Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 915, ICL, transfer right offer

"Ha? Other live websites in the on-demand, playback feature? Please also give these anchors to these anchors?"

"What? Learned with us?"

After listening to the report of Ma Yang and Chen Yufeng, Yu Qian's head fluttered on the question mark, and his face was awkward.

What is this special?

According to Chen Yufeng, he just got a message from live, say several more than a few large live broadcast platforms including ZZ live broadcast, are starting to develop the recording, on-demand, playback function of the anchor video, and all in the item color Personnel scissors videos to the aesthetics, put them on the individual channel of the anchor.

It is the two days.

These live platforms are now playing the most intense, and they are inserted with each other. As long as there is a live platform to think of a new feature, other live platform will follow up, don't want to burn this In the middle, the team is lost.

Although the vice president of ZZ live broadcast, Liu Liang wants to keep confidential, but how can this matter? Developing a feature involves a lot of underlying staff, other live platforms want to spy the news is not too easy.

So, this information turned around and returned to Chen Yufeng.

Yan Qian repeatedly confirmed with Chen Yufeng, and finally understood that this function was the first to broadcast the rabbit.

Chen Yufeng is now tangled, other live platforms have also followed, plagiarizing the live broadcast of rabbits, how should I deal with?

Yan Qian fell into silence.

Give the anchors to find a clip group, specifically do video on demand and playback function ... Who is this creative idea?

Isn't this a lot of trouble?

Those live platforms in Qian Memory do have some similar functions, but they have not played a good effect. It can be said to be whiteness.

Because of the live broadcast and video, it is two different entertainment models.

Video is like a dinner, all kinds of nutrients and even pendulum models are very complete, the higher the information density, the higher the accepted level of the audience.

Both live broadcast is more snacks, as long as it is not too difficult to eat, most people don't care about the problem of nutrition, as long as the mouth keeps stopping. Live broadcast is nothing more than dancing, playing games, etc., the information density is very low, most of the audience is a sense of participation with the real-time interaction with the anchor.

The difference between these two entertainment models determines that it is difficult to get through the video and live broadcast. Once live live in real-time properties, it turns a video, then its "low value" attribute will be quickly zoomed quickly, and how many viewers will be seen.

Because the audience read live, it is uncertain, and it will not be interested in the result of the determined.

Even if you look for a special person to go, because the information density of live broadcast is too low, even if the editing is still very low. The effect is still not very good unless it is cut out from the live material from dozens of hours.

In other words, this model seems to have not been reliable!

This wave, this wave is the other live platform to copy ...

However, Chen Yufeng can give the rabbit-tailed and think of such a wrong decision, it seems to be encouraged!

So how should this matter handle?

Yu Qian took a little considered it, this is really tangled.

Tell other live platform truth, will they believe?

But do not tell other live platform truths, may cause them to spend money, and human resources are also wasted. Other live platforms have been hit and may give the rabbit tail live opportunity, which is a big hidden danger.

As for the live broadcast of the rabbit, since this road is not passing, it must have to make them increase!

Thinking of this, Yu Qian replied: "This idea is good. Bunny live this side must increase the strength, spend money to find professional video editor, give the anchor of the rabbit tail as much as possible with the editor! Wage The treatment is also full, and it will be held in accordance with Tenda's salary standard. "

"As for other live platforms ..."

"Tell them, this mode is only live playing live broadcast. They don't have to follow up, except for the waste, money and human resources."

Chen Yufeng stunned: "Ah, , then if they don't listen?"

Yu Qian stunned.

Have to say, this possibility is high.

The rabbit tail is broadcast on this model, then tell other live broadcast platforms useless? People are certainly do not believe.

: "If you don't believe it, if you have more money, there is no place, you must burn, I can't stop it."

I burned money to transform personal property, what do you burn money?

But Yu Qian can't speak, I can only want these live platforms to ask for more than a blessing.

Chen Yufeng rushed: "Good, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yufeng's expression was confident.

Ma Yang also listened to the whole process, the big face was slightly slightly: "What does this mean this? Why is there only a live broadcast of rabbits? Is this lie to other websites, or the truth?"

Chen Yufeng is obviously what I read from the general words. The expression is full of confidence: "That's all this, it is obviously a seven-point true, three points!"

"I just heard that other live platforms were in the model of rabbits live, so I was a bit anxious. Now I have a little one, I suddenly understand!"

Ma Yang is still awkward: "Ah? What?"

Chen Yufeng explained: "Master, Yan always said that this model only lives live broadcast, why? Because everyone's positioning is completely different!"

"At present, the live content of the rabbit tailed is the nature of knowledge sharing. That is to say, the dry goods are very good. Just as a big lecture, take an hour, the inside is at least 4 or more minutes. I just need to cut out a essence of the essence of four or fifty minutes, and you can guarantee information density. "

"And what is the live content on other live platforms? Games, sing dance, outdoor ... These content, four-hour live broadcast can cut out the fifteen-minute essence, and pure entertaining things, even what is afraid It is a recorded pure extract, and it is not seen how many people will see. "

"Especially compared with their own platform, there are a lot of live broadcast, why should the audience will watch recording?"

"So, the general is that this is virtuality, true and false."

"Pulse a word, if other live platforms will give up this model, it is equal to the no war, and the soldiers who can do, eliminate a small hidden danger that may exist; if other live platforms continue to be iron, do not give up, we also Can stand in an invincible place! "

"Of course, future rabbits live broadcast will also do other live types, but our focus on this clip group is definitely biased towards the lives of information density and dry goods."

Ma Yang suddenly: "Oh ... It turns out that Qian Ge is this. But do we want to tell other platforms?"

Chen Yufeng shook his head: "Of course not!"

"We only have a vague, it looks like a bluff. I will naturally give up, the head iron will let them continue to burn money, no matter what we don't lose."

"The position of the live broadcast of the live broadcast of the rabbit is, it has made us benefit to the unbeaten place, because with other live platforms are misplaced competition, they are fighting for death, there is no relationship with us!"

"I want to release the information, so that the other live broadcast platforms will be interpreted ... That is their matter."



Liu Liang, the vice president of ZZ live broadcast, is busy with the product manager and programmer to discuss the specific design plan of new features, and knock on the door outside.

Liu Liang stunned: "Enter."

An employee walked quickly, and he was a few words next to Liu Liang.

Liu Liang looked at this employee, and the face was incredible on his face: "Really?"

The attitude of employees is very determined: "Thousands of true."

Liu Liang was a sprinkle, looked at this design in his hand, and looked at the product manager and programmer in the conference room. I don't know what to say.

The big implementation of these two days is too fast!

The appearance of the live broadcast of the rabbit, so that Liu Liang is like the enemy, so he decided to develop a similar function with the live broadcast of rabbit, both precailed, pre-defense, and the future.

However, Liu Liang said with this matter with the product team under his hand, just over the night, other live platforms also know, all plan to develop similar features!

Liu Liang is very speechless, but there is no way. Now the competition between the live broadcast platform is so crazy. Whoever will go wrong with it.

You copied me, I copied you, everyone is playing the same means, no one can joke.

Therefore, Liu Brighted the product manager to hurry to make the design plan, immediately meet, want to set this function and start to develop.

As a result, the employee just reported again. It seems that the rabbita lives seems to have known this matter, but : This mode only has a live broadcast of rabbits, and other live platforms don't have to follow, except There is no significance outside of time, money and manpower!

This is turned to Liu Liang tangled.

Is this true message or a fake message?

Liu Liang was obviously hesitating, but it was still saying after considering a moment: "No matter what this function is doing again!"

Just just find the product manager and programmers, I turned to say that this feature is not done. Which is the face of Liu Liu?

Although the total of the bails say this feature is only the live broadcast of the rabbit, other platforms are all white feet, knowing is not a bluff? Maybe is afraid that other platforms have been copied so that this news is it?

Therefore, Liu Liang decided, first put into resources to do this function, in case the effect is good?

The employee who came to report is nodded: "Good Liu, there is one thing, the bidding bidding of the transfer rights over ICL has begun. The market department has been communicating with Longyu Group, there is 11 million ... "

Liu Liang couldn't help but frown.

"11 million?"

"GPL's transfer is 12 million!"

Liu Liang listened to this price is a bit unhappy. Is it too much to take himself too much?

Indeed, GPL's transfer rights sold to 12 million, but how high is GPL in China?

Most live broadcast platforms have to take so much money to buy the transfer power, I feel that it is more cost-effective to spend these money to buy GPL.

What is the price of 11 million?

The number of people in the national service IOI is very small, and the heat of each event is not very high. The audience is not a level.

GPL can sell such high prices because GPL's preseason has made a long enough bed and warm-up, so that all live platforms have clearly seen the heat of this event, and they are bidding each other. Carry the price to this point.

ICL can not accumulate heat in the preseason, and it is a new league. Who knows how to do it?

Now spend 11 million to buy a transfer right, in case, the heat is very low, no one is watching, is it big?

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