Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 863 Backpack Game Mobile Phone

I sent it away, and my new friends quickly convened the backbone of the design department to meet.

The new mobile phone is the top priority of Otto Technology Development. Can you continue the success of the Ottoe1 mobile phone, you will definitely don't dare to neglect.

Soon, people are alive.

Common friends are surrounded by people, and these backbone employees are obviously full of strength.

After all, the year-end award has been sent a lot, and the Spring Festival holiday has been resting for a long time. Everyone is rubbing, and I want to make a career.

"First tell everyone a good news, we will finally do new mobile phones!"

The faces are all exposed on the face of excitement.

"But ..." The common friend's words turned, "I have made some requirements for the new mobile phone."

Everyone nodded and thought that this is a matter of course.

After all, the success of OttoE1 mobile phones is also inseparable from the general guidance. The summary of the requirements, everyone is more practical.

The common friend said: "The general requires us to use the full-screen plan of the pop-up camera, as much as possible to the new technology of the supply chain, and ..." The position of the pop-up camera is particularly ... "

Evergampus is simply described by the summary requirements, especially emphasizing the position of the pop-up camera.

Everyone faces each other, they have seen confused from the eyes of each other.

Pop-up camera full screen, many mobile phone manufacturers are adopted, but they are currently known in the development of all models, pop-up cameras are doing on top.

What does it mean to do on the left of the long side?

The expression of frequent friends: "So, today I find a prestigious to meet together, it is to analyze the general intentions and determine the design of new mobile phones."

"At present, some details of this mobile phone are relatively vague, and only the position of this pop-up camera has repeatedly emphasized several times. I think this should be the focus of emphasis."

"Xiaojiang, you are responsible for shape design, you should talk about your opinion."

The Xiao River is coming with a laptop and has quickly draw a simple map in the software.

He browned, said: "First, from the shape, compare the mobile phones that pop up the camera at the top, the camera is more unique, more recognition."

"When the user holds the phone, it is held in the lower part. The position of this camera will not be blocked by the hand. And most people use the right hand at the self-portrait, and the Selfie is also very suitable, and the camera is not appeared below the nostrils. The situation, whether it is horizontal or vertical grip, the photo taken should be better ... "

"In addition, doing this position, the camera module of the back back must be in design, and the back can be more beautiful."

"However, these reasons are not very full. Since the length of the company specially emphasizes the pop-up camera in this position, it must have any very important consideration."

Xiao Jiang said a few from the camera itself, but it is clear that these reasons are not sufficient.

He looks to the common friends: "Often, about the camera, is there any other?"

East friends strive to think about it before.

Suddenly, he remembered a detail that I ignored before: "Yes! I have hints that I have always, put it in this position, should not be symmetrical, that is, put the pop-up camera to the central location."

"Results The prime minister is wrong. He actually said that you can add a pop-up camera in the upper right corner or in the lower left corner to make a symmetrical look! But this program is too foreigner, so I should be joking."

Xiao Jiang's brow microstruck: "The upper right or left ..."

He quickly took a quick operation on the laptop, and added a pop-up camera below the left side of the phone and the left side of the left side, and looked at the effect.

"Add after the upper right corner, the entire mobile phone becomes T-shaped, can't see anything."

"Add in the lower left corner ... , often, you see these two pop-up cameras, like two shoulders?"

When you look at the computer screen of Xiaojiang, you only see the prototype of the mobile phone prototype. The upper and lower part of the left side have a square shape, and the mobile phone is coming over, it happens to be two shoulders.

The shoulder key is designed, and it is a standard design on the handle of the host.

According to the standard use of the handle, the shoulder key and the trigger key are pressed by the owner's forefinger, and in the racing game, it is generally the throttle, brakes, and in shooting games, it is generally aiming, shooting, is a very critical button.

When you have an idea in an instant: "Do you say that, always suggest that we have made two triggers, develop a game mobile phone that specializes in hand?"

"What is the combination of pop-ups and triggers?"


"To say, no matter what to say, it doesn't make sense to do two pop-up cameras."

Xiaojiang said: "Chang, this is obviously the general implies!"

"The mechanical structure is too large, and the front camera is enough. If you do two, you will definitely have it. However, the shortness of the talents will give this, obviously, I want to make this 'symmetrical design'!"

"Often you often see this design line: pop-up camera is still on the long side, and we make it right trigger button. On the long side, we will make a left trigger button alone."

"This pop-up camera will only pop up in a few scenarios, such as self-portrait, video conversation, in other scenes, it will turn back, only convex it, as a point, the trigger key that can be pressed."

"The left trigger button does not make a pop-up camera, with the right trigger key is the same feel, press the other entity button to be wide, protrude out of the body, can point, rebound, the key manner is also relatively long. To players as much as possible Best gaming experience. "

Evergarters suddenly: "That is, this mobile phone is a game mobile phone with two entity trigger keys?"

Xiaoyong nodded: "Yes, and if you think so, you will struck it all!"

"Our mobile phone should use flagship chips, piles to the extreme, battery capacity is much greater than the general mobile phone, such a good performance is just to brush the webpage, and chat is definitely severe waste, must be brought to play games."

Others in the conference room have been inspired, and they have begun to speak freely.

"Yes! A key issue of pop-up cameras is that the pixels of the front camera will not be particularly high, and male users who like to play games will not be particularly concerned about this. This shows that the plans that are bounced is more suitable for game phones."

"Yes, since full screen technology, the screen of the mobile phone will definitely become 19: 9 or 19.5: 9, which is 19.5: 9, but the entire screen is wider. For horizontal screen play mobile game For the view, the vision will be more open, which is also an advantage for traditional mobile phones. "

"I think there is still a key point, what is the core business of Tengda? It is a game!"

"At that time, I will connect with Tengda Games or Ocean Games, a racing or shooting mobile game, such as" Lonely Desert Road "mobile version or" marine fortress "mobile version, and then do exclusive Optimization ... this doesn't highlight our advantage? "

The common friends can hear frequently.

It's all right, it's all right!

I don't want to put the pop-up camera in this position. It turns out that we have to do two shoulders!

The pop-up camera has already been mechanically structured, using this mechanical structure to make a solid shoulder key for playing games, and it is also a thing of the best, more cost-effective than other mobile phones that make pop-up cameras.

As for the left shoulder key below, although it is also necessary to do a mechanical structure, it is not necessary to do so much like a pop-up camera, so it will not take up too much internal space, it can be accepted.

Coupled with the full screen, other details of the flagship chip, the player's game experience will certainly obtain significant improvement.

Evergampus is very happy: "Yes! will definitely think so!"

"Then, we will follow this idea, then improve the details!"

With a clear direction, everyone is not as confused like just beginning, starting you speak, discuss the remaining details of this phone.

"Since I decide to make a game mobile phone, then the shape is cool? I think it can be made of the back shell of the machine, plus the LED light. After all, the mobile phone also has a LED light, and it is also a continuation of the tradition. "

"The battery capacity is definitely bigger, and the recent fast charge technology seems to be upgraded, it can be used."

"The new screen is not particularly useful, but also add some technological sense."

"Playing games, dual speakers must have."

"The charging port and the headphone hole moved to the center of the mobile phone, so that the horizontal screen does not stop when playing the game."

"The power button and the volume button are all put on the right side of the phone, give two shoulders."

"Since the players have become used to our mobile phone weight, and we have to have a big battery, then we don't have to do a protrusions. This way, the color of the entire mobile phone can also be further improved."

Everyone seven tongue, very fast, the rough design of this mobile phone has.

Although there are still many details that requires careful consideration, the big direction of this phone is very clear.

While listening to the small river, I quickly record the key points discussed under the people.

Evergampus is very happy: "Okay, then you will set this plan! Everyone starts to prepare!"

"Now think about it, I still have a foresight, it is much more than I have seen."

"I originally wanted to do this mobile phone according to the successful experience of E1, but now it seems to be too conservative."

"I have a hunch, and I will have a great success in accordance with the new mobile phones made in the Poly program!"

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