Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 889 Plan (Successor 2) ( 9/10)

However, when the villain wants to speak, his expression is stissible!

Phil saw a strong silver ray in his villain, and then, a particle gathered into the chest of the villain, and slammed him down.

Phil was scared to yell, his tie was also burned by this beam, and the whole person fell outside the skyscraper!

But he didn't fall, but suspended in the air.

A ray rapidly flashed from his side, and the villain climbed up from the ground and wanted to counterattack, but was taken by this ray on the ground, there is no power.

Another superhero that is suspended in the air is a concentration spirit, and will be suspended in the sky in the sky.

The unsettled Phil saw his savior: two hopes of the superhero.

They are superhero "silver light", as well as women who have not ranked but recently fame and names "crystal".

"Silver Guangxia" is a handsome caucasian, the skin flashes the silver light, his super power can send oractivate the beam, attack the enemy at a very fast speed;

And "Crystal" is a beautiful woman with an angel face and a hot body. She is wearing white, gold coloring tights. When using super power, my eyes will make a rich ray, such as crystal, glamorous.

"Silver Guang Xia" solves the powerful villain with a very fast speed, and "crystal" came to Phil, slightly leaned, and he would smile, "Mr. Phil, really," "

"Silver Guangxia" mouth with a sly: "Mr. Fair, your 'banknote capacity' in this case seems to be a bit unpatisled."

"But please feel free, I hope that the city is still one of the safest cities in the world, because we are there."

"Come, take a picture together?"

Silver Guangxia couldn't help but come to Phil, took out the mobile phone, "" took a photo.

Phil is wet, the hair is messy, the nose and tears flow on the face, and there is a wet spot in the crotch. It is uncomfortable; the silver light is clean and neat, calm, and the two have a very distinct contrast.


The lens is turned, and the photo of Phil and Yinjing appeared on the TV show of "Hope News".

A newsletter commentator is introducing this news event to all the audience.

"Last night, there was a kidnapping case near the sixth Avenue. The Simmons CEO was hijacked by the gangster. Fortunately, the superhero 'silver gland' and 'crystal' happened nearby, and arrive in the first time Save the Phil. "

"The gangsters have been detained by the police, waiting for him will be probably more than ten years of prison ..."

"Interestingly, in the first three days before the charity dinner, Phil Simmus Zeng Hao throws a thousand gold to donate one million knives for the Super Hero Association, and high-profile to the superhero 'crystal'."

"'Crystal' fair competition."

"After this kidnapping case, Mr. Simmons still did not appeared in front of the public. His twitter has not been updated, but his private doctor said that Mr. Simmons did not have a major problem, but it was slight after being frightened. The stress reaction needs to be restored for a period of time. In this time, Mr. Simmons will close the door, stop all public activities ... "

"", TV off.

"Crystals" wearing daily costumes on the sofa in their own mansion, the plate said: "This time, this time, Mr. Simmons, as long as it is not stupid, should be aware of the problem."

"The sixth Avenue is the rich area, the superhero patrols is the most, and there is almost very little gangster who will choose to commit crimes. Not more to stop the Phil Simmons sports car directly on the road, this is almost The superhero patrolled in the sky said: Come to catch me. "

"If you tell me this plan in advance, I will never agree."

"The Simmons family has at least billions of worth, Phil Simmus is the only child in the family. If he has three long two short, we will also be affected."

Sitting on the "Silver Galaxy" smiled: "Dear, rest assured. You just become a superhero for a long time, I don't understand these is normal, I will give it to me to handle it."

"It is necessary to do enough, in order to make this no brain, I only know the flower son who thinks with the next half, realizes the fear, knowing difficult."

"Otherwise, he is dying to pursue you, will give you someone, bringing a lot of trouble."

"Mr. Simmons should be scared by the gallbladder, in their own mansion, hide in the arms of the tender model."

"As for so-called 'revenge' ... don't worry. Simmons family is only one of the people who have money in the city, except for money and real estate business, power, power, they are not."

"They really laid a few politicians through politics, several superheroes who don't enter the stream, but they can't get evidence, and they can't be shocked because they are suspicious."

"Even if Phil Simmons don't know how much you have, his father will definitely know. Len Simons will never come to our trouble, will only make your son to manage his lower body."

"Crystal" asked again: "If he is also a superhero?"

Silver Laundry lost: "Who? Phil? Absolutely impossible. How can people be a superhero, this is really that I have heard the whisper in this year!"

"So, dear, even though put your heart in your stomach, I promise that Mr. Simmons scared the diaper is absolutely no face, and there is no confidence to entangle you."

While Yue Guangmen said, while giving together "crystal".

The eyes of "crystal" instantly lit the crystal light, and push silver light to one by meditation.

"Dear, isn't it?"

Yue Guangxia is helpless.

"Crystal" reveals a very cold smile: "I am still in the public test, my broker said that this stage will definitely can't have any gossip exposure, otherwise I will affect my selection."

Silver Guangxia a stall: "It doesn't matter, no one will know ..."

The smile on the face of "crystal" gradually disappeared: "Go out."

Silver Guangxia is very helpless: "OK, OK."

He came to the side of the mansion, and some reluctantly looked back at it, but he only heard the "", the side door of the mansion has been passed by "crystal".

Silver Guangxia can only sigh my breath, so I quickly turned into a silver light to fly away.


At the same time, I hope the city center, the brilliant Simmons Building.

Phil Simmus face is gloomy, sounds the door of father's office.

His father Len Simons blonded, burly, although he was nearly 60, but it was still energetic, there is a majesty of business.

Ryan Simmons looked up at his son: "Well?"

Phil is crowded, squeezed out a few words: "Father, I want to become a superhero."

Ryan Simmons, who is reading, putting the newspaper, and picking up the old flower mirror, and the top and down, you have to count your son: "How much do you want?"

Phil didn't think about it: "Billion."

Lane Simmus silent for a moment, the expression became serious: "I give you twenty billion, but there is a condition."

"No matter what happens in the future, no matter what you are in jail, you will lose it; no matter what you are broken, it is still a rebellion, as long as you have not died, you can't give up.

"If you can't do it, you will roll back now, don't mention this matter later."

Phil's face is more gloomy, and his face is exposed because of his teeth. "Father, I won't let you down!"

Ryan Simmus nodded slightly, he didn't talk again, but turned to look at the floor window.

In Lin Li's high-rise, countless superhero travels to travel, and there are also a huge propaganda posters of various superheroes above the building, none of the special position of the superhero in this city.

Phil Simmus is also overlooking the magnificent city, in his heart, a plan gradually forms.

"During the death of the World Captain, the superhero, that is, the world captain's 'successor', which has been perfectly integrated into this society."

"Once, there are many ways to become a superhero. Many superheroes are exclusive, and there are many superheroes fallen because they lose people's trust."

"Every three or five years, the most powerful superhero is likely to be."

"But in the past two decades, this situation has changed. It has become less and fewer in the way, only a limited number of ways; super heroes are all part of certain consortals or organizations, no Action again; the ranking of the superhero becomes fixed, rarely changing. "

"The top four of the superhero, their ranking has not changed any ten years."

"If you want to become a superhero, you need the following four steps:"

"The first step, I want to become an apprentice and succeeded."

"I hope that there are several large brokerage companies or commercial companies to search for newcomers who want to be superhero, and they have trained them through the company's resources."

"It is possible to encounter a series of problems as personal identity, such as suppressing or discrediting other brokerage companies, and there will be no special person to make an image public relations for you when encounter problems, so, although it will not be subject to people. But it is also a very dangerous thing. "

"The fastest way is to participate in some big drafts founded in some major companies. In these election programs, super hero tutors will arrange a lot of daily training to ensure that these apprentices have sufficient potential to become a superhero."

"Step 2, the superhero after the debut will successfully accumulate a certain number of supporters, and get a preliminary super power. The superiority of the supporter, the super hero is also different, some popular super Heroes, such as 'crystal', you can get very powerful super capabilities when just ashand. "

"This step is also known as 'observation period', super hero must maintain his image, stabilize the task, more face, improve the coffee level, accumulate people. Some kinds of foolings have been exposed in this step, lost a large number of support The super power naturally disappeared, and it becomes a discard. "

"The third step, participate in the superhero campaign."

"There is a certain number of people, a certain number of supporters, and get big capital, big consortium, and people's recognition, the superhero has to become a spokesperson of a group or group, and clarify their own claim, representing the fan group, Execute large tasks to prove their ability to fans. "

"In this stage, the superhero will become an important asset, and there will be many of their own spontaneous gathering in their hands, and make it strategic for them."

"The fourth step, becomes the top superhero, becoming the city, and even the whole country, the most powerful person."

"The major media will estimate the strength of the top superhero every other week of public opinion. The top super hero is ranked. The top 10 superhero list is famous, and the top 4 superheroes will become the center of power. They are closely related to politicians, consortium, and even participate in some major decisions involving national interests. This list is the ultimate dream of all superheroes. "

"But no matter which stage, the super hero must be very careful not to expose his black material. Because in this case, it will cause supporters to disappear, super power decline, and once this vicious circle starts, often It is difficult to stop. "

"It is necessary to become a superhero, the fastest approach is to participate in the draft show."

"But I have a better idea."

"I have to make a draft show yourself, the name is called 'successor'."

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