Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 857 Time Arrangement is very perfect!

"As the FV team is easy to win the championship with three 3: 0, this IOI Global Finals finally came to an end. For domestic players, the FV team in Los Angeles is no doubtful for my country's electricity history. Leave a strong colorful, and left the aesthetic memories that can be remembered in the life. "

"If this is not true happening, who can think of such a team with absolute dominance is also known as a few months ago, the five main players of the team are all wandering, and they are unsettled."

"The right five people will come together, will explode the energy of the world, but I want to emphasize that who let this correct five people come together? FV ultimate dream coach team, Who is it to build them? "

"In fact, it is surprised to find that the photo of the FV team will find that there is still a lot of people in the same way, actually is big!"

"Let me bring everyone to all members of this dream team!"

"When I started to see this picture, I also felt a bit of a small question. The other two music, there is no more people in the FV, do you need a big season?"

"But many people telling this photo of everyone's identity, I understand that this is a powerful dream team!"

"The first is the five starting team members and coaches of the FV team. This is not to say more. Everyone knows. Then stand next to them is the FV boss Wu Yue and the manager, next to the FV two teams, is Based on the original three players, the SUG all the team members also have boss Ding Fu ... "

"Previously, many people broke the news that the FV team did not train, and other teams did not follow them, but in fact, the two teams and SUGs have been spending!"

"Of course, this is not a focus, focusing on these people who don't know these, they are the core people that form the FV Dream Coach Team!"

"This is , he is the current master designer of GOG, all the value and balance design are him to be responsible. This is the boat of Ye, he is the main designer of the Yangyang game. You still remember the previous IOI national service. Once is the Ocean Game Agent? At that time he was the person in charge. "

"There is also a little black and thin, the expression that I don't accept the face is bigger. He is the famous" traveler Bao Xu "that Tengda's famous" traveler Ba Xu ", many times, the second place of excellent employees," It is said to be Tenda's excellent games have his figure. And he is not just designing games, playing games are also as good, in many games are asgenized players! "

"That is to say, the FV team's tactical team not only includes their original coach and analyst, including GOG's designer, as well as the original GOG tactical master! It is no wonder that they can then naturally put the tactics in GOG I used to IOI's game! "

After this post, immediately triggered a hot discussion.

In fact, this photo has been hanging on the official Weibo of the FV team very early, but at that time, the point of attention is in the number of people, and there is no specific identity of these people.

Now someone has exploded, everyone realized that the original GOG's main designer personally went to Los Angeles to do data analysis for the FV team?

This is still good!

The main designer of GOG, plus the previous core team of DGE, the two people can be said to be the top of the top of GOG. One provides data support in the game, and the other is developed according to the actual situation of the team, and these two people join, absolutely controlling lightning.

The most critical is that they are not a person who is fighting, and the coach and analysts of the GPL are constantly digging tactics. Old Week is equivalent to having a huge resource library can be casually available; and Yan Jing is also Other designers who can make GOG help analyze game data.

It is now in the future, and the logistics team of FV will take all the reserves of the GOG development group and the GPL. This is not the expedition, it is a big camp!

As for who of these people, it is still useful?

Although Wu Yue is the boss of the FV club, he can do the GOG designer, DGE coach this character gives FV to do tactical analysis?

Obviously, I have to be a horse, this kind of thing is likely!

"It seems that this champion is still attributed to the summit!"

"The e-sports in my country is really broken. First, the GPL will be prevented, introduce all the capital, and create a good environment for domestic electric competition; and personally send the main designer to do tactical analysis to win the domestic team. IOI Global Final Champion! "

"Now think about it, if there is no support, FV may not be able to get this championship. In fact, these games, it is said that it is a tactical crushing, and the personal strength of the players did not have a significant gap with the other party. If there is no ... that this time Ioi's global finals, it is simply unbearable! "

"Thank you!"

"The summary, the savior of domestic electric competition!"


At the same time, Qian Qian just finished the game is going to the forum, and also saw this post, and the whole person caught in a sluggish state.

The FV team 3: 0 is crushing, and has given him a heavy blow.

And this post is, on this basis, I added a knife again!

"What do you mean, the FV team can take the championship, all are my pot?"

"Do you have this!"

"Min Jing, Ye Zhou, Baowu ... I am going to make you holiday! Wu Yue also commands you, why do you want to be so active, expensive to give FV to fight tactical analysis!"

"Can be evil!"

Yan Qian put down the phone, and he can't say something.

The FV team won the championship of the IOI Global Finals, and the big problem!

The bonus and skin of the IOI global finals are divided into a lot of 3 million knives, plus 25% of the skin sales income, the champion is 50%, and the club will get 20% after the tax, this money is not More, but it is very uncomfortable!

This is not the most important, the most important thing is the brand value of FV this music!

As a championship for the IOI Global Finals, how many powder is younger? How much sponsorship is to come to the door? What is the club's shares rise?

Several players also sucked a lot of powder, and if the live broadcast platform signed with their high-priced, according to the regulations, the club is also drawn, this is another money ...

Yan Qian couldn't help but feel desperate.

If the FV team is just getting the runner-up, there is no such thing. After all, the second place and the first place, that is the other of the world.

But all this has happened, and if you want to save it, you can't come!

Yan Qian is squatting, the phone rang.

When I got up, I turned out to Wu Yue called the phone from Los Angeles on the other side of the ocean.

The mouth of the mouth is slightly tick, it is very unfortunately.

You don't have to guess, it must be reported to yourself!

The phone quickly came out to Wu Yue excited voice: "Total! Are you watching the game? We win!"

Yu Qian is very reluctant to praise: "Well, play is good."

Wu Yue, who has got the Poly Shrun Prize, and it is too much to say that it is that you are in place! Whether it is accommodation or a hotel, all the highest standards, and the team that will lead, guides and dietters. The players don't have any worries at all, of course, I can prepare the game wholeheartedly! "

"There is also the coach team is also very critical, and the sum of Ye, and the sum of Ye and the package are all exhausted, and the data is performed. Every hero's data is too detailed!"

"In short, there is no , we are absolutely impossible to win this champion!"

Yan Qian feels some, asked casually: "How many bonuses can this club?"

Wu Yue, an answer: "I just asked the official personnel of the fingers, it seems that the part of the skin income is probably 1.8 million knives, plus the original 3 million knives, the champion is only half, after the tax The club is divided into two% ... "

"It is about 400,000 knives, equivalent to 300!"

"But foreign bonuses issues are more cumbersome, and they may have been over time."

"But you can rest assured, although this money is not enough to support our people's people to eat in Los Angeles, after all, we spent 4 million, but they already have sponsored to find to come to the door! Just The club's identity picks up a few advertisements, this money will definitely earn it back! "

"Head, thank you for your trust, these 4 million don't have white flowers, whether it is the first class or the money, and earn it after getting the championship! And from the long run, earn big!"


God makes big!

It is clear that my money is all white flowers!

I thought that the FV team and the group of people went to Los Angeles to eat and drink. It can easily spend four million. The result is now discovered that not only four million don't spend out, but also earn a cash, but also comes with a world-famous Club!

What is this?

Blood loss!

Yan Qian wants to be too angry, think about it, and can't be alive.

"When did you return to China?"

Wu Yue squatted: "Oh, , is the Los Angeles time tomorrow afternoon plane, tomorrow morning players intend to stroll in Los Angeles, buy some things to bring back to China. After all, it is easy to come to the country, this time has been There is no time to travel. "

Yan Qian said: "It is indeed easy to go abroad, since it will be better to play! This, you live more than one week, the hotel's stay is on, with the players a few days. Take it, play, play The place is not necessarily limited to Los Angeles, other cities can also go shopping, the club is reimbursed! "

Wu Yue stunned: "Ah? , this is not very good? It's going to go through the New Year, but some players have been in foreign countries. I still want to go back to New Year ..."

: "Well ... also makes sense."

"Spring Festival is the traditional festival of our country, but also to reunite with his family."

"That's good, you will return to China first, after the Spring Festival holiday, the original Hummer reunitely flew another rice country and put this week's vacation!"


On the other hand, Wu Yue took a little slightly. He saw that the summary attitude was resolute, as long as promised.

After hanging the phone, Wu Yue couldn't help but feel it.

I'm always too bright! It's hard to express my respect for the general!

In addition to the summary of the world, is there such a reliable boss?

I am afraid that it is ok.

After the game, the players first returned to the hotel, and all members came out together to celebrate.

Everyone is very happy, after all, in Los Angeles for more than a month, everyone is trying to prepare this game, all of themselves.

Bao Xu and Yan Jing more than two people are also chatting while eating, and the face is also filled with joy.

For Baosheng, this is still good for more than a month.

Although it is traveling abroad, but it is the easiest way to travel than a few travel. It is not going to take a long journey to catch all attractions, but it is always in the hotel, Internet cafes.

So, Baixu has to be comfortable.

But how is it comfortable and not in your own home. Baowu can't wait to go home well.

Just then, Wu Yue stood up.

"Tell you a good news! I always know that we are very happy after the news we won, allow us to return to China, return to Mi Country for a seven-day tour!"

"I have already turned it for next month. You don't have to worry about it. We will come back soon. ! "

"I said that everyone has a copy, no one is not coming!"

Wu Yue, the sound is just, everyone is no longer applauded, cheers!

Previously, the teams have been carefully training, and every day, in addition to resting, it is a training game, although in the rice country for more than a month, but basically did not play.

Now I heard that I can come back for seven days, of course, I am happy!

However, I heard the bag of Baoxao, insert a steak in the hand, stiff in the air.

... no one is not coming?

That is not just going back to the country, it's going to come out!

This news is like a sunny day, so that Baosheng is completely stunned.

Sitting on the sideline next to him said: "Next month? That's okay, Bao Ge, time should be just right."

Baixu is a bit: "What is it just right?"

Yan Jingyue said: "The A New Year's Awards are just right!"

"Oh, yes, Bao Ge, you still don't know right."

"This year, you have a five-day tour of any city! You don't have to tell you in the first time, mainly afraid of affecting your mentality, now the game is finished, you can say it."

"Just, Bao Ge, after the year, use this five-day tour, wait until the five-day tour, then seamlessly, together with us, come to M."

"Is this schedule are not very perfect?"

Baoxao's mouth is slightly tensive, the whole person is stiff in the same place, and I don't know what to say in a time.

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