In the office, he continued to view the recent news.

The FV team has been released in Los Angeles recorders, which triggered a warm response.

The FV team signed a big contract with live broadcast during the Spring Festival, and also received a lot of endorsements, many of capital expressed their willingness to invest in the FV team, and the valuation of the team has skyrocketed.

Although Wu Yue has not yet reported how much money, it is estimated that it is certainly not.

I think that I have already spent 3 million, I bought a seven-yield shares of the FV team. Now the FV team does not have a live broadcast platform, and it will make money to make money for Tengda.

Moreover, the brand is an important value of the importance club. Fv played a score and awareness, and all the capital came to invest. The club's estimate of the boat, meaning that the shares held by .. ,,

3 million blessed shares rose to tens of millions, and the moment is ten times higher.

Moreover, Yu Qian has also fallen into two difficulties, sells it, earn too much, meat pain; do not sell, the club's profit, dividends, and the advertising effect brought by the popularity will continue to make money.

It is also a knife, and it is also a knife, which makes people despair.

Yan Qian is being embarrassed, and the office has passed out.

Looking up, it is Zhang Yuan.

"Some, I will report the GPL sponsors and direct power auctions for the previously mentioned GPL sponsors."

"The transfer fee of the group of DGE has arrived, a total of 13 million.Gpl's exclusive title was taken by Shenhua mobile phone in a year of 26 million prices; a single type of merchant's cooperation offer is 6 million a year, There are already computer manufacturers, peripheral manufacturers, sportswear, snacks and other manufacturers to shoot, a total of 42 million; the transfer rights authorized to give three live platforms, each quote is about 12 million ... "

"These funds added, one year is more than one million."

Yan Qian suddenly felt something wrong: "Wait a minute, how do you like more than before?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Yes, the balance, because I will pay these sponsors in accordance with you, put this money every month."

"Sponsors are very grateful, which greatly slows its funds, so bidding is more intense."

"Moreover, there are some cooperation in negotiation. If it is successful, it should not be a problem with one million sponsorship."

Yan Qian couldn't help but stiff.

God is very grateful to the sponsors!

Can a bidding become more intense?

You will be completely unreasonable! I just want to share the funds to the burning money every month!

After listening to Zhang Yuan's report, Yu Qian felt a little tired, nodded: "OK, I know."

Seeing the general expression, Zhang Yuan could not help but feel secret.

Sure enough, it's a short!

The GPL League has just been made in less than half a year, and it has already earned more than 100 million. The result is that the total feelings of the poor are ordinary feelings.

Of course, more than 100 million to the poor, but this money is earned by the GPL league after all.

Throughout the world, most electric competitions are still a state of burning money, and there are very few electric competitions, and the electric competition can get so many sponsored, earn so much money, it is already a single copy !

Such a historic progress, and it is always not surprised at all, it is not excited.

It seems that I should have a greater expectation to GPL.

Well, I have to continue working hard!

Zhang Yuan silently gave himself in his heart, decided to be a role model, continue to make GPL better, and then left.

After Zhang Yuan left, Yan Qian was sitting in a place.

He stood up and walked two circles in the office.

"No, this money is too much, the existing method is probably the flower is not spent."

"" Mission and Choice "can't be saved again, in case slow progress affects the settlement; though the hostel has decided to be a new project, but I have left a separate fund. This project is time consuming, and if the money is added, it may not be guaranteed. "

"I have to think that it is fast, I don't affect the settlement."

"Well ... In this case, then arrange the live broadcast platform!"

"This is a critical juncture, but I have to count the minister of the old horse."

Yan Qian immediately gave Ma Yang's information and let him come to the office.

In fact, has long been planning to live a live platform, and the reason why there is no action, mainly two reasons.

The first is that the live broadcast platform is a lot of money, before Tengda has other burning money, not very good to squeeze out excess funds to do live platform;

Secondly, the live broadcast platform is currently a emerging industry. Although the live platforms are also burning, the battle is still unclear. Yu Qian is afraid that he is a live platform fire. It will take advantage of the beginning of the live broadcast war, and it is difficult to pay.

Therefore, the live platforms such as Yu Qian will have a lot of money in the market, and they will burn a little bit of a little while low-key and low-key. It is safe.

Now Tengda has a large capital flower. There are also many big live platforms, and the agency is similar to the audience. The small live broadcast platform begins to continue to connect, and the situation in the live broadcast is gradually clear.

This is an excellent time to pay for money.

Therefore, Yan Qian finally decided to make a decision, call the old horse to be responsible for this.

Not long, Ma Yang is here.

"Qian Ge! Is there anything I can worry about you? Is there any new product if there is any new product?" The big face of Ma Yang is full of expectations.

: "Don't!"

Previously, Yu Qian made Ma Yang against the goods, and the automatic intelligent lifting bar, but did not expect that the lifting bar was more fire.

Therefore, will never take risks again, do not want Ma Yang to "bring goods" any Tenda products.

However, for this matter, Yu Qian did not be too angry, even if the cork, the first pot should also be given to Chen Yufeng responsible for writing. After all, the old horse is also trying to do the same effort, and the whole process is talking about the shortcomings of the automatic intelligent lifting bar, but the audience is to buy, what can I do.

Yan Qian sat down and said: "This time has a very important task to give you."

"When I told you before, when the time is right, we will also be a live platform, you will be CEO. Now, the time is here."

Ma Yang double eyes: "Really? Qian Ge? Great!"

"I don't think about it. In these months of live broadcast, I have made great progress, I want to say this live platform CEO, whether it is from experience, qualifications or ability, it is definitely unreasonable!"

"This is handed over to me, Qian Ge, you can rest assured!"

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, I also believe in your ability. In this way, don't be too excited, I will simply say how this live broadcast platform is in particular."

The Mango expression immediately became serious, listening carefully.

Yu Qian sorted out the ideas and said: "First, this is the name of this live broadcast platform."

"The current live platform, the name is mainly divided into two categories. One type is such as live, ZZ live broadcast, the other is a live broadcast of cats, live broadcast of the wolf, mainly the live platform of some old names, But these names are obviously uncomfortable. "

"The name of the live broadcast platform is not only good, but it is best to have a clear meaning. For example, a lottery is a cat, the gift is also a cat food, cat can, funny cat It will make users feel more kind. "

"And, the name is a bit, so it is in line with the live broadcast such a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere."

"So, we have to afford the second name."

Ma Yang is nod: "Yes Qian brother, I agree with you!"

Yan Qian continued: "I decided that our live broadcast is called the rabbit, the mascot is a rabbit, and the gift is a green, carrot."

The big face of Ma Yang has a confusion on the face: "Qian Ge, why not call the fish live? This is also a name requirement, and our fish netfa and the fish takeaway have had a certain reputation, called the fish live Not easier to let everyone remember? "

, !

Anyway, no matter what industry, as long as it is with the existing industries in Tengda, the chances of success will greatly improve.

Yan Qian is afraid that it is inexplicably fired after the live broadcast, so it will be called the live broadcast of the rabbit, and do not let the user let this live platform and Tengda.

Moreover, the true meaning of the live broadcast of rabbit is "the rabbit tail is not long", suggesting that this live broadcast platform will not take a long time, it will not make bankrupt, which is awkward.

But these reasons must not say to Ma Yangming.

Cases: "Now there are too many live broadcasts on the market, like what flag, shark, salted fish ... one grab a big, we will die with the fish, the name is not identified. It is easy to be embarrassed, but it is buried. "

"And now there is no choice of rabbits as a bulk live broadcast platform, and the live broadcast is more memory."

Ma Yang nodded: "It turns out that Qian Ge you said."

Yan Qian is tone, but the horse is so flicker, more worrying.

He continued: "There are several points, there are several points, you must keep in mind."

"First, we don't have strong excavation, nor strong anchors, all the anchors come to our platform. All the anchors we don't do their time, I want to broadcast more than a long time."

"Secondly, the platform does not do any fake data, how many people are there, how much is the gift, how much is the gift? Refuse the guild to settle, do not do a fake, do not do agreement gifts."

"Finally, strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, the polarity, the words and insults have adversely, and the value is not correct, from strict punishment."

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