRY team's FRY team will bring us a wonderful game! "

"The Fry team is a very tough team. They have created miracles many times, this time they can't let two chase three, create a miracle? Let us wait and see!"


In the lounge of the Fry team, the atmosphere is very dull.

This game is better than the morale of themselves than the first game!

Although the first bureau has fewer people, the audience has been letting resources, but for the Fry team, they are still waiting for opportunities, and always believe that as long as they find a wave of better opportunities in the later period, there is a possibility of turning over.

The second bureau is exactly the opposite, and the FRY team seems to have come back, got the head, and changed to the defensive tower, but the equipment is getting better and better, but everyone is more and more desperate. .

Because they are very clear, they can't get won, and there is a comeback in the early days. If you want to find a chance, you can't find a chance!

If you use a boxing game to metaphor, the first bureau is always going to work, but the number of points that the other party gets, so the FRY team still feels a certain turn of the market; the second game is getting a point, but Fry How to struggle, the gap between the number of two sides is getting bigger and bigger, this is really desperate!

Especially the order player, I feel that I haven't played this game.

On the stage of the final, the teams of both sides are not too big, and every player is the top player. Fry's order is also very confident. As a result, today's game is poor from the head to the end, and it is more likely that the actor is more than the ranking. It is a suspected life.

The stimulus of the coach is also completely less than the team.

It is reasonable that the players have no problem, these two games are all lost without suspense, and the coach is to carry a cauldron.

But the coach also felt innocent, all the team members and the entire coaching group were suppressed by IQ, it is hard to do this, I want me to be alone?

The data balancer of the finger company is coming, but it has not played anything!

Before the header secretly sent a data balancer, the Fry team is outdoors. These two data balancers have indeed truly realism, helping to analyze a lot of strong heroic data, prepared several tactics.

The FRY team's strength is also successfully further, trying to work with other European and American team training, basically all relaxed.

Therefore, the FRY team is very popular before the start of the game, and it feels that the super level of the finals will be played, and the FRY team will definitely be filled with five games.

As a result, this is on, it is pressed by IQ!

The tactics that fingers finished by fingers are finished, and they are completely seen in the opposite side!

The FRY coach also has something to say, and the company's data balancer doesn't work, what can I do?

Everyone in the lounge is all right.

In the end, it is still a coach: "Chaos bad luck ... or ban fall."

The players looked at each other and was considered by default.

The first two FRY teams did not have ban chaos bad luck. It is mainly not afraid to choose the opposite side.

But after the second game was finished, they realized that the FV team got this hero, and he can't deal with it!

People only need to stick to this change in the game, let the chaos go to the wild together, and the Fry team is not very good. Even if you can use a double road to catch the line, it is just to delay the development time of some chaotic bad luck, and it is not necessary to determine the role.

But if the FRY team grabs the chaos, they don't dare.

Because they are very clear, this change is definitely not a tactics that can steal. It is a very complete system behind any tactics, including the preliminary lineup, the opening of the field of view, unexpected situation, etc. is a very complete system.

And the FRY team does not know anything about these details, and now the time of the second game of the Republic is not too late, how can it be hard to play the other party?

Moreover, since the chaotic bad shift is played by the FV team, who dares to gamble they have no counter-system?

So, after thinking, the most steady way is definitely ban, you don't take me.

However, this is a small problem, that is, those who have fallen by the FV team falling before, I have to let go, I have to think about it.

In the end, it is still the coach. "In this case, we will fall all the chaos bad and the blade wings. Although it does not necessarily play the global stream, we can absolutely can't take risks."

"We will be steady and stabilized in the next game.

The players nodded and expressed their agreement with the idea of ​​coaches.

Although the FV team has not played global flow, who dares to gamble? The FRY team is not as confident like a FV team. If the game is lost, this game is directly.

Therefore, after two consecutive tactics, the Fry team decided to change their thoughts. Since playing the brain, it is better than spelling, and the key hero of the hot system is broken, and then fight hard!

Although the Fry team's team members have been hit, the mentality of one by one is not very stable, but they have not been burden now, decided to let go.


Under the stage, Zhao Ximing is very worried about brushing the mobile phone, checking the discussion of the finals on the finals.

At the domestic forum, the FV team is clearly a support for the support, and all the posts of praise the FV team are Tuc.

There are also many people who are thinking for Fry, but this is not because they stand on the side, but it feels that Fry is huge, so these people have entered the position of the weak side, I hope they can adjust it, dedicate one exciting competition.

But even the keyboard, it also analyzes the way you can't win!

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