February 23, Thursday.

Meng Chang and the advertising marketing department, the electrical competition, is in full preparation, will be officially opened.

Meng Chang once again emotioned, the efficiency of these people in his hand is really high.

There are two or three people from the flying yellow studio, whether it is a view, find an actor or shooting, all kinds of work are all light cars. Meng Chang originally thought that it was prepared for three or five days, and the results found that under the high efficiency of these people, it can shorten half.

After all, these employees of the advertising marketing guarantee that work efficiency is equal to ensuring their own rest time. Is this efficient?

In these employees in the advertising marketing department, Meng Chang, especially like a young man named delight, people are very young, the brain is very flexible, the do things are also desirable, especially this name also makes Meng Chang like, I feel very good.

The high trick is also adjusted from the flying yellow studio. Most of the pre-shooting work of this propaganda film is preparation.

I have to say that the generals are really talented, and Meng Chang feels that it is really comfortable to lead a team to work.

Meng Chang is continuing to conceive the script details of the propaganda film, just see that the high journey is coming back from the outside, and it is close to his desk.

"Meng Ge, venue, actor and props, all aspects are almost arranged, ready to prepare some details, perfect the script, these two days should be officially opened, next week can be filled."

"But ... There is something to report."

"Of course, this is just an immature little suggestion. Do you want to adopt your own decision."

Meng Chang is very happy, both because of the high efficiency of high trip, is also happy because of their respect for respect.

He nodded, and he did not cover up the appreciation of the high tent: "Well, you said."

Gao Tei said: "Meng Ge, in fact, there is a GPL training base on this side, is on the Ming Yun Mountain, which may be a few minutes drive from us."

"Although it is a bit far away, if you give a view inside the club, you should be able to take a scene. Moreover, our task is to arrange in person, and the club will definitely cooperate without condition."

"If there is a club in the club, you can save some time."

I have said that I have said that I can find the total application funds, to the clubs across the country, but this proposal is made by Meng Chang.

Because Meng Chang is very clear, this propaganda film to be taken is actually in black and electricity. He has to shoot is the kind of bad club accommodation. The people's furniture is also a face. How can they make them shoot? ?

So, there is no need to go to you.

Now, the high tent gives a new proposal: go to the training base on the GPL.

In addition, other clubs do not let the shoot, but the GPL club is definitely able to take it, because this is the work of the general arrangement, and all industries under Tengda must cooperate unconditionally!

Meng Chang was caught in meditation, after a moment, he still shook his head.

"I don't think there is this, or we have a look at it."

Did not ask more, just nodded: "Ok, then I will arrange it."

Meng Chang did not choose to go to the GPL training base to shoot, not feel trouble or other reasons, mainly afraid that it is too obvious, easy to sin.

Inside this promo, it is to use the GOG's game screen. If the training base in which it is connected to the GPL team, then?

It is basically equal to it.

Meng Chang didn't want to make such obvious, but it easily stimulated the reverse of the audience and played a certain counter-effect.

Therefore, it is best to set it out, and the secret stamp is ironic. If you tear your face, it may be ugly. The club there are not small one by one, such as the gods of the god, can not be able to provoke.

So Meng Chang still did not adopt this suggestion, but decided to continue his own set.

What's more, you have a lot of benefits, such as you can make more exaggerations in the living environment of the players, just don't be too hot, guarantee a certain authenticity, then some deliberately arranged details can be more highlighting the hardships of the players.

This small doors are unable to be pursued. After all, there is no name to a home.

And if these problems are difficult to solve with the clubs in reality, these problems are hard to solve, and the big gold owners behind the people's furniture are more true. Meng Chang can't eat it.

Higuing to deal with these things, Meng Chang is also happy to make a handkerchief, and then search for recent news online.

"Well? ICL League seems to have begun to promote preheating?"

Meng Chang noticed that Long Yu Group and Head Company co-prepared, "IOI Champion League" seems to be the game, Long Yu Group is spending greatness to promote.

There are already many winds that have flowed out, including the ICL's participating team, all teams, and the prostitute of the league game.

Behind these contents have obviously be the purpose of Longyu Group, the purpose is also very simple, it is preheating in advance, and the audience creates a sense of expectation.

Before the official start, there will be many propaganda.

And Meng Chang estimates that this ICL league starts, and there will be prompts.

"Is this not a clever?"

"This propaganda film of ICL, I can give me a help!"

Meng Chang can easily guess what is the rough urine of the ICL. It is nothing more than shooting a shot of all teams, and gives professional players to take some handsome lenses, and simply give the game venue. Take a panoramic view.

In short, this kind of business type of business type is definitely the master.

Then, the propaganda film here has formed a stark contrast!

At that time, I saw that the IOI's promo was so good. As a result, the electrical competition for Tengda was so disappointed, and it would definitely prefer the former!

Moreover, Longyu Group will definitely take a lot of resources to promote, which makes many viewers' attention to the electrical competition. After the Meng Chang's propaganda film, you don't have to spend more effort. Go to the eyes of the audience.

Meng Chang's purpose is to reverse publicize the electricity industry, the higher the heat, the better the effect, and his commission is naturally.

In this case, why not?

Of course, the role of force is mutual, and the propaganda film taken by Meng Chang is equivalent to pouring cold water throughout the electricity industry, and will definitely hurt the ICL.

But Meng Chang did not care.

Because his propaganda film is used by GOG game screen, should you affect IOI?

The game pictures of these two games are quite big, and the audience should not be wrong like a blind.

Moreover, even if the ICL has arrived again by AOE, it does not affect his commission.

For Meng Chang, as long as you don't have to sin too much, give yourself too much enemy, then all the goals are forgiving, others will not care.


At the same time, the "useful app" office area.

Chen Yufeng, which is responsible for the live broadcast of the rabbit, has to run, and we must find Yuantian to talk about cooperation.

Currently, useful App is still in continuous updates and maintenance.

Before, I have said that the useful app is a long project of Yugong moved, so Yu Ping also dares to neglect, seriously develops more features, maintains the version of the app, enrich the professional content of the above, and A part of the technical means and legal means rights protection, combating the pragmatic useful app.

So far, under the joint efforts of all developers and Handong University, the useful app has completed the initial content architecture, but there is nothing famous.

The vast majority of this app is related to ancient poetry, ancient text, the biggest role is to help Aeeis has automated poetry.

Yu Pingan also knows that the current content of the useful app is serious, so there is no more publicity funding for the Pharaoan.

Still focus on intellectual output of big cows and professionals in various fields, and complete entries and explanations on useful apps.

After the cold, Chen Yufeng explained his intention: I hope that the resources that use the app here, and the young scholars who have written on the useful app, let them go to the rabbita live broadcast. Live interval lectures.

Of course, the live broadcast of the rabbit is definitely can't let people talk, there will be basic salary.

Chen Yufeng said this, and heard Yu Pingan.

The live broadcast platform of people is spending money to sign some game gods, beauty anchor, and the rabbit is broadcast, it is necessary to spend money to sign some experts scholars?

But when I think about it, is this the same idea? That's fine.

Yu Ping An wants to think that this requirement of the rabbit live, there is still some conflict with the useful app.

After all, the excellent young lecturer, the scholars are not much, this is very valuable resources, they will always learn, do research, spare time this is limited, give useful app to organize materials or go to the rabbit tail, how many It is only one choice.

Unless it is a small number of odds.

This involves a resource-deployment problem. If Yu Pingan promised Chen Yufeng's request, the results have led to these young lecturers, and the scholars will go to the rabbit-tailed live broadcast, and the work of useful app has been affected. Isn't that a pothole?

It is indeed unconditional mutual help between Tengda's departments, provided that it is not possible to affect the work of this department.

Yu Pingan said: "This way, I will give it a phone call."

"How to allocate, let Yan Zong give a idea."

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