Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 906 Meng Chang's new task ( 10/10)

February 21, Tuesday.

Tenda Group Advertising Marketing Department.

Meng Chang has just been chasing a movie on the office computer, and it is a little sleepy. He got up to pour a cup of coffee, and then glanced at the situation of other colleagues of advertising marketing department.

If you have a game, there is a chat, there is a chart, watching a variety, you have a novel, and there is still a snoring ...

In short, the five flowers are eight, what kind of, it is not working.

Although Meng Chang is the person in charge of the department, it is clear that these employees don't play his eyes, or they are still in the same way, just like Meng Chang.

Meng Chang is a bit speechless.

His original plan is to subgnofly affect the Advertising Marketing Department of Tengda, deliberately condolence to these employees to touch the fish, which reachrself.

But after working for a while, I was completely thinking about it.

It doesn't need to deliberately, these people are more slippery than him!

Whether it is to play fish or get home from get off work, these people will follow the special training, Meng Chang, even the last few days, did not follow their rhythm.

This makes Meng Chang have a "we have a few undercover".

Time is long, these employees are very self-satisfied, playing games every day, watching movies is not easy, a little psychological burden is not.

A pair "I have completed the expression of" I can't enjoy it. "

But Meng Chang can't stand it.

The last job is to give the rabbita live broadcast propaganda film. As a result, everyone's work efficiency is too high, less than a week.

But the website function of the rabbit-tailed live website has not been completed, so the propaganda film can't come out, I can only put it first, waiting for the website live with the live broadcast of the rabbit.

Since then, ..

Meng Chang and other missions, etc.

It is not to say that he loves his work, mainly for more points.

If this month, only the propaganda program of the live broadcast of the rabbit elongation, then it will not look great when the comment is commented. If you can make a solution, this month's improvement is much stable.

So, Meng Chang once again lifted courage, preparing to find a total of a total.

The reason is "once again", because Meng Chang has already found three times, but every time I have not been in the office.

Meng Chang asked the front desk to come back, but the front desk did not know at all, but said that the total weekly office two days, and which two days completely followed.

However, the reception provides a very useful clue with its own extensive experience: is more likely to refresh in the office on Mondashir or Friday, suggesting that Meng Chang is three days.

If you have an urgent thing, you can call or send a message, but you will always pay attention to it.

Meng Ji wants to think, this is not an urgent matter, calling seems to be a little Tang, or continue to squat.

Yesterday was Monday, Meng Chang went to a trip, and Yan did not.

Today is Tuesday, Meng Chang intends to run again.

When you take the elevator, you don't have to ask, you don't have to ask, the front desk sister said very happy: "When you come, you are always in the office, you go straight to knocking!"

Because Meng Chang often runs here, the sister remembers him.

Meng Chang got a thank you for the front desk, and I was afraid that they would change late. In case there is always something to go right away? I quickly knocked on the door of the General Office.


Meng Chang pushed the door, and I saw that I was looking at the screen, and the right hand gently touched the chin, it was obviously the high intensity.

I don't know why, every time I see the summary, Meng Chang has a fear of her heart, and the movement of the flowers is not darent.

He did not dare to delay the time, and directly opened the door to say his own request.

"The, the advertising marketing department has just been a marketing plan, now everyone has been resting for two weeks, is it a new task?"

Yan Qian turned to see him: "Take a rest for two weeks, rest more, take a break. Before the propaganda film should have a lot of brain cells? For everyone's health, it is better."

Meng Yucheng, the god has a lot of brain cells, to take a break!

This simple promo is finished less than a week, what is the cost of a composite cell!

Meng Chang rushed: "The balance is always enough to rest, you still give a new project. Do you know what the next project is, we are goodbye to collect the inspiration, don't delay."

Yan Qian nodded: "Yes, since you stick to it, then I think there is any propaganda plan to give you."

At present, most of Tengda is still in research and development, some even have a prototype, nothing good.

It is not afraid that there is no effect, and Yan Qian is no effect. He is mainly worried about the first publicity. What should I do if the product does not send a fire?

Like this product that has not been made, every one has the likelihood of fire, so it is also a more appropriate propaganda to pick a ten-strand project.

Is it like ... GPL?

Or expand a point, the entire electrical service industry?

Have to say, GPL has developed to now, and it has been pitted. I thought it was an electricity that was absolutely burning money. The result is a quota, and it is a sponsorship, but also a live broadcast contract, it is harmible!

From the current situation, the future of GPL will definitely continue to rise, this is not a good phenomenon.

Take a prominent film, reverse publicity, seems to be a good choice.

Yan Qian considered a moment: "The industry that needs to be promoted in the near future is limited. If you still want to be a program, take a propaganda film about the electricity."

Meng Chang expressive appeared seriously.

Sure enough, I still haven't forgotten GPL!

Before, he always made him two choice between GPL and rabbita live, Meng Chang chose a live broadcast of rabbit. But the easy project is finished, there is only a difficult project.

Meng Chang was in a short-term hesitation.

Because he knows, GPL is now too fire, no matter what it takes, just with the GPL, it may cause a great publicity effect, and an accident will be turned into a car.

But after I finished the scheme of the rabbit, Meng Chang's self-confidence expanded.

Because Meng Chang doesn't know how to take the bottom line of , he is also tested at a point.

When promoting Tengda's entity industry, Meng Chang hide the key information, but still positive propaganda; when the rabbit is live broadcast, simply propaganda.

But look at the total response, it seems that his tolerance does no bottom line?


Meng Chang was gradually fat, dared to challenge some more difficult projects.

Although the popularity and heat of the GPL is high, as long as it can reverse publicity, why can't you get the commission?

Thinking of this, Meng Chang nodded: "No problem, then I am ready to take a promo's promo!"

Yan Qian immediately corrected: "Not a GPL's propaganda film, but the propaganda film of the entire electrical industry, do not have a GPL logo."

The reason why this is the reason, mainly, I'm worried about the unnecessary heat from GPL.

Expand the subject to the entire electrocate area, there is no difference in the promotion effect of any elements related to GPL.

Of course, the flying yellow studio has taken the e-sports documentation, and it has played an excellent response, let Yan Qian will go back.

However, Meng Chang is not a flying yellow studio, and Yan Qian is full of confidence in him.

Meng Chang stunned, then nodded: "Yes."

He secretly wondered, this condition, but it reduced the difficulty.

If you only take only GPL, Meng Chang can play the content is actually very limited, and after the expansion of the entire electrical industry, his can play a larger.

Yu Qian nodded: "If you don't have to worry, let's go to shoot!"


Back to the Advertising Marketing Department, Meng Chang always feels that it seems wrong.

This is always, how do you seem to help yourself?

In the end, I am always in the yin and yang, or I will be wrong?

Meng Chang is a bit of this problem.

But he is a very practical person, since it doesn't want it, I don't want to do it, or seriously complete this propaganda program.

Meng Chang is very clear, the current IOI is attacking the GOG, and the propaganda film of the electricity should be taken now, it should be a strong counterattack opportunity for GOG.

If you shoot it normally, Meng Cas will choose to take a lot of GPL in inspirational, blood, and more positive energy lines and scenes, let more people accept GPL and e-sports emerging things.

But now, it must be in turn.

Meng Chang returned to his own station, and flexible brain melon quickly opened my mind, I wanted a roughly scheme for less than half an hour.

Still live with rabbits, reverse publicity!

The previous rabbit tail live is not Aoe all live platform? This is the same, is the entire electricity industry?

As we all know, electricity acts as an emerging industry, there is a lot of problems while bringing opportunities.

Take career players.

Many viewers only see the scenery of the pyramid, but what is the tragic life of the professional players who can't see the Tari.

This is a very brutal industry, but most people seem to have only seen its bright and bright side, very few people will choose to uncover the bloody wounds in the exterior table.

Therefore, Meng Chang decided to take a propaganda film about the electricity, and promote this industry, how miserable, let all the young people who have been yearned by the professional players to refund, produce a great persuade effect!

This will also make a negative impact in the AOE to the GPL league.

In this way, isn't it a good job?

Thinking here, Meng Chang immediately wrote a detailed plan for this propaganda film immediately.

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