Total patted butt, leaving confused Cui, only to look at the comics of Hurricane Manga.

For Yu Qian, the status quo of the entire "inspiration class" is fully in line with your expectations, follow the script. He is especially taken with Cui Wei, let this of the most likely the author to write a minimum success rate, which can be said to be multiple insurance.

As long as Cui is verified, this policy is feasible. After that, Yu Qian can consider letting more the author joins the "inspiration class", the development of the end of the Chinese network will play a suction.

And for Cui Lu, he is now in a deep confusion.

If you let Cui want to choose, he will never choose this theme, because he is neither good, not too interested.

As a known understanding of the European and American superhero is limited to the super IP, there is no in-depth author, Cui Wei really can't think of any reason that you can write a superhero theme.


Cui Wei Zuo Si, since it is a summary opinion, it still pays attention.

Because in this regard in this area, the general master is true!

Whether it is Tengda's game or a movie, in fact, personally fierce, grasp the direction. And these have been verified, it is a very successful work.

The status of is always created, than which they don't know where they want it. Since Yan Yong said that Cui Wei did not have a problem, it may be no problem.

"Don't I have some potential I don't know?"

With this kind of doubt, Cui Wei decided to try to try to try on the superhero IP of Hurricane Manga Company in accordance with the general requirements of the Poly.

As an important part of Tengda Group IP, "Inspiration Class", of course, has also prepared a large number of hurricane cartoon companies.

Cui has picked several sales, returning to his seat, open reading lights, headphones play light music, and then look at the single sofa.


in the afternoon.

Cui said the last comics that brought it, and some headaches took their own temples.

He saw the afternoon from the morning, when you dinner at noon, he was thinking about these superhero's plots, but seeing now, the more you feel, the more you feel.

The more you know, the more you can feel the arduous task!

Because it is comics, the text information is less, so it is very fast. Cui looked over a lot of comics that were relatively high sales, and after understanding the approximate story, the brain was more confusing.

"This hurricane comic company only accounts for only 5% of the market share in the country, and the first two comic companies are rubbed on the ground, and they don't have any reasons."

"Whether it is from the people of the superhero, or the story plot, there is a great gap between the two comic companies."

"These stories, can't look at it!"

"Moreover, these characters and plots are not suitable for domestic readers' tastes. It can be said that the advantages of the former two combo companies have not learned, the shortcomings are all retained."

"Write this IP role, is this not a self-cultivation road ..."

Cui was in a deep embarrassment.

What is the most famous IP of Hurricane Comic, although these IPs have a certain impression of Hurricane Comic, although they have a certain impression, although these IPs have certain impression, but they have been empty.

And in Cui Yu, these IPs are either a stable scalability, or it is not very good to write the derivative story.

These IPs, if it is simply a game image to get the GOG game, it is completely no problem; but if you want to write an attractive story with their protagonist, it is difficult.

Other IPs, not to say, all white.

Even in this, there are many superheroes of the marching two comic company, such as a hero named "World Captain", and can see the signs of the cottage, this is more unused.

True to write it, I am afraid that I have to be laughed off.

In short, Cui Head is big.

"If you don't, I will pay for it?"

"If you choose the IP like many people or mechanical warfare, you will write a homonym?"

"Although this IP is already very old, it is, but at least the domestic readers have some impressions. It should not be swindled."

After a few hours of hard thinking, Cui worked consciously to choose Easyway.

However, he suddenly emerged in his mind, and immediately canceled this thought.

"No, it's absolutely not!"

"How can I have this idea?"

"I always pay special attention to me, obviously paying attention to the content I want to write, I hope is very high!"

"How can I have the idea of ​​caught things? This has to make it more sad!"

"I have said that the number of words is not required, and the slow work is out. If I gave up so soon, I launched a pen. Isn't it completely realized?"

"No, think about it again!"

"I have to take out that I analyze the spirit of Tengda with Wu Bin, and I have a good idea to find the only correct answer!"

"I should understand the real intentions of the total in accordance with the interpretation of Tengda's internal."

When Cui Wei wants to give up, Tengda's spirit will encourage him again.

Cui Wei analyzed the spirit of Tengda with Wu Bin. When writing Tenda's mental manual, he had learned " ".

This is taken by the head of Baoshu, Huang Sibo and Lin and Waitao and other corporates. The heads of other departments continue to improve the methodology of the total real intentions.

Specifically, it is derived from the summary intention of the summary of the summary of the content when the task is always arranged. This trick is in the game department, the movie department is still unhappy, created a lot of miracles.

Now, Cui is decided to learn to live, and also use your own creation!

"What is the first step? Oh is right, find the least common sense in the general discourse, then start analysis ..."

Cui worked hard to recall the morning, he always with his dialogue.

In fact, the content of the "" The superhero theme can also be written to the domestic readers "," Don't necessarily want domestic readers like these superheroes "," these super heroes are written or half dead it is also fine".

"It sounds, I always seem to hin me, don't use the traditional story architecture of the West to write the story of the superhero, but have to work hard to talk about the way domestic readers ..."

Cui is began to check the relevant information online.

The movie of the superhero theme is part of cultural output, and there is also a big market in China. Although Cui Wei has not particularly paid attention, some basic concepts are still fully understood.

Superhero has different skills, character and identity, but most of them have similar characteristics:

It has extraordinary power, technical capabilities, or proficient related equipment in a certain aspect. It is not considered strength, wisdom, and special functions or banknotes. They can be calculated into this field.

They want to host justice, responsible, and choose to stand up in danger, and do not need any rewards.

They represent the moral concept of the West in some extent, generally not killing people, but will be handed over to the police and law.

They generally have a secret identity to protect their friends and family, and they often have another identity other than superheroes in real life, such as reporters, students, rich second generations, etc.

They generally have a iconic costume or prop.

In general, the story of the superhero is basically the story that is just the final defeat of evil: the super anti-party wants to do bad things, was discovered by the superhero. After a series of twists, the superhero defeated the super counter-party, maintained. Peace of the world.

Of course, with the development of superhero, the story also shows more and more patterns, and even some "anti-hero" roles that are also evil.

However, there are still few superhero stories that will deviate from the core of "justice to defeat evil", because they deviate from this core, the audience does not have to buy it.

In a sense, the comics or movies of superhero, like web text, is a mass production model, although the fundamental routine is constantly repeating, but the details will have a lot of innovations, and readers eat this A set, how many repetitions are still loved.

This is also the reason why Cui Wei felt unbounded: It is because this is a natural creation model, and it is deeply planted in the cultural background of the West. As a Chinese people, there is a culture of culturality, so according to this standard Process creation, never more than the superhero story of Westerners.

This is not a self-purple, but a clear understanding of the reality.

It seems that a local Westerner went to write a Chinese traditional martial arts story, no matter how much he did, the last written thing is definitely "no inner taste."

Cui Heng headed: "That is to say, the story I wrote is to sell it to foreigners, I am afraid that it is impossible, I can only face people."

"I'm telling this."

"But how can I sell it to the Chinese?"

"I always seem to have done a lot of Western themes. It seems that I am welcomed by the Chinese, and what is the summary?"

Cui is not allowed to think about "struggle" game.

In fact, "struggle" game is also a complete Western story background, which is based on the character to the story, but the domestic players like it.

Cui worriedly recalled the storyline of "struggle" and suddenly lit up.


"The secret of the total creation is to observe the story of the West in the perspective of Huaxia Culture, and deconstruct it, tear the beautiful coat of Western literary works, and let it completely show it!"

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