Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 892 Objective: Pyramid and Mummy!

When you want to give this award to others now, you only ask yourself to continue to do otto technology, continue to develop new mobile phones, and continue to give you a relaxation at the press conference.

However, the spirit of Yan, the firm look, has suggested that the provisions are stipulated that no one can violate!

When Zhang Yuan did not want to accept this award, this did not have to discuss it.

The ever silence is a moment, saying: "Some, I have to leave Otto technology?"

Yan Qian smiled nodded: "Yes."

In fact, I don't think that he must be eliminated by the first one. After all, in other departments, Otto Technology is also making money, but there is also a lot of money, the profit margin is not very high, far away Ghosting.

But Qian believes that the eyes of the masses are bright.

The original intention of the optimal employee selection system is to try to eliminate the subjectivity of , let all employees vote together, select employees who have threatened to lose money.

Therefore, Yu Qian must implement a consistent principle, as long as it is the best employee, you must leave the current department and the rules cannot be changed.

When the ever, I said: "Then I want to set up a company again, I have to be able to do some ecological chain products for technology products, such as wearable equipment, smart home equipment, etc."

: "?"

Common friends continue to say: "The general, according to the Dream Fund, the winners must leave the original department, but you can put this money into any industry, there is no clear limit for the industry. Totto Technology's current main business is Mobile phone, I set up a new department, don't do a mobile phone, but to do the ecological chain products of technology products, should it be fully compliant? "


Zhang Yuan standing on the side, the same, wide-eyed, shocked.

Can you play with this?

It seems to be such a situation carefully. The best employee is indeed to leave the original department, but there is no way to prohibit this money that cannot be used to do anything related to the original department!

Previously like Huang Sibo, Zhang Yuan they were obviously caught in a blind spot on thinking.

Just like Zhang Yuan, after he left the fish netfa, he can't always use this money to open a new net coffee? If you feel that you can't do this, so I have to engage in the electricity club.

These people are obviously the experience is not old enough, and there is no vulnerability to this rule carefully.

And always is different, you have to be big than they, nature is also a rape, easy to find a vulnerability in this system in the best employee.

Otto Technology's main business is a mobile phone, but strictly, the smart ecology chain is also within its business, there will be morning and evening.

But after all, in addition to the smart lifting bar and the "time-to-off mouse", Otto Technology did not explicitly entered the intelligent ecological chain plan.

Evergregation said that he does not do his mobile phone, but "grocery shop", this business is different.

Just like a refrigerator, get the dream fund said that I want to do air conditioning, it looks like type of product, but it is actually very far.

Therefore, it is completely convicted!

This trick should be a golden shell. After setting up a new company to do a smart ecological chain, he will still maintain a very close relationship with Otto Technology, or can impact otto technology, the current situation does not have a fundamental change.

Zhang Yuan was shocked.

I didn't expect this approach at the time?

I know that I will go to the business related to the macquard netfa and the ROF installed. In this way, the person in charge of the name of the netfa is still Xiao Peng, but I can also play the flag of "cooperation" to continue with Xiao Peng. Manage fish netfa!

However, regrets are useless, after all, his DGE Club and E-sports Division have entered the right track.

Yan Qian also fell into confused.

The behavior of the common friends clearly has the original intention of the best employee selection system, but it is biased, but it can only be said to be a vulnerability.

This vulnerability is definitely gamble, but can only be blocked afterwards, can't blocked now.

And Yu Qian considers it, even if you let the common friends are transferred to the person in charge, they can also have a certain negative impact on the research and development of Otto mobile phones.

Yu Qian can only nod, say: "Well, this is the loophole of the rules. Since you caught it, then don't take it."

"But don't want to diamond this space!"

He also looked at Liang Guangfan: "When do you want to travel? You can pick a colleague to do a tour guide, accompany you."

Liang Guangfan is sorry to laugh: "This ... I didn't think about it."

"As for picking colleagues to do tour ... I have no particularly suitable candidates. Do you have any recommendation?"

Everyone looked at each other and saw an identical answer from each other's eyes.

"That must be Bao Ge!"

"Yes, the brother experience is rich, so that he is the most suitable for the tour guide."

"And the work responsible for Bao Ge is not very critical, and tourism will not affect the progress."

"The property is returned, and it is clear that there can only have a standard answer."

"Traveler Baoxao, departure!"

Others are all a kind of mentality that is not too loving.

Bao Xu, who hid in the corner of the crowd, was stignted in the same place, just like a sunny day, directly.

Although some psychological construction has been made in advance, there will be some difficult to accept when facing this tragic destiny.

Baoxao looked at the Liang Sail in a desperately.

Liang Liangfan is sorry to say: "Ah, traveler Baoxao I have ear to hear. But ... we are not too familiar, I didn't turn over the hand before, and I heard that he was just two times outside. The month, it should be the boat of Lucks, let him take him with me, is it not very good ... "

I heard this, Bao Xu's face has been reinforcing hope.

God, I am not talking about it?

In this world, some people still understand me, I think I have been outside for more than two months, so I want to let me stay!


Finally encounter a well-known colleague!

Baowu almost moved to cry, and then wanted to re-pull the already opened suitcase.

However, at this time, Liang Li sails in the line of sight and saw Baoxu.

"Hey? Bao Ge is already finishing your luggage?"

"Bao Ge is so can't wait?"

"Since Bao Ge wants to go, there is no problem, I will choose to buy brother!"

Liang Liangfan felt a bit unsteadic, but it was already in the bagu to see the bagu, it was ready to accompany himself, it is not very emotional? Nothing to give face?

Moreover, I have long heard that travelers will be rich in travel experience, and all aspects are also in line with it, so that he will accompany yourself is the best choice.

Liang Liang Sail was originally wanted to take a guest, but I saw that Baixu is so straightforward, but it is too seen.

Moreover, the brother's face seems to have a smile, and it is also a guess for Liang Li.

Bao Xu just showed a little smile in his face, hurriedly swayed: "No, you misunderstood! I don't have this mean! You still choose other people!"

Liang Guangfan thought that Baixu was in the guest: "Bao Ge, I have no better candidate, since everyone recommended you, then you are tired to go to me!"

"You have to be polite, you see that your expectations are written on your face!"

Baowu almost got out of the past.

The expression of the show is written on the face, which eye is you looking forward!

I am angry!

Baowu also wanted to defend again, but the voice of everyone was soon drowned him.

"Look, Liang always makes the right choice!"

"Bao Ge, you don't want to resign, this kind of thing is you!"

"Yes, Liang is always the heart of the heart, I will give it to others, I don't worry, or I have to pack my brother, you can let everyone feel at ease!"

Everyone laughed, I think this best employee selection is finally satisfactory.

In the end of the city, this best employee is the taste!

Bao Xu's whole person is not good. He looked at Liang Li, biting his teeth: "I want to go to Egypt! Go to the pyramid in the desert, there is a Music Mummy, if you don't dare to go, then find Others! In addition to Egypt, I will not go! "

Africa has been to once, recalling the experience of the Sahara Desert and East African Rift Valley, Baowu does not want to experience the second time.

So he took the brain, and selected a geographical location, but the natural environment was equally bad.

I am scared to retreat, I am still scared.

Baixu feels that Liang Guangfan is a culturally strange architect. It should not stand the harsh tour of this natural environment?

I have been so obvious, should he know?

However, the face of Liang Guangfan has been very surprised, and the expression is very expected.


"Great, this is the place I have dreamed of!"

"As an architect, I have long thought of looking at the pyramid near, but unfortunately there is no time, no one will accompany me."

"Bao Ge, you take the initiative to come out, it is great, let's go to Egypt, we are ready to prepare, start now!"

Looking at the liang sails who cheered, Baoxu caught the stagnation.

He looks to the total: "I ..."

" Take more photos and videos more, say that you can use these materials after developing games. "

"That is so fixed! Grasp to do an expesited visa, let's see you again!"

"Well, the best employee selection is successful, everyone will go back to continue!"

Everyone is satisfied, there is a laughter to leave.

Liang Li sail came to Baoxu, and said very much: "Bao Ge, please take care!"

Soon, everyone all went to two nets. People who have been office in this floor are their own stations and continue to work hard.

Baoxu looked at the suitcase of his feet, standing silently in the same place, as if it was a statue of the office area.

Such redundant, such a Geger is not in.

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