February 16, Thursday.

Emperor, "Directive Plan" Independent Game Incubation Base.

After the Spring Festival, the incubation base has also responded to normal operation, and the independent game production has also resumed the research and development of the game.

Prior to the Spring Festival holiday, the promotional film released by the Directive Plan has played a very good publicity effect. The "Office Survival Handbook" and "Ink Yuncan" Demo successfully gave all independent game producers a strong needle, let They feel that their independent game make dreams seem to be never never been close.

U Zhicheng is obviously the most powerful.

The Demo of "Ink Yun" is very successful, and the players are supported with real gold and silver, which has almost determined that the subsequent content of "ink cloud smoke" will be completed, and sales will never be poor.

Moreover, the staff of the entire hatching base is also fully fitted, and U Zhicheng does not lack, just put all the energy in the game design.

The only beauty is inadequate, and the hatching base has provisions. We must guarantee a certain game time to "collect inspiration" every week, so that U Zhicheng is very headache.

If you can bring these times to develop games.

At this time, Ugzheng is in its own station, and is seriously designed as a follow-up level of "ink smoke".

Each level is featured in packaging and play, which is also a very cost-to-brain cell.

Qiu Hong came to the incubation base, looked around, and found that everyone was very focused, very satisfied.

He couldn't help but think of it again to open a game company, when you start this business.

At that time, Qiu Hong was also a boss, but every time I went to the company, I can see that the employee seems to be serious, actually in touch; and the independent game production of the hatching base is really very seriously designed. game.

Qiu Hong couldn't help but feel it, is this the general charm?

Even if there is almost no one knows the "powerful plan" and the total relationship, even if all independent game producers have received the "Tenda Spirit", they still make the same thing as Tengda employees.

The total incentive buff actually takes effect without disclosing your identity? And can you directly affect the emperor from the side of Beijing?


Qiu Hong came to the middle of the office area, patted his hand: "The trouble is stopped with the things of the hand, I have two things to announce."

Ugzheng and other independent game makers all lifted their heads and listened carefully.

Qiu Hong said: "The first thing is the first thing, that is, I will leave for a while, how long is it unclear, maybe two months, it may be three or five months, depending on the situation."

"The independent game hatching base of Emperor has entered the right track, and I have to go to the city of the devil, Yangcheng and other cities, and then open a separate game hatching base."

"The preliminary plan is to set up three studios, namely 'exhaust plan' North Studio, Eastern Studio and Southern Studio."

"Every time you have to work hard, our northern studio is the earliest.

"Everyone encounters any problems in the work, or continue to find mathers, he will communicate with me at any time."

Everyone's face revealed some surprised expressions, but did not respond excessive.

This is actually an expectation, and things among them.

The "Poverty Plan" was originally an independent game developer in the country. The independent game developers in the Emperor were almost arranged, and they were willing to turn to the Magic and Yangcheng independent game developers.

Just everyone did not expect it to be so fast.

However, it is responsible for the normal operation of the incubation base, so Qiu Hong's leave can say that there is no impact, and everyone will not be stunned.

Qiu Hongdon suddenly said: "The second thing, I have a member of the housing gym to the hatching base, you must exercise on time."

"The work meals after the future will be replaced by the fitness meal with the supporting gym, which is to ensure everyone's health."

"After all, the game development takes a long time. Time is long, the cervical vertebra is easy to have problems, and the fitness can make everyone have more energy to develop games."

I heard this news, everyone is all.

What is it?

Give us a member of the gym?

U Zhengcheng is also a face, he originally is very unsatisfactory for "Every week, it must guarantee the game time", and now, in addition to taking time to play the game every week, do you want to take time fitness?

And everyone has been eating the routine meals for taking the fish, the taste is very good, and although the health is better than the fitness meal, it is much better than other takesmen. Everyone is very satisfied.

Now you have to match the hosted gym to eat fitness meal, isn't this?

Wu Zhicheng rushed to raise his hand: "Qiu Ma, the gym is not necessary, everyone is young, the body is very good ..."

Qiu Hong's expression became serious: "Is your body very good? Do you say this?"

"Before you come to hatch the base, you can do a stand-alone game in the residence, all of which are staying up all night, the diet is irregular, although there is no serious illness, but who doesn't have a small problem?"

"Just hosted the gym to open the emperor, I heard that the fitness effect is very good, I have arranged everyone, I can't go! Si, you have to supervise everyone, supervise everyone hint, if someone didn't go, I Take you asked! "

Si Dai is also stiffly on his own station, and I don't know where to do it.

Qiu Hongpeng said very tough, but in fact, he didn't have bottom.

In fact, these requirements are all proposed, he is just a soundtoe.

Before I learned to find fish net coffee, touch the fish takeaway and the hosted gym, I have been thinking about how to try it, drag the back legs.

Suddenly, the emperors are not much in their own industries!

There are independent game hatching bases, with cold-faced girls, all give them a hosted gym, which can make certain losses, but also interfere with everyone's work progress, why not?

However, the relationship between the incubation base with Tengda Group cannot be disclosed, so you can only let Qiu Hong continue to be a toolman.

Wu Zhicheng and other production people stood up and want to discuss with Qiuhong business.

There is no need to the gym!

Let us do the game in real way?

However, Qiu Hong did not have the meaning of rushing to bargain, and said it was so fixed, and then left.

U Zhicheng will obviously be a mistake, because Qiu Hong actually can't do the Lord, looking for Qiu Hong bargaining this is not looking for a wrong person?

Looking at the back of Qiu Hong, Wu Zhicheng and other production people looked at each other, all saw it in the eyes of the other side.

At the same time, it seems that a familiar taste ...


At the same time, the Magic, Longyu Group.

In the conference room, Eric looked at the latest report and a very proud smile on his face.

Zhao Ximing sat opposite Erek and strive to reduce his existence and left the stage to Eric.

Since the implementation of "Eric New Deal", it has passed past week, and it is already possible to see some clues from IOI data.

The reason why Eric is so happy is because this data is fully in line with his expectations, and even the effect is better than he imagined!

The decline in revenue is affirmative. After all, the hero is free, the skin price is also directly cut to the original 30%, the short-term IOI players will not have explosive growth, and the average of money to everyone is so small, Recovery is inevitable.

But the decline in revenue data, thanbye is more optimistic!

From the data, although the price dropped, many old players were compensated, and they did not plan to purchase a lot before purchasing a lot.

Although each skin is less than the money, the number of sold out has changed, and it has played the effect of small profits.

For example, some old players originally want to spend 80 dollars to buy a skin, and now I find that I can buy two models, or will spend this money, and I will not choose only 40, save another 40.

After the price of the skin, it has come to the lowest point of history. Most players feel that the skin is absolutely impossible for a long time in the future, so it is no longer waiting for discounts, but the choice is immediately purchased.

Moreover, this big price reduction has created a good heat, the national service and even the world's number of online people, and the per capita game time and other data have been significantly improved.

Many players bought a few skin, naturally, play a few games, appreciate it in the bureau, feel good.

In short, Eric is very satisfied with the data on the report, and naturally is very proud and even some small expansion.

Eric is surrounded by Gu Ying: "The new version of the data, the high-level aspect of the Ayak Group is also quite satisfactory, which is fully expected."

"So next, we have to win the chasing, continue to make up the iOi's big short board."

"Mobile version!"

"The success of the GOG, there is a big reason lies in its mobile game version. Whether it is promoting the national service, or in the world, the GOG's mobile game has played a very critical role."

"Before we are too arrogant, I feel that the mobile version is useless, so I missed the first machine. I saw that the GOG has achieved such a huge success in the mobile game market, and we also realized his own mistakes."

"So, the company is currently in the development of IOI's mobile game version, just like GOG is an end tour, mobile game double interoperability."

"After this short board, the gap between IOI and GOG will be further reduced, and then with our price war, you will be able to grab it back to the market that is taken away by GOG!"

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