Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 878, indoor roller coaster solution (no wood plus in the stone 7/10)

After ::::

"Secondly, this roller coaster is as low as possible, it must be less than 30 meters."

"The end is ... this roller coaster has certain randomness on the route."

After finishing these three-point requirements, Yu Qian saw Chen Kanguo and Hao Qiong two confused.

Does Yan Qian are happy and confused? Confusion is right!

Stay away from the current horizon of the hostel, means that tourists want to walk from the three projects to new projects, take a long time, and have a certain persuversion effect in the geographic location.

The higher the height of the roller coaster, the longer the route, the more the route is more and more, and it will also be more exciting. In contrast, if the height of the roller coaster is very low, then how to design it is difficult to play.

According to this, this 100 million, according to normal cost, repairing a sixty-ten-meter high roller coaster has no big problem, but also play some other patterns.

The key to roller coaster is that the key is that the height is high and the length is long.

Because the passengers ride the roller coaster is mainly from a special accelerated experience, such as the weight loss when the vertical drop or the rolling movement is made, or the super acceleration like sports cars, or the air spiral roll vertical rolling to make the human body Larger acceleration ...

They are all most stimulated by mountain cars.

But these stimuli have a premise that the height of the roller coaster is high.

The higher the height, the stronger it brings to the passengers; the longer the distance, the more thrust this stimulation.

So the roller coaster in the world's large amusement park will be more harmed, the highest has reached one hundred meters or even one hundred and twenty meters.

Higher roller coast will definitely be more exciting, even if there is not so much pattern, just simply rising, falling, is enough to make the soul of the soul.

As a second-tier city, there is a new heaven and earth amusement park, there is a roller coaster, jumping machine, and a large pendulum.

The height of the roller coaster over there is approximately four or fifty meters. For ordinary tourists, it is actually a thrilling and exciting.

But if Yu Qian is in the hostel to repair a sixty-torn roller coaster, those who come to Beijing to play, may arrange a day's trip, first go to New Tiandi Amusement Park, and then convince the hotel.

After all, visitors who like to play with rolleruses will want to play highly, more exciting projects.

Therefore, Yan Qian simply trip to the way, as long as the roller coaster has a low thirty meter, the thrilling level is more than the roller coaster on the new heaven and earth play, there will be no one will play.

Of course, there is a problem with low, that is, money is definitely can't finish.

Rolling this kind of mountain car, there is also imported in China, it is produced, it is directly transported. If some large roller coasts can only go to buy, and some small roller coasts are doing good. If you think about it, buy a relatively small roller coaster, may be a few million, you can get it, say anything less than 100 million.

Therefore, Yan Qian is deliberately added, so that this rollerider has a certain randomness on the route.

Roller coaster, actually does not need randomness.

Because the speed of the roller coaster is very fast, the whole process is over three minutes, and people will be blank because of weight loss and acceleration when people have lost weights, how can you do so many flowers?

So the vast majority of large-scale rolleruses are only one planned route, so that the tourists will be cool after two or three minutes.

And Yu Qian has now decided to do certain randomness on the route, this cost is definitely doubled, and the cost of spending money is extremely poor.

This doesn't just cost the money, no one has the effect of playing?

Yan Qian was in a wisdom of his intelligence.

Chen Kanguo and Hao Qiong both obviously clearly clear this truth, completely do not understand what medicine sold by the total gap, and said that this is not clear how to repair this roller coaster.

Chen Kanguo asked: "That ... , is it to buy a foreign country at home and abroad, or say that we spend money to do original?"

Yan Qian did not hesitate: "Of course, you will be original!"

Buy a home and abroad for home and abroad? It is definitely some mature projects that can make money, they can be used, which will reduce costs and increase the success rate, how can it be!

Still let Chen Kang dippen them to ponder itself, the probability of failure will be larger.

Yu Qian felt that he was almost almost, and more, it was more unrest, it was easy to trigger the brain supplement of these two people, so he stood up and left: "Okay, you have two time to take care of it. Just look for good programs Contractor inquiry, starting as soon as possible, time is not equal. "

Chen Kanguo and Hao Qiong were looking at the eyes, and they had opened their computers and started to check the relevant information.


Soon, two hours have passed.

Chen Kanguo and Hao Qion have been in online for two hours of information, but it is still a way.

Hao Qiong is somewhat: "The conditions for this time, there is no inspiration effect!"

"A relatively short roller coaster, still make some randomness? I am completely imagined that this is what kind of project."

"According to reason, this 100 million will go directly to the existing roller coast plan directly to buy abroad? Save time and effort."

Chen Kang Duo shook his head: "You still don't know the proficiency of the Poly. Do you do things, when will I buy ready-made?"

"The three projects of the hostel are all original, and the new project will naturally be original, otherwise how can I have a significant difference with the New World Amusement Park?"

Hao Qiong said: "The words are true, but the roller coaster is not like a game, the game is not important, the most important thing is the height. The height is not enough definitely not fun, but it can always say that the height is, the lower, the lower, the better It is best not more than 30 meters. "

Chen Kanguo did a few times on the laptop, saying: "You said ..." Do you mean to be a room with mountain cars? "

Hao Qiong stunned: "" Room cars in the room? Why? "

Chen Kangu said: "I have turned over the world's more famous amusement parks, and found that those heights are relatively low, they are indoor roller coasts."

"For example, there is a wizard theme, the roller coaster project, its selling point is combined with a huge physical set and projection screen, bringing a super-real immersion experience to visitors."

"The indoor roller coaster is a fully enclosed environment. Although it is certainly better than the roller coaster at the height and speed, it can create a special environment and atmosphere, so that visitors have a very strong immersion."

"Although only more than ten meters of the highest drop in this project, it can give tourists to the feeling of rolling a mountain car than dozens of meters."

"Why should I emphasize the height of the roller coaster? Obviously, in impressing us, you should be a similar indoor roller coaster project, combine the weight, acceleration, and the virtual environment!"

"Only in this way is needed to be a high budget."

Hao Qioni nodded: "Um ... it makes sense."

"Is this indoor rollerider still continue to do terrorism? The three existing three projects in the hostel are horrible, especially the 'ultimate horror', there are many horrible set effects in the 'ultimate horror', and they can be used directly."

Chen Kanguo shook his head: "I think ... not necessarily."

"According to reason, if you implement the consistent style of the hostel, then this indoor roller coaster is definitely a terrorist style, such as a black, there are countless ghosts trying to catch people."

"But I always gave it implications, especially pointed out that this roller coaster should be built from the current three projects!"


"In summary, I think I should be implicit us. I have to fix a project to visitors. I have a project that conforms to the subject theme of the hostel, but don't have a clear relationship with the existing three projects, which is to abandon the existing existing. Terror theme. "

Hao Qi thought: "Well, it makes sense!"

"This is said ..."

"The third point of the summary is also intriguing. , this project must have certain randomness."

"If it is a general roller coaster, it is clear that it does not need randomness, and it is enough to fix a route. But like you said, if you build this vectors, there is a certain randomness to increase your fun!"

"But how is it random, this is a problem."

"Suppose this project is fire, then visitors must experience all the routes. If it is pure random, the tourists can't determine that they will go to the route that they have not experienced, so they will fight them multiple times. The enthusiasm of playing. "

Chen Kanguoti nodded: "Well, there must be multiple routes, but you can't be completely random."

"If you use the game thinking, when there are multiple routes, it is best to choose from the player it yourself. The player has different choices, the way the experience is automatically changed, so the players will have a replay. "

"That is to say, , this should be a chamber, there are multiple routes for players to choose. At the same time, its packaging is best to scare, but don't convincip. The ghost blame hits, and gives tourists a new experience. "

"What kind of theme should be the specific thing?"

Chen Kang Tuo caught in meditation, because similar themes were actually quite a lot, there was a little difficult to make a choice.

Hao Qion suddenly took the brain: "Yes! I think it!"

"I always say that we don't let us buy a ready-made program, let us original, but there is no story background, it is also original! Tenda does not have ready-made IP!"

"Conradication The hostel can be seen as the theme park of Tengda, so use Tenda's IP to do a ride, it is reasonable?"

"The" Maritime Fortress "DLC this plot is not very suitable for direct use?"

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