Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 883 Superhero Theme Background

Cui suddenly understood the intention of the total.

"Just like" struggle ", it is actually reflecting the deep contradiction of Western society, and analyzes this social phenomenon. It shredded the western works in Western works, so they will trigger such a deep response!"

The domestic cultural industry has been weak for a long time.

Whether it is a game, a movie or a novel, even some areas of ideology, it is in a state in which it is compressed by the Western world.

The reason is multifaceted, the most important thing is due to historical legacy issues. Although many people are reluctant to admit, this phenomenon does exist, and it is very serious.

The cultural output of the Western world has always existed and has a very complex impact.

Of course, it is undeniable that there are some positive, positive factors in Western culture, and some movies have actually encouraged.

But many people have been mistaken for Western cultures, all are perfect, even love houses and Wu, because of the beautification of these cultural works, all things to the West, this is a typical cultivation of literary works. Brainwash.

For example, many people think that in rice, everyone lives with a pool, the house is cheap, the doctor is free, the dishmann can live a living in the country, which is obviously a misunderstanding.

As the development of developed countries, Miragua is certainly better, but it is only a rich man's rice country, a society in the middle and underlying people, and their lives are still very difficult.

However, the Chinese people have long received a large number of cultural works of rice countries. Under the packaging and beautification of these cultural works, many people have had a "Western World is the paradise".

An important reason for "Struggle" has achieved success, it lies in breaking this illusion, letting more people can see the Western world with a more objective perspective, is equal to the unchecked of Western cultural works. " Ideal States.

Cui Yu realively realized that always write a superhero theme, is it like this?

Not let yourself write a superhero story of the Western mainstream value, but to solve the Western mainstream values ​​like "struggle", write a story that reflects deep layers, breaking some of the people's illusion?

Once this setting is accepted, Cui Wei discovered that many things can be paid!

Why is , even if you write these superheroes, it doesn't matter if they are not as good as death.

It is because this is not a traditional superhero story. The superhero representative of the story is not fair, justice, and beautiful, but there is something else, then their death will naturally not make the audience feel extremely inseparable.

Cui is consciously thinking about a question: If the superhero exists, will they act like movie?

Of course, human nature has good and evil. After humans have the power of superhero, those kind people become superheroes, and those evil people become super counter.

But the kind superhero will be able to stick to it like most stories?

If there are some more daring settings, if the strength of the superhero is not born, it is not because of variation, but through a further way, then the story of the so-called superhero theme will become ?

Just like the West has been spare no effort to output their "freedom" and "democracy", then this seems perfect system, is it a perfect system?

There seems to have a different sleek work.

Cui suddenly found the inspiration yourself, he was almost can't wait to come to the work area, opened a new document, then wrote the story background that suddenly appeared in his own mind!


The story is like other superhero themes, happened in rice.

However, this superhero story is different from the story of other superhero, because in this story, the power of the superhero is not born, nor by mutation or banknotes.

About more than two hundred years ago, the country's first superhero had the first superhero.

His super ability is to achieve strength from people's support and trust, and once people have weakened his support and trust, his super power will cut, and even no longer exist.

But this superhero has a lot of virtues, integrity, courageous and other virtues. In the past historical events, this superhero played a key role, saving countless lives, and is deeply loved by the people of the rice.

So, his strength is also stronger, not only a symbol of the spirit of the rice, but also has a heavy responsibility for maintaining world peace. The people of the rice country becomes "World Captain", because the people of Mi believe that his existence will maintain world peace and let humans from war.

But strong superhero, always aging, will always die.

Seventy-year-old team leader, he still has people's trust and support, and his body is not enough to support him using these super powers.

Mi-state politicians, media, rich and various characters have taken to the hospital's ward to visit the world captain. I hope that the world captain can choose one from many of the eligible successors, inheriting the superobags and identity of the world captain. .

The world captain went on their careful thinking: Obviously, different forces failed to have this superiority that influence the world's pattern, I want to inherit the capabilities and status of the world captain with their own cultivation. If this superiority falls into the hands of the bad guys, then everything will be unimaginable.

Therefore, the World Captain did not give his superparacy to any "successor" that was extracted by politician, rich or other forces, but sprinkled his super power to the whole rice, so that every rice It has the possibility of becoming a superhero.

The strength of this force depends on the support and trust of the people of the rice.

The World Captain firmly believes that only people who have a virtue, justice, kindness, etc., can get support, trust and love of most rice people.

Although this move does not guarantee that all of his super power is concentrated on a person, it is the greatest role, but at least most of the super capabilities are talked, and the integrity is controlled. At the same time, it will not completely fall into one. The hand of the bad guy.

There are many people, including politicians, richers and media, have tried to discourage the world captain, but the world captain is not moving. Obviously, these people's flowers are just to make the power of the world captain, they are not worth trustworthy.

The World Captain believes that all Mikans will make the right choice.

After the death of the World Captain, the people of the rice country were deeply remembered, and the huge statue and monument was built for him, which was used to commemorate this first one of the most respected superheroes.

This is the background of the story, and the story is really beginning, and it is nearly seventy-decade in the world captain.

The owner of the story is called Phil Simmus, a worry-free, rich second generation of the milky every day.

Father, Father, Simmons, is the 150th rich in the United States, with a personal wealth of 42 billion knives. It is a chain hotel and office building in many cities around the world.

Phil Simmons is the same as other rich second generations born with a golden spoon, it is perfect in the shape. He is 31 years old, unmarried, height of 1 meter 92, standard white face, handsome, handsome, body is generally maintained.

He is Harvard Graduate, with a Ph.D. in law, the current position is the CEO of Simmons Media Company, was rated as "40 years old. The most influential commercial person" was rated as "40 years old".

Although his academic education in Harvard is exchanged through the family's large pen, this is not shameful in the top of the country, which is generally common and common.

In addition to one hand, there is no special ability outside the super-run, his company has many professional names, even if it is still a few degrees of bankruptcy.

However, this is nothing to do. After all, Phil Simons himself opened by the media company in the volume compared to the real estate group of the Simmons family. Even if his company is bankrupt, it will not affect the whole. The foundation of Simmons Group.

The rich second generation is also divided into many kinds, while Phil Simmons is obviously not very hard.

He is managing his company, but also extension the person, but more, still a luxury life of the yacht party.

For him, you don't need to worry about anything, anyway, his family industry is enough to squander.

Until one day, his life changed because of the superhero.

So, Phil Simmus decided to be determined, he would be a superhero to become a superhero, but to be the most powerful superhero. All superheroes who have stopped in front of him must try all the way to completely clear.


Cui Wei wrote a beginning.

The background of the whole story, including the people of this protagonist, Cui Wei quickly finalized, all of which is very natural.

But why did Phil Simons be determined to become a superhero, how to operate, these details, Cui Yu temporarily has no hair.

However, he is not anxious. After all, it is a discontinuation system.

Next, Cui intends to put the movie, TV series, comics of the superhero, and the works of anti-superhero theme, and the works reflecting the works of the rice political altar, collecting material.

There are many things in these works, even if you are watching high-strength every eight hours, it is estimated that you have to look at the 7788 eight. And during this period, can you find enough inspiration, you can't write a good story, which is the number of unknown.

But Cui Yu is full of confidence, because this theme is Qi Qiqin!

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