Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 893 Ocedentary after Killing (Make more)

Tuesday, morning.

Yan Qian slept in fragrance, suddenly woke up by the phone ringtone.

Watching the electricity display in the sleepy eyes, it is Wen Sibo called.

: "Hello?"

The voice came from Huang Sbo from Huang Sibo. "He is always reported to you!" Mission and Choice "movie has been killed, this morning, I just finished the last shot!"

Yan Qian has not woken up, and the mind is still a bit confused: "Oh?"

But next second, he immediately responded.

Movie is killed!

Although it is very reluctant, this day is still coming.

After the "mission and choice" this game + movie's joint project, Yan Qian did not pay much more attention.

The reason is complicated, on the one hand, because is afraid to have an observer effect because of his attention, or the suggestion of his own consciousness is inexplicably to draw the effect of the Dragon Totto, but it is awkward; on the other hand because this project is Through the two settlement cycles, Yu Qian has more important projects to deal with.

Of course, there is also a reason for the reason, Yu Qian feels more than enough before the project, "mission and choice" almost condense all failure factors, even He An will feel that it will fail, so Human is full of confidence in this project.

I have never been encountered when I have encountered He An, and Yan Qian wants to go to Tenda to see the R & D situation of "mission and choice" game.

As for the movie, Yan Qian has never been to a studio, and even the story of the film is completely unknown.

His only known thing is that the story of "mission and choice" is finalized by himself, it should be a war of human beings and insects.

Because the original "mission and choice" called "National Tourist Shame" is used for more than ten years ago, it is used by this background, and Yu Qian requires Zhu Xiansheng's director to take advantage of it, and Zhu Xiaotee's director must also take it.

Just don't know what this movie is taken out, what is the situation.

Thinking of this, Qianqian a salted fish is playing from the bed.

"It is a good thing, I am sure to celebrate!"

"In this way, I went to Li, I went to Li's family's feast to eat this at noon, I invited guests! All people of the crew!"

"Then you organize you for a few days in Beijing, just 20 next Monday, let's eat a meal of the restaurant!"

It is also such treatment and specifications when "Beautiful Tomorrow" is killed before: Two high-standard gatherings + Jingzhou local play for a week. For Yu Qian, the treatment of spending can not rise, and the money of the flower cannot be less.

Huang Sibo is very happy: "Good !"


At noon, the family feast.

Today is Tuesday, I have fewed customers, and Yu Qian called came over and wrapped in the field, so the whole restaurant is a person in the crew.

In addition to the live staff of Huang Sibo, Zhu Xiaote, Lu Zhiyao and photography, the editorial and post-secondary articles are also coming, gather together.

Pressing the clip and later periods should now be the most busy, but "mission and choice" is a piece of shooting, and each time takes a selection, it can be coarse scissors. In the late stage, the stress of the clip and the later period is not particularly large.

Moreover, even if you are busy, you will still have to eat!

Everyone knows that there is not so much rules of the time, so it is free to fall, waiting for the arrival of the total.

Huang Sibo, Zhu Xiaote and Lu Zhiyao wait for the same table, and is looking forward to the general arrival.

"I'm coming!"

"Head, this side!"

Huang Sbo stands up, rushed to Yan Qian.

Yu Qian immediately said to wait and said: "What are you waiting for? Good wine is good? Directly according to the most expensive, hurry."

Then he sat down at Zhu Xiaote.

Until now, Yu Qian can see these people in the crew.

After a circle, his eyes stayed in the road.

Ok, there is a road to know.

Yu Qian has been prepared for this, after all, the road knows is closely related to the relationship between Feihuang Studio. Everyone cooperates very much, and cooperate again is a matter of chapter.

Before talking about the actor's question, Qian's demand is only a starring, others can only be a dragon set, and the protagonist please do it, the big name doesn't matter, but there is absolutely don't have too many expressions.

The road of the road knows is good, but there is no expression, how to play acting?

So Yu Qian is not very angry, but he accepts it.

At the best of the movie, the movie is killed, the blood is not returned, Lu Zhi is returning to "box office poison", and the possibility of doing you later, let each do!

After a few words, the waiter began to go to the dishes.

Yan Qian has attached a circle and suddenly realized a problem.

Not very right, how is it only a person? What about other actors?

Qian's previous request for Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaotezi is that the starring can only have one, and others can only be a dragon set.

Dragon case?

This will not be done because people are dragon cases, so don't even have me.

That is too university! Too much in line with Tengda!

Yan Qian's expression is serious, see Huang Sibo: "What happened to the other dragon cases? Since it is a celebration, it is definitely not less!"

Huang Sibo stunned, and then quickly explained: "Oh, , the drama all people come, including the operators of the running legs are all."

"There is no dragon set actor because we didn't ask the dragon case at all, and the actor only had a road."

: "?"

This Huang Sibo actually exceeded the task?

Yu Qian gave them to them, it can only have a starring, others are dragon sets.

As a result, Huang Sibo is saved!

With this movie from the head to the end, all the monologist is a person's universal show?

It is very unreliable, very likely the box office is killed!

Yan Qian couldn't help but pick the thumb: "Very good! Dry!"

Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaote have a smile, all of which have seen a pride in the eyes of each other.

I don't really matter, I don't know, I have guess the wonderful place of this "Angle Play Opera", so I am so praise.

It's really a good voice!

: "How is it in the process of playing?"

Lu Zhiyao smiled at a laughter: "Torry, the truth is true, it feels not particularly good."

"The whole process is a monk, I am too difficult!"

"And Zhu Gui also requested that there is not too many expressions. The face of the muscles of the face must be less enough. I feel enough, I almost be hidden ..."

Yan Qian couldn't help but be happy.

Yes, Not Bad!

The monk show, and the acting of starring did not fully play, it is definitely a blessing, not running!

Yan Qian also thought that Zhu Xiaotezi had to look at the script, but it turned to think that the script of the rotten film is good?

Besides, the movie is already filled, and the rice is boiled, even if it is now seen that the script is also unable to be retread, otherwise the movie is not commenced to be released. It will affect the settlement.

Therefore, Yu Qian will not give himself not to find a quick, raise a drink: "Every month has worked hard! Today, eat well, play a few days in Yangzhou, etc., when you are on the 20th, please ask everyone to be unknown The restaurant is eating! "

Everyone immediately issued a cheer.

The meal of the unknown restaurant is generally not eaten, and everyone is waiting for this meal for a few months. Can you not be excited?

It is officially killed, everyone is also relaxing, enjoying food, there is a smirky chat, and the scene is harmonious.


After Qian Qian was full, he left the job and left, and the people of the crew were obviously not happy, and some people also opened the wine, while drinking while chatting.

Two people from Zhu Xiaote and Huang Sibo will continue to discuss the "mission and choice".

The artifact of the crew, operators and other staff are rest, unless there is an individual shot to take a replacement. However, there are many problems with fine shears and later, Zhu Xiaote and Huang Sibo can't be free.

It is quantified, Huang Sibo's phone is ringing.

When Huang Sibo saw it, it was called Yu Yak.


Huang Sibo is a bit surprising, because his usual work is not intended to have an intersection.

What is the responsibility of the rain in the morning is to take the fish takeaway, what is it for calling? Don't you say that Yu Yak wants to sell the fish in the movie?

That can't be played, "mission and choice" is a science fantasy subject, and it is implanted into the image of the advertisement of the fish touched?

With a little doubt, Huang Sibo picked up the phone.

After two sentences, Yu Yum Chen explained the intention: "Yellow brother is like this. You know that the company bought the cooler girl before, I talked about the person in charge of this a few days ago, I learned that they want Take a documentary on the place of the food. "

"I heard that you have taken a documentary before, so I want to give you a line. If you find someone else, the key is not to know how the people outside is, afraid to shoot it is not satisfied."

"The only problem is that you have taken the e-sports documentary, you don't know if you can control the documentary."

Huang Sibo said: "You wait, I ask Zhu Gui."

He repeatedly repeatedly reviewed the words of Yu Yak, and then got a sure response from Zhu Xiaote.

Huang Sibo said: "Yes, Zhu Gui said, the movie can shoot, the food record is of course no problem!"

"Only, in order to achieve the best picture effect, you may need to prepare some special photographic equipment. However, this is good, our studio has to use these things, go to purchase it."

"You will quite picking time, our movie just filmed, you will find it to the door!"

Yu Yuchen is very happy: "Is it? That is really rushing."

"OK, then it is said! Looking back, I will contact you, you are simplicity of the person in charge, how many budgets are needed for a simple to shoot."

Huang Sibo: "It's good to say."

If it is working with the outside of the company, there may be many concerns.

For example, what should I do if I bargain? What should I do if the other party is not satisfied? What should I do if there is some fees in the shooting process?

This will make people feel very troublesome.

But if you take the department within Tengda, there is not much concern. Everyone is from , who is doing Party B, who is doing Party B, this money is nothing more than the left hand, and it is completely unfounded that there will be this kind of draft.

Just, the movie is finished, and there are many people in the crew, and there is nothing. Take this opportunity to pat the publicity film of the food show, anyway, it is a small snack. This work can't say tired, just make a mood.

So Huang Sibo agreed.

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