Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 856 How to make the bottom team to change the bone?

Pan Ying thought: "It may be because the coach has been in detail, we have also conducted a lot of targeted training, so everyone knows what to do, I will say that two sentences will understand "

"So, in fact, I didn't have a special job."

The moderator was very surprised: "So, the exchange of the pre-resource, the outbreak of people, or even if you want to pick up, is it in advance of the coaching group?"

Pan Yingnan: "Although it is impossible to specifically reach each wave group, but the factors such as the critical equipment of both parties, the key equipment of the core hero can be judged that the coach group is in advance."

After listening to the translation, the audience of the audience is very surprised.

Although Pan Ying's words are a little bit, he is not the first team member.

All members of the FV team, including the previous interviewed top three roads and Wild players, all said that their performance is unparalleled with the coaching group, as long as the program planned in the coaching group, it is easy to win. .

The moderator asked again: "So what do you think can get this champion, what is the most important? Is it a teamwork? Is it a trust between teammates?"

Pan Ying thought, said: "Thank you for arranging tactics for us, there is also the brothers SUG to spend us. I think the comprehensive strength of our team has no obvious gap with FRY, can win all the best "

"Of course, the most important thing is to thank our boss, because all of this is all in the end."

The host is a bit surprised, because all the players are all uniform, and the biggest credit is credited to the coach's body!

This is actually a relatively few cases.

Because at this time, although there are coaches in this period, although there are coaches, the status of the coach is far from saying a point of no one.

In the country, many players are Internet addiction teenagers, high-class roads, they can't look down from the heart, I feel that the coach you have not given me how to do things? Your analysis of the routine head is the result of the high-end bureau, how can I get a game?

Therefore, in many domestic clubs, the coaches are all taken, and the tactics studying are still a suggestion, and the star players have a strong voice.

In Europe, the United States, the current situation is actually not too much, which is better than the country.

Unless it is a retired senior player to go to do coaches, the voice will be high, and other coaches are basically equal to white.

Like the FV team, the coach team listening should be fully engaged, and the coach team can fully estimate the situation on the scene and make arrangements in advance, in fact, never heard of it.

In the end, the host came to the front of the coach Zhou Pengyuan.

"Zhou coach, the team members will pay attention to the coaching team. So how do you and the FV coach team develop these extremely imagined tactics?"

These three-game tactics, whether using strong demolition to deal with global flow, use the change in chaos, or the storm swordsman and the ghost blacksmith's raising food, it is very imagination.

Not only the opponent FRY team didn't realize that even the explanation of the scene and the audience did not realize that the FV team would play like this under the perspective of God.

Zhou Peng smiled and said: "Because we have a special data analysis team, a comprehensive assessment of all the heroes in front of the revised version, through the line practice and training, many seemingly cold doors but actually You can take it out. And we also have a special tactical team, will move some classic tactics and become your own tactics. "

The moderator is listening carefully, and suddenly, it suddenly came back in the middle of the lack of nervous sound: "Don't continue to study this problem!"

The host's face changed, and after listening to the guide, he learned that these tactics were evolved from the GOG, and then, he said that he would have a big problem, and rushed to change a problem.

"So, how is this championship? What is the meaning of your coaching career? Is it intended to hit another peak with FV's players?

Zhou Pengyuan silent for a moment, said: "In fact, I was also arranged by the boss before the game was played, and I was a good episode for me to my coaching career."

"As for later ... I am also uncertain will continue to serve as the coach of the FV team, because there is still its own team to bring. However, the team members of the FV team also have a group of other people, and after the future it is good."

The host's ear is re-emerged, and the sound of the tension is again: "This problem doesn't know deeply! He is the coach of the Gog team!"

The host has some speechless, what is going on here, how is it all pit!

I don't dare to ask other questions. If you ask what you should not say, isn't it?

The whole world's finals came from hosting now, and finally the award-winning interview is still there?

The host rushed: "OK, thank the FV members to accept interviews, let us once again first give the applause and cheers to the championship of the IOI Global Finals, FV team!"

In warm applause and cheers, the IOI Global Finals finally came to an end!


At the same time, the domestic live broadcast has been blown up.

Not only the live broadcast, there are countless audiences and players in major forums to discuss the last interview.

"How many players fv put it one! Everyone's interview has a golden sentence!"

"On the road 'has a hand, you will fight the wild" teammates, "Middle Road' basic operation ', the road" with teammates mix', the auxiliary 'did not command', absolutely! "

"No, I have seen these people usually play the live broadcast. They seem to be so forced. Do you have been infected?"

"This answer is highlighting a leaflet. Everyone feels that she is not Carry, but it is only a thing of the person? Is it a ring-shaped legs? There is no thigh in the team, or everyone is a thigh?"

"No, isn't the players say it is very honest? The biggest thigh in the team is the coach!"

"Pan Ying said that all tactical routine playings and competitions may have arranged in advance, this is true and false? Is there such a evil door?"

"Lying in the trough, I interviewed this! The IOI Global Final Champion is just a small episode in the career?"

"Maybe I feel that DGE is more important. After all, he didn't play IOI before, and it took a month to bring the FV team to the world champion. It is estimated that it is nothing challenging!"

"Indeed, I think the goal of the old week should be the team members who have taught DGE. Strive for the major clubs to transport some potential newcomers, and strive to take a few GPL champions! "

"Lao Zhou said, there is a special data analysis team and tactical team, analyzing the game version of IOI, moving mature tactics. The so-called 'mature tactic' is not the tactics in GOG? This is like strong demolition, this Obviously, there was a tactics that was popular in GOG! "

"Indeed, and the last raise flow seems to be a cold tactics in the GOG. It was not very easy to use in the IOI competition, but after the revision, the trick rules were modified, so the effect of using it will be so it is good!"

"This interview is too short, no meaning, there are still many key questions, don't ask?"

"It should be dare to study, if you ask, the old week said that he has always played GOG, studying IOI for more than a month, then can this scene you can see? That turn into a live incident!"

"I hope that domestic media interviews the FV station team. I feel that they are very mysterious in Los Angeles. I don't think they have changed. I don't think they can't think of them with the previous domestic qualifications. what!"

"In short, look forward to the victory of the championship! I can't wait to see them live broadcast!"

After the FV team won the IOI Global Final Champion, the domestic public opinion is all in an optimistic atmosphere.

From the beginning of the other two team groups, to the Eight-strengthening FV team's surprise, and then went to the final to get the championship in such a way, the whole IOI global finals can be said to be a big show, let the audience They have a big shook.

Even a lot of GOG players who have not played because of GPL snaps, it is very happy to be very happy, sincerely.

After all, this is the general team, and the old week is DGE players, and naturally people feel close.

Just in such a happy atmosphere, a post appeared on the forum, soon triggered a hot discussion.

The title of the post is: "From the bottom team to the world champion, what kind of magic is always in the end, can the FV team reborn? "

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