Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 881 Cui Wei and Super Hero Theme

Cui looked over the entire "inspiration class", and found that the environment here is much better than you think!

TV, single sofa and even a special video room, although not allowing the "inspiration class" to experience more than a special cinema, the spike is absolutely no problem with the viewing experience of the place where the cinema.

And there is no movie here, and there is a large number of outstanding single games and novels and comic institutions, etc., it can be said to be a huge inspiration treasure house.

And the most important point is that the "inspiration class" has no small black house, and even does not do anything else to the author's creative time. If you are willing, one consecutive weeks are not written, it is only in single There is no problem on the sofa watching movies!

This environment is a dream for Cui Lu.

If he makes himself such a set of equipment, there is no three or more people who are not coming, let alone a large number of genuine Blu-ray movies, books, and exclusive audio and video rooms, combining the cost, and non-creators can bear.

Here, not only do you eat, you can't make money directly with a very high bought price. This condition is not thinking!

Originally, Cui Wei also felt that he is an ideal, have the authors of the pursuit, how can I pick up this kind of living?

But now, it seems that it is true!

How much is this kind of buyout?

The editor saw Cui's face and excited expressions, smiling: "Hey, I really envy you. I want to join this 'inspiration class', but I am not qualified."

"Waiting for 'inspiration class" After tomorrow, you will feel the time for three days. "

"Yes, I heard that tomorrow, I will always come over and see how the 'inspiration class' is."

"In this time, you can experience the experience first, then decide whether to accept the creation model of the bought, and what kind of theme you want to create."

Cui Wei is bright in front of him: "Ah? Will I come?"

This is really an accident.

Cui Wei and the total have had a few faces. For example, before, I always invited him to eat meals, and give him a "special observers" position.

And Cui Wei got the current success, but also related to the general information provided by the generals, and it was unparalleled.

I don't know why, Cui always thinks that as long as I see the summary, or there is always a good relationship, there will be good things.

This time, I personally visited him, and I may say that I will discuss a few questions, I can instantly open, inspirate the explosion?

Cui Weimei is looking forward to it.



February 9, Thursday.

In the morning, Yu Qian took the bus to "inspiration class" to see the authors of the authors.

Although the Terminal Chinese Network is not very prominent in the various industries of Tengda Group, it is not very prominent, but Yan Qian attaches great importance to it.

Especially this "inspiration class", it is the idea that Yan Qian she thinks. Once success, all the first author of the end of the Chinese network is all over the Internet, which greatly slows the money to make money in the end of the Chinese network, which can be said to be significant.

So, Yu Qian felt that he had necessary to come over.

After coming to the "Inspiration Class", Yu Qian first looked far away from the door.

I saw that the author of the end of the Chinese network is all comfortable to sit on the single sofa, some are seriously watching the movie, some are playing the game, and there is still a book.

At first glance, it is a bit like Internet cafe, but it is different, more accurately, is a large recreational room.

As for the "Code Zone" next to it, it is empty, and there is no one.

The only thing that is more regret is that the current "inspiration class" is still relatively small, only ten personal, the seat only accounts for a small part.

Because many of the books of the head author are not finished, they are still serializing, I can't write it directly to write books too much.

Therefore, there will be a number of authors come over.

The ten people who have already arrived as Cui Wei, have already taken the old book, which is registered to participate in the "inspiration class". It is also because of their old books, there is no update pressure, so no one goes to the code.

Yu Qian is very satisfied with this.


You will drag the movies, play games, and code words.

In the crowd, Yu Qian saw Cui Wei at a glance, immediately focused on him!

Because Cui Wei is one of the batch of authors of the first fire in the end, directly with the city channel of the website, it can be said that it is a turning point in the end of the Chinese network.

What makes the Qianqian feel angry, it is clear that Cui Wei is hoping, even giving him a position such as "Special Observer". The result is that Cui is not to reduce the efficiency of various departments, but also write a fire book back.!

But this time, Yu Qian feels that the situation will definitely be different.

As we all know, Cui is a pigeon fine. Can the pigeons can carefully create in this comfortable environment? impossible things!

Thinking of this, Yu Qian stepped into the step, strolling four places.

At the same time, these authors are tangled for the selection of novels.

Zhu Xixian has emphasized the author. They want to write a form, that is, only IP works related to Tengda can not be original.

This article is always fixed, and cannot be changed.

Tengda's current IP work is nothing more than three aspects: Tenda's games and movies, GOG purchased a variety of domestic well-known IPs, Hurricane Manga IPs.

So what kind of theme is to write? This is very tangled.

The selection will definitely can't take a head of the head, you have to study these themes repeatedly, find a best entry point.

Therefore, these authors have played playing games, some are watching "Beautiful Tomorrow", and there is still the comic book and old movies in the hurricane cartoon, and can only touch the luck.

Cui Wei is thinking about meditation, and suddenly I saw that I was strolling.

"Head, you are coming!" Cui is very happy to stand up and meet.

:: "Nothing, I will turn it casually, you will continue to be busy with you."

Next to Cui Wei is just no one, Jian is sitting next to it, intending to experience the experience of "inspiration class", you are also cool.

Cui was very excited. I didn't expect Yan, I was still sitting next to him, I feel that I have received much attention.

Yan Qian looked at the various movies and game resources configured by "Inspiration Class", asked casually: "Is the subject?"

Cui Wei, but the end of Yu Qian stared against the object.

After all, the first ten authors of the first batch, the best results of Cui Wei, the most flexible brain, and the most likely thing, so Qian Qian asked, determine the level of threats of Cui Wei.

Cui said, "Oh, I have no very clear ideas yet."

"However, the rough direction already has, it is to dig deep from Tengda's game and movie theme!"

"After all, Tengda's influence is the game and movie. These are the original content of Tengda. The public's acceptance is also the highest. I heard that the new game" Mission and Choice "is a big production, science fiction background, the entire architecture Very grand, good extensibility. "

"I intend to study similar themes, strive to write a middle article on the" mission and choice "existing story, write a middle article!"

"I dare not say that" mission and choice "is now, as long as you write, you can write it!"

Yu Qian was shocked.

What the hell? Has been locked in advance "Mission and Choice"?

That's absolute!

"Mission and Choice" can vote for huge money, can't be lost. So far, this is just a game, a movie. But if many authors have been writing its same person, there is a novel in this, isn't it a fire with all the works, including movies and novels?

So, it must not!

Can't involve Tenda's core business!

Thinking of this, Yan Qian rushed: "I think ... this selection is not very good."

"Because Tengda's games and movies, the basic story is relatively complete, even if there are some 'pit', it may also be the official to fill, and the development plan is related to the future."

"If you wrote the same person" mission and choice ", the result is a deviation of the" mission and choice ", which is not very embarrassed, is equal to doing useless work."

"It's not that it is absolutely can't write, but I suggest that the priority is released later, consider the other direction."

Cui nodded: "Hey ... There is reason to speak."

"That way, there is only the domestic IP purchased by GOG, and the comic IP of Hurricane Comic Company. I think ..."

"Domestic IP, although it is old, but the popularity is still there. Maybe write a work of the same person, you can arouse some people's childhood memories, this theme will be red. Moreover, can also generate some linkage with GOG ...... "

, can't help but frown again.

This is not good, it is still dangerous!

Many classic IP characters are actually very likely to be red, such as some old movies that have no people to ask, but with a BGM clip, inexplicably burst, this situation does not have there.

Moreover, although these domestic classic IP characters are faded, but after all, they are a common memory of the domestic generation, and there is very traditional Chinese cultural characteristics. It will be more difficult to clean up.

Coupled with GOG's huge influence in China, the probability of doing things is greatly increased.

Of course, Yu Qian believes that the creation model of "inspiration class" decided that the authors will not be high, after all, the written text is to dance.

But Yan Qian still hopes that these authors, especially Cui, can choose the lowest success rate.

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said with a little hate iron and not a steel: "Cui Wei, you are an ideal, have the authors of the pursuit, how have you always choose simple difficulties?"

"If this kind of theme is serious, can you achieve what height?"

"If you have confidence in yourself, you should choose the most difficult to write, go to the Hurricane Manga's superhero!"

Cui Wei smashed: "Ah? , you are too high, you can get me ..."

Write a superhero theme?

I am just a normal web author!

Superhero theme, that is the reservation of the first two comic companies in the country, only they can play. Other countries, other authors to write, no inner taste.

In addition to the objective strength of the screenwriter, there is a very important reason lies in, cultural background.

Western advocates individualism, so the story of superhero has especially soil. And the West's audience also accept this set of superheroes, so the film will be very market.

The two comic companies in the top of the rice have a rich accumulation in the hero role, which is absolutely unable to shake. People will throw out a superhero, you can use the Hurricane Mangao's superhero into spike.

Want to make some famous halls in this area?

Cui said, this is an idiotic dream.

He has a premiere: you will be a network author, even if it is written superhero theme, I am afraid I can't get rid of a strong net taste. At that time, it is not good.

Therefore, Cui Wei wanted to fight back.

"Some, I am a write network, you let me write a superhero theme, isn't it difficult?"

"The whole story architecture of the network with the superhero theme, the cool point is not a thing, it is really hard to write, the last result is definitely no collar."

"Again, the Hurricane Comic Company creates these superhero, I can't give them fire, I am more impossible for my two knives!"

Yan Qian saw Cui's attitude, and it was more determined that the route of his choice was correct: "Don't be self-purple!"

"The 'Inspiration class' is doing? Is it let you collect inspiration?"

"Why don't you limit your number of updates? Just let you slow down your work."

"If you comply with the network's creation, you can need to update thousands of words every day. Ten thousand words, you do hardly write an excellent superhero theme story, but now slow down, slowly grind, as long as you insist For a long time, the story written is enough, there will always be successful! "

"You are all the top authors, all those who tell stories, I believe that no matter what theme, as long as there is enough time to study, you must also control!"

Cui Wei is still awkward: "But the bail, we have cultural separation with the West, super hero theme is a kind of subject matter of the Western culture, I am willing to write, this is not to take my own weakness to hard to touch someone else ! "

"This is not a thing that can be changed."

Qian Qian silent for a moment, some unfortunately admitted: "It is true."

"But who said that the superhero theme can only write to Westerners?"

"You can also write to the domestic readers!"

"A superhero subject for only domestic readers, and it will not be successful."

Cui said, "But I can't originally written in the current IP. But the role of Hurricane Comics is neither in foreign fire, nor is it in the country. This shows these The role is actually a sigh of relief, even if you only write to domestic readers, I am afraid it is impossible, because everyone doesn't like these superheroes at all ... "

"I think, I am not too likely to let the domestic readers like them, which is too difficult."

: "Why do you want these superheroes? You can also write these super heroes, or let them be born to death. Anyway, everyone doesn't like them, this has given you higher freedom. Delivery! "

"Don't let the strip box limit your own thinking, you have to assume!"

Cui Wei: "..."

He is obvious, but the summary is the iron heart wants to choose the most difficult theme: Hurricane Manga's superhero theme!

Anyway, no matter how the reason is to find a reason, the last topic of will return to this theme.

But how do you write this?

A write network, do you have to write a superhero theme? Is this not a trouble?

Cui Yu 10,000 uncomfortable, but he found that the ability to debut this debate is really too strong, and he will soon.

Finally, he had to nodded very reluctantly: "That's fine, I look at the comics of the hurricane cartoon company, conceptual thinking ..."

"However, don't take too much hope, I will spend the money to buy and buy back, I am not responsible."

Yan Qian is full, do you write a bunch of garbage? Then I still have to ask!

He immediately took the shoulder of Cui: "Don't worry, there is no relationship with the work written, this is a meaningful try!"

"As long as you try, there will always be a failure!"

"The reason is engaged in bought, which is to take risks by the end of the Chinese network, so that you can freely create freely!"

"You can try it with confidence, I have any questions, I will come!"

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