Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 855 is to force people's phenomenon

The trophy is also held, the medal has also been sent, and the photo is also taken, and finally came to the interview.

All foreign spectators have also reached the vertices for the fars of the FV.

Although the five teams of the FV team were in the eyes of the country, they were the first batch of IOI star players, but their well-known is limited to domestic.

Because this game is the beginning of the company's research and development, it has long been the star player of the European and American clubs for a long time, so the foreign audience can basically say nothing about these five team members. I don't know.

At the group competition, the domestic team was not good, so that the foreign audience also took the FV team to be used as a fishing team, and there was no interest to understand.

After the end of the eight games, the two games of the Fourth Qi, the official is also arranged in an interview, but the interview at that time is mainly for some details in the game, there is no substantial content.

In the end, I interviewed Pan Ying after the end of the Fourth Slit. Pan Ying it is a person who interviewed black hole. The answer is short, but there is only one sentence, giving people a feeling of being forced, but the dry goods are not enough, there is nothing. Can be discussed.

Compared to the FV team, the team's answer highlights a flatness.

Therefore, for most audiences, FV is still a very mysterious team.

Why can they be so strong? From the eight-eighth game, all are 3: 0, and from the results of the game, there is no suspense from the results of the game, and the other party does not have any opportunities.

This kind of suffocating, so that anyone has to admit that the FV team is the most dominated IOI team in the world, not only one, not only the existence of the unique, but also following the FRY team of the runner-up. A generic is empty.

There are also many questions about the official host of the company.

The team members of the FV team also have coaching Zhou Pengyuan station into a row. Everyone wears a champion medal, and the head is very chest, waiting for an interview.

The moderator began to interview with team members from the road, to the wild, and then to the middle road, next road, and finally the coach.

The moderator first came to the front of the player. After letting him have a greeting with all the audience, I asked the question in advance: "When the second game, the team grabbed the hero of chaotic bad luck, I would like this is What kind of tactical consideration? What is your understanding of this hero? "

On the way, I thought about it, replied: "According to our coach team analysis, this hero is basically invincible on the middle and late value. If you can guarantee your development, you can win, so you will be able to win. Robbed."

"I understand this hero ... I will have a good time. As long as it comes to the face, the keyboard will win."

After listening to the translation, the host couldn't help but laughed: "Do you have a hand? It is also very confident. Can you evaluate the player who is opposed to you today?"

On the road player, I thought: "I feel that he is still very good, but the game is nothing to do with him. My team is a little bit better than his team."

After listening to the translation, the audience under the stage stared, and the whistle sounded.

It was also a touch of faint load, such as "99% of the situation", "3: 0 is not surprising", "3: 0 is not surprising", "3: 0 is not surprising", "3: 0 is not surprising", "the performance of the other party is all There is no need for random strain within our coaching group. "

The result is now discovered that it is not just that the captain Pan Ying is this character. The whole team is almost!

On the road player, this "has a hand", "the face roll keyboard can win", "the opponent is very powerful", it also highlights a touch of faint.

The moderator came to an interview in front of the wilder player.

"We all know that the storm swordsman is your signboard hero. After you put it out, you have also won the ultimate victory through this hero, and also went smoothly. What is it? Most people get the five kids? Most people I feel that this is a hero of a mappie, but you still take it out on the highest stage of the professional stadium and have achieved a good effect. Can you say that your confidence is coming? "

I didn't think too much after I got a wild player. After I heard the translation, I immediately said: "If the five kills, I am still a bit happy. After all, the previous games my teammates kills too fast, I want to grab my personal head is not easy."

"However, this five kids are indeed good for teammates, I haven't worked, I will go on the time."

"If the confidence is, it is actually nothing to follow my proficiency. This hero is indeed a hero that can only be abused in our coaching group. It is a waste that is normal development.

"But the coach group has developed us a combination of the storm swordsman and the ghost blacksmith, so that I can use this hero to eat two economies, so I dare to come out to play."

After listening to the translation, the audience in the world raised again.

Sure enough, I played a wild player, "My teammate kills too fast", "I haven't worryable", "I don't dare to take", these suddenly sound, but carefully think about it, I feel that there is no problem. This is the most outrageous.

The host came to the middle of the middle player.

"When you are in the first game, face the blade wings and global flow, decisively select the explosive craftsman to deal with. In most teams, this is a weak hero, how do you choose such a Hero? If the other party does not choose the blade wings, will you choose this hero? Or will there be other confidence? "

Midway player is a more calm, cautious person, after listening to the translation, thinking more: "This hero is cold, but in the analysis of our coaching group, it is considered that its towering ability is actually supermodel in the new version. So it is a good choice for giving a global stream. Of course, you also need a team to cooperate, you can't give the opponent's global chance. "

"If the other party didn't choose the blade wings, I will definitely take it. This version of the global flow is still a stronger lineup."

The so-called supermodel is beyond the template, that is, the explosive craftsman seems to have many flaws on the surface, but because the tower capability is too strong, and it has certain team capabilities, it has become the core choice of global flow.

The answer to the midway player clearly unspeused the question of many viewers. The FV blade wings were obviously prepared to prepare for both hands. The other party chose to be targeted. The other party did not choose to take itself.

The moderator continued to ask: "That is to say you are also proficient in the blade Wings this hero?"

Middle Road hero silence for a moment: "This hero should be the most basic hero of the middle road, and the professional player will not play with the spectral."

The moderator came to the next player.

"Today, the tactical status of you in the team seems to be very high, the tactics of the Three games are arranged around the middle, boarding and playing, and will be selected by the team's shooter to cooperate with the team. But in this case Next, you still have a very high output and very good-looking KDA. How did you do it? "

Lowering the player smiled: "Because according to the analysis of our coach group, this version will not be completed with the core, can only be a toolman. Shangyuo is going to the road, Shang Zhongye is not smooth, it is also white."

"I have no requirements for tactical arrangements, anyway, I can win. As for output and kda ... are all mixed behind the teammates, who is almost."

The laughter and cheers will be transmitted again. This will also speak the same style as before the previous players, "can win", "" who is mixed with teammates "," Who is almost the same ", this suddenly said A set of sets.

The moderator finally came to the assistant player Pan Ying.

Pan Ying is also an old-acquaintance of the audience. After all, he accepts an interview when he accepts it. This "interview with black hole" is the command and captain of the team, giving many viewers' impressions.

"Today's teamwork teamwork is as beautiful as before, with the eight strong games, three: 0, and easily overcome the opponent. In the viewer, you play very whole, everyone seems very clear teammate The next action is like sharing a brain in operation. How do you do such a perfect team? "

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