Eric is very proud, he can feel it, under his leader, IOI is walking on a correct road, with gangs between GOG, and there is a narrow sign in the first time.

He looked to Zhao Ximing: "Zhao, the official of the company will release some news about the IOI mobile game version, and Longyu Group's task is to cooperate with its finger company, so that these messages are better spread."

"Of course, there is still a very important thing, just after the IOI mobile game version is online, Longyu Group must go to the channel to do a good job in the mobile game."

Zhao Ximing hurriedly nodded: "No problem, this is my own thing."

Obviously IOI's mobile game version has been within the plan of Eren, and has become a "Pioneer" that he took over the national service of IOI, and became a "Pioneer General" who was directly fighting with Tenda Group.

On the one hand, it is an update version, starting to burn the money, on the other hand, is a mobile phone version that urges the company to arrange a special person to develop IOI.

Of course, you want to change the end of the game into a mobile game is not a simple job that can be completed.

When the Tenda Group can quickly change the GOG to mobile games, because the GOG design itself has some mobile game elements, short on the time, the map is smaller than IOI, the game mechanism is also simpler, so the design is changed There is a lot of obstacles.

And IOI wants to change the end to the mobile game, absolutely not a simple engineering.

But even so, you can release the message first, warm up.

First use the resources in IOI to make a simple demo, pick a few heroes that are suitable for mobile game operation mode, and use this Demo to do a few trials of the video; then, send these videos to the web, stir fry a fire Let Ioi players know that there is such a thing.

As long as you create a "IOI hard to catch up, and the GOG Chamber is resistant", you can help the IOI's promotion.

Zhao Ximing is also supported by this matter. After all, in his opinion, the arrival of the handpiece tide is inevitable. IOI can learn GOG to make the game into a double-end interoperability, which is indeed a way to follow the trend.

Moreover, Longyu Group has very close contact with domestic mobile game channels, and even self-controlling some mobile channels, promoting mobile games may be more convenient than promoting end tour.

After the IOI's mobile game, the old players of the end will definitely play, and many players who have played Gog mobile game will also try the water, take a look, if you can think of a few good marketing programs ......

I will definitely play the effect!

Eric and Zhao Xun are full of confidence in the next operational strategy of IOI.

Although the GOG currently has very solid in the country, it is difficult to shake, but everything is difficult, as long as you persist, you can make the IOI national service gradually recover your life, you can quickly form a forward cycle, when you have turned!


February 17, Friday.

Ye Zhike hurriedly came to the Tenda Game Department and found a busy superior to the new version of GOG.

"Head company has a new action!"

"Just now, they released a few IOI mobile trial videos, which look very good."

"But I doubt ... they are doing ready-to-end housing materials with IOI, and the formal development of games is also early, and now they are the stage of 'demo deceptive'."

"But IOI mobile game development obviously has been put on the schedule, or not."

"Currently, these videos have played a good response on the video websites at home and abroad. Many players have expressed their expectations."

"Some people have been comparing it and the GOG's mobile game, which is manufactured, mostly the water army of Longyu Group arranged in the porcelain."

Ye Zhou said, handing his mobile phone to Yan Jing, showing him a few IOI mobile game version of the game video.

The video is a demo video of several IOI classic heroes. For example, the global finals are big, and the storm swordsman, ghost blacksmiths, etc., and some newcomers often use the historic hero.

These heroes have a common feature that the operation is not particularly complicated. From the end of the game to the hand tour, the difficulty of operation will not be too high, and the transplant is easier.

Moreover, these heroes are self-contained, and this hero shape like storm swordsman is also more handsome, so video is also very good to give players.

Although I haven't played the game yet, I'm still very attractive.

"The people are not good."

Yan Jing was immediately seen the intention of the head of the company.

Now this is the case, it is "the potential of the attack and defensive." It used to be GOG active attack, IOI was forced to defend, and I was played to show your teeth.

But now the attack and defensive situation in both parties is completely reversed.

The GOG mobile version is a pioneer, and it is now condensed a huge player group because the problem of the volume is not suitable for too many adventures. It is a passive defensive situation.

And the IOI mobile game is a new game, there are many advantages: it can directly refer to the ready-made gameplay of GOG, less detour; you can directly bundle your own and goG mobile game version, touch the porcelain, easy to get huge heat.

This kind of "" is often a very good effect, and the part of being smashed yet, the more the reaction, the more heat obtained, the more heat obtained.

If you choose cold treatment, the other party will be more unscrupulous, or you will get a lot of heat.

Ye Zhouqu: "What should I do?"

: "Do you want ... or ask you."

Although they can also come up with some countermeasures, this matter is serious. Once dealing with bad, the consequences will be very serious, two people don't dare to clap.

GOG is currently the largest number of players in Tengda Group, the most influence, the highest influence, and also involves this cash with GPL, and the two do not dare to neglect.

After negotiating, the two think this kind of affected thing is still, but I have to ask the baili, my heart can be practical.

I asked the front desk, I learned that after today, I have just come to the company, and the two came to the 16th floor, and gently knocked at the door to the head office.


The summary voice came in the office.

Yan Jing is in the push of the door, and Ye Zhizhou follows.

"Head, we come today, it is necessary to report the movement of the finger company ..."

Yu Qian almost patted the table.

Eric is beautiful!

Sure enough, I didn't live up to my expectation!

From the previous price war, go to the IOI mobile game version and buy the water army, each step taken by Eric, all makes very satisfied.

The more the fingers are, the more steps, and the edges are more reason to burn the money.

Is it just how should I deal with ...

Yu Qian simply thinks.

His first reaction is a violent attack, they want the heat, then give them the heat, Tengda can still spend a lot of money, why not?

But it seems a bit dangerous to think about it.

At present, GOG and IOI are not a level, violently attacking, and it is indeed a lot of heat, but the heat from GOG will not be less.

In case, "passion", mutual heat, resulting in the heat of GOG, and the player's cohesiveness and identity are stronger, what should I do?

It seems to be some unpropted.

Is that, if it is complete?

It seems that it is not very good. Although it will not bring a heat to the GOG, IOI's heat will also accumulate very slow, and I really have threatened GOG to wait until the Mono Moon, far water can't be thirsty.

After simply considering, Yu Qian decided to implement the previous policy.

"You continue to pay attention to the movement of IOI, no matter what kind of strategy they take, we have followed, but everything must be three points to them."

"For example, they spent 10 million publicity funds, we will spend 7 million; they cut the skin 10%, we followed 7%."

"The public opinion battle is also the same. If they are provocative, I want to marry our heat, then we will hit. But when you fight, you have to stay more than three."

: "Oh ... still have other requirements, always?"

Yan Qian shook his head: "No."

Yan Jing and Ye's boat were opposed to each other, and he saw a little doubts from the other eyes.

that's it?

I thought that I have always begun to start "big killing quartet". As a result, I always say that I want to "reason three points"?

In the past, I would like to always give some very subversive, creative suggestions, but this time, the proposal given by the seems to be in the rules, and there is nothing special.

"Gifts three points" sounds so good, but actually not be passive defense, and , the price war must burn less than the other party?

What is this?

But watching the summary look, obviously, the words have been finished, there is only a expression of "you go to understand".

So two people had to retreat.

Leaving the general office, the expression of Yan Jing and Ye Zhou is full of doubts. Obviously this time, please ask the total to achieve the effect they want.

How to deal with the threat of IOI, still has no special reliable countermeasures.

Alternatively, give a reliable countermeasure, but they have not refined this countermeasure.

Two people returned to 17 floors, sitting down in the lounge, while drinking drinks and smashed each other.

Both people have seen the same attitude from each other's eyes.

"Do you believe that I always think so simple?"

"I don't believe, what about you?"

"I don't believe it."

"Then you can only show that there is always a deeper idea, we have not excavated."

"I don't want it, I can't think of it!"

Two people drink drinks and think about it.

Ye Zhou said: "I think this is a bit embarrassing."

"Don't spend money, when will I lose?"

"I have to burn money, you must be more than the other side, whether it is a game or an entity industry, all is true."

"But this time, I still ask us to go to three points'? How can this possible! It is not in line with the total style!"

: "It's true."

"Key fingers and Longyu Group are all our death, both competitors, and no cooperative relationship, and make a little more talk."

"They took the lead in challenged the price war, we must give three points? What! This does not meet the consistent style of Tengda!"

"So, after this, this 'ritual three points' back, there is definitely what special purpose!"

The more people discussed, the more I feel wrong.

But why is it not strong? Everyone can't say it.

Yan Jing was leaving the lounge. After a while, I took two laptops back.

"These are relevant data between GOG and IOI in China, including changes in market share and other data, research research, maybe you can see something."

Ye Zhou nodded and took a laptop.

The two people began to look at various materials with no purpose, hoping to find some spider marts.

Suddenly, Ye Zhou seems to realize what, said: "I noticed a thing, which is the market share of other IOI and GOG Moba games and new games."

"The market share of GOG and IOI is not used. At present, there is a total of GOG in China. Overseas is the double-greece of the two sides, and the GOG is small but the advantage is not very large, each has fluctuations."

"But the situation of other MOBA games is very deep."

"On the one hand, the market share has continued to decline, and on the other hand, the new game is less and less."

"There are at least five or six models with MOBA mobile games in the same period of GOG, but now it is still barely operational, with only one or two, and still in a half-dead state."

"It can be said that it is very fast."

: "Is this not a matter of knowing it?"

"We and IOI competition, will definitely squeeze the living space of all other homogends, and finally can only have the only winner to live."

"Including" God "This old game has also been seriously affected."

"Although from the data," God "still has a group of dead loyal players, it is difficult to shake, but it has almost no fresh blood flows."

"More importantly, there are news that there are big companies to buy" God "to do the same online games like IOI or GOG, but finally dragging."

Ye Zhou said: "If you deeply dig this reasons behind this?"

"Why have these companies have given up Moba games?"

"I think that fierce market competition is only one aspect, and it is also important reason to: anchoring effect!"

"The total of GOG is the pricing of GOG, in fact, an anchoring effect. After IOI is forced to fight with us, this anchoring effect is more stable, which makes other companies' start-up difficulties become unprecedented. So they don't plan to follow! "

: "Well, this is the case."

The so-called anchoring effect is actually very well understood: the same type of MOBA game, all the profit methods of all games are almost, nothing more than selling heroes, buying skin, and various value-added services.

Otherwise, can you always sell the battle? That is a self-changing road.

If all MOBA games are all set to dozens of dollars, the players will not feel strange.

This pricing makes many emerging MOBA games can also be survived.

After survive, you can gradually develop.

However, : : : The skin should be so cheap!

As a result, other game companies have basically no such possible possibility of Moba games that are similar to GOG and IOI quality.

Because of the presence of anchoring effect, these companies will face two difficulties: if pricing is higher than GOG, then players will feel uncomfortable; if pricing is the same as GOG, they will not operate.

The GOG skin is low, but the player group is huge, and there is a GPL league. Therefore, there are many ways to keep a profit; those other MOBA gamers have less, they point to the skin to make money, then the skin is fixed into cabbage, then What is dolly?

Therefore, GOG and IOI's price war, the first-handed rush is not IOI, but all other MOBA games.

Original Moba game is the type of game of winners, and GOG has taken advantage of the huge user group, and the price is so cheap, what other MOBA games still play?

Ye Zhou continued: "So, the strategy of this is the story of this' ritual three points", it is worth a deep cost. "

"From the surface, always deliberately deliberately extend the IOI to expand the user group. But consider it carefully, why is it not to hit other competitors?"

"GOG has a huge user group and the first advantage, even if only 70% of the promotional funds can also be played with IOI. Let IOI have been holding up, constantly burning, we play more, other MOBA games It is more difficult to live. "

Yan Jing is so frowning: "But what should I do if I want to burn? What should I do if I want to burn? What should I do if they have the rise in a benign loop?"

Ye Zhou said: "There is indeed this possibility, but it is always confident that I should not be able to win us."

"Mr. Yan said, no matter how much money they burn, we are all followed, but it is just a three points."

"The gap between these three points will not let us fall into disadvantages, and will lead the company to continue to burn money. In expanding the market share, help us to eradicate other competitors while consumed the funds of Daak Group and fingers. "

"The story of Yan always said that three points" is not enemy into me, but: I will see you on your market, I let you three; but if you want to challenge me, who is the two? grandson!"

Yan Jing is: "Indeed, I should always be the meaning of the three-point force, stay with your head to play, and burn the money together to further solve other competitors; waiting for the opportunity to fatally hit!"

The two people are more in their hearts.

Since has always been in a strategic, confident, I feel that the three-point force will also win, what is I worry?

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