After finalizing the new mobile phone roughly R & D plan, the common friends gave the person in charge of the hosted fitness and Wang Xiaobin, the person in charge of the Ocean game, played a call, about them came to Otto Technology, and discussed the intelligent fitness. Solution of a hanger.

The original game was responsible for the Ye Zhou when developing a new game. However, the Ye Zhou went to the Los Angeles business trip. He just repaired, and then went to Los Angeles to make a fake, so the R & D work of Yanyang game temporarily Both Wang Xiaobin is responsible.

Although this intelligent fitness drying rack is a bit no bit, but often don't dare to neglect.

After all, this is the key task of personally explained, and it is still three key departments. It is not good. This thing will affect the total future industrial layout. If it is not completed, it is afraid to have a cooker.

Now the competition between various sectors is so fierce, often do not want Otto Technology to drag the hind legs, the person in charge of this person in charge is light.


In the afternoon, the fruit and prospective and Wang Xiaobin arrived.

Commonists took two people to the guest room, and explain the things about the intelligent fitness drying rack before the bailout.

According to Cheng Cheng and Wang Xiaobin, I looked at each other and I also saw confusion from the eyes of each other.

What is this human confusing product?

A hanger with fitness function?

Also give special games?

This is a sand carving, but also to say that there will be several users who like to be hunting. I have a sand carving news. I lost a loss.

But watching the general meaning, it seems to pay special attention to this!

That is to say, this drying rack is a business product of East Er. Want to mass production?

Since you want to mass production, you have to think about how you can earn money. Otherwise, three departments are doing a product, but also lose money, this is to have a lot of people who have lost!

Evergmptuous: "Coach, in the fitness, you are professional, although this product needs our participation, but it is still a fitness product. Or you talk about your own View? "

According to the rough arm, the large-scale muscular man thinking is slightly funny, but his expression is serious and serious.

"In fact, in the field of fitness, 'dry hangers' is a relatively common stalk. Whether it is a treadmill, dynamic bicycle, an elliptical or a scorpion rack, all fitness equipment that is placed at home, often difficult to escape the fate of the hanger."

"Mainly because there is no fitness environment and atmosphere at home, most people are three minutes of heat, so it is difficult to stick to it. These things are placed in place, so many people are holding clothes, sunburn, but sunburn I don't want to exercise, I have entered the vicious circle for a long time. "

"If you use this infarction, you can actually cause a lot of fitness users, and it is also beneficial to our initial publicity."

"The rebetral thinking of this anti-aversion ... Let me admire. I think this design is actually the purpose of urging the user's fitness in the use of users."

Messing: "What kind of form should you think of this product is approximately?"

So far, often don't have a clear concept on this smart fitness drying rack. Should it be a bracket, should it hang on the ceiling? Do you want to fold, telescopic? Do you want to make a small fan, and can you cool down?

Because this concept is too blurred, the general has not proposed some design details, so the common friends are hard to imagine the specific form of this product.

It is a professional fitness coach. Various fitness devices have been used, and they are very experienced for fitness. They should be able to care from these messy features and demand to find the most critical product elements.

According to Cheng Cheng: "The total use of this intelligent fitness drying rack is mainly at home. That is to say, it is personal consumers, not commercial gym ..."

Wang Xiaobin said: "Hey, the coach, this is not necessarily."

Like other sectors, Yanyang game is also arranged for a mandatory fitness quota. Wang Xiaobin is more way in charge as a person in charge, so he also has some own understanding for fitness.

It is not considered that Wang Xiaobin is not as good as his profession in fitness, but asked seriously: "How do you say?"

Wang Xiaobin thought about it and said: "I think that the general thinking should be the two, but the priority is different."

"As a fitness equipment, commercial gym is also one of our target customers. But the equipment in the commercial gym is very slow, and the market share of the big brand of fitness equipment is very difficult. If you want to take us if you start If the fitness equipment is sold to the commercial gym, it will definitely encounter huge difficulties and resistance. "

"Of course, there is a hosted gym, but after all, the market share of the hosted gym is still very low."

"So, I always focus on the scene of 'home fitness'. Ordinary people will not go to buy those large commercial fitness equipment, because there is not so big at home, they are mostly buying running machines, elliptical instruments, This is a brand of budget and dumbbells. And these, there is currently no brand that is highly reputation, and has high share. "

"Suppose our intelligent fitness drying rack can get the favor of ordinary people, open awareness, then we naturally sell this equipment to those professional gym."

According to the point: "It is true. That is to say,

"But this does not affect my initial judgment, after all, the family fitness scene is the foundation, this is not the same, and the behind is also empty."

"If you are considering the family fitness scene ... I think the following points are important."

"First, safety, stability, reliability. This doesn't have to say more. The fitness equipment is steel wire, iron block, and inadvertent use can lead to injury, not only the material should be solid, reliable, in design To avoid all possible safety hazards. "

"Second, footprint."

"The reason why the home fitness equipment is not well, a very important reason is that it is too placed. Many of the people who choose to buy fitness equipment are young people who have a relatively high quality, but these people are often not well."

"That is to say, most people in our target group, the area of ​​residential is not large, it is difficult to show a large piece of place to put fitness equipment. This is a key reason for many people to dry clothes."

"So, our intelligent fitness drying rack has to do a way to do so, preferably part of the structure can be folded, telescopic. It is best to use the 'balcony' as the main use scene of this device."

"Third, sustainability, fun."

"Fitness is a very difficult thing, it is a very important reason for the success of the gym, there is a mandatory. Forced users must reach a certain training time, and must eat a balanced fitness meal. It is because of the hosted fitness In this mandatory, let the users who have stayed up, so they can play such good fitness effects. "

"But if it is exercised at home, no one urges, it is easy to slack off. Moreover, the environment of the family will make people want to rest, and they will not go to the sofa. I will not want to exercise again, compared to the gym, stick to it The difficulty is more difficult. "

"So, I have made us a smart device, and I will develop a special game by the Ocean game. It should be in order to improve the sustainability and interest of exercise in home scenes!"

The often listened to the common friends and Wang Xiaobin, and nodded.

Sure enough, it is a professional fitness trainer, and it is easy to analyze the deep connotation and basic principles behind the "smart fitness drying hanger" behind him.

The common friend said: "The coach, then if you think if you let you design, what is the product form of this intelligent fitness drying hanger?"

According to Cheng Cheng, continuing to seriously think: "Since it is a family fitness, it is not too occupied, and it must be integrated into multiple equipment."

"And from exercise objectives and effects, strength training is definitely better than aerobic training, so our intelligent fitness drying rack is definitely the main strength training."

The results of Cheng Cheng have explained the principles, and the common friends are in fitness with Wang Xiaobin, so they will pass.

People who have some common sense of fitness know that in most cases, fitness is to do strength training and then do aerobic training, so that the best exercise effect can be achieved.

Power training is a point that is toned, while aerobic training is jogging, riding a bicycle.

Of course, each person's physical condition is different, and the training method taken will also be different. But in general, there is a recognized best arrangement after the first force.

The main reason is that the first time to do oxygen will affect the effect of strength training, and the force will help the effect of aerobic training.

After doing a part of the aerobic exercise for a long time, the strength training, because a part of the glycogen has been lost, the next power training is very likely to perform, it is impossible to make full stimulus of muscles; Loss the glycogen, but at this time, it will stimulate the body with fat to provide energy for aerobic training, and play a better damping effect.

Many girls are worried that power training will grow muscles, so each time I only go to treadmill, in fact this kind of training is relatively low. If you are thin, just want to maintain your body in this way, but if you want to lose weight, plastic, the effect is far less than scientific strength training.

Therefore, it will say that the intelligent fitness drying rack should be mainly training.

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