Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 914 live broadcast platform has followed up (replenish more)

Liu Liang is very sure that other live platforms will definitely get the same information in almost time: always makes rabbits live broadcast, and will not constitute direct competitive relationships.

Liu Liang has been an old opponent after all of these live platforms, and it is known to know each other.

With Liu Liang's understanding of the general understanding, this is mostly true.

Because the general will come to a bright and upright person, it is commercially based on positive and rarely deals with competitors.

Of course, sometimes I will always misleate the competitors in tactics, but even if that, I will not deceive or ly, but I will use a more crazy way, such as the use of words and "the truth", and put the opponent. The focus is introduced to other places.

Liu Liang felt that more than half of the live broadcast platforms will be put down after listening to the summary of the summary, and no longer be more important to this.

Understanding from the literal meaning, the live broadcast of the rabbit seems to be a knowledge live platform, similar to the mode of online classes.

If you do this mode, it is equal to the payment of knowledge, such as a series of professors, the first half of the free, the second half is charged, so as long as the audience group is large enough, it can also get a good income.

Considering this idea, the main competitors of rabbits live are some websites sold open class and knowledge payment, rather than other live platforms.

Liu Liang's consciousness is also thinking.

But I have been dealing with Zhang Yuan for a long time, I heard some of the total deeds, Liu Liang suddenly felt that the number of layers seems to be a bit shallow.

Although this seems very reasonable, the total behavior is so reasonable, this is a biggest unreasonable!

Everyone knows that when you have just entered a new field, you will inevitably make a series of special alone. Whether it is takeaway, netfa is still a gym.

All business behaviors are all expected, and they are empty. In other words, business behaviors just entering this field are very puzzled, and after successful in this model, people have realized.

Confused this time, the bail is always entered the live broadcast platform, although it also gives people a sense of expectations, but does not reach the sufficient shocking effect.

This is not an explanation ... The total real business model is also hidden in the live broadcast of the rabbit else? The current status of the rabbit tail is only a difficult eye?

Liu Liang, the more I don't think it is wrong.

The person in charge of other live broadcast platforms must not think so much, but Liu Liang may be because of too much working pressure, it is a bit considered, and everything is easy to think.

But this thought, can't stop!


"The general is not to constitute a direct competitive relationship with our platform, that ... is it not to constitute an indirect competitive relationship?"

"I will definitely be the future of the live broadcast platform, I just do a knowledge payment platform, it is definitely not his ultimate goal, what is his ultimate goal?"

Liu Liang hurriedly opened the website of rabbit-tailed live on the computer and carefully studied.

The interface is very simple, the content of live broadcast is also very single, how to see a platform for a long time, there seems to be not very special.

Suddenly, Liu Liang noticed a little distinctive place: the live broadcast of all the anchors of the rabbit is also their personal channel, that is, live broadcast and video seem to be a two-in-one state!

Although there is no video uploaded in the personal channel of these anchors, as long as you have a little bit of thinking, you can make your brain from the scenes of these channels filled with video.

Obviously, the total live broadcast is not just a live platform, it is more like a collection of live broadcast and video platform!

Compared to traditional live platforms, there will be a lot of content, streamlined video content, and after screening, it is available for repeated viewing;

Compared to traditional video platforms, the video area of ​​the rabbit-tailed video area is more concise, and the content of the push will be expanded around the live content of the audience. At the same time, the anchor and UP main identities are one after another, it is easier to increase. The viscosity of the audience.

Taking into account the large number of resources in Tengda, once the live broadcast of the rabbit can be pushed, it may grow rapidly, roll up the snowball, which is very large for all live platforms and even the video sites like Aliance. Shock!

It is to know that the true rise of the Iried Island website is in the past two years, and the total has created so many business opportunities, knowing that it will not be later?

Liu Liang did not help but appear: "This pattern is more in line with the general vision!"

"Don't I say, the future development trend is the future development trend is the integration of multiple media such as live broadcast platform and video website, and even short video platforms?"

"So he strongly entered the live circle?"

"At the same time, in order to appease our live platforms, deliberately release the fake news, saying that the live broadcast of rabbits and we will not constitute a direct competitive relationship, let us relax."

"This sentence is really true, but it is limited to the top mid-term! Once the live broadcast of rabbits live, reach a certain size, there will be a huge impact on all live platforms and even video websites. If you don't intend to follow us. Competition, we must also have a situation! "

Liu Liang wants to panic.

Although this idea looks ridiculous, but what is the practice before, which is unshire?

The more ridiculous, but the more like it is the thing that is a blessing!

Liu Liang recently is annoying the ZZ live broadcast with other live platforms, and the mentality is very unstable. Now, the summates suddenly cross the foot, which makes him don't think too much?

"What should I do? I can't sit still?"

"Well ... Otherwise, we will do this!"

Liu Liang suddenly thought of an idea and gave a heart.

This function, ZZ live broadcast can also be done!

Nothing is based on existing live platforms, make all an anchor space into their personal channel, then update the live video of the anchor above!

This feature should not be very troublesome.

The only problem is that the light is recorded, it must be no one. After all, most live broadcasts are more casual, unlike video, recording, and the fun will fall straight.

"I have always considered this problem. So, how will I do it ..."

"Raise a group of people, specialize to these anchor video?"

"Well, most is this!"

Let the anchor you go to cut your own video is definitely unrealistic. After all, the anchors must be busy with live, there is no time, and the majority of the editing technology of the major broadcast is not good.

Artificial intelligent automatic clip? Now the technology has not yet developed to that level, and it is estimated that the year is not too likely.

The only solution can only be a special recruitment, let them help the editing of these videos.

But in this way, it involves a key issue: there are so many anchics, even just give the head anchor, it is absolutely not a small number. Each person gives a thousands of wages, assuming that only 100 anchors gives a special person clip to the head, do hundreds of thousands every month. If you give a good performance bonus, you can easily get millions.

After all, I want to have a good effect, I have to spend money to find a talent that has traveled. The road of this talent is very wide, and the salary level is generally not low, I want to pay less less than.

But Liu Liang considers a moment, I think this money is still very worthwhile.

It takes millions of money every month, gambling a future.

And it is still the future that I have seen.

Thinking of this, Liu Liang immediately called his people and called them to his office.

"Develop a new feature, fast!"



February 28, Tuesday.

Rabbit live live.

Ma Yang's mood is very good.

Yesterday, the rabbit tail was played out of the propaganda film and officially launched. Since yesterday, there is no status of any cartridge or dropped line, and then there is a good time, so the viewing experience is very good.

Of course, this is not strange. After all, the big price bought a wide, in fact, the audience that the flow of flowers is far less than the upper limit of the website, this is the ghost.

Many live websites have made such mistakes, and the red fire is on the line. Several new big anchors are boosted while they want to create a hierarchy of the website. More, the website bandwidth is not enough, the result is card to the explosion, no live broadcast can be seen.

So, the audience of Xin Xinking was running with anger, and he had spurted his mouth, he did not pay.

The live broadcast of rabbits will not encounter such problems at all.

Not just the first day of the line, it is estimated that the future is a long period of time, and the bandwidth will not be covered ...

Today, although there are young scholars and lecturers living live, but the heat is obsessive. As this is the same as Qian, many people just have to look at a lively, after the heat is over, a small part of the knowledge.

However, from today, some free anchors have been added. Because the live broadcast of the rabbit tail is extremely loose, many people see a new live platform, I think this will be my own opportunity, and if the conditions are allowed to try it.

Ma Yang never looked at the complex data, for him, as long as the live website is not a cardon.

At this moment, Chen Yufeng had a bit of looks in a hurry.

"The general, there is something to report to you."

"I just got news from

Ma Yang has a look: "Oh ... then?"

Chen Yufeng's eyebrows pick: "Of course, it is very uncomfortable! These live platforms have a first advantage, master a large number of anchors and audiences, if they don't have brain-backed rabbits live broadcast mode, then they will seriously squeeze our survival Space! "

Ma Yang, she understood it, and suddenly: "It turns out, then you said, the situation is very serious! What should we do?"

Chen Yufeng shook his head: "This is not good, this model is not patented, other live platforms can do it. Do you want ... or ask yourself!"

Ma Yang is somewhat unhappy: "Always ask Qian Ge, look, we are all rice, what is wrong."

"Let's think about it!"

The two people with Chen Yufeng and smashed the eyes and glaved for five minutes.

Ma Yang pick up the phone: "Forget it, I can't think. I still ask how Qian Ge should do."

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