For electricity, Meng Chang understands is not much, because this is an emerging industry after all, and he is not too interesting.

Do not watch the electric competition, nor does it play related games.

But Meng Chang is smart by the brain, and can be query information from all aspects for all aspects of the field.

As an emerging industry, it is full of controversy from the beginning of birth, there are many hot discussion on the Internet. I want to find some black material materials, it is too easy.

It doesn't have to understand the ground is too profound. After all, he just takes an electrical competition.

Just like giving a photographer to the car, you don't need you really go to the track, understand the various configuration data of the car?

So, Meng Yishu took some time to find some information online, collecting some materials.

What made him surprised is that the flying yellow studio under Tengda has also done a documentary in the electrical industry. At that time, a good response was triggered.

This documentary is called "Breaking into a butterfly", it is mainly to tell a heart road course of "Anti-Terrorism Plan".

It is at least 14 hours a day, rarely sees friends and family, almost no holiday ... When I decided to play a career, his father locked him at home, he was a career that he went out to Magou .

In short, it highlights a hardship.

The entire documentary is very realistic, including the interviews of the relevant personnel, training bases and professional players, and the details of the details.

Meng Chang believes in the professional literacy of the flying yellow studio, this documentary is definitely truthful, and the viewers' feedback also proved this.

"Very good, this documentary saves me a lot of things."

"There is such a film that can be more comprehensive understanding of the electrical industry. If you don't have to spend a few weeks, I have been investigating."

Although there are a lot of more funds here, it fully supports field investigation, but Meng Chang is not interested in this.

Because the funds are more, then it is nothing to do with you!

He now I want to complete this promotional project soon, get my own commission, and other other people are not concerned.

The shooting time of this documentary is June 2010, and it is about a year and a half.

Meng Chang feels that in just one and a half years, what should the environment and ecology of the electrical industry should not happen?

After reading the relevant information, Meng Chang quickly locked several key "black dots" of this propaganda.

At present, the current electrical industry is still in a state of chaos, such as players salary and disputes, club pressing players, underlying players have paid, and there is no good way to return, these are objective.

You can search for a lot of news.

Just didn't find too much negative news about GPL, which made Meng Chang feel a bit unfortunately, can't shoot in the film.

However, I think about this is also normal. The GPL involves too much capital, including the big company such as Shenhua Group, and all the sponsors are more money than one, how can they let these negative news Where is it online?

It is definitely all by the public relations.

But this does not affect Meng Chang's way, anyway, the electrical industry is similar, even if the GPL is doing well, it should not fundamentally change the characteristics of this industry.

After thinking about three, Meng Chang found an excellent entry point in these critical "black points".

The propaganda film in the past, basically put the focus of the propaganda in the tips of the pyramid, which is the one who got the world champion and the name of the merit.

For example, "Breaking into a butterfly" is the "Counter-Terrorist Plan" before the prior professional player of the World Championship, in the near future, there is also a media hoped to take a documentary to the FV club, introduce them to the audience to win the IOI Global Finals. course.

The content is also very easy to make brain supplements: How much is it to introduce these professional players? How does the family choose to call the competition? How hard is to pursue your dreams, and finally I have achieved ...

This is the basic routine.

And Meng Chang wants to reverse it, do not take the little person who takes the pyramid tip, but to shoot the professional players who are not good, the silent unknown professional players, even the Internet addiction that is not allowed to be in a professional dream juvenile!

These people's lives can be said to be very tragic.

As long as you search online, you can find a lot of similar reports.

Many professional players have a very low salary, don't say that five insurances are gold, or even the dinner is eaten, the training environment is also very bad, saying is a training base, the fact is a large Internet cafe.

Meng Chang also found some photos of the H4 and other domestic bodies, and the living environment of the players did not dare to compliment.

Moreover, this is still a small person who can become a professional player, those who can't make professional players?

It is said that the college entrance examination is a thousand waves over the wood bridge, but the road of electricity is more horrible than the college entrance examination, because the people needed throughout the industry too little.

Thinking of this, Meng Chang is probably spectile, soon she has written a probably inferior.

Other propaganda films are all stories that have been successful, but Meng Chang's propaganda, who wants to tell the story of the young dream!


The protagonist's protagonist is a child.

The first scene is that he focuses on the spirit in a dim, the spirit is highly concentrated. In the game screen, the enemy has already violently crushed, he crazyly operated, he was desperately tired with the enemy in his own highland, but after a flower whistle, he was fixed by the other's skills, and the bright red "failed" appeared on the screen.

The teenager was very frustrated, and he took off the headphones and looked at the failed picture.

But immediately, the teenager will take courage again, ready to start the next game and win again.

At this moment, a middle-aged person stood behind him, and he took him from the seat.

"Dad?" The teenager is stunned.

The middle-aged face is tall and green, and he is hard to go back home.

The second scene, the young woman was taken back by his father, and the conditions should be very bad from the environment from the home.

The father and son have a fierce quarrel, and the father is angry, and it is necessary to play a piece of a chicken duster next to it.

The teenager is also honest, and the "kill me" loudly.

However, the father raised his hand, but slammed the chicken duster on the ground, and then "" kneel.

"Even if Dad is, do you want you? Go back to school, don't play games again ..."

The teenager didn't talk, turned back to the door "".

On the third scene, the teenager has a hundred dollars stolen from the home, come to the big city alone, and take a few clubs.

However, these clubs have rejected him, one of the managers said very sincere: "Sorry, your strength does not reach our club requirements, the e-sports road may not be suitable for you, or suggest you re-consider. "

The teenager sleeps on a bench in the park, looking at the sky, the face is still never given up.

The fourth scene, finally there is a club willingly will be willing to collect him, there is no salary, but the tube is eating. The teenager is very happy, studying every day, looking at the main players to train training, discuss tactics, silently envious, I hope that I can play like them, play, championships.

The fifth scene, the first time I played the game as a substitute, but I played an extraordinary and became a broken-increasing port. The information he kicked frequently on the screen.

After the game, he took the initiative to apologize, but the manager did not say anything, but from that, he didn't get any opportunities for any play.

He has been waiting next to the water dispenser, etc., etc., the teammates around me have changed another wave.

Finally, the manager finds him and tells him to seek ways to go out.

The sixth scene, the boy who walked without the way back home, I thought that the father will violently hit him, but the father did not say, just silently prepared meals, said, I will find a way to find a job tomorrow. .

The seventh curtain, the sun is hot, and the teenager moves bricks on the construction site.

The father came to send water to the water, very distressed, the teenager wiped sweat with dirty hand, smiling and said not tired.

But after the father left, he looked at the back of his father. I wonder why I thought of a scene of the class, my tears came down.

Those days he did not cherish will never come back.


After writing this story, Meng Chang checked it from the head to the tail, very satisfied.

This is called high-end black.

If Meng Chang is forcing the fact that the contents of the black TV bidding industry are taken, it will definitely not do it, because he is against this behavior in the agreement.

But what he is shooting now is true!

The pictures reflected in these scenes should be staged many times across the country.

Moreover, Meng Chang shot very restrained.

He is not like a lot of traditional media, mixing the electricity and playing a play for a talk, then the game is ugly as "Internet addiction", and the teenagers who like to play games are ugly into a pathological state.

He is just very objective, and it took the hardships of the industry.

The father of the teenager did not smash it like other parents. It can be said that it is very good for the teenager. It is even more embarily acid.

And the teenager is alone, and finally found the father is right.

There are so many people who like to play games, only one of them can be selected by the club to become a professional player; this group of people, only a small number of people can be the main force, win the opportunity to win; the main player, only A small portion can become a star player, known for the audience; in the star players, there is only one small part of the players to win the championship, fame and fortune.

In other words, the entire electricity path is like a large filter, and people who can survive every stage are all in all.

What will those people who have been eliminated?

Just like the reflection in the video, they chose a wrong way, and their most precious years in their lives were broken.

Of course, Meng Chang's intention is not a discrimination site to move this brick.

As long as you can self-sufficient, feed yourself, there is no high and low noble.

Meng Chang wants to express it, it is also a profession, some is voluntary, some are passive acceptance. After the failure of the electricity competition, the voluntarily selecting the occupation basically became an impossible, only passive acceptance.

How miserable!

Moreover, Meng Chang will give the audience enough suggestions in some details. For example, when shooting the scene of the club, it must take the internal conditions of the club, including accommodation, eating, and so on.

If these contents go to the ready-made electricity club, people are definitely unhappy. After all, this film is equal to the king.

But this is nothing to do, as long as you take a place in accordance with the information available online.

The game screens in the propaganda film are all using GOG, because other games are all free of copyright, only GOG's picture can be used casually.

Moreover, with the picture of the GOG can also generate the AOE effect on the GPL, which can be said to be two!

After carefully revision of the infarction of the propaganda film, Meng Chang believes in full, and said to other colleagues who are touching fish, chase, playing games, sleeping: "Everyone puts a little bit, live ! "

Everyone immediately stopped his hand, and he saw it.

Meng Chang introduced this new propaganda film.

"This film is called" breaking the dead "."

The reason why it is called "broken uncovered butterfly", mainly in order to play with "Breaking into a butterfly" documentary to a previously refined effect. Prompt all young people who want to take a powerway road: You don't necessarily break into a butterfly, and it is possible to be self-contained.

In the end, it is possible to be a butterfly. It is a butterfly that is really a butterfly. It is just a caterpillar.

"How do you think?" Meng Changwei people.

Ask everyone's opinion on the surface, in fact, Meng Chang has already thought about it, even if someone opposes, it will definitely take this.

However, everyone did not make any opinions.

"Very good, no opinion!"

"Then I will start to improve the details now."

"I am going to find a venue, select the actor."

The entire advertising marketing department took 180 degrees of big turn. Before everyone was like a flock of the flock of the grass in the Qingqing grassland. Under Meng Chang, these flocks immediately became a square, and started to kick!

Although there have been a similar experience, Meng Chang still feels a bit uncomfortable.

In his view, these colleagues also show two completely different qualities.

His people who have been touched in the past work can often be divided into two types: work mad and touch the fish monsters.

The former is responsible for the work, but their work is often not finished, it is absolutely not to see them in the work; and another fish mob will take care of everything, even if you give him a task It will also be slow and long, without any efficiency.

However, these colleagues in the advertising marketing are neither a work mad, not to touch the fish monsters. You say they are diligent. When they don't work, they are playing the game and sleep, and they will never take the initiative to find a living; you say they are lazy. I really have a good efficiency after work.

However, Meng Chang also did not have much opinion.

These people have a high efficiency, and they can quickly complete their own tasks, and ensure that they can get high, and will not have any questions about their programs. What do you think, this is a perfect subordinate.

Thinking of this, Meng Chang will no longer entangle this matter, but continue to be a commission of this month.

The live broadcast of the rabbit is a wave of reverse propaganda. The GPL comes from a wave of reverse propaganda. These two effects have been superimposed, and the commission is not directly full?

Although the propaganda program that has just begun to the Tenda entity industry has a little failure, the two programs in the back, the high commission is still proper!

Meng Chang is a bit can't wait.

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