Chen Kang Tuo took into account for two seconds: "Yes! Very suitable!"

The story of "Maritime Fortress" DLC is the content of Qinyi captain deep into the nest, performs the content of the PREs.

The horror of the insect is unlike "ultimate horror" is so strong, but it will still be moderately frightened; the light in the nest will not be as dark as the ghost house, but it will create a relatively depressed environment.

Choose this subject, you can give a fresh feelings of tourists who are tired of terrorism, and is also part of Tengda IP, which is conducive to the extension of IP and expand.

Most importantly, this subject can make interactive!

Chen Kang Duo quickly built a document on the computer and quickly recorded his own ideas.

"This project, the name is temporarily set to 'Skytrang Action'."

"In this project, we can let visitors play the Skylark warrior and go to the PREs' Empress Dagger Action."

"The whole process is carried out indoors, manufacturing a immersion experience through physical set and huge projection screen."

"According to data from some of the current successful projects, the maximum speed of this project does not need to be fast, it is about 20 to 30, because in the actual experience of the project, the forward movement is closely combined with the rotary movement, so The feeling of physical feeling is much faster than the actual speed. "

"It doesn't need to be high, the highest and minimum drop is about 25 meters, and it is enough."

"The entire project is an intricate surround layout, which is distributed for more than a dozen landscape points and channels."

"The channel will connect these landscape points, and visitors will quickly pass through these channels on the railway railway, sometimes rising, sometimes sliding, sometimes on the wall, just like the Skylark warrior."

"And the landscape point is a huge wrapped projection screen. There will be a huge insect emergence here, and it is a battle scene."

"The actions of tourists do in the landscape point will affect the route that they will move next."

"In the landscape point, when the passenger is facing the projection screen, the roller coaster will cooperate with the picture on the projection to exercise multi-angle exercise, create a dive, rising, etc.

"We will not adopt traditional roller coars, but like the roller coaster of the wizard theme, tourists are sitting on a chair in four people, and the feet are floating."

"Four people and one row, experience separately, so that every visitors can't see the people around and rear, the immersion experience is better."

"There may be some security in the standing posture, but there may be some problems above, so choose sitting posture. And the feet are floating, but also make the flying feel more real."

"In order to enhance the player's generation, the head of the seat can be included with a comparative display, the UI information above can introduce the players' tactical objectives."

"Provide the magnetic rail rifu of the skylark warrior, with both hands and seats to prevent falling in the game, the gun body will simulate the sitting power and the shock, the gun is equipped with the props in the film and television. When shooting, the inductor in the landscape point will induce the direction of the tourist shoot, causing harm to the insects on the projection screen. "

Hao Qiong interrupted Chen Kanguo: "Is this possible slight latency? And do you want to add a star? How to do it if you are shot?"

Chen Kang Duo shook his head: "There is no need, most people are holding a gun in the environment, crazy scan, accurate or not allowed to feel it. As long as the gun body is strong enough The flame sprayed is large enough, and the sensor is a bit blurred, so that the hit rate is high, so that the scene is more lively. "

"In different landscape points, visitors can have different options. For example, set the insects on a side, then the next route will advance to this side."

"Of course, on the big screen, there will be Qinyi captain leading the tourists to attack, he will also open fire to the insects. Even if the tourists don't do anything, you can experience the whole process, have a good life. But In this case, the final result is to escape the nest under the leadership of Qinyi captain, and failed to complete the mission of the chitunzes. "

"Only visitors will work together to fight, in order to go deep into the nest to win the Zerg Queen."

"As a squad, the four tourists in each row, each landscape point can only have four tourists at the same time, and must be planned on the process and route."

Two people are discussing, while recording, very fast, this project has the prototype.

In fact, there have been similar entertainment projects in foreign countries, and very popular, but most of these projects are all popular IP themes.

The project of "Skytrang Action" is done to Tenda's own IP, and give tourists with a variety of routes and strong interactivity, it can be said to be very unique, very rare in the domestic amusement park project.

Chen Kang Tuo was very satisfied: "Well, then roughly order this program, we will find the contractor to determine the program and quote!"

The world's largest theme park contractor is a domestic company, which has been famous for short construction, high security, and four years before, and the domestic company has successfully compressed time to a year and three months. And have obtained a lot of awards.

In the infrastructure, domestic companies are still pretty.

Even a whole theme park can be completed within a year and three months of construction, and the hostel is invested in a large indoor roller coaster project here. The year should not be a problem.

Of course, specific design, construction methods, or by professionals, Chen Kang Du as Party A, only need to provide programs and suggestions.

It has been busy again in recent months, and two people who have been busy again. Suddenly full of strength!



February 7, Tuesday.

Yan Qian has a drink of coffee in touch with the fish net.

After the mission of Chen Kanguo, he felt a lot easier. Because the projects of the money are all arranged, their pressure is reduced.

Next, you can discuss it from a long, slowly arrange it.

At this time, the mobile phone placed on the table was shocked, and it was calm.

"He is always! We have to go to Los Angeles tomorrow, and report it to you in advance."

Yu Qian did not responded in the first time.

Go to Los Angeles?

I remembered.

Yan Jingchao is one of the tactical team members of the FV team, so I will go to Los Angeles after the New Year, and I will make a vacation.

: "Well, you can take it again! If you spend money there, don't buckle Ses, give the company a shame! Yes, there is no problem in the recent work?"

Yan Jing, said: "No problem, the operation of GOG is smooth. I have just seen the new hero design plan, no problem, I will start doing."

Qianqian listened to the "new hero", I am interested in an instant, asked: "Oh, what new hero?"

: "It is Qinyi Captain." Mission and Choice "game and movie are not completed, so a key protagonist, getting a good place in GOG."

:? ? ?

Do things!

GOG is now so fire, suddenly a Qinyi captain is linked to "mission and choice", this is not a chance of increasing the success of games and movies?

No, I have to think a way!

But if you don't let, there is no reason for it.

Yan Qian's brain quickly turned, said: "I think it is not very suitable to move the protagonist to the GOG. This habit is very bad!"

"Every protagonist has a lot of fans, in his world view, combat power is a relatively top existence."

"If you have forcibly get these protagonists, there may be some tricks of the war, and there is a ridiculous feeling of Guan Gong's Qin Qiong."

"So I think that the new hero does not do Qinyi, I can be a normal Skylark warrior."

"So even if this new hero is not strong, we can also say that this is not Qinyi, but an ordinary skylark warrior, and it is more powerful."

: "Oh ... You also make sense. That line, I will tell them, let them change the demand program."

Hanging up the phone, Yan Qian grows up.

Although it is just a slightly insignificant small episode, it is absolutely can't fall.

I hope that this suggestion will make the linkage of GOG and "Mission and Choice" will not play the effect!

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