Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 884 The entity industry has entered a super-unlined city.

February 10, Friday.

Emperor, "cold face girl" office location.

Qi Yan is busy with her colleagues, preparations in the food laboratory.

Originally cold, the whole company is immersed in a confusion, confused atmosphere, do not know what to do. Because this brand is founded by Meng Chang, the original Meng Chang has a complete set of complete theories, but now, Meng Chang's theory has been overthrown, and he is touched with his personal aura, so it was originally taken by Meng Chang's blood. The employees are all inseparable.

However, after reading the article about Meng Chang and the General, Qi Yan led the staff of the cold girl again found the direction of struggle!

Qi Wei decided to lead the employees, continue to struggle with the general instructions, and strive to change the current situation of the cold face, must not let !

The first thing she wants to do is to recruit excellent docner to make a food consultant, form a food laboratory, and improve the taste of all the meals including the cold noodles.

After the Spring Festival, Qi Yan's plan continued to advance.

She has sent a special investigation team to continue to explore the bracels of the bracelets throughout the country.

The team leader of this investigation team is Zhang Yahui, which is the young stall owner that is like a large color in the stall competition. Of course, there are also many cold girls' employees with him.

After finding outstanding doctrines, you can ask for an emperor to ask, you can't ask him to ask him to ask him to set the tips and formulas of the food. In short, you can't return empty-hand.

There are so many cities across the country, even if it is only in a first-tier city and second-tier cities, it will take time to take time. Qi Yan is very clear that this will be a long-term task, so there is no urgency, but consider dividing into several phases.

The two lines of the establishment of a gourministic laboratory and the excavation of excellent stalls were also conducted at the same time, and the two did not delay.

At this time, the food laboratories in the emperors are also almost the same, but some details have not been finalized, and Qi Yan is still serious.

Just then, a colleague came over: "Sister, there is something to report to you."

He suddenly said: "Touching the fish takeaway in the emperor, there is a store, the address is obliquely opposite our store, and there is ten meters, which is almost a face."

Qi Yu looked up, stunned.

Touch fish takeaway?

According to Qi Hao, taking the fish outside the emperor is that there is a store, but it is not a lot. Before, taking the fish takeaway in the emperor, the nearest store in the cold face is also more than a dozen kilometers, and the girl with the cold face will not constitute any competitive relationship.

But this time, the fish is exhausted to the opposite side of the cold girl store? The distance from ten meters is less than the face, it is nothing to face with his face!

What does it mean?

Qi Yan is very clear, in addition to the unnamed restaurants in Beijing, not open the store, taking the fish takeaway is the only dining group of Tenda Group.

The management method of touching fish is very different from other takeaways. Its conventional takeaway and high-end takeaway "food · and" are all the main cutlery recycling services, and the homework is based on the homework, it is implemented. The garbage classification of Handong Province is very fire.

In recent months, it seems that the fishing of the fish is also in the first-line cities such as Emperor, Magic, Yangcheng, etc., and the effect seems good.

After all, this takeaway store with high pricing, good service, high quality, and the big market in the first-line city, which is more favored by the white-collar workers.

However, put the fish to the face of the cold face to the cold side, is this?

There is no doubt that you will have a competition with the cold girl.

Don't look at Meng Chang, it is said that the sky is speaking, saying that taking the fish takeaway and cold face is a complementary relationship, but that is all of the investors. People only have three meals a day, the people in the same area are so many people, and now there is a rich food, excellent taste, and who have no more things to eat cold.

This will definitely cause great impact on the cold girl!

Of course, after some of the pastoral varieties, the cold surface girl has not been full, it is very cold. Although it is not enough, there are some customers.

Sell ​​this for sale in the fish, will definitely let the cold girl in the stories of the bleak.

The colleagues who came to report clearly and very clearly, it was a bit panic: "Sister, you said, this is the general meaning, or the person in charge of taking the fish self-propelled person? What should we do?"

Compared with the upcoming market competition, the general attitude is more worrying.

Market competition, everyone is very clear, absolutely competitive, but the worst situation is nothing more than a month.

But if this is the general manager, the is always very good about the current attitude of the cold-faced girl.

I hope to burn the cold side girl to the firewood, let the fire touched take-out the fire more powerful?

In that case, all the staff of the cold noodles are afraid to be sacrificed together.

Qi Yan silent for a moment, said: "Stamp, don't scare yourself."

"I personally go to a trip, and a exploration."


After half an hour, Qi We came to the cold-faced girl's door shop to touch the fish outside.

It has been idle for more than two months before this pavement, and now is being renovated, and the workers are busy, and they are busy.

From the perspective of the progress of the decoration, it should be started after the year, and there is still a certain amount of time to open the door.

From a geographical location, this stored store is really a competitive relationship directly with the cold girl, because the two shops are too close, and the range of take-out coverage is basically consistent.

There is a person wearing a hard hat, and some people are introducing the decoration, and they judge, he should be the store of this store.

After all, everyone is, the staff under the hand, Qi Yan played forward, and then made a self-introduction.

Young people wearing a hard hat immediately smiled and shakes with Qi Qi: "Hello, I am the person in charge of taking the fish Yu Yuma."

Qi Yan stunned.


Isn't it the responsible person of the whole fish? Can the Tenda Group directly to the summary group?

Qi Yan is very clear, although the cold side girl is also an industry of Tenda Group, but the coffee level is far less. She can't report directly to the summary, I can first show what I will win first, and then I will report the summary.

Cold noodles and touches the roaming place in Tenda Group, of course, is of course completely different.

Just, Qi Yan did not expect that Yu Yuchen as the head of the whole fish, did not stay in Beijing at this time, why did you ran?

Although I didn't know Qi Qi, I obviously also knew that the cold-faced girl's thing, gave the hard hat to others, invited Qi Wei to take a sitting in the nearby cafe.

Qi Yan just also had a lot of questions to ask, so two people came to a small café nearby.


After some coffee, after two words, Qi Yan hesitated, I don't know what to ask.

Although her heart has a lot of doubts, after all, the cold-faced girl with the fish is too light, so it doesn't seem to know someone, and in case this is the general arrangement, I don't have this question. Will it be too embarrassed?

Yu Yak said that Qi Yan hesitated, smiled: "I know you definitely have a lot of problems, don't be embarrassed, if you want to ask, please ask."

"If you want to ask this store, I can tell you that the location of this store is, I am finalized, just in this nearby, there is a suitable store, so I will set the new branch here. "

"However, this new store has more than a dozen, and it is not just to take the fish takeaway, Tenda's other physical industries, including fish net coffee, hosted gym, etc., also have a plan to enter the emperor."

After the rainy morning introduced the situation, Qi Yan was roughly understanding this to the dragon.

Before and after the Spring Festival, a series of physical industries in Tengda once again faced the "New Door Shop."

Yu Yuchen also has some headache for this problem.

The site selection of the branch is all decided to decide, and the rainy morning only needs to be executed. But now, all branch sites must be decided by himself, and the general will generally do not ask again, which makes the responsibility and pressure on the rain in the rain.

Emperor and Magical and other first-tier cities have already had a store of the cold girl. But the next step is to continue to go deep into the big first-tier cities, put the stored goods stored more intensive? Or turn to other second-tier cities, first guarantee that most cities have stores that have touched fish, then slowly develop?

However, Yu Yuchen did not have tangled too long, because he and Xiao Peng and others will soon be enlighten from.

Although I have not said, his behavior has explained everything.

, , etc.

Obviously, it is implicit, let Yu Yu Chen and Xiao Peng and others seize the time, continue to put the branch with these super-class cities!

If the total advertisements are playing, they don't follow the store. Is this not expected?

Therefore, the physical industries that touched the fish, touch the fish net coffee, hosted the gym, etc., continued to open the store in the emperor, Magic, etc.

The lazy apartment is not saturated because of funding problems, and the local markets in Beijing are not saturated, so there is no first time to follow up. But taking the fish takeaway, touching fish netfa, etc., but a new branch has been made in a big hand.

These branches directly filled in the two industries for a long time, but this is nothing. After all, this is the established policy of the whole, and the profit will not spend all over the store. .

There is a bar, don't worry about the fund chain break, Yu Yu Chen and Xiao Peng and others can naturally belated.

Therefore, this store of this shopping store is also one of the new stores.

Because the focus of the work is transferred to the emperor, the Yuri Chen also rushed to the emperor, but he had to stare at the store of the Emperor, there was no problem, and then decided to the next movement.

After you know that Yu Yak should continue to open more shops in the emperor, you have not said more, but you must stress, you must repair the highest specific flagship store in the opposite side of the cold girl.

As for why, I didn't say it.

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