Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 869 The common sense of the workplace is subverted (CZ, more 9/10)

Looking at Meng Chang's confusion, Yu Qian is a bit helpless.

For example, after all, it is the first time, it is not too bad.

Although Meng Chang is a marketing, he has done a forward marketing plan, which has played a good promotion effect.

This time, Meng Chang is still not adapted. I didn't have a car for a while. I accidentally gave marketing.

Believe in the commission of losses to make Meng Chang's dessert, the next time you take out a worse marketing plan.

Yan Qian can't behave too obvious. It is a bit too much abnormality that it is too much, it will make Meng Chang's doubts.

When you think of it, he calm down: "Forget it, this thing makes it over. Let's talk about your next task."

Meng Chang hurriedly nodded and listened carefully.

Yan Qian said: "I have two projects on this side need to do some propaganda and marketing."

"The first is the daily marketing, promotion of GOG and GPL."

"The second is that Tengda has recently wanted to open a live platform, called the live broadcast of the rabbit, and some simple propaganda is also required."

"You choose one yourself, think about your commission before you choose."

Meng Chang took a quick consideration.

He has made a simple investigation and understanding of the various industries of Tengda, so basic common sense is still.

Obviously, be the first project this is self-found!

GOG is currently hot in China, the popularity is so high, the GPL League heat is high, to give GOG to promote promotion, this is too simple!

Even casual printing of these three letters can play a good promotion effect, as long as the advertising is enough.

As for the second, obvious difficulty is much lower.

A newly opened live broadcast platform, the popularity is very low, advertising, many people may not know what this advertisement is saying, and the promotion effect will definitely be poor.

Meng Chang quickly made a decision: "I choose the second."

I nod, he also felt this is a better choice.

"Do you have a rough idea in the form of advertising?" Asked Qian.

Meng Chang said: "Be a prominent film."

He is very afraid to make a publicity poster, repeat the same mistakes.

After all, the propaganda poster is a picture, making it a very simple style, and many propaganda posters will form a strong visual impact together, or will have a good propaganda.

And if you don't make a very simple style, even if you just put some basic information, it will become an advertisement of a midrangement, and the promotion is still not bad.

The propaganda film is a video, and the expression is more abundant. As long as you do a little hand on the content, you should play a counter-effect.

Yan Qian nodded again, and his heart is sincerely affirmed for Meng Chang's new attempt.

No head, it is the traditional virtue of humanity.

After making a very simple poster, I immediately changed the idea to make a propaganda film. This shows that Meng Chang is constantly trying, and the propaganda effect of the advertisement is reducing the advertisement.

Sure enough, the excitation effect is endless.

However, the total smile has another layer of meaning in Meng Ying's eyes.

"Why is there been rushing me?"

"I have a little hair in my heart."

"Don't I say that I have foreseen that my trial will fail? This time the propaganda is still beyond my expectation?"

"It's impossible, I haven't mentioned the programs of my propaganda, how can I not know how much?"

Meng Chang really does not understand what is going to have a smile, and there is a feeling of self-emptiness.

Yan Qian said: "I have let the human resources department tapes a few people with relevant work experience to make up and have a special advertising marketing department. Their salary and treatment are the company is responsible, you don't have to manage It is only responsible for coordinating their work, there is something to report directly. "

"Remember, you can't neglect, don't reveal the content of our agreement, understand?"

Meng Chang nodded: "Understand!"

Hundreds of thousands of debts in his body must count on the promotion of the summary, and naturally don't say anything.

Anyway, Meng Chang's goal is that in the case of the generals, the propaganda effect of advertising is reduced as much as possible, and other things are not concerned.


After leaving from the total office, Meng Chong saw several Tenda employees who gave themselves to their hand.

"Meng Ge is good." Several guys greeted Meng Yicheng.

Of course, they know the brilliance of Meng Chang, but since it is already a colleague, I will not be able to see it in the future, and definitely be a good relationship.

Meng Chang looked at these young people.

They are energetic, very good, clothes that wear clothes, watches, and mobile phones are also very expensive, it seems that economic conditions are very good.

Tengda's high salary, high welfare is not secret, and these young men will not be poor.

Meng Chang looked at the Tengda employees who were not bad money, and though they owed to millions of debts, inexplicably had a very acid.

Several young people led Meng Chang to the office area of ​​the advertising marketing department, and other parts of Tengda were not in the same floor, but rented another place separately in the building.

Because Tengda's employees have expanded, the original floor has been full, before covering their own office building, it can only be expanded to the other floor of this office.

Meng Chang does not help but pick it up.

He originally thought that he would work in Tengda Headquarters, and he didn't expect to be a place where it was a high emperor.

Then I will close one eye, let these employees touch the fish, don't you affect the effectiveness of the propaganda program?

And this is not a violation of the provisions, and the people do not work hard, and the plan to make is not particularly perfect. What can I do?

It is more lively, and it is estimated to be more than playing. Meng Chang feels that as long as he is a little relaxed, the time is long, they will definitely become lazy and slack.

Thinking of this, Meng Chang felt that his success chance was a bit higher.

After sitting down on your own station, Meng Chang quickly entered the state of mind.

His brain is very good, so it has already thought about the content of this promo to shoot just a few minutes.

Then he stood up and prepared to tell his thoughts to everyone.

"I will give you a brief talk about our propaganda film to be taken."

"The theme of this short film is: watching the live broadcast how to waste life."

"There will be four characters in the propaganda film, which are two college students and two office workers, a live broadcast, a live broadcast."

"Look at the college students and office workers spend a lot of time every day, give gifts to the home broadcast, then the college students can't find their work after graduation, and the office workers are removed by the company because of their work mistakes."

"Don't watch the college students and office workers who don't read live, I have used these times, enrich myself, graduated from the excellent results, and the office workers successfully promoted the salary."

"Finally, playing the live logo of the rabbit, and then with a slogan: everyone has the same time, the difference is that you will dominate it."

"Roughly is like this, you will refine it, then prepare to take the scene, take it."

Meng Chang is full of confidence, and it is broken by his intelligence.

This promo is taken out, and it will definitely play the effect!

Broadcasting this kind of thing, it is a kind of entertainment, a kind of pastime. Any entertainment and pastime are to be limited, if it is excessive, it is a waste of your own time.

The live broadcast platform will never emphasize this, they will only emphasize that live broadcast can make you open your eyes and relax.

Meng Chang's live broadcast of the live broadcast of the rabbit is obviously uncomfortable, but the content of the entire propaganda film is not a problem, and it is indisputable.

Just like Coke advertisement, it is the same as the damage to the teeth. Although it is not a pole, although it is in black, it is 100% no problem, and even some popular science and education, of course, it is at the expense of reducing their own sales.

Meng Chang thought that these colleagues will certainly ask some questions. He has already thought about it. However, these buddies regard each other, and did not ask any questions.

"Good Meng Ge, let us refine the program, then go to the actor, see the scene."

Everyone quickly made a duty, began to get busy.

Meng Chang stood alone, and the full-minded belly was not said, and he was almost, and he took it later.

"Evil door."

"Do you work in Tengda? The execution is so strong, don't ask?"

Meng Chang was a little confused, and he felt that he felt that he was like a breakfast of the enemy's base camp and the flaws. This feeling is very strange.

Meng Chang is tangled for a long time, or it is unclear, but I have to do my own things silently.

Open the office computer, reflecting the eyes of a dazzling full-purpose game, directly covered with the desktop of the office computer.


Meng Chang is a little bit, silently built a folder to put all the game shortcut icons all in.

"This should be a new computer, the new computer comes with so many games? Exploring ..."

"Don't I am afraid that employees secretly play the game to be lazy?"

Meng Chang felt that all of Tengda became evil gates, which was completely common sense in the workplace for so many years.

Meng Chang did not work, after all, he now only has an idea, just to do a few propaganda programs to make progress, break your foreign debt early.

Like the toolman, I have been touching the fish, watching the other colleagues, I finally got to get off work in the afternoon.

"When you get off work, I just take a while, then go first."

"I am a person in charge, as long as I take the lead, others will definitely go up."

"This is under the influence of subgnort, let all employees of the advertising marketing department will go home until when they go to get off work, slowly grab their fighting spirit ..."

However, Meng Chang thought in his mind, and saw other people rushed to pack things, and then stood up.

"Meng Ge, fast, get off work."

"Meng Ge, can't stay in the office after get off work, go, I lock the door."

Everyone is surrounded by Meng Chang, and then goes back to each home.

"Go, Meng Ge."

"Meng Ge, the plan, I am doing almost, I will give you tomorrow."

"Bye, see you tomorrow."

Everyone left, the whole process is like a cloud.

Meng Changwei looked at the back of everyone left, and looked at the door behind him, the whole person was full of confusion.

This group of people ... run better than me?

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