Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Why should the propaganda film of Chapter 908?

February 22, Wednesday.

Huang Sibo took a flying yellow studio and represents Zhang Yahui, which represents Zhang Yapu, who sent it over the cold noodles.

Huaxia's food culture is long. There are many famous night market snacks all over the country, and there are many famous nights in the country, such as the national market, Dongxin Street night market, Zhang Gongqiao night market, Xizi Night Market, Cross Street Night Market, etc. Wait.

These night markets all gathered their local diet, every night, the people were full of people, the fire, the selling drunk, sweating, the ice, the night market has a city unique fireworks and human emotions.

The night market is the gathering place of food, but also a good place to start.

The first photographing place chosen in the program group is the night market in Chang'an Dongxin Street.

The night market here starts in the early 1980s, stalls and restaurants in the eastern section of Dongxin Street, the most famous food, old shop: Wang family bucket chicken, Zheng Jiabao and old Chen Jiazi.

Before Huang Sbo came, he had paid for these contents.

Although Zhu Xiaote is a director, it should be brought together, but he has more important work: The supervisory team is prepared and post-production in the "mission and choice".

After all, Zhu Xiaote is the director of "mission and choice". Many problems will eventually need him to take a board.

So, this time Huang Sibo came to shoot, and selected another new person of the company, and just got this opportunity to exercise new people.

When I arrived at the hotel, I have been in the hotel after the accommodation, I will go to the hotel's seating area. I plan to discuss it. How to shoot this promo.

Although it is set to take the night market, the content contained in the night market is too broad. What is the specific to shoot, or there is a clear theme.

And Huang Sibo and the entire team have nothing to know, how to shoot, but also to see the representatives of the cold face girl, that is, Zhang Yahui's meaning.

But let Huang Sbo feel a little puzzled. The cold noodle girl has only come to Zhang Ya Hui. Moreover, Zhang Yahui seems to not understand the business of the cold girl, he is just a stall owner who joined the cold face.

Huang Sibo specially called the person in charge of the cold noodles, Qi Qi said that Qi said that he has said that his thoughts have been told Zhang Yahui. The two people have the same opinion, and I have to be responsible for the daily day of the store. Operation and food laboratory planning, there is no past, let Huang Sibo have more problems with Zhang Yahui, and I can't make it can't call her again.

Huang Sibo wants to think, it is also right, and the cold face is half-dead, let Zhang Yahui board or let the cold-faced girl's management board, and the estimated final result will not have too much difference.

So everyone looked at Zhang Yahui, waiting for him to say that this prominent film should be taken.

Zhang Yahui has never hilched the team with this professional shooting team, and now it has become the focus of everyone, and it is a little nervous.

He adjusted his emotions, then said: "It is also true to shoot this propaganda film, there is no special purpose. Mainly want to record the daily life of the stall owners, showing the netizens to the bloody life, Of course, it is also possible to promote the traditional Chinese food. Of course, for some innovative terrestrial foods in the tradition, you can also introduce ... "

"The reason is to be filled, mainly because the previous cold girl has prepared a land spreads in the food contest, and always recognize this. Qi always think that deep digging of food, may be a future development direction of the cold face."

"Moreover, the cold-faced girl's brand image and the main meal are also unprecedented."

Huang Sbo is still a bit confusing: "It is probably me to understand, but these content is too complicated, no side focus."

"Is it mainly to take food, or shoot the daily life of the owners? The former is a regular food propaganda film, the latter's words are more inclined to a documentary."

Zhang Ya Hui stunned: "Hey ... I really say bad. What do you think of Huang Ge?"

Huang Sibo has some speechless. I want this piece that you have to shoot, you have no clear ideas, come and ask me?

But after another, the cold noodle girl just added to Tengda. After this Zhang Yahui is just a stall owner, there is no influence of Too many Tengda's spirit, these problems do not understand is normal.

In this case, it is necessary to refer to them in this case!

So he shot his chest: "Get it, then I will talk about my opinion."

"This propaganda film is still in the end, it is necessary to publicize the cold face. At least, we have to set a kind of thing through the 'to the land stall, you should set a kind of" We are very concerned about traditional cuisine, local food inheritance " Such an impression. "

"So my suggestion is that every episode, we all pick a city, pick a place specialty, tell a stall owner's personal story, play a kind of to a small big 'effect."

"Many of the food propaganda films are publicized with food as the core. For example, the raw materials of this food are so precious, how complicated production process, the boss is a tractor spirit, etc.

"But if the scope expands the scope to the entire 'Strain', this perspective is undoubtedly some side."

"We all know that the stall is actually a bitter, there are many life of the boss."

"So, our film structure is roughly divided into three parts: the first part, introduce our city and night market to shoot, and introduce several very famous local cuisine in this night city, and then expand it. Eating culture in the whole region is an outline, giving the audience a very open perspective; "

"Part 2, focus on one of this night city, in detail, in detail. For example, how this doctrine is on the way of stalls, is there a long time? What happened more sad or touched, you can let everyone see the inner world of these stall owners. "

"Part III, after detail the journey of this stall owner, then introduce his exclusive food. So, the audience has had a certain impression of this silvers, which is more likely to resonate."

"What do you think?"

Zhang Yapu immediately nodded: "Well, I think this is very good!"

"But this may have a small problem, that is, all payments will be all concentrated in the night market, the owner and the food, and there will be no more attention to this brand of cold face."

"I suddenly thought that there is a very critical factor."

"Cold-faced girls have set up a food laboratory, will struggle to bring out the excellent food veins from all over the country. Of course, many stall owners will be unsained. We will high prices buy food in his hand and train a special person. Learn, try to reproduce this original place. "

"After these contents join, the focus of promotion is no longer a city's night market or a stall owner, but a cold girl!"

Huang Sbo immediately nodded: "It is true."

"Since it is a propaganda film, our ultimate goal is definitely to promote the cold girl."

"However, this thing should not be too straightforward, it is easy to cause the resentment of others."

"I think it is okay to add a cold-faced girl in the shady scene of the last piece."

Zhang Yapu nodded: "Well, you can, you all listen to your own arrangement. I am also a doctrine. If there is any problem in this area, I can ask me at any time."

Huang Sibo said: "Well, I have a problem now to ask you, let's simply exchange, touch, then start roughly planning."

"In fact, I know more about those glamorous parts. It is mainly to ask, which is more deserted. What is the specifically?"

Zhang Ya Hui smiled sorry: "That ... can be exhausted."


According to statistics, there are more than 1 million monthly income of 100 million people in my country, although the economic development is very rapid, so that all kinds of high-income groups have emerged, but there are still many people who have worried.

Zhang Yahui met a lot of livelihoods, but they had to set their stall owners.

They don't like to set up stalls, but they can only be, they can only treat it as a means of making a living.

What are the stall owners, there is a newspaper, and there is a bus stop, and there is also a bus stop, shopping malls, and subway exit, and join the chicken chops or other snacks ... ...

Of course, there are also like Zhang Yahi to sell the ground.

In the process of stall, I am sad is also exhausted.

For example: stall in the popular place, is mixed with a small mix, and there is no way to swallow, "

Renting a house in popular stores, the landlord is holding a demolition notice, and then knows that the landlord will increase the price.

I want to open a small store to do the dining, first, for the business license fee, but because of being complained, I ordered to reform, and the operation is bleak ...

As long as you go on this road, most of the owners have slept than the dog, they have to be as high as chickens, there is no rest in the whole year, but most people in them can only hold their livelihood, struggle on the warmth.

Many people have sympathetic vendors, but the premise is also "the place where the stall is not in my doorstep and the place I want to go."

These small vendors are either unsafe (posing on the crossroads or on the main road), or unhabilitation (the raw materials are difficult to ensure that the kitchen waste pollution roads) have also brought many difficulties to the management of the city.

Zhang Ya Hui's high school graduated from stalls, although others were still very young, but in fact, it has already been put in seven or eight years, and the location of stalls has also changed a lot of places, and it is very clear about it.

The shooting team of the flying yellow studio starts to list the specific shooting schemes of Planning the propaganda film on the content of Zhang Ya Hui, while listening to the content of Zhang Yahui.

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