February 8, Wednesday.


Before leaving, everyone hurriedly handled all their work.

Especially quiet, he yesterday according to the summary requirements, the time to grasp the designer's designer to change the "mission and choice" from Qin Yi from Qinyi from Qin Yi, which is changed from a specific role. It has symbolic, relatively broad roles.

The Ye Zhou is in the Ocean game, it is a game design plan with Wang Xiaobin, a game design that cooperates with the intelligent fitness drying hanger.

Zhou Peng Yuan as the coach of the DGE club, I also gave new batch of DGE players to the new batch of DGE players before leaving, everyday training competition and high-end bureau Rank should continue, waiting for him to check when he came back from Los Angeles, no completed players To be attached.

Others have allocated their work with other colleagues, ensuring that they can completely put down the work after returning to Los Angeles.

Of course, the FV club's team members need to hand over, they are also immersed in the happiness of winning.

The FV club and the players have skyrocketed, and Wu Yue as the boss of the club. Recent live contracts and commercial endorses are a bit annoying. It is just a few days to go to Los Angeles for a few days, change your mood.

A group is happy to leave Jingzhou and go to the devil.

This is the only way to get into the company is Baoxao.

He just took the five-day tour of the New Year's Award. It is not only a few hours to return to Jingzhou. If you have to pick up your bag.

Going to the high-speed railway of the Magic, others discussed this trip to Miki tourism, and only the Bao Xun is sitting on the seat, looking at the high-speed rail window, the expression is sluggish.


At the same time, Cui Wei came out from the high-speed railway of Jingzhou, and took a taxi and went to the land of the end of the Chinese network.

Looking at the familiar city scenery outside the window, Cui is quietly sighed, and it feels an inexplicable.

"My life, how can I be full of strength?"

Cui said, this problem of directing soul.

At this time, he actually has three identities: demolition of the second generation, the end of the Chinese network top tips, Tengda Group special observers.

There is a common feature of these three identities, which is to severely weaken the power of his struggle, and the three are superimposed, but it is always maintained in a state of "intermittent embarrassment, persistent mix, etc.".

It's hard to play my spirit, I want to work hard, but I can't fight for two days.

Cui Wei has been in a state of returning to the old man and Beijing.

It is not that he likes to live in business people. It is mainly he thinks that in the same environment is long, it is easy to produce slack psychology, change an environment to motivate yourself to re-struggle.

Even if it is just a three-minute heat, it will always be strong than a pool.

But this also has little effect.

And more snow is added, the "Butterfly Game" has been put on.

The good news is that this book is normal, no rotten, although the final part is written very turtles, but finally wrote nearly three million words, gave an ending that satisfied most readers.

For Cui Luo, this is a historic breakthrough, and it is also a sense of lively.

The bad news is that all the inspirations before he have basically used light. The new book wrote several beginning, but he didn't satisfy it after he saw it several times, so all deleted until today, there is no new book today.

This is even more embarrassing situation that Cui is felt into a very embarrassing situation.

Of course, Cui is in addition to the two identity of the second generation and the entry of the Net. It is another identity, which is the special observer of Tengda Group.

The identity of this special observe makes him collected a lot of "Butterfly Games" materials, and Wu Bin, which also helped the Human Resources Department, very well organized the annotation version of the "Tenda Mental Manual".

However, Cui Xin is very b number, he knows that he is just an ordinary network author, neither understanding business, does not understand management, so it is only an occasional to Tengda's departments to collect material, never guided within line It affects the work of Tengda's various departments.

So his "special observers" identity, but also gave him a pass for all departments of Tenda Group.

Some time ago, Cui Wei took a long time in the end of the Chinese network, but nothing came out, the new book was still unbreeding.

So Cui Waiting for a few days during the Spring Festival, every day, I slept late, look at the novel, completely throwing the new book.

Results After the year, the day was not a few days. Cui Wei got the end of the Chinese network to do a "inspiration class" from the editor Zhu Xing'an.

And I also sent him a trust, asking him that he would not be willing to write to buy, but also said that he has specially informing this matter, and the name is priority to notify Cui Wei.

I heard that I want to write to buy, Cui Wei is not happy.

I am a head author who is not bad money, I wrote a book is my pursuit!

At present, the network has also been developed for a certain period of time, and the issuance of buying and dividing these two manuscripts has always been present.

The authors have a consensus: In addition to handling the homework, it can continue to write the level, and achieve the author of the win-win, most of the written authors, or lose, or collapse.

These authors that write the buyers may write explosive works, but buy discorry means that all income outside the fixed manuscript is not related to him, and the author is blood loss; and some authors are not lost. Don't take 100% strength to write, the result is increasingly can't keep up with the trend, writing the book, people also write waste, and then go back to write into the completion. No one is watching.

So Cui Wei heard that the first reaction was refused.

However, Zhu Xixian introduced him to him, Cui Wei found that the buyout of the end of the Chinese website and other websites did not seem to have a big difference, not a thing.

The biggest difference is that the number of words is small, the price is high!

Take Cui Lui, if the outside station digs him, the top is more than him, and it is already the beginning of the first Chinese website. The draft fee is already very good. There is no too much. Big boost space. If the hard excavation is too risky for those outside stations, they do not pay.

But the end of the Chinese network is between 10 and 500,000, can't exceed 500,000 words, and the three-fold fees given by his original draft fee!

And after this new buyout mode, you can also get the qualifications of "inspiration classes".

Although Cui Wei is not clear about "inspiration class", "learning class" has indeed played an immediate improvement effect on his creation, helping him from a way to enter into a normal body, write new ideas The authors.

So this time "inspiration class", can you save the inspiration of being affordable?

Cui is very curious.

For this complex mentality, Cui is again coming to Beijing.


Soon, the taxi arrived at the destination.

This "inspiration class" with the original "learning class" is on the same office building, but the floor is different.

The previous "learning class" has been very successful, has already made a lot, and the scale is gradually expanding, and only one room is started, and now it has been extended to three rooms.

Even so, the authors of the end of the Chinese network are still actively participating. Every time the number of people registers is full, they need to edit detail selection.

The "inspiration class" is less, and must be the head author of the end of the Chinese network to participate.

After Cui went to the destination, the light car was first placed in the hotel, and thenrew the "inspiration class".

Although the "inspiration class" is officially opened tomorrow, Cui Wei has been coming to the study class many times, and the light car is ripe, it is easy to find the door.

Come to the floor where the "inspiration class" is located, Cui I saw a few face-matured editors were picking up.

The editors are also very familiar with Cui, and after he greet him, let him go to the "inspiration class" area free to watch.

Cui Wei's first feeling is that this space is too big!

Although it is the same writing building, "learning class" and "inspiration class" are different floors, and the area occupied is different.

"Inspiration class" is only one-half of the number of "learning classes", but the area occupied is twice as "learning class"!

Look carefully, the equipment inside the "Inspiration Class" is completely different from "learning class".

The "learning class" is a standard computer table and chair. At first glance, it is similar to Internet cafes or computer rooms, but in fact, the chair is a human engineering chair, and the height of the table has also been specially adjusted. All is to make the authors can have more Comfortable codeword experience.

However, "inspiration classes", there is no body engineering chair, replaced by a single functional sofa of a famous brand of foreign brands!

Compared with this high-end single-function sofa, their work is in line with ergonomics, and sedentary will not fatigue. It is relatively small to other seats.

Of course, good ergonomics, still feel tired, need to get up every time you will get up. But at least in line with the ergonomics make the body's burden relatively small.

The difference between the two is that the use scenario of the ergonomic chair is office, while the single-function sofa use scenario is leisure.

Many cinemas's high-end VIP seats, in order to give customers the best viewing experience, it is also using this high-end single function sofa. The chair can be electrically adjusted, whether it is sitting, half lying or on the legs, will make people feel very comfortable.

Since there is no office chair, then the desk doesn't need it. The single function sofa is opposite is a sticked TV cabinet, which is the best view of the best viewing height and viewing distance from the bracket.

OLED TV is the latest technology in recent years, and the size is much smaller than traditional TV, but the price is tens of thousands. The reason why it is so expensive, mainly because OLED TV has a very low screen response time, there is almost no screen trip, you can achieve a pixel level control, and there is almost unlimited contrast, so HDR is better. At the same time, the color is pure, the natural color gamut is high ... In short, in most of the quality of the picture, there are traditional TVs, take a movie, and play a better effect.

Of course, the TV will be a lot of refresh rate compared to those equally expensive electrical displays. But the "inspiration class" TV mainly used to watch movies, hosted the host game, so the requirements for refresh rates are not so high, or the big screen is more important.

Although it is small in size than traditional TVs, it is a one, close to it, so the comprehensive size and quality of quality are considered, this is the best choice for viewing.

On the grounded TV cabinet, there is a ROF host, a game console, and a variety of high-definition blue discs. On the back of the front wall, it is also stacked with a variety of blue-ray discs and novels of the novels.

Next to a single function sofa, a high-end headset, mouse keyboard, and a small table board that can be folded.

In addition, there is a reading light next to each person's single sofa, you can choose whether it is open, watch the movie, you can also look at the book.

Cui is a little accident, ask the editor: "This place word is uncomfortable?"

Although the single-function sofa is very comfortable, no matter what you watch and play games, it is not necessarily.

After all, the sitting position of the single-character sofa is not specially used in the case of codeword.

Editor's explanation: "Oh, that keyboard is to give you an emergency, such as typing search movies, keeping inspiration, and can be used."

"If you really want to create, go to the work area over there."

Cui Wei turned, found that there were another office area, standard work desk, ergonomic chair and mechanical keyboard, which were completely separated from this area.

Obviously, this area is a TV, a single sofa or a blue disc slice, and the purpose is to let the authors focus on movies, collect inspiration and material.

It has been arranged so, obviously does not have the program of "small black house" to force a daily code time.

Editor's explanation: "There is also a large audio and video room over there, all rooms have soundproofed, the cinema projector and audio equipment, can be on demand, and make an appointment."

"If you want to achieve the best viewing effect, read a complete film, you can go there. If you just collect the material, the requirements for the quality are not high, or jump, then look at your position. Yes. "

Cui listened to the editor's introduction, not shocked.

Is this a paradise?

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