Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 868 The promotion effect is very good? (Makeup more)

After all, I asked Qian asked: "Do you remember?"

Ma Yang nodded: "Rest assured that Qian Ge, I remember!"

Yan Qian is very satisfied, and I want to be a old horse, and there is no objection to these requirements.

These requirements proposed by Yan Qian are obviously very disadvantageous to compete with other live broadcasts.

The anchor is free, nor does it do any time limit, and objectively will definitely broadcast the rabbita to a great feeder.

In the live circle, the anchor hop is normal. This aspect is because the anchor is too fast, the legal awareness is weak; on the other hand, it is also because major live platforms have spared each other.

Most live platforms now use big contracts to kill those major anchors, although there is a price of breach of contract, but fixed salary is also high.

Rabbit live is a new live platform, and the official does not give fixed salary, the audience is small, and the gift is not a lot. Even if there is a small anchor to broadcast fire in the rabbit, it will be saved by a large platform.

Rabbit live broadcast as long as there is a lack of influential big anchors, the attraction of the audience will be very limited, it is very difficult to get it.

The data of the live broadcast platform is already a public secret.

In fact, it is not only live broadcast, and the data fake is widely existed in the Internet industry. It has formed a factual inferior currency.

Two similar to types of apps, a 1000 real user, another has a 10,000 false users, and investors will definitely choose the latter.

Because they will feel that this is really one or two thousand in the 10,000 false users. And the former 1000 users, who can prove that it is true?

Therefore, when the data is fake, there is no fake company will also be considered to be fake, and the real data is meaningless.

Many platforms are tens of millions, billions of heat, although everyone knows fake, but seeing this number, there will be hundreds of real people, thousands of people live more.

The guild, agreement, play, robot bar, etc., is also a means of fake heat, these live broadcast platforms must be done, and it is definitely a full set.

And Qian is going to the way, just want to do the good currency that is defense.

At that time, everyone will watch the live broadcast between the rabbit tail, tens of thousands of people, such a cool platform still look at a hammer.

From strict, from re-process the wiping ball and poor directive live, it is also a way to reduce the heat. Of course, there is also a sense of social responsibility in it.

The current live broadcast is very vigilant for the prohibition of law, but for a lot of wiping balls and frying, it is a close eye.

For example, a rich second generation opened a luxury car street sister, and the sister deliberately wore a low chest to carry a car. When the truck, the seat belt was deep, and the sister shouted several times because of the sports car ... soon attracted A lot of heat and attention.

Strictly speaking, this is certainly not illegal, but it will have a very bad value orientation.

Yan Qian can't do anything else, but your live broadcast platform is definitely prohibited.

In other words, the live broadcast of rabbits is much strict than other live platforms than other live platforms.

If these principles are implemented, the live broadcast of rabbits will definitely flood in many live platforms.

..... . ....

At present, the mainstream live broadcast platform, the expenditure structure is probably: the bandwidth cost is 30%, and the anchor is divided into an an an anchor fee fee of 30%. Other operating costs (such as regular office operating costs, marketing costs, copyright costs, etc.) 40%.

Yan Qian slashed out the vast majority of the aquary, marketing costs and copyright costs, although the expenditure was reduced, but also eliminated the possibility of platform bursting.

In this way, as long as Anan has a width cost, it will be pure money.

Bandwidth cost is usually a model of a wide peak month. If the number of online people is more than 2 million, the amount of data to be transmitted per second is nearly 300GB, and the overhead of one month is 40 million.

Of course, the initial number of rabbit-tailed live operations must definitely have such a high number of online people, but no matter what to say, even if you buy a small to buy, you will burn a lot of money every month, let Yan Qian's current burden is significantly reduced.

These contents have long been investigated in advance.

If it is a person who knows what a live industry, it will definitely question the idea of ​​Yan Qian, or at least ask.

However, the old horse did not ask if they didn't ask if they were accepted. This shows that the old horse does not know anything about the live broadcast industry, or it is a megadownload megadownload megadownloadtebiz.

Anyway, the old horse is very reliable!

Yan Qian's reaction to the old horse is very satisfied: "Well, keep in mind that I tell you, go to prepare. When preparing the company, let the greetings will help with Chen Yufeng, you can go to other live platform to dig a middle-level person in charge Come over, the problem of the money, I will solve it, you will let go of your hand! "

Ma Yang immediately stood up and stood up: "No problem, Qian brother, package in me!"


The front of the horse is just walking, and someone knock on the office.

When I looked up, I was Xin Assistant.

"Torry, Meng Chang is here."

: "Just, let him come in, I am looking for him."

After a while, Meng Chang gently knocked on the door and pushed the door.

However, I saw the moment, and Meng Chang couldn't help but "", some happened.

Because the total face is not very nice, it seems unhappy!

Meng Chang saw the , there will always be a fear that can't say it. It seems that your own movements can just flee the eyes, I want to play smart but I don't dare.

But Meng Chang is thinking about it. I am going to work on the first day. Even if I am always angry, it should be the gas of someone else, I don't have to do it with me?

However, Meng Chang has not come to talk, and Yan Qian has already reached a report: "You look at it yourself."

Meng Chang has been reached with a little, and just seeing the first page has changed.

"This ... this is the propagation effect analysis of the propaganda program I did before?"

"How can this be?"

"The promotion effect is so good ?!"

Meng Chang was completely stunned, and he was hard to be silent for five minutes, and he couldn't say a word.

This report is the propagation effect analysis report of Tengda's physical industrial propaganda program during the Spring Festival!

Previously, Yu Qian was originally wanted to let Meng Chang's Spring Festival officially started working, but just catching to assault money, to give fish takeaway, touch fish net coffee, anti-wind logistics, lazy apartment and other physical industries.


So Yu Qian gave Meng Chang to arrange the task, let him first have a propaganda poster for the relevant entity industry.

After Meng Chang received this promotional task, he immediately started design.

The worse the propaganda, the more the achievements he got, is this not simple?

Meng Chang did a design, all the publicity posters were all clear, and a solid colored background plus a logo or a picture of the store. All other information is omitted, even those I don't know if the ordinary people in these industries see this advertisement, they can't judge what is giving publicity.

After completing the relationship, Meng Chang did not pay attention to this matter.

Because in his opinion, the publicity effect of this advertisement is definitely poor, what is the key information, can you play?

However, in the case of this communication effect analysis report, Meng Chang discovered that he wanted to be wrong.

The effect of this set of propaganda programs is unexpected!

Meng Chang was very marketing, so I saw the instant of this report reflected in my strategy. I immediately understood what happened.

"Broken, I ignore a very critical detail!"

"I always said that I have a propaganda poster for Tengda's entity industry, but he did not say how this promotion is!"

"I thought it was only a small propaganda of the Beijing-State or other individual cities, so I finalized this propaganda program."

"If only a small scope of publicity, in many flowers green billboards, these simple to the ultimate publicity poster will be very unhappy. Those who can recognize that it is a Tenda industry, do not need to see this advertisement; People who pay attention to the Tenda industry will see that this advertisement will feel that it is not known. "

"But I didn't expect, I am going to put it in such a large scale!"

"It's not just Jingzhou and Han Dong Province, even in several big cities such as Emperor, Magic, etc., also have allocated publicity, even in some bustling blocks, these advertisements have been stacked together, forming a cluster effect!"

"If it is just a minimalist advertisement, it will be buried in a variety of flower green advertisements; but if the whole street is this minimalist advertising, it will immediately bring a strong visual impact to passers-by. A deep impression and it will highlight a strong confidence of brand value ... "

"But ...... As far as I know, there is no so many entity industries at all in many cities. Okimin Daiwai shop is not, but it is necessary to advertise?"


Meng Cen was dizzy.

A small detail is not grasped, directly leading to the earth-shaking change.

Originally Meng Chang confidence is full, I feel that the effect of this propaganda program will definitely be unparalleled, but the result is not that it is not that!

According to the agreement with the total summary, it is a commission that has been issued every month, and it will synthesize the effect of the effect of all marketing promotion activities.

Now this Tenda's publicity has been so successful, and it will definitely draw a comprehensive evaluation. The proposal of this month is afraid of being seriously affected!

Meng Chang is a strike, and I don't know what to say in a moment.

He looked up and looked at the summary, and he looked down at the analysis report in his hand.

Strange, how do you feel that I am still angry?

According to this reason, this propaganda program has achieved such a good publicity effect, and the total propaganda funds earned, and no need to give me a lot of promotion, shouldn't you like?

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