In the afternoon, 5:55.

Terminal Chinese Network Author's inspiration class.

"Get off work!"

"Do you want to touch the fish net with nearby weekend?"

"Yes, I have to go!"

"Cui Dai is going?"

Cui shook his head: "I will not go, go."

The author invited his author did not persist, get up and pack things, ready to leave the inspiration class, go out and eat and go back to rest.

Like the class, the Language class is also strictly enforced eight-hour working system. Working hours are at 6 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the morning, and there is an hour after 12:00 to 1.

In fact, this work intensity in the inspiration will basically follow the eighth hour movie.

This time, the inspiration clasp is officially started. Two days, the time is unlikely to find the right inspiration for most authors, so the authors who really start writing only have those two people.

Other authors, still have a weekend, wait next to Monday, continue to collect inspiration, and the new book is a long discussion.

After all, the current reward is bought by the website, and the number of updates required daily will fall sharply, and I naturally take a rest.

Most of these authors are also very young. Most people are between 22 and 28 years old. We will not be odd in the weekend to touch the fish net coffee.

However, Cui is turned back, and he did not go to black with these authors.

Because after two days of high-intensity, suddenly felt that the big brain is flashing, it seems that the inspiration has been exhausted in the previous month, with the signs of recovery!

These two days, he religated several movies, TV series and novels, and found a lot of information on the Internet. The big frame of the whole story appeared in the mind, and the background has also built a seven seven eight eight.

Cui Lu suddenly had a strong creation, and I want to write this story.

As the saying goes, doing things are difficult. But in the novel creation, this is not necessarily established.

Most of the novels are inspired by the beginning, the pen is like flying, it is written; but the more it is, the slower, the inspiration is exhausted, the cavity, the front buried, I have forgotten it ... The structure of the whole novel became A group of chaos, finally rushed, was smashed into a dog.

At this time, Cui Yu is in this inspirational burst, and it is very urgent to write the beginning of the story.

Therefore, the novel creation is simply simple, and the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

Writing is a very stateful thing, the status of the content is good, and the content written when there is not good, there is a natural day. The inspiration is slightly passed, so once the authors have inspiration, they must immediately grasp, record, otherwise some details will be lost forever.

Cui Lu came to the work area of ​​the Language.

The configuration here is similar to the study class, large screen, mechanical keyboard, and ergonomic chair to ensure the most comfortable codeword experience.

Cui Fu did not intend to write too long, he just wants to write a beginning, up to one or two hours.

Boot, new documentation.

"Well ... start this scene, should you write it ..."

At the same time as Cui Wei, the time on the computer does not know at 6 o'clock in the evening.

"Well ... I think the beginning of using an inserted manner is better, start writing it from the protagonist to change the life goal."

Cui is a big idea, reach the mouse next to it, ready to adjust the font size of the document, the line spacing settings into its most comfortable format.

With the default font and the font size, he will be uncomfortable.

However, Cui's hand caught it.

Cui Wei: "?"

At that moment, he almost thought that he had some diseases in the mind, and the mouse was clearly close, and he didn't catch it. Patinse patients can't be so free?

Cui Wei did not care too much about this small episode, but continued to hold the mouse.

But still caught it!

At this time, he saw it clearly, when his hand moved to the mouse, the mouse did not move in the upper right!

Cui Wei was shocked. He quickly caught several times, but the reaction of this mouse is much more sensitive than he imagined, constantly moving, it is hard to catch!

At the same time, a prompt is also popped upon on the computer screen.

"When you get off work, please go back to rest immediately. Continue work will trigger alert, leave a record, the consequences."

Cui Wei: "???"

He is completely stunned, what is the human confusion?

Do you want to add a group?

There is also this mouse to be more free, there is a way to physically refuse overtime?

Cui Wei yesterday, I went to get off work, I didn't have much stay at all, so I didn't encounter this situation. Today is the first time.

"Forget it, I went to the nearby fish net coffee and writing!"

Cui Wei, did not expect that he would actually take the initiative to take the initiative in the rest time.

No way, the inspiration is not written, it is really uncomfortable.

So he immediately stopped and went to the nearby fish netfish, preparing to write down this story there.



The first is the title of this story.

Cui said that after three, finally finalize the title, and then translated the title into Chinese.

"Successor", "successor".

The reason why it is translated into "successor" rather than "successor", because it is mainly "successful" The world captain's superhero ability and identity, not inheritance heritage.

Cui Wei also wanted to make the shape of this title, on the basis of the art word written in Successor, put "Success" into bright red.

This title has three different emotives:

First, in the background of the entire story, all superheroes are self-employed in the successor of the first generation of superhero "World Captain". The World Captain scattered his super ability to the whole rice, so that everyone has the possibility of becoming a superhero. At the same time, he is deeply loved by the people of the rice, is considered a superhero's episode.

So, all super heroes have lived on the successors, meaning that they will act like the world captain, will not let people support their people.

Second, there is a very critical plot in the book, which is a TV show called "successor". This program is an important part of the protagonist plan.

Finally, the successor, that is, Successor, just in the word "success).

Put Success into bright red colors, hint this surface is a "successor" story, actually a "successful" story, and here's so-called "success" is an ordinary person to become a superhero "Success", but in fact, it is accumulated by blood and killing, a farmers reached a "success" of evil purposes through dirty means.

Before starting the writing of the pen, Cui Wei also carefully considered a specific way of writing.

There are a lot of entry points in the beginning of the whole story. If you are used in accordance with the usual network writing, most of them will use the narrative method of the positive order.

However, Cui said that now, it is written in a strict sense that it should not be written in the network. It should be written by the method of movie script or a strong literary short story, so in order to let The story is more compact, and he decides to use a way of insertion.


Rice, hopes, 2010s, a rainy night.

I hope that one of the most prosperous cities in the east coast of Miki, the weather here is complicated, and when the clouds are covered, sometimes clear sky.

This bustling metropolis is like a huge furnace, different styles of construction can be seen everywhere in the various corners of the city, and the surface of the paper is fascinated, but the dark lane is hidden in the dark lane.

It is one of the most prosperous urban cities in rice, and is also one of the highest crime rates in rice.

However, under the interaction between the superhero and the police, just like the name of the city, the crime rate here is under year, and the whole city and its citizens are bathed in hope.

Although from the data, I hope that the crime rate of the city is high, but here, people can often see a variety of super heroes patrol in the air, and they can hear the news that criminal organizations are destroyed by superheroes every day. The sense of security and happiness of the public is in the forefront of the whole country.

Phil Simons, the excitement of the real estate tycoon, Si Misun, is a famous flower bonus in the city.

Sports car, yacht, private aircraft, name, sea party ... Phil is very good at a thousand gold, timely fun.

Phil is not the most rich rich second generation, but it is definitely the highest-to-empathy second generation. He has a strong self-propaganda awareness of 31 years old. Through the accumulation of the day, the account has accumulated Million fans.

Compared to the superhero, performance arts and sports stars, politicians, millions of fans, but Phil is not a superhero, star or politician, as a pure rich. Second generations, can get these fans, indeed showing "talents" in some respects.

Of course, his Simmons Media Company has also been a lot in this regard.

At this time, this is very prosperous in life, height is 1 meter 92, with Handsome face and perfect body, with a Ph.6 and MBA degree, the CEO of Simmus Media Company, is in a construction of a building The building roof of the building, the tears are horizontal.

Due to the scared and uncontrolled urine contaminated with the colored trousers, left a piece of embarrassment, still slowly expanded dark wet spots.

He is very popular with the high-profile red tie is caught on an arm that is very thick, green, and the sweat is strong, and his entire body has come to the top of the top floor. If you don't catch the arm of this tie, he has already dropped from a thousand feet of high altitude, and it is intimate with the ground.

Phil Simons handsome face has been completely distorted by fear, tears, snot and rain, and a small portion of the mouth that he is going to be amazed, and then sprayed with a small part of saliva.

"I beg you, don't kill me!"

"My father has a lot of money, no matter how much you want, he will give you!"

At this time, the fresh red tie of Phil Simmons is a super strong man with a height of approximately two meters, and the weight is close to 200 kg.

Tonight, Phil Simmons opened his sports car in the rainy night. This strong man suddenly appeared in front of his sports car, hit his beloved sports car, then from the transformed cab Drag in a short coma, like a short coma, like a small chicken, came to the roof of this skyscraper in the construction of the skyscraper.

When Wake Sommes in the cold rain, his entire body has hanging on the skyscraper, and the family's life is full of hands in this strong man.

Phil Simmons did not have any resilience, because this looks like a poor and vicious man, his strength is similar to the weakest superhero.

"Super villains" like this have a great destructive force in hope that the city is not countless, but each of them makes the policemen who maintain this city's security in the headache.

However, it is hoped that the crime rate of the city is high, but basically all frequently occurring in the streets with certain slums and wandering Han, Phil Simons live in the rich area, in his thirty-one years of life, I have never encountered this situation.

Extreme fear makes his hands and feet, the body is not controlled, except for the crying, there is no way.

And this is like a badge of a meat mountain, it is in the interest of Filcher Simmus to a distorted expression, revealing a laughing smile.

By, appearance, wealth, intelligence ... etc. These, villains can't compare with Phil Simmons.

But the villain has something that is nothing, the strength, that is, power.

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